• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 18, 2019

    iPhoneX iPhone X Space Grey Coating peels off

    iPhoneX iPhone X Space Grey Coating peels off

    iPhone X Space Grey Coating peels off

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Hi, I know this topic has already been discussed a little bit here, but now I have issues with the coating of my phone, too. Im able to scrape coating off with my fingernails, no pressure needed. I have even visited the Apple Store but the employee refused to admit that's a manufacturing defect and thus refused to repair it under warranty. A out-of-warranty-repair would cost 500€. Yeah, sure Apple. I feel a little bit like I was scammed by Apple because I never had such an issue with any of my devices before. „Unfortunately" the device has no technical defect. But it really bothers me that even with the Apple leather case the coating just peels off. Every week the damage increases.

    Does anybody has a tip what I can do? Should I try to contact Apple over and over again? I really don't want to remove the coating completely because I fear the the warranty gets voided by that.

    Here are some photos: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fu2_WwzIUtozCzGiRdN96QrbJK9qcZJS

    submitted by /u/leonboe1
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    Battery health at 87%

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 11:38 PM PDT

    So I've been using my iPhone X for just a year and my battery health is hovering at 87%, to give some context here I bought a fast charger six months into owning the phone and I use it occasionally only when I need the juice, anyone with similar conditions as me.

    submitted by /u/mithun6193
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    Get the Xs Max now or wait until the new set of iPhones are released in September?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    Like the title states I wan to get an Xs Max but I don't know if it would be a good idea to get one now new or used at this point since were only a couple months away from the new iPhone release. I'm currently using a 6S with battery wear at 79% so my battery life is pretty bad. I'm currently running the iOS 13 beta and the performance is smooth and pretty snappy so performance isn't much of an issue outside of battery life.

    submitted by /u/jalopagosisland
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