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    Saturday, January 2, 2021

    iPhone iPhone 12 pro max photos look over exposed.

    iPhone iPhone 12 pro max photos look over exposed.

    iPhone 12 pro max photos look over exposed.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:22 PM PST

    My job relies on taking photos of my art to upload to social media. I went from an iPhone 7 to the 12 pro max and I hate the new camera. The images no longer feel true to life. It's seems like the phone is trying to "up" the quality but just looks crappy. Seems washed out and the black values are lightened. Some of my coworkers are having the same issue. Any ideas on how to adjust the settings and not just lowering the exposure?

    submitted by /u/cjwaterboy
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    Touch freezes after using the phone for a while works fine after locking it

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:23 PM PST

    I have an iPhone 7+ lately the touch freezes mid usage and it works fine after locking it and unlocking it. I did two factory resets and also did turn the 3D touch sensitivity to light and also tried pressing the top right hand corner of the screen I also disabled the auto brightness this seemed to help a bit but am not sure. Can you please help me sort out what's wrong thank you in advance I'll be happy to provide additional details.

    submitted by /u/nithinsajjad
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    Accessory Use Switched

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:51 PM PST

    iPhone 8 1.14.0

    In December 2019 in Houston

    The 'Unlock iPhone to use accessories' is switched. It charges until I unlock it, and then it won't charge until it dies and boots up again.

    Happened when I left my phone in a tent in 30 F weather (oops) for a few hours, and constant

    I've tried turning and powering powering it off & on to charge... no dice.

    Answered based off the pinned post

    submitted by /u/DUHRANDOMDUH
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    My photos are no longer appearing unless I restart my phone

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:02 PM PST

    Hi nice people of reddit

    I have an iPhone 8 Plus running ios14.3. I'm in australia and had my phone for 3 years but it's decided to be painful over the last few months.

    My original problem was that I could no longer access my SMS messages. I could see them come through but could not access them without restarting my phone. The messages app would crash when opening and take me back to the home screen.

    During this I discovered my phone wasn't on the latest iOS so I did that just to find that I could no longer access any cellular data network. The option didn't even appear. My sim definitely worked fine in another device but I was told that I may have a corrupt file so I did a restore from iTunes

    It worked perfectly after that for a month and then this current photo problem started. I can take photos and screenshots but they don't appear in the photos app. If I go into my photos via the camera I can see them but I cannot access them to forward or edit. All the options on that screen are grey. If I reboot my phone they magically appear into the photos section where they should be but any photos I take after that still do not appear until I reboot.

    Aswell I can no longer delete any photos unless I do it manually through the pc. And I also cannot get any photos to appear in my iCloud. I'm stuck at 1% and have been for a week while this saga has been going on.

    I've tried turning the iCloud library option on/off, rebooting (turning off using the slide and via settings), turning cellular data on/off, going into photo settings and turning photo stream on/off, tested my wifi settings, redoing my network settings and so far nothing has helped.

    I'm honestly at a loss on what to do next. I'm not sure if both problems are even related but thought I'd mention just incase. It's out of warranty coverage with Apple so they won't help at all.

    I have 15gb free on my phone and 175gb free in iCloud since I upgraded incase that was the issue. I have an iPad an Apple Watch also on this account and they have been running fine.

    Any help is appreciated. I'd love to upgrade it but that isn't on the cards financially right now. Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/Booooooourns9
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    Will (almost) constant wireless charging significantly damage the battery life of my SE 2nd gen?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:45 AM PST

    Will (almost) constant wireless charging significantly damage my battery health on the SE 2020?

    So I have a 2nd gen SE which I tend to leave on my wireless charger whenever I'm not using the phone. I have a wireless charger at home one in my bedroom one in my kitchen and one at work.

    None of the chargers are very high quality, they are some China made for like 15$ but they seem to get good reviews from the local stores I bought them so I went ahead and bought them, so far I have I no complaints but I'm wondering if this charging will hurt my battery. I have the batt optimization turned on but it never seems to stop charging at 80%. Will it at least stop charging the phone once it hits 100%?

    submitted by /u/Lvnatic92
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    I Phone x works, but screen is black

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:33 PM PST

    My phone screen i have tried the volume reset method, but the screen remains. Dont even get an apple logo. screen works because it turned on twice when my alarm and disabled screen were together

    submitted by /u/thematzplayz
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    iPhone 12 Group text issue

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:31 PM PST

    Hey guys, just got a new iphone 12 for christmas and transferred everything over to it yesterday. Ever since then i don't receive the first text in a group message. i receive all the replies and if the person who sent the first message sends a second message, i receive that one as well. MMS is on, all group chats consist of iphones.

    Haven't been able to find any answers anywhere so please let me know if you know the solution.

    Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/kyle_patt913
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    What up with the other category in the storage settings page

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:21 PM PST

    So I'm half way through my iPhone's storage but a half of that is taken up by other, can I delete some of it too get some storage back?

    submitted by /u/spaceface545
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    What's a fair price for a iPhone screen repair?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:36 PM PST

    Dropped my iPhone 6s a while ago. I have important things in and would like it to be repaired. What's the reasonable price to get it repaired? The outside screen is fine no cracks, the inside screens open, but within 2 second, it will freeze and the screen will slowly turn black

    submitted by /u/Sinestro2002
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    Can’t update to iOS 14

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:31 PM PST

    I have an iPhone 11Pro running iOS 13.7 and want to update to the latest firmware. When I go to settings and try to update, it says "Unable to check for update". When i download iTunes on my PC and try from there it says "An unknown error has occurred." Is there any way for me to update? Or am I stuck on iOS 13.7?

    submitted by /u/Twonewbe4u
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    Find my iphone!?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    So my phone was recently took /stolen an the phone number I had associated with my icloud an apple ID has since been changed an w 2factor authen turned on. But I tried an it asked me about also an expired card that I no longer have either? So now time has past an I prob wont get it back but wondering if anyone can help if thats possible??

    submitted by /u/smack_mybitc9188
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    iCloud not uploading

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:14 PM PST

    I recently upgraded my phone from an iPhone 7 to an 11. But all my photos will not download and it's been over a week. iCloud says they are downloading but they still won't. I have done everything. I downloaded all my data from my old phone and then used the same SIM card, is that the issue?

    submitted by /u/Lizzy_w_66
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    Dropped my phone in a pool on New Year's Eve, water under the display screen, water damage indicator is red. Help?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:15 AM PST

    So, I dropped my phone in a pool, in the form of... I jumped in the pool at midnight for a polar bear plunge and forgot my phone was in the pocket of my board shorts. Classic. I got out immediately (less than 1 minute). It was still on and working, and that's when I learned that the iPhone 8 has water resistance. Tight.

    I get home and the display screen looks like there's water underneath it. Great. I turn it off and put it in some rice. Today, the water has moved around, but the phone was still working. I turned it off again and removed the sim card slot to check the water damage indicator, and it is in fact red. It will remain off for the next few days.

    Should I be worried? Is it possible to come back from this? Should I put it back in some rice, give it a few days? Is it too late to try and order some humidity absorbing crystals (silica gel)? Is it possible to just get water underneath the screen without damaging the insides? Any help is appreciated!

    EDIT: Well my clearly psychic mom added insurance to our family plan THREE DAYS AGO so I have a new phone coming in the mail just in case. Seriously, weirdest coincidental luck I've ever experienced. Thanks for the help anyway!

    submitted by /u/anonymoose_octopus
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    Need Help Finding IPhone

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:38 PM PST

    Need help finding Iphone. Tried using find iphone and it won't work.

    submitted by /u/shutterxflash
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    chipped screen on their iPhone 12 Pro, no drop, nothing else in pocket

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:34 AM PST

    anyone else have this problem? Only two weeks in and I've discovered the chip :( I make sure careful to not have anything else in my pocket with it and also never dropped. Could this be a manufacturing defect?

    Course of actions: Could I get a new replacement from a new box and not a refurbished unit as a replacement from Apple store?

    submitted by /u/cincopea
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    Really need some help on this strange strange issue

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:56 AM PST

    Okay so this is gonna sound crazy but on my iPhone I have to enter a website it takes forever to load but if I close safari and reopen it the website pops up so every link I click on I have to close safari then re open it to load please help this is so strange

    submitted by /u/RetroChris
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    iphone 12 pro showing inaccurate battery %?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:56 AM PST

    So I've been reading about battery issues here and there and while I don't have any abnormal problems with mine, I've had inconsistencies where the batteyr would stay at 100% over night but drain 1-2% per hour during day.

    Just now I charged my 12 Pro from 70 to 92% and unplugged.

    Then right after that, I reset my network settings (which I read that might fix the battery issues people are having so I was curious how this would affect mine) and turned the phone on again.

    It then shows 97% battery which immediately drops to 96 and stays that way.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Starting to think there really is a software issue affecting not just the battery but also how accurately it shows the %.

    submitted by /u/King_Kraber
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    How to transfer photos from iPhone to computer?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:41 AM PST

    Can't believe I'm asking this question but I can't figure this out for the life of me. I have a PC. I have itunes. I have icloud... but the only way it seems to get my photos from my phone to my computer is to upload them to icloud (which it does automatically), and then download them from icloud to my computer.

    Is there no simple way to transfer them immediately from my phone to my computer?

    submitted by /u/yallapapi
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    replacement battery is worse than the old one

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:26 AM PST

    Hi all - looking for a little advice here. Old-model iPhone SE started exhibiting classic old-battery symptoms (erratic battery gauge behavior, random restarts), so I ordered a replacement battery kit and swapped it out. Now the same problems are present but more severe - "new" battery won't charge past 3%, phone reboots nearly every time I try to do something.

    Question - probably a bad replacement battery, or do I need to "reset" or "recalibrate" something?


    Edit: any advice on a reliable source for not-junk replacement batteries would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/tadc
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    Image burn... overnight?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:09 AM PST

    Bit of background, this is a standard size iPhone 8, two years old, most recent upgrade is 14.2. I tend to put off the updates for a while, but I don't think that will have affected this. I take very good care of my electronics and have a good case and glass screen protector. Impact would not have caused this issue.

    Obviously I can't provide a screenshot of what I'm seeing on my screen, and since my phone is my camera... anyway, I don't know if a camera would pick up the damage. It's very faint.

    Basically I just noticed, particularly on gray or mid tone screens, that there's a very clear image burn on my screen consistent with my secondary app menu. Thing is... it wasn't there yesterday, and I don't ever stay on that menu for anywhere near the amount of time it would need to burn into the display. This is damage that I know takes hours and days to accumulate.

    My only assumption is that my phone got unlocked in the night (I get a lot of notifications due to my activity on various sites for my art business) and that it went to the secondary app screen... somehow? But it's set to turn the display off after a minute or so without activity. How could it have burned my screen? And why the secondary menu? I'm really mad about this, gonna be honest. I'm not upgrading my phone, this one is perfectly fine.

    Edit: it's gone. I don't know what I did.

    submitted by /u/matteopolk
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    "iPhone has been found" email from Find My

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:01 AM PST

    This isn't really a tech support question but if anyone knows much about how Find My iPhone works I really could use some help.

    I lost my phone the other night and enabled lost mode at home once I realized it. I could see the location on the map. A bit later I got an email that said "[Name]'s iPhone has been found" from Find My iPhone that listed an address it was found close to. My question is: does this mean it was literally found (by a person) or just that the location was found (using the app)? It makes a lot of difference here as I returned to the location and couldn't find it. If someone else didn't find it, I'll just have to replace it...

    Does anyone know? Thanks

    submitted by /u/divest88
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    I recently bought a 18W charging brick from a third party store and don’t know if it original or fake . Is there any way to check if it’s original or not?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:12 AM PST

    My son changed my Iphone passcode, Is there any way where I can get my photos back.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:48 AM PST

    I have had this Iphone for 5 years and I have all my photos and contacts and everything on it. I can't believe that I have lost all those data just by a simple mistake. I never knew that I should have had a backup on a computer. I don't have an I cloud backup either. please help

    submitted by /u/aoab50
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    Water damage

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:32 AM PST

    While charging a cup of water spilled over my phone. I must have knocked it over while I was sleeping and it just sat on the charger until I woke up. I've taken it off the charger since then and it's probably been 10 minutes since I woke up. It appears the phone itself doesn't think there is water damage since I tried plugging it in immediately after waking up and I didn't get the water damage error. Are my charging components fried? I have an Iphone 11 pro max.

    submitted by /u/IDoNotExist-
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    iMessage colors meaning

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:29 AM PST

    I don't know if this is the right thread for questions like mine but here it is anyways:

    What is the difference between green iMessages that has a "sent as text" notice under and ones that don't have the notice?

    I get that blue iMessages that are sent as green may mean the recipient is out of service/off/etc. but what is the case for green iMessages that are not even sent as text?

    submitted by /u/averagemoments
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