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    Sunday, June 23, 2019

    Apple iOS I think I like this bug (iOS 13)

    Apple iOS I think I like this bug (iOS 13)

    I think I like this bug (iOS 13)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    I’m an Android fanboy, and decided to give iOS a try. Here’s what I think after 2 months!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 04:39 AM PDT

    My background - I've been using Android devices for a while now. I love the customisation that comes with it. I rooting, installing custom ROM's and playing around with my devices (Rooting is like Jailbreaking, but for Android and Custom ROM's are clean, stock versions of Android that you can install onto your phone to make it faster and get rid of bloat and crappy manufacturer Ui's.)

    I kinda got board of Android and adventurous me gave in to constant pushing from family and friends. Before I shelled out $$$ on an iPhone, I thought I'd buy a cheap 6th Gen iPad to try iOS out. At first, I thought I'd miss out on a lot of customisation, but boy, am I impressed!

    First, I'm going to start off with what I love about iOS. I honesty thought it was going to be a bit slow as the 6th Gen has just 2 Gigs of Ram and a 3 year old A10. Surprisingly enough, it was BLAZING fast! iOS was running like a clockwork on this (comparatively) cheap and older device!

    As for the interface while I like Google's material design, this was like a fresh coat of paint. I love iOS 's beautiful blur effects. Best of all- the animations. iOS is so freaking fluid! I kept opening and closing settings for like 5 mins! That app closing effect looks really cool. I also love the swipe right for back gesture. Speaking of gestures, this imo is the best thing about iOS. Every thing is so fluid and into intuitive! Apples attention to detail is just amazing. Overall, I'm pretty darn impressed by 🍎's awesome optimism and fluidity. Most of my apps worked the same, too.

    As for the cons, there are a few major ones that were pretty irritating. Firstly, WHY THE F*** can't apps download stuff in the background? If I need to download some YouTube videos, the app needs to be open🤧 Also, while I like the default keyboards swipe down for numbers, it has no swipe support and the predictive text just SUCKS. I know, there's Gboard and Swiftkey, but... Don't get me started on that f*ing volume hud!

    I'm writing this from my iPad. Honestly, I think I'll buy an iPhone! Except for those few idiotic cons (They can be fixed in an update), iOS is just amazing. Anything I'm missing out on? Any tips for me?

    submitted by /u/TechExpert2910
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    App Store links saved on iOS 12 (left) vs iOS 13 (right). I really liked the old one.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    Does @ messaging work in iOS 13?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    I'm currently on iOS 12 and I was wondering if anyone has tested @ messaging in a group chat on iOS 13.

    Example: In an iMessage group with 3 people (Bob, Carol, Dave) and Bob types "@Dave how was the weather?". Dave should get a notification that he was mentioned in that group chat even if the group chat has been muted or has Hide Alerts turned on.

    This is a feature I have been hoping for for a while and it works on the messaging app on the Mac but hasn't worked on iOS devices.

    Does anyone know if it works now on iOS 13?

    submitted by /u/Popandcorn
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    Is the best ad blocker on iOS still Adguard Pro?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 07:44 AM PDT

    I'd like to install the best solution for ad blocking on my iPhone and I was wondering if Adguard Pro was still relevant because I saw many people in here saying the main feature will get turn off someday.

    What are the alternatives to that? 1 Blocker X?

    Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/azertguigui
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    Phone not charging while using gps (12.3.1)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 03:45 AM PDT

    Since the update the iPhone 8 doesn't charge anymore when using google maps and another tracking app. It just stays exactly at the % it had when I plugged in. While it does keep this %, it does not charge higher. It worked before the update with the same equipment. Any ideas?

    Phone was pretty hot, as always on the dash board. Have they reduced the charging while hot or what happened?

    submitted by /u/judgesmoo
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    ProTip: Make a home screen shortcut to force WiFi login/splash screen

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 02:41 PM PDT

    This isn't a particularly clever shortcut but it does come in handy when you're traveling and trying again and again to log into a public or hotel WiFi.

    Make a shortcut in safari for captive.apple.com, which is the webpage iOS seems to use to make an ordinary http request and force the login page to appear. Save it to your home screen with a name like "WiFi login" or "force splash page," and maybe put it in your travel folder.

    Seems to work every time for me

    submitted by /u/psuedopseudo
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    Found this while searching for keyboard in settings in iOS13

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 08:23 AM PDT


    When I click it it links to no where else in settings... Hint at split keyboard to come?

    submitted by /u/Ajchen06
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    When did Apple change the default method of payment?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 05:03 PM PDT

    What’s the difference between an iPhone replacement phone, refurbished phone, or new iPhone?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    Just as title says. I may be getting a replacement iPhone 8 Plus in the future and was curious to what that is. Please educate me!

    submitted by /u/zmwright87
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    Please help! macbook pro mojave v10.14.4 wont import photos on Photos app from Iphone 6 version 12.1

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 06:08 AM PDT


    I'm currently trying to import photos from my iPhone to my Macbook pro, but I think something is going wrong due to a disconnect/difference in systems between the OS on my phone and laptop. (or any other reason, I have no idea).

    When I try to import photos or videos to Photos app on my mac, it says "Cannot Import Item. The item cannot be added to your photo library because it may be an unrecognisable file format or the file may not contain valid data."

    I've done some reading and I know people are having problems due to the new HEIF and HEVC file formats, but since I have an iPhone 6, I don't think my phone has these new formats despite running on ios12.

    In the camera settings on my iPhone, there is no option for me to change the formats between "high efficiency" or "most compatible".

    I've tried using airdrop to import but this only worked for some photos and videos (many failed using this method too) not to mention that using airdrop to import thousands of photos would be extremely inconvenient and time consuming.

    Any help would be AMAZING and so so appreciated. Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/jdigity
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    [question] update failing on 12.3.1

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 06:08 AM PDT


    So the update is failing when trying to download from my phone. Then I tried on my computer and after extraction I get a "corrupt" error. How can this be corrupt when its downloaded from apples servers.

    Any help would be appreciated:)

    submitted by /u/idonthaveanametoday
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    Iphone XS max issue (?)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    hi, i have an Iphone XS max with 13 beta , i tried downgrading to 12 , and just before it started updating , it stopped, i removed the cable but now it says it needs to do recovery when i try turning it on. i have tons of work info in it which isn't uploaded to Cloud and i might get kicked if i lose it so pretty please if anyone can help me with the issue

    submitted by /u/youssefpro2
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    iPhone signal bar blinking and won't connect to cellular data. Never have seen this issue. Anyone ever experienced something like this?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 11:38 PM PDT

    The iOS Predictive Keyboard - A Rant

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Okay, so I didn't know where to post this but I gotta vent my frustration. iOS's predictive keyboard. I really like it and most of the time it's pretty good. It seems to know what I want to type and works out fine. HOWEVER, how-freaking-ever, every now and then it will go stupid on me. idk if it's because the computer tries analyzing the context of what I'm typing or whatever but STOP CHANGING REAL WORDS. The amount of times "in" has turned into "I'm" or "four" has turned into "for". Like what! In and For are real English words. Stop autocorrecting. Oh another one is "we're" turning into "were". like damn it, I mean "we are". another one is when "though" turns into "thought" and "we'll" turning into "will".

    I'm sure there is an explanation as to why it does that. maybe it's based on frequency of use, or context or whatever but just stop man. let me type

    submitted by /u/quality_redditor
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    Help with switching App Stores.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 02:06 AM PDT

    I'm currently on the Ghana App Store, and I plan on switching to the U.S Store. I subscribe to Apple Music as well. I'm aware I'd have to cancel my subscription in order to switch stores. And I'm aware I will have to have a PayPal account or U.S payment method to make any purchases in the U.S App Store.

    My questions are: 1. When I change the App Store, will I be able to re-download my initial Apple music library (the exact same way I had it) upon re-subscribing to Apple Music ? 2. I heard that when you switch App Stores, you're banned from re-subscribing to Apple Music for 30 days, is this true ?

    submitted by /u/NiiAdom
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    Spark mail phus notifications arriva twice

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 12:54 AM PDT

    When my iPhone is locked qnd i recive a mail i recive 2 notifications from spark with the same contnent, if i open the app the mail is just one, how can i solve it?

    submitted by /u/Dafth
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    CarPlay Goes Offline When I Delay an IOS Update WHY?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    If I wait more than a couple of days after an IOS update CarPlay stops connecting to my Audi. It's not as if the car is being updated, so why would this happen other than Apple using it to force people to update?

    Reboots don't help, but as soon as I update <POOF> it works again. It also works fine until the update is pushed. Then dead.

    submitted by /u/Airlineguy1
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    Siri and Screen Time

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    We have an iPad for our kid and use Screen Time to shut it down during the night. He's discovered, however that he can bypass this with Siri - he search for something via a voice Siri command, it'll open a browser with a Bing search, and then he can just keep using the browser. On top of it, the Bing search doesn't seem to be subject to content controls.

    Is there any way to fix this? We don't want to turn off Siri entirely, but we don't want it to respond when screen time is disabling the iPad.

    submitted by /u/jgalak
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    Camera shaking bug

    Posted: 22 Jun 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    For a few months I had my condo keycard in my phone case, had no issues at first, but recently have started having my camera shake (even when it's not moving), and take blurry photos. Thinking it might be because of the keycard. A few questions:

    1. If I just leave the phone without the key next to it for a while, may it fix itself?

    2. Do any of the magnet tricks seen online that fix this work?

    3. Do I need to have this repaired by apple

    It's an iPhone 7 on iOS 11.3.1 btw.

    submitted by /u/Smacpats111111
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    Just now noticing how little storage I use haha ��

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 12:36 AM PDT

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