• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 30, 2019

    iOS Jailbreak [TIP] This tweak has stopped random freezing for my iPhone 8 iOS 12.1.2

    iOS Jailbreak [TIP] This tweak has stopped random freezing for my iPhone 8 iOS 12.1.2

    [TIP] This tweak has stopped random freezing for my iPhone 8 iOS 12.1.2

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    [Meta] May and June Monthly Roundup.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:55 PM PDT

    Hey /r/jailbreak!

    I forgot to do April and when I went to search for the posts made in April, Reddit decided not to work and it only gave me results from mid-May to now. I apologize if any tweaks may have been missed (especially the ones released in May as Reddit's search gave me only half of May's posts?) If you want a tweak that is not on here and was released between April and now then send me a DM and I'll include it.

    This was put together without a bot so some posts might have been missed or there might be some other mistakes. If that is the case PM me and I will fix it ASAP.

    Released and Updated Tweaks

    [Release] SelectionPlus - Improved text selection menu with customization to make it yours.

    [Release] MousePort - Mouse support for your iPhone/iPad.

    [Release] HideDock - Hide the dock completely to allow icon/widget placement in that area.

    [Release] FreeFAll for A12 - Make your phone scream when you drop it.

    [Release] Lisa - Your new lockscreen experience.

    [Release] BTPower - A tweak to enable the battery percent of Airpods and other Bluetooth devices in the statusbar.

    [Release] Translomatic - Quickly translate text.

    [Release] Fabric - Customize your lockscreen clock with many options.

    [Release] Relocate - Minimalist, location spoofer for iOS 11 & 12 (with A12 support).

    [Release] SCOnly - Load only one tweak into SC.

    [Release] Silica - A simple yet powerful repo generator for Cydia and Sileo.

    [Release] DrunkSileo for Sileo 1.0.6 - Make Sileo more proper.

    [Release] RotaryPass - Rotary telephone passcode style (A12 / iOS 12).

    [Release] iWhats - Add features to WhatsApp.

    [Release] BlockPowerDown - A simple tweak that blocks the 'Slide To Power Off' menu.

    [Release] JellyfishCustom - More Customization For Jellyfish.

    [Release] LabelChanger - Customize your icon labels in every single way.

    [Release] HideYourApps - Hide apps on your Springboard.

    [Release] Notch Glow for XSMax - A simple glow tweak with custom colours for the homescreen.

    [Release] SpringInfinity - A remake of the classic tweak infiniboard.

    [Release] Chlorophyll - Highlight downloaded items in the Appstore.

    [Release] AirPort - Backwards compatibility for 2nd Gen AirPods & more.

    [Release] KillBackgroundXS - A simple but useful tweak to kill all background apps.

    [Release] Relocate Module - Control center toggle for Relocate.

    [Release] Screendump - VNC server for iOS 11, unc0ver only (based on Veency).

    [Release] BatteryPercentA12 - Updated version of BatteryPercent12 for A12 devices.

    [Release] SmearOff Beta - Reduce OLED Smearing on OLED Devices.

    [Release] Gasolina - Saves you some battery.

    [Release] Shadow - A simple open source jailbreak detection bypass.

    [Release] T9Dialer - Add T9 support to the Phone app.

    [Release] Springtomize 4 - Customize your device all you want.

    [Release] Silentium - Silence is golden.

    [Release] Pasithea 2 - Manage the iOS pasteboard history.

    [Release] HomeBarMediaProgress - Adds media progress to your home bar.

    [Release] DockRemover - Remove the dock from your homescreen.

    [Release] Centaur - Reimagine your notification centre.

    [Release] Eveho - Export Sileo sources and packages with ease.

    [Release] OneNotify - Keep your notifications on your lockscreen.

    [Release] Septet - Apple Watch list style homescreen.

    [Release] Mitsusha Infinity - Homescreen audio visualizer for the home screen.

    [Release] SmallStatusBarX - Hide the notch and enable the non-X status bar on X devices

    [Release] OurJailbreak USSR Music - Music.

    [Release] Bruh Sound Effect - Bruh Sound Effect #2 for the lockscreen clock.

    [Release] HideYourApps 1.2.0 - Hide annoying or infrequently used applications from your Home screen.

    [Release] ColorHomeBar - Color the home bar with app icon colors.

    [Release] Pagebar - Reinvent your page dots.

    [Release] Chatlock - Chatlock locks chats in social apps.

    [Release] Maple - Make charging great again.

    [Release] ios-kexec-utils | kloader - ios-kexec-utils | kloader

    [Release] AvengersBattle - Battling in your Call Screen and Touch ID Screen.

    [Release] Nereid - Media player UI redesign for lockscreen.

    [Release] StopAnemone, StopSnowboard and StopWinterboard - Three patches to stop themes from installing Anemone, Snowboard or Winterboard.

    [Release] Missito - Preference manager.

    [Release] A-Font - Change your font.

    [Release] AppCrumb - Replaces breadcrumbs with preview of the app.

    [Release] CodeScrambler - Random ordered passcode buttons.

    [Release] BinaryPasscode - Replace passcode button numbers with pretty dots.

    [Release] Exsto XS - Unleash your folders.

    [Release] Xenanimated: Recharged - Play media on your lockscreen and home screen while charging.

    [Release] BetterAlerts - Alerts with a bit of color and blur.

    [Release] USAA Jailbreak Bypass - Bypass jailbreak detection for USAA.

    [Release] Sareth - Allows users to set a custom background picture to your CC.

    [Release] CamControls X - Bottom camera controls on iPhone X/XR/XS.

    [Release] NoAutoStraighten - Disables that annoying auto straighten when cropping photos.

    [Release] Pluto - Hide/disable notifications and/or hide icons.

    [Release] MyHundai Jailbreak Detection Bypass - Bypass jailbreak detection for MyHundai.

    [Release] Nanobanners - a free alternative to Picobanners.

    [Release] DictionaryFirst - Dictionary first on Spotlight.

    [Release] SamsungPowerDown - Turn your boring Power Down view with boring Slider into Samsung's one.

    [Release] Magma Pro - Make the control center yours.

    [Release] Tweal Manager - Enable/Disable tweaks in bulk with custom presets.

    [Release] QuickPrefs - Quickly access tweak preferences of your choice with Force Touch on Settings app.

    [Release] eSim+ - Choose a way how to call while using eSims/dual sim iPhone.

    [Release] Vcaller - Set video as call background.

    [Release] FaceID for Hidden Photos - Keep your hidden photos secure

    [Release] Obsidian - The package list exporter for every package manager.

    [Release] TetherStatus - Replace the ugly blue bar with an icon showing the number of connections.

    [Release] Axon - Priority Hub for iOS 11 and 12.

    [Release] Anchor b2 - Place icons on your homescreen however you want.

    [Release] Externalizer - The internal "Confidential & Proprietary" lockscreen text for regular devices

    [Release] SBSetup - A SnowBoard extension and application setup script.

    [Release] NPurge - Refresh to purge notifications.

    [Release] SilentMaps - Gets rid of the navigator's voice that interrupts music, podcasts, etc and plays a quick vibration/pingi instead.

    [Release] SiriUnlock - Allows Siri to access sensitive data when your phone is locked.

    [Release] DarkPhone12 - Full Phone App Dark Mode.

    [Release] ImageCorrect - Quickly paste your commonly used images system wide by creating shortcuts.

    [Release] Rishima - A port of the iOS 13 volume hud.

    [Release] Vibrancy - Bring more translucency and blur to your system.

    [Release] Jeff Prank - Jeff prank your friends with my name Jeff.

    [Release] InstallProtect12 - Rquire biometric to manage packages in Cydia, Sileo and Zebra.

    [Release] Spoke - Change activity indicator colors.

    [Release] Twitter No Ads - This tweak removes "Promoted" posts from the official Twitter app.

    [Release] NotchControl - Control with your notch.

    [Release] DaemonDisabler - Disable/Enable launch daemons from Settings

    [Release] SleepAid - Enable greyscale until your alarm goes off.

    [Release] randCColor - Randomize the color of your cc modules.

    [Release] LastUnlock - See the last time your device was unlocked.

    [Release] WifiReminder - Remind you that your Wi-Fi is OFF. [[Release] ** **]() -

    [Release] goAwayBlurryCircles - Get rid of the blur on deactivated CC toggles.

    [Release] Assistant+ 2.0 - Unlock the full potential of Siri (custom replies, Activator listeners, dynamic commands, and more).

    [Release] PUBC - Add MFI controller support to PUBG

    [Release] DragEnabler - A simple tweak to enable iPad drag and drop features on iPhones, for iOS 11 and 12.

    [Release] Vartaman - Fresh look for your device.

    [Release] JailbrokenZone - Buy and sell jailbroken devices.

    [Release] RecordAnywhere - Allow screen recording on the lockscreen.

    [Release] OhMyFlash - Turn your flashlight off after a configurable amount of time.

    [Release] ScrollViewScrubber - Adds a blue scrubber in scrollkit.

    [Release] RePower XXI - A more powerful power down screen.

    [Release] Flex3EditPatches - Can add units and edit downloaded patches.

    [Release] BlackOutCC - The tweak puts a pure black background on the control center

    [Release] VolHud - An iOS 13 volume hud.

    [Update] iCleaner Pro 7.7.5

    [Update] BetterReachability 0.3

    [Update] CoC XP v1.1.7

    [Update] iPhone XR Support for Peekabo

    [Update] Succession, Dollarvoting, Stratosphere, Hidelockicon and Malleus Updated for A12 Support

    [Update] Tacitus 1.2.1

    [Update] Iconator11

    [Update] UnlockSound

    [Update] WazeAway

    [Update] OnlineNotify 3.0.0

    [Update] EQE for Chimera

    [Update] CCTimeX

    [Update] Xanify and Essential Utilities

    [Update] Notif 1.1.1

    [Update] Gesto 1.3.1

    [Update] BatteryNotch for A12

    [Update] NoLockScreenCamera, AutoRotate, Conrnuicopia and Stylish for A12

    [Update] SelectionPlus v1.0.5

    [Update] ChromaHomeBarX now Open Source

    [Update] CleanHomeScreen for A12

    [Update] Asteroid 3.0.4

    [Update] MakeRespringGreatAgain with iOS 12 Support

    [Update] MesaFinger iOS 12 Support

    [Update] LittleXS 2.2.0

    [Update] Sleeper 5.0.1

    [Update] Relocate 1.0.3

    [Update] GrowlNotifier for A12

    [Update] Batchomatic v2.1

    [Update] Navale 2.0

    [Update] UnSub 0.1.7

    [Update] Every Tweak on https://trsvsr.me/apt with arm64e Support

    [Update] NotifyHeaders 1.1

    [Update] BrowserDefault for A12

    [Update] NextUp iOS 12

    [Update] JellyfishCustome

    [Update] CleanPlayer for A12

    [Update] Maple 1.1.1

    [Update] BigShotJB for iOS 12

    [Update] iNoSleep for A12

    [Update] LockDock 1.0.4

    [Update] VerticalVideoSyndrome for A12

    [Update] ShutterSoundSwitch 1.0.2

    [Update] AVLock for A12

    [Update] TweakReviewsDB 0.3.1

    [Update] Succession 1.3.2

    [Update] Smoothable for A12

    [Update] Centuar 1.0.1

    [Update] KillBackgroundXS 1.0.3

    [Update] Pasithea 2 for iOS 12

    [Update] Silentium 1.0.1

    [Update] RocketBootstrap 1.0.7b5

    [Update] Aporeo 2.4

    [Update] Flex 3 b63

    [Update] Milkway for A12

    [Update] Essentials 1.2.1

    [Update] Konban 0.2.0

    [Update] NoisyFlake's Tweaks for A12

    [Update] DLEasy 2.6.6

    [Update] Springtomize 4 v4.0.2

    [Update] AppStore++ for A12

    [Update] DateUnderTimeX for A12

    [Update] Insono 1.0b5

    [Update] OneNotify

    [Update] HomeBarMediaProgress

    [Update] MissionControl

    [Update] UIkit Tools 1.1.13-16

    [Update] ChatLock

    [Update] AppSelector

    [Update] Shadow

    [Update] CopyPasta 0.1.4

    [Update] Goodges, Magma, ShyLabels and more for A12

    [Update] Notchification and PullOver Pro for A12

    [Update] App Installer 1.1.3 for A12 and iOS 12

    [Update] AppSync Unified 40.0 for A12 and iOS 12

    [Update] KarenPrefs 1.5 for A12 and iOS12

    [Update] KarenLocalizer 1.0.5 for A12 and iOS 12

    [Update] PreferenceOrganizer 2 v4.0.7 for A12 and iOS 12

    [Update] VideoSwipes

    [Update] RealLPM for A12

    [Update] TweakReviewsDB v0.3.2

    [Update] Twitter Labs 1.0.5

    [Update] libmitsuha and AudioSnapshotServer

    [Update] Snowboard 1.2b1

    [Update] TextEmojis for A12

    [Update] Fabric 1.3.0

    [Update] FrontPage

    [Update] Shy Page Dots XS for A12

    [Update] Eveho 1.1

    [Update] FlashBack 3.4

    [Update] MinimalHUD Vibrate for A12

    [Update] Power Tap 3 for A12

    [Update] ModernAlerts

    [Update] SafeSutdown v1.50

    [Update] Crayola X

    [Update] BetterAlerts 1.3

    [Update] Nougat 0.7

    [Update] Magma Pro 1.2

    [Update] Xen HTML 0.5.3

    [Update] HomeList

    [Update] Notifica 0.3.0

    [Update] CopyLog 1.2

    [Update] QuickPrefs

    [Update] Dune 1.1

    [Update] BottomControlX for A12

    [Update] shsh.host

    [Update] SnapBack on Dynastic Repo

    [Update] Axon 0.1.9

    [Update] ImageCorrect 0.3

    [Update] Shadow 2.0.8

    [Update] Sleipnizer for Safari

    [Update] Cloaky 6.0

    [Update] Cuboid 2.0

    [Update] SleepAid

    [Update] Ultrasound

    [Update] Sileo Native Depiction Generator

    [Update] DopeSettings for A12

    [Update] Spoke

    [Update] AutoWall for A12

    [Update] randCCOlor

    [Update] Assistant+ 2.0.2

    [Update] NeonBoard 2.0

    [Update] libcolorpicker 1.6.2

    Previous Month

    submitted by /u/fattyffat
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] A tweak to bring back iOS 9 music album page to iOS 10/11/12 music app.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 04:14 AM PDT

    [Release] VolHud an ios13 volume hud by DevelopApple is out on packix repo for free.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    [Question] [Request] Is there an app for detecting Re-spring loops?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:39 PM PDT

    As the title says, I'm interested in finding an app that can either detect what is causing the re-spring issue or something that allows us to toggle individual tweaks on and off easily for testing purposes

    submitted by /u/eiebui_burakkii
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] Both Appstore++ and App Admin still show "Block Updates" apps in the list of available updates. Anyone else experiencing this or found a fix?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:55 PM PDT

    For example I have selected to Block All Updates for Snapchat and it will work initially, but the next time I open the App Store it will still show Snapchat has an available update.

    submitted by /u/Kodyak77
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] Any tweak for A12 to move the dock vertically?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:25 PM PDT

    [Request] Kijiji repost tweak similar to this one if it’s possible

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    [request] it’s open source and I think any tweak developer can complete this and make it compatible with iOS 11/12.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    [QUESTION] how to change this parts color

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:37 PM PDT

    [Question] This has started popping up. How do I fix this? Sorry.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:56 PM PDT

    [HELP] What tweak killing my battery?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:56 PM PDT

    [request] tweak to make dictation button on ios 12.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:39 PM PDT

    [Question] Tweak for decibel LTE signal

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    Hi all, I was wondering if there was a tweak for iPhone X to replace signal bars with db signal strength for LTE. This was possible on stock iOS for a while, but they removed it. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/besser435
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] Please Someone, Small Volume Steps For A12!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:07 PM PDT

    As the title states can we make this happen already. I'm itching for it.

    submitted by /u/coreyfairchild
    [link] [comments]

    [Update] DLEasy v2.6.6 what's new?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    [Update] DLEasy v2.6.6 what's new?

    Update DLEasy v2.6.6


    1. Fix import issue for all devices.
    2. Support latest versions of all apps.
    3. Import has become supported for A12 devices.
    4. Other general fixes.

    You can install it from here

    Please let me know if there any problem with this update 🌹



    submitted by /u/AhmedBafkir
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] Is there anyone using Sileo sometime freeze in some seconds or backing up to the springboard. I'm using iphone XS

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    [Help] Need help finding this home screen widget (Non xenhtml)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    [Request] This icon effect (or similar) only with folders in conjunction with PrimalFolder

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    [Discussion] So I found this in my local goodwill shop for $35

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 12:15 AM PDT

    [Help] Icons are overlapping when expanding notifications. The expanded notification is also white instead of black. Only works properly the first time expanding a notification.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    [Question] Is there a tweak that would limit my social media like after 5 mins of social media time it would put me on a 3 hour timer or something?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2019 12:01 AM PDT

    I am not a big social media person at all but my job is one where you kinda sit around so i get on instagram to check when im bored at work but its become a bad second hand habit to open the app everytime i unlock my phone but i dont even follow many people so theres never anything new to see. Any tweak that could help me fix that habit?

    submitted by /u/strongworldjay
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] A12 iOS 12.1 Cellular issue

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    My Xs Max is pretty much unable to connect to my cellular network when jailbroken now. I have tried to take the sim out and put it in airplane mode and rebooting and all. That did not help and the issue is still there. Is there any fix for this?

    submitted by /u/Collidal
    [link] [comments]

    [Giveaway] FlashBack - giving a copy to everyone who participates. No contests or competition, only giving away.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:25 PM PDT

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