• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 29, 2019

    iPhone Dropped my iPhone XS Max in mayo, first thing I did was to try to wash it out with water, my speaker is basically mashed up. I tried after to suck on the speaker to get the mayo out but no luck, the speaker still works but I need to get the renaming sauce out, any ideas?

    iPhone Dropped my iPhone XS Max in mayo, first thing I did was to try to wash it out with water, my speaker is basically mashed up. I tried after to suck on the speaker to get the mayo out but no luck, the speaker still works but I need to get the renaming sauce out, any ideas?

    Dropped my iPhone XS Max in mayo, first thing I did was to try to wash it out with water, my speaker is basically mashed up. I tried after to suck on the speaker to get the mayo out but no luck, the speaker still works but I need to get the renaming sauce out, any ideas?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 02:49 PM PST

    Really need help

    submitted by /u/KinkyKilla
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    New contacts aren’t coming through after restoring from a very old backupxc

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 06:08 PM PST

    Okay, so, I needed to get a contact back that I knew would be from my last backup (May 2018), so I factory reset and then restored my iPhone from that backup. I got the contact, lost all my new contacts from May 2018 to now, but figured I'd get everyone in the giant group chat I have with some new friends to text in it so I'd have it in my conversations again, and re-add all those contacts.

    Well, people who I have had as a contact prior to May 2018 can text me fine, but those new contacts (who aren't contacts in my phone) can't text me. I'm not getting any messages from them at all, and I have to text them for it to work. Everyone has iPhones, I'm updated to the latest iOS, I tried to soft reset my phone but I can't figure out how to get it to work.

    They tried deleting me from the group chat and re-adding me. It works fine on their end but I'm getting nothing on mine. I'm not sure if this makes sense or not and sorry if anything is against the rules! I just can't find help anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Spageggi
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    Please help!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 02:07 PM PST

    So about a month ago my phone started messing up and sometimes when my mom texts it sends through me but she sends it on her phone. I've gone into settings and I don't know how to change this. If you know how to change this please help!

    submitted by /u/TheStayFrosty
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    iPhone 7 has problems turning to forward camera

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 05:23 AM PST

    Whenever I use Snapchat, Instagram, Camera or anything my phone has a lot of problems loading the front camera. Majority of the time it either goes black or stays frozen on the rear facing camera for 5 minutes before finally loading the front camera. I've researched the problem online and various sites recommended I restart my phone (done), de clutter my camera roll (done), and make sure I have enough free space (I have about 9 GB free) yet it still doesn't work smoothly

    submitted by /u/Jarboner69
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    [Help] [Instagram] Places search results are empty / limited

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 07:44 AM PST


    Whenever I do search for a place, and click to view photos tagged in that area it shows either 1) shows nothing at all, or 2) Shows 9 Most Popular at the top, then under the most recent only shows about 25 photos and then stops loading.

    I have another work account also signed in, and it's fine when I do a place search and it shows two tabs (one on the left for most popular, and one on the right for most recent).

    I'm on iOS 11, and have tried removing the app and reinstalling and the same results happen.

    It feels very account specific rather than to do with the phone etc. The account that has this issue is fairly old (Created 2011) and under the linked accounts isn't linked to any other account.

    I've submitted a bug report via the app, but not heard anything back.

    Has anyone got any suggestions? Open to trying anything.

    submitted by /u/RottenTater133
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    Messenger mic problem

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 07:19 AM PST

    Friend of mine uses an iPhone 6 and constantly when using the video chat messenger app it distorts the sound from him to a level nobody can hear anyone anymore. The microphone sounds fine otherwise in all the other apps/calls. Anyone encountered this problem before/has any tips/fixes?

    submitted by /u/raf949
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    Range For WiFi suddenly lowered x2

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 06:44 AM PST

    So my sister bought a used Iphone 5, it was all good for a month or so, then the signal catcher for WiFi suddenly went down about double the range it was, and i do mean double, no physical damage, no software issue, nothing. Anybody got an idea?

    submitted by /u/inoTheKami
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