• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 29, 2019

    iOS Gaming In case you missed it: Fortnite adds controller support to iOS and Android

    iOS Gaming In case you missed it: Fortnite adds controller support to iOS and Android

    In case you missed it: Fortnite adds controller support to iOS and Android

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 05:20 AM PST

    The App Store search engine is terrible...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 07:05 PM PST

    Everytime I look something up I either have to scroll a good bit down to find it, or it just doesn't come up at all...

    submitted by /u/Alex_6429
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    Hexonia - Polytopia/Civ like game

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 06:32 AM PST

    I'm not the dev, saw a forum post on TouchArcade and gave the game a shot. If you're a Battle of Polytopia fan or a Civ fan, this is a blast!

    Hexonia by TOGGLEGEAR https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hexonia/id1450255214?mt=8

    submitted by /u/cabukn
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    Most mobile idle games are just low effort money grabs

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 07:34 PM PST

    As the title says, most mobile idle games are so simplistic and low effort it hurts. They simply exist to make ad revenue. I love idle games, and I prefer to play them on my phone, that way I can do whatever I want on my computer and check up on the game on my phone every now and then. And there's some really good idle games out there. Games like Adventure Capitalist really know how to put a game together. It scales really well, has plenty of gameplay, and doesn't go overboard with ads. They manage it very nicely. Ads are totally optional and you aren't forced to watch them.

    Some games however, go way overboard on ads and force them upon you. Recently I tried to play Taps to Riches. Everything started out okay. Gameplay wasn't anything crazy, scaling was okay though a bit slow, but ads seemed excessive. In order to do any of the "free" stuff I had to watch an ad. Daily spin for an advisor? Watch an ad. You don't just get a free spin every 24 hours, you have to give the developers money, albeit not out of your own pocket, to do it. And what really annoys me to no end and that I hate the most is that ads will randomly pop up without clicking on them. A lot of ads are optional, double this reward? Watch an ad. But when I'm just going about my business in game and random ads start popping up without my consent that's a problem and that's where I draw the line. And Taps to Riches isn't even the worst of it.

    The developer whose games sicken me the most with their lack of effort, and clear money grabbing move with non consensual ads that are on an entire different level than everybody else is Voodoo. Not only do their games have bare bones minimal content at best, random ads pop up so frequently you can't enjoy the game. And when you get a seemingly optional ad, if you elect not to watch it, it plays the ad anyways. Even though you said no. And they crank out tons of these games. There's hardly anything to them, maybe a minimal to non existent form of prestige, and just make money off of ads that nobody consented to. And they deliberately make them so annoying that people may just say screw it and pay the $2.99 to remove ads. Like it's one thing to charge to remove ads, I understand that, it's money to compensate for a lack of ad revenue coming to the developers. But they are going about it by antagonizing consumers and frustrating them to the point of buying it. It's the bottom feeding of mobile gaming.

    It's even more annoying that a lot of people don't seem to care about this whatsoever. The games are super popular and people seem to love how simple they are, not caring that the effort put into them are so minimal that there are thousands of clones of the game that do the same thing. Like it's one thing to make a game simple so it's enjoyable, but it's another to make it absolute bare bones and lacking in any content. Voodoo just turns out idle game after idle game that's really the same thing, just visually different. But I go and look at the reviews and see something along the lines of Will it Crush? with 41.3k ratings at a 4.4/5. Or Bee factory (different dev) with 31.2k reviews for a 4.8/5 and is #15 on strategy in the app store. And it's quite possible the most one dimensional game I've ever seen with only two things to upgrade and no prestige system. It really sucks to see all these low effort, money grabbing games dominating the market when there's a bunch of really well designed games out there that don't exist for the sole purpose of taking your money and deserve way more attention and don't get it.

    submitted by /u/PiesInMyEyes
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    What sort of headphones do you guys use?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 06:31 AM PST

    I'm currently doing a project at the KTH university in Stockholm about headphones for gaming. I'm curious about what kind of headphones the mobile gaming community uses and why?

    If you want you can answer the survey below, or discuss in the comments:

    I'd greatly appreciate your input, ciao!

    submitted by /u/Bananenen
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    Games like Arma 3

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 06:04 AM PST

    Anyone knows a game that looks like arma 3? but not the arma tactics or arma firing range. A tps/fps game that has gameplay that looks like arma. I'm bad at explaining stuff, sorry.

    Btw I'm using an iPhone

    submitted by /u/FL4SHB4NGZ
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    I have a lot of the big name ports and great iOS games, can you recommend something spacey? Or with a lot of unlockable items or upgrading? Paid or free.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 03:18 PM PST

    looking for free portrait and offline games

    Posted: 29 Jan 2019 01:58 AM PST

    I quit gaming long time ago, but recently I moved into new apartment which is crowded and waiting for elevator takes forever. The fact that the waiting area got no coverage making it worse, so I figure why don't throw it away on gaming, since I kinda loved it. I like it to be offline for obvious reason, and portrait, since I'm usually holding my bag on my other hand. Any suggestion for games fitting these criterias?

    Any type will do, RPG/Puzzle/whatever as long as it takes away boredom of waiting and good enough gameplay. No 8 bit graphic tho, my eyes can't stand those for some reason.

    submitted by /u/angelflames1337
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    Looking for some platformers

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 05:43 PM PST

    I'm looking for a good platformer that I can pick up and play that is smooth and has easy controls. Not looking for a game that will suck me into a story.

    Just a game sorta like N+ with wall jumping and momentum. Not looking for platformers with combat.

    submitted by /u/matikray03
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    Best asynchronous chess game?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 02:45 PM PST

    Preferably something that isn't a total pain to use?

    Last post like this was from 2017, so maybe there's something new!

    submitted by /u/TheRencingCoach
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    Games for my 7 year old under $10?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 05:16 PM PST

    My daughter has her first itunes gift card and wants to find a game to spend it on. Are there any that don't have a ton of micro-transactions? $10 and under?

    submitted by /u/wxgamer17
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    Does anybody know a game like The Greedy Cave 2 that is paid.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 09:55 PM PST

    I like how to The Greedy Cave 2 plays but I don't want to delve into another freemium title, I was wondering if people know of similar games that are just a one time fee.

    submitted by /u/Turbulenttt
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    Any good multi-player games for lunch breaks with friends?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 05:11 PM PST

    Lunch has been getting boring recently and we've been looking for things to spice it up and pass some time. Any decent games for me and some friends to play together? Whether it may be co-op or competitive, as long as at least two players can play, it's fine.


    submitted by /u/MA5ian
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    Langrisser vs Another Eden

    Posted: 28 Jan 2019 07:10 PM PST

    Yes I know they're completely different games in terms of gameplay. I was wondering if someone who's played both can give insight on the following:

    • Which one's gacha system is more fair? In terms of how usable are the "basic" heroes, and how easy it is to earn gacha currency to roll more. I would consider something like "being able to earn enough premium currency without wallet to roll the 10x banner at least once every 1-2 weeks" to be fair for gachas
    • Which one's more grindy? I know Langrisser has an annoying stamina system so it's obviously heavily time-gated, but not sure how grindy Another Eden is, or if you can even grind anything in this game since it's just pure story and no events/quests
    • How intensive are Langrisser's events/side quests? Is it one of those games that force you to open up your phone literally every hour to get those annoying time-limited quests done ("complete this quest in the next 30min to earn xx!"), or you just play it once a day for an hour or so and get everything done?

    I already have one other gacha game that keeps me occupied for 30-60min a day, I was wondering which of these games would have a similar level of daily commitment.

    submitted by /u/TaishiQuan
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