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    Thursday, June 18, 2020

    iPad Weird bug where time on home screen doesn’t match time on lock screen

    iPad Weird bug where time on home screen doesn’t match time on lock screen

    Weird bug where time on home screen doesn’t match time on lock screen

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Phasing out my laptop/desktop

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    How would you guys feel about a product that allows you to use the Magic Keyboard with the iPad in vertical mode, or completely unattached from the keyboard itself? Details in comments.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    An Apple apostate tries an iPad ... hijinks ensue!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    In case it's helpful to anyone, here are my reflections after buying a 2020 iPad Pro 11" with Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil 2, and using the gear for about two weeks.

    Some personal context. This is my first ever Apple device. I am a lifelong *nix, Android, Windows (under sufferance) user. For me, choice and configurability are usually more important than ease-of-use, and so I have generally perceived myself as a poor fit for the Apple ecosystem.

    After dissecting my workflow, I came to the conclusion that I would benefit from having a device that I could write on, primarily for note-taking purposes, but also for idea-generation and mind-mapping-type exercises. For whatever reason, my brain feels more natural doing this with a pencil, not a keyboard.

    I also (pre-Covid!) travel extensively for work, and so portability and mobility are big factors. My usual computing travel gear consists of a windows Ultrabook (I'm somewhat tied to Windows for compatibility with work requirements, although there are potential workarounds), an 8" Android tablet (without a digitizer or pen support) that I essentially use only as an e-book reader, and a Pixel 3 phone. My initial instinct was to move to a two-in-one: either a Surface device or a foldable laptop with pen support (like the HP Elite Dragonfly). The Surface form factor is too limiting for me: I don't enjoy using it on my lap, plus the non-Pro X versions are just ... bezel-deviled ... and the Pro X is interesting, but who needs the headache of app compatibility? Surface Book is just too heavy for me. I have had 2-1 latops before, and they work okay, but it's awkward holding the device with the folded keyboard on the back. Plus in my use case, I often need to take notes while simultaneously also presenting a PPT, which is just hard to do on a 2-1. These devices are all also really expensive by the time you've configured them to be actually useful.

    Basically, after a lot of reflection, I figured it would be pretty much the same cost to have a decent ultrabook and a decent tablet, rather than a 2-1 that isn't great at either task. With that breakthrough, I assumed I would just upgrade my Android tablet to a new Samsung Tab, and use that as my e-reader and note taking device. I even ordered one. Then canceled it. Here's the honest truth: the Samsung Tab hardware is probably not as good as an iPad, but it's probably good enough—so that's not the issue. The issue is the ecosystem. Rightly or wrongly, there is no Android tablet ecosystem, and that's a serious limitation.

    I investigated further, and tried to understand how closely an iPad would require me to integrate with the Apple ecosystem. The answer is: hardly at all.

    So I pulled the trigger.

    Hardware-wise, it's a beautiful device. You can't fight it. With the high refresh rate and clean design, it's a pleasure to use.

    And the Magic Keyboard? The price is ridiculous; that's inarguable. Buying one was definitely an expression of privilege. It is heavy. Again, that's just an objective fact (and that's what it needs to be in order to achieve balance with the iPad attached). It's not easy to open; I'd say like two-and-a-half hands and a pry bar are required.

    But it is also brilliant. It works flawlessly. Typing is effortless, like all day effortless, even with the 11" (I was really worried about the small "return" key, but it's been a non-issue). Trackpad is awesome. Lappability is no different from an ultrabook. I simply can't imagine using the iPad without the keyboard.

    And the app ecosystem is everything I hoped it would be. I ended up trying both Notability and GoodNotes, and for my use case, the ability to configure different kinds of paper styling, and having easy access to presets for different colors and line weight were determining factors in choosing GoodNotes. Standard go-tos like Procreate and Affinity Photo work well. The pencil part of the equation is pretty much flawless with everything I've tried. I've also fallen in love with Ulysses as a beautiful clean writing experience. The official Gmail app isn't great, but Spark is neat ...

    So the experience is almost all positive. But for my use case, I can say definitively, the iPad is not a laptop replacement. The decision to abandon a proper file system in favor of sandboxing is so utterly perplexing to me that I have no words. I really wish Google Drive integration was better. You know, it sort of works. You can pin individual files for local/sync. But not folders. I investigated third-party apps like FileBrowser Go. That's a nice piece of work, highly functional, but the sync isn't quite there (or at least I couldn't get it to work)—you can certainly pin whatever folders you want, but the app relies on background iPadOS processes for actual sync, with the result that it happens about once a day (you can manually sync whenever). To me this is the worst of both worlds, is it synced? Is it not synced? Sounds like a recipe for disaster. The sandboxed file system also makes for all kinds of awkward workflows as you keep sharing documents between various applications, rather than just you know, going to the file in its folder (who woulda thunk?).

    Then there are applications like Excel. Work gives me a 365 subscription, and I have the apps installed. But this is Excel for first graders. You can't creat a pivot table. We'll see what happens when mouse support is better integrated, but for now, even selecting a range, is a three-day exercise.

    ETA: iPadOS14. Default Apps. Please. Pretty please. (Seriously.)

    So in my case—this ain't no laptop replacement. Not that I was expecting it to be—my decision was to go with two devices, with each good at its own job. I guess I was just surprised to find the iPad being so close ... so close but not quite there.


    For something like Jump Desktop. Man. Another great app. I can remote into my Windows laptop and it works pretty much perfectly. They haven't quite nailed the resolution problem (it's a tough problem, and my understanding is they're actively working on it), but while I need to have a Windows box, I've found over the last two weeks, that I haven't interacted with it much physically, accomplishing almost everything I need through remoting.

    Given how close this is to being a laptop replacement (especially with remoting), I have thought about the 11" vs. almost 13" question. I have no experience with the larger iPad but I can see how it would work great for folks who use the device primarily as a laptop and/or with Magic Keyboard. But, for me, I think I made the right decision—again this is my e-book reader (the 11" is a wonderful e-book reader!), and being able to use handheld is important for me.

    Which brings me to my most surprising finding. Remember: my tech kit has always consisted of THREE devices: a tablet, a laptop—and a phone. Now, I know, being mostly at home because of Covid definitely skews things, but I've been absolutely shocked by how much less I use my phone! Yes. The iPad is almost a laptop replacement—but it is also almost a phone replacement (at least for the 11").

    So, yeah. A month ago I would have said you're crazy. But I'm now in three ecosystems—while also being somewhat ecosystem agnostic. The truth is there's not much value in being an evangelist for any one system; the truth is that one should try to pick the best tool for the job.

    Anyway, thanks to anyone who read through all of this. I hope these reflections are helpful if you are trying to make a similar decision. Happy to try to answer questions if that would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/2gregory
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    Magic Keyboard compatible case for iPad Pro? Any alternative to CoverBuddy?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I want to be able to have a case on my iPad Pro 11 inch 2020 which I can attach to the magic keyboard and it detach from the magic keyboard easily just to have some protection around it when I use it as a tablet. Are there any alternatives to the cover buddy and the i Blason? Seems like the cover buddy is bad in terms of the USB-C connection slot being too small. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/bbcjs
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    High data usage bug: I have encountered a recurring bug on my iPad pro 2018 WiFi. If the wifi is not set in the "LOW DATA MODE", it tends to eat up all of my cellular data which was tethered by hotspot from my phone.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. Every time I connect my iPad to the Wi-Fi and if the low data mode is not switched ON then all off my data gets depleted very quickly and I absolutely do not know where that data is being used. So, if at all anyone else has encountered this, do you know where the data getting used or is it just going to waste? Thanks in advance. iPad pro 2018 11 inch WiFi 256 GB

    submitted by /u/DrDeathRow
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    Sharing a folder with people that don't have an iCloud account

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Hey there! I've been uploading some files on iCloud (on PC) and wanted to share a folder with friends of mine. However, apparently they can't access the folder without having an iCloud account themselves. Am I doing something wrong or is it not possible that they can access the files like when sharing with Dropbox or OneDrive?

    submitted by /u/_awake
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    Is there a silicone keyboard cover for the 11” smart keyboard?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Hi guys! I recently ordered a smart keyboard from amazon warehouse with the description being "used-acceptable with bigger than 1" imperfection" however the keyboard that arrived today was in a sealed box complete with the sealed wrapping around the box and the keyboard itself, basically brand new— so I'm wondering if there exists a silicone keyboard cover for the 11" smart keyboard in order to not damage the keys when placing it flat as I use the ipad to draw

    submitted by /u/siopaosilvs
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    Is the iPad Air 3 worth an extra $220 over the iPad 7?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    With the iPad 7 being $250, would the iPad Air 3 still be a better buy even if its $220 more expensive?

    submitted by /u/FailedPreMedStudent
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    Nedrelow Magic Sleeve - Thoughts?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:57 PM PDT

    Geekbench 5 got an update, Running iPadOS Beta 13.6. Ran this benchmark a few times and got consistent 10500 scores

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    App for Marking up Large Format documents? 24"x36" and 30"x42"

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I am need to mark up large format documents to have drafted by others. I was using Notability until I realized when I imported the drawings into the app, it downsized the pdfs from 30x42 to 6x8.5, which is not ideal if I want to print out the mark ups.

    Has anyone found a good app for this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/pickled_things_
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    Refurbished iPad from Apple

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    I have had my iPad Air 3 for less than 4 months and have had touch issues the entire time I have had it. Finally got tired of fighting it and contacted apple support ( I have Apple Care +) The iPad is through Verizon but I opted pull all my insurances from Verizon and go with Apple. They had me send my iPad in to get checked out and today I got an update on my ticket stating that they would be replacing my iPad.

    I contacted apple support and they told me that there were to many issues inside the iPad and they would have had to replace every major component inside the iPad so it is easier to just send out a replacement device.

    I am not against a refurbished replacement (even though I am paying over 700 dollars for the iPad through Verizon and it was brand new when bought it) but I would like to see what people with experience from apple with refurbished products think about their replacement services.

    Anyone with experience with apple support and getting replacement devices through them, is thee anything I need to worry about with the replacement?

    Is a refurbished going to last me as long as a brand new one that I am spending a lot of money on?

    Are there issues with their refurbished devices, like will there be scratches, dents, blemishes on them when received?

    For the amount of money I Am paying to Verizon I don't want to end up with something that looks like it went through war.

    submitted by /u/pah1978
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    Song editing app suggestion

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    I'm looking for an app suggestion. I want to import three songs, cut them down, and crossfade between them. I was going to use GarageBand but I can't import DRM-free files. Are there any free app suggestions? I've found some DJ apps but I want to export the project as a music file. I'm hoping to accomplish this with my iPad Pro, otherwise I'll have to use my Wintel system and find a program for that.

    submitted by /u/P_Devil
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    Apple Pencil on iPad Pro

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I was wondering if any of you are experiencing issues with their Apple Pencil? I got one about a month and a half ago and it worked perfectly. Two weeks ago it started to work intermittently while I was drawing. Now it works maybe twice a day and sometimes for only a minute or less. I've tried everything I've found online (forget device, restart, charge till full, etc.). It's just awfully annoying. Has anyone been through this? I'm wondering if its my Apple Pencil or my iPad. Thanks in advance!

    iPad Pro 10.5 13.5.1 Apple Pencil 1 gen

    submitted by /u/SirUnagi
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    Do all of these cases offer a solid lower angle for drawing?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    I'm thinking I'm going to just get this $20 one from ESR https://www.amazon.com/ESR-Magnetic-2020-Convenient-Attachment/dp/B083R6WS3Z/ref=gp_aw_ybh_a_4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=Q3BFQD3GPVC5GT0FJQB3

    But I'd love to hear if anyone thinks the folded flap is insufficient for resting at the lower angle and liable to collapse under any weight.

    It seems like there would be a difference between the ones that fold like that vs one that folds more in the style of the InFlight Folio: https://www.amazon.com/LAUT-12-9-inch-Compatible-Positions-Lightweight/dp/B086GV35VH/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=inflight+folio+ipad+pro+2020&qid=1592500945&sprefix=inflight+folio&sr=8-3

    But I'm not sure. I'm probably about to roll with the Inflight but I thought I heard conflicting accounts about it's quality/steadiness... I can't dig it up anymore where I would have read that so I just had to quickly run this by Reddit.

    submitted by /u/southtown84
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    Apple Pencil as a Laser Pointer substitute using the MS Power Point App

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    Hi folks, I wanted to do a Power Point Presentation on my iPad and everything works fine. There's just one setting that I want to change. The app is only letting me use my finger as a laserpointer and the apple pencil as a pen/marker tool. I was wondering if there was a way to switch that?

    In the app-settings is a toggle which says „use pencil always for freehand marking" (literal translation from German, so the wording in the English version might differ). Switching the toggle off didn't change anything - or nothing that I figured out.

    Maybe someone came across that issue and knows how to fix it. Cheers

    iPad Pro 2018 11", iOs 13.4.1, MS PP App 2.38, apple pencil 2

    submitted by /u/Ox417
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    USB-C to USB-A adaptor/cable??

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I just bought a 2020 iPad Pro 12.9" and absolutely love it, even though it is a giant compared to my old 9.7" iPad Pro from 2016. It is awesome for reading and watching videos.

    My problem is, I still have a 2015 15" MacBook Pro that has the old USB ports (not USB-C).

    Are there any adapters or cables which are USB-C (the iPad) to USB-A (the MacBook Pro)?

    I haven't been able to connect the new iPad to my Mac and so can't pair it up for iMazing backups.

    submitted by /u/Mike_Polinske
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    iPad won’t screen record at 60fps anymore

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I've been making YouTube videos for a while, and for most of it I've been able to post the videos in 60fps, however recently the videos have been posting in 30fps and when I track down the source, I come to the conclusion that my iPad only screen record at 30fps. I have an iPad Pro 2018 with ~60/256gb used, anyone know how to help?

    submitted by /u/JakD123
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    Does USB-C monitors charge the iPad Pro at the same time?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    If I use my iPad Pro 11 2020 with a 4k USB-C monitor will the display charge the iPad while also mirroring its display? I know this works with MacBooks. Trying to decide if a desk setup for my new iPad would be worth doing.


    submitted by /u/therealhamster
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    How to make the most out of my iPad?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Hi! I am a 4th (or 6th) year pharmacy student who has been using the iPad pro for 1.5 years now and I don't really think I am making the most out of it. I use notability/good notes for note taking and Anki to study. I did use it to read and annotate research articles in the past but haven't for awhile. That's really all I use it for right now and I feel like I should be using it for more since it is an amazing device. Any advice on how to make the most out of my iPad?

    submitted by /u/irrafoxy
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    Can I use a 2013 iMac as a display for my 2020 iPad Pro?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Hi all. I've just bought a 2020 iPad Pro and want to know is there any way I can connect it to my 2013 21.5" iMac to use it as a second screen?


    submitted by /u/strangeitude
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    How to get a longer passcode for restrictions?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    The 4 code is too easy to crack. I need a passcode with letters and numbers. I'm trying to limit the amount of time of watching YouTube

    submitted by /u/majesticvenus
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