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    Saturday, October 12, 2019

    Apple Macbook Is this normal? Apple logo and progress bar shows up briefly while waking from sleep since updating to Catalina.

    Apple Macbook Is this normal? Apple logo and progress bar shows up briefly while waking from sleep since updating to Catalina.

    Is this normal? Apple logo and progress bar shows up briefly while waking from sleep since updating to Catalina.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    Installation to Catalina failed

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:26 PM PDT

    chronic problems on MBP 2018 - keyboard and logic board failures

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    My Macbook Pro was defective out of the box and I didn't even know it for months... I got it in Nov 2018 and thought I was having trouble adjusting to the new keyboard (I previously had a 2011 Macbook Air). After weeks and some adjustments, I turned to the internet for solutions (maybe I wasn't adjusting it right?) that's when I uncovered scores of reports about the Keyboard Problem and learned about the keyboard replacement program.

    I contacted Apple in February and they said it was impossible for my particular model to have that problem and brushed me off. It got worse and I contacted them in March and again they said it was impossible and that any diagnosis/service would be ~21 business days. As someone who relies on the computer for work and school that's completely untenable. I found solutions on here (unshaky) and just kind of dealt with it. I was speaking with them in August for other problems with charging and I couldn't even type to them because their chat interface made the keyboard issues worse. They said to ignore any other problems and get the keyboard replaced because that would fix them too, informed me of the expanded program, and said "it's much faster now". I went to the apple store and was told at least 7 business days, but more like 14 and possible 21 because of backlog. Again, can't accommodate that in my work/life schedule... like, I bought the laptop because I needed it, not because I wanted a new model.

    Anyway, my keyboard finally went for broke after some intensive grant writing during the last 4 weeks. I was using a bluetooth keyboard to finish that writing and took it to an authorized repair center recommended by Apple that could do it in 2-5 calendar days. They ran their diagnosis, ordered the part, installed it, and then called me today to say that although their intake diagnosis said all was fine, after the installation the computer crashed and the diagnosis indicated a logic board failure. Looking around here and other websites, it seems that these issues are going hand in hand and there are some serious issues with 2018 MBPs.

    Anyone have experience quickly fixing this problem and getting a satisfactory resolution? My warranty is almost up, Apple delayed me getting the first fix for months, and their customer service is just impossible to deal with. No one who needs a laptop for a living can deal with their turn around times.

    submitted by /u/alexa-488
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    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:06 PM PDT

    Hi so I am not to sure if this is the place to ask but I am not too familiar with macbooks and my coworker asked me to take a look at there macbook. So I can use all numbers and SOME special characters for example (, . / ; ') all work. BUT i cant use every other key like i can dim the brightness and adjust the volume with the built in buttons. When i go to System Preferences > Speech > Speak selected text when the key is pressed > i can press the any key and it will register so i assume it may not be a hardware thing maybe, maybe not. ANY info that can help me figure this out thanks!

    submitted by /u/tobynoyboy
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    Alternative to sidecar (for aging Macs)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:24 AM PDT

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) heats up a LOT, very quickly

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:08 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    Just wondering if anyone can think of any solutions to this. I used this laptop daily for the first 3 years I had it--always ran just fine, though toward the end of that period it started to heat up fast with minimal use, to the point where if I used it for an hour/hour and a half at a time, it would get hot enough for my fingertips to register just when typing. I had to almost exclusively use it as a desktop at that point, as it would get far too hot to sit on my lap regardless of whether I was playing a game, watching youtube with 50 tabs open, or just typing on a word doc.

    Around that point, I got a desktop, so I just used this as a backup, but now I've started using it again and this issue persists. I've taken it to get the fans cleaned twice, informing the apple techs about this issue, but they didn't seem to do much except fix the whirring of the fan that went along with the heat.

    Can anyone think of any fixes? Should I get a new macbook-compatible SSD to swap out? Or just a new fan? I'll take any help I can get at this point.

    submitted by /u/trane7111
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    2018 MacBook Pro Screensaver Glitch

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:56 PM PDT

    After updating to Catalina, my animated gif screen saver got glitched somehow and went from this, to this glitched screen saver.

    I can go back to screen saver options, but the file path to the gif is now "file:///please/select/an/gif/animation.gif", and it does literally nothing when I click "Select File or Directory" to try and choose my gif again.

    I've tried restarting, and also deleting the animated gif option from my screen saver list and restoring it again, both of which did nothing.

    Does anyone know of any solution to this problem? Or do you think this is just a result of this bugged upgrade, and I should just wait for update.

    Thanks for any and all help.

    submitted by /u/ColdxCrush
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    MacBook help - can’t adjust mic input level settings for Blue Yeti USB mic input

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:05 PM PDT

    I'm not a MacBook owner - this is a friend I'm trying to help.
    Connected a USB mic - Blue Yeti. Mic level low and noisy. Searched YouTube and got some tips the - most useful / most likely showed to adjust input volume settings under Sounds. However, when my friend tried that she said the input volume settings were greyed out and locked so couldn't adjust. Any ideas? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/rogerbannerman
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    What resolution do you use on your MBP 15"?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    I use 1440x900 on mine, default is 1680x1050, which i find too small for my eyes. I saw many people are using 1680x1050 even on their 13", that's insane, even on 15" is hard to work whole day with this kind of resolution.

    submitted by /u/avxkim
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    Macbook Air late 2009 repair help

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    I snagged an "untested" MacBook Air late 2009 model (A1304). The 45W MagSafe charger wasn't working so I picked another second hand one today with the owner not knowing if that charger was even working.

    After trying to charge it, I concluded a couple of things:

    1) The MacBook doesn't turn on or charge, after being left charging for atleast 30 minutes.

    2) The charging indicator on the charger doesn't light up either.

    3) I've seen videos where if you disconnect the battery from the main board and then try connecting the charger, the charger light lights up. After attempting this, the charger light still didn't light up.

    4) I opened the back plate and snapped a couple of photos, and the battery seems to have expanded a tad bit. A replacement is still around 70 USD, so I don't know if it's still worthy to try and replace the battery.

    submitted by /u/ZehParaYT
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    Let's do it this way: What macbook air can NOT do that MBP can?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    I need your help. Throw random or not things that you can't do or is too frustrating to do on macbook air that can be done on macbook pro. There's a lot of post about "what is better for me" and it ends up with "mbp is faster/safer", but nobody talks about so called "negative comparisons"

    So...let's start

    submitted by /u/JuliaKyoko
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    [help] screen went like this while updating to Mac OS Catalina. This is the 2015 MBA. How do I fix this?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    WiFi suddenly weaker in room

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    Hey all

    My MacBook Air is suddenly having trouble getting wifi back in my bedroom. It connects to the wifi fine, but struggles to load iMessages and web pages take minutes to load. When I move to the hallway, the connection get seemingly better. My playstation, just a few feet away, pulls 90 down just fine.

    Looking for any kind of direction of how to fix. It's connected to a 5ghz channel, and won't connect to the 2.4 at all.

    submitted by /u/SportingMoose
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    Purchase Advice for Video Editing

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:44 AM PDT


    I'm a filmmaker and I do a lot of video editing, I've used Macs since 2007, I've always had a Macbook but my last one from 2011 gave me a lot of problems and I ended up giving up on it and kept using only my iMac.
    Now, due to constant traveling, I need to get a new Macbook for editing while traveling, I'd like to get one which is as similar to my iMac as possible, this is my iMac:
    iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015)
    Processor: 4 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory: 32 GB 1867 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4 GB
    Space: 3TB

    Which would you recommend?


    submitted by /u/skookum_87
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