• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 2, 2019

    iOS Jailbreak [Release] Rootless JB by Jake James Released

    iOS Jailbreak [Release] Rootless JB by Jake James Released

    [Release] Rootless JB by Jake James Released

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 03:33 PM PST

    [NEWS] rootless jailbreak is on the way / thanks to jake James / eta son

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 12:48 PM PST

    [Update] PencilChargingIndicator 1.1.2 - Added support for Palette and banner resizing - More in comments

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 10:19 AM PST

    [News] Electra 1.3.0 with jailbreakd2 launched

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 05:18 PM PST

    [Release] A better UI for rootless Jailbreak + Compilation error fix

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 06:53 PM PST

    [Release] A better UI for rootless Jailbreak + Compilation error fix

    Hi guys! I am Dashing (Diego Magdaleno) and this is a better UI for Rootless jailbreak by Jakeshacks, many of you where having errors while compiling, don't worry that has been fixed in this version. Huge thanks to this man for the fix.

    I just putted all together and boom, you get new UI and fixes :)

    Might release IPAS if Jake allows me tho, since using impactors breaks the binaries.

    So guys here is the link to the GitHub project

    Interested in my work as a developer? Follow me on Twitter


    submitted by /u/Dashing231
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    [News] Filza R/W to var and partial integration iOS 12.1.1

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 09:21 PM PST

    [Release] LazarusJailed - AntiRevoke

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 12:50 PM PST


    We the jailbreaks.fun team have just released LazarusJailed.

    It uses the voucher_swap exploit and the anti-revoke method by Pwn20wnd and Jakeashacks.

    You need to run the app and press go. If you get a success message you know it worked.

    This will not unrevoke apps but it will prevent future revokes.

    It is open source on GitHub and can be found on jailbreaks.fun


    submitted by /u/useignition
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    [Update] CarrierChanger12 v1.1.1 for iOS 12.0 - 12.1.2 - Now with beautiful icon!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 08:15 PM PST

    Hi, I'm Peter.

    There is an update for CarrierChanger12.

    And thanks to you for using this!

    Also, this is not work for ALL carriers.


    - Beautiful Icon!

    - Respring instead of Reboot after success. (many people didn't reboot to apply..)

    - Respring button.



    Open Source

    It's an open source project. Feel free to contribute!


    Follow me on Twitter

    Donate me

    submitted by /u/iospeterdev
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    [Update] CarrierChanger12 v1.1 - Doesn't need a computer now!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 07:57 AM PST

    Hi, I'm Peter.

    Now, You don't need a computer to change carrier name.


    Supported devices

    iPhone 6s and above including A12 devices.

    How to use?

    1. Type any texts you want in the textfield.
    2. Press Done on the keyboard.
    3. Press go.
    4. Press respring.
    5. Reboot!

    How to restore with backup?

    1. Press restore with backup.
    2. respring
    3. Reboot!

    What is got reverted? button?

    iOS reverts carrier name to default sometimes. So, you can change it again without typing it again by pressing that button.

    1. Press got reverted?
    2. respring
    3. Reboot!

    Open source

    It's a open source project. feel free to contribute.




    Follow me on Twitter

    Donate me

    You can still possible to edit files using iFunBox since someone fixing their FaceTime issue with this.

    submitted by /u/iospeterdev
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    [Discussion] xSpiral RootKit was updated for A12 devices

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 03:32 PM PST

    As some of you guys may know, xSpiral RootKit didn't work for A12 devices, so people made their own fork of it to work. xSpiral has officially updated RootKit for A12 devices.


    EDIT: doesn't work - for now this fork works: https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/amccvj/discussion_ive_merged_altichavoucher_swap_with/

    submitted by /u/LiamMcKee
    [link] [comments]

    [discussion] Thanks so much for unc0ver 3.0.0b8!!!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 08:43 PM PST

    I could not get my iPhone be re-Jailbreak after a crash. Used rootFS, rollectra, even down to device full backup, Then, full rollectra restore. Unc0Ver 2.2.3 couldn't get me back into Jailbreak. And idk why but couldn't download unc0ver mp. And today found this new unc0ver update and Fuck yeah @pwn20wnd and others!!! Very happy I'm back into Jailbreak!!!

    Edit: clarification

    submitted by /u/diddykong52
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    [Discussion] With news of Jakeashacks rootless jailbreak for iOS 12, what types of tweaks can work with this type of jailbreak?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 01:33 PM PST

    [Question] Given the release of the rootlessJB as well as everything else that’s been happening, what else has to be done to actually create a jailbreak suitable for nondevs?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 04:02 PM PST

    Title :) if there were a checklist that would be dope

    submitted by /u/Deybon
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    [Discussion] Cydia Impactor breaks rootlessJB

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 03:58 PM PST

    [DISCUSSION] File explorer on IOS 12.1, iPhone XR

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 02:18 PM PST

    [release] how to rename paired Bluetooth devices on ios 12.1 (PC required)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 03:53 PM PST

    [Tutorial] How to update Messenger and keep old layout

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 09:01 PM PST


    Filza, App Admin, Messenger (obviously).

    Estimated time to complete:

    5-7 minutes.


    The main gripe I see about updating Messenger (and one I experience myself) is the god awful layout they now have. Honestly, the app looks awful. Some prefer it without "My Story" being involved to further clean up the look of it, but for this you can just downgrade to a really low version with the added benefit of no annoying "Update Messenger" prompt that disallows you from using the app whatsoever.This tutorial is for those who would like to keep a few features without compromising sanity, since no one seems to be willing to make a tweak to get rid of that damn prompt (which is fine, there's certainly larger tasks to tackle in the jailbreak world with iOS 12 jailbreak already in development stages).


    DISCLAIMER: I have only tested this between two versions. I am not sure how well it works with other versions of Messenger, this may depend on what version you're looking to keep. However, for me this worked perfectly. YMMV.

    DISCLAIMER 2: This tutorial involves modifying files in application folders. I am not responsible for you screwing up your jailbreak or your device by poking around in places you shouldn't, or modifying something incorrectly. Use at your own risk.



    1. Open Filza, tap the Star icon in the bottom bar, and choose "Apps manager."

    2. Swipe down until you find "Messenger" and open it.

    3. Navigate to "Library/Preferences" and open "com.facebook.Messenger.plist"

    4. Open "Root" and swipe down until you find "MNAppStartupLogger_appVersion"
      Take note of this version and hold it for later.

    5. Open a new window by tapping the "+" icon in the bottom bar.

    6. Navigate to "/var/containers/Bundle/Application" and swipe down until you find "Messenger" and open it.

    7. Open "iTunesMetadata.plist," drop down the Root tree, and find "softwareVersionExternalIdentifier"
      Take note of this identifier and hold it for later.

    8. Back out of the plist and open the folder "Messenger.app" and open "Info.plist"

    9. Open Root and swipe down until you find "CFBundleVersion"Take note of this version and hold it for later.

    10. You've successfully harvested the needed data. Move to Step B.


    1. Simply uninstall Messenger and use App Admin to install your preferred version. Open the app and get signed in.

    2. Follow the steps above in their entirety, then move to Step B.


    1. Uninstall Messenger.

    2. Go to App Store and long press on the Cloud icon. Choose "Downgrade" and take note of the newest version short-string and the Bundle ID underneath it.
      After noting this, tap on the newest version to install it. This is helpful to note only for reference of what you are replacing later in the process.

    3. Open Messenger, BUT DO NOT SIGN IN!!! Tapping the blue icon to "Continue as <your name here>" will compromise the entire process.
      It is only necessary to open Messenger once in order to generate the needed plist files in the directories found in Step A.

    4. Press the Home Button and open Filza. Your directories may have changed slightly, so you may need to navigate to them again manually, as listed below.

    5. Go to "Apps manager," tap "Messenger," go to "Library/Preferences" and open "com.facebook.Messenger.plist"

    6. Open "Root" and change the following keys:
      FBLastRegisterdeApnsToken > appversion > change version number to the number recorded in Step A4.
      FBLastRegisteredPushKitToken > appversion > change version number to the number recorded in Step A4.
      MNAppStartupLogger_appVersion > change version number to number recorded in Step A4.
      last_app_version > change version number to number recorded in Step A4.

    7. Tap "Save" in the top right corner, then tap "Done" in the top left corner.

    8. Navigate to "/var/containers/Bundle/Application," tap "Messenger," and open "iTunesMetadata.plist"

    9. Open "Root" and change "softwareVersionExternalIdentifer" to the number recorded in Step A7.

    10. Tap "Save" in the top right corner, then tap "Done" in the top left corner.

    11. Open "Messenger.app" folder, then open "Info.plist"

    12. Change the following keys:
      CFBundleShortVersionString > change to PARTIAL version number recorded in Step A4.
      (For example, instead of "" you would put "179.0")
      FBPlatformVersion > change to PARTIAL version number recorded in Step A4.
      FBAppVersion > change to FULL version number recorded in Step A4.
      CFBundleVersion > change to number recorded in Step A9.

    13. Tap "Save" in the top right corner, then tap "Done" in the top left corner.

    14. Double press your Home Button and swipe to close Messenger. Respring your device.
      (I don't know that the respring is necessary, but I imagine closing the app is. I chose to respring on principle of modifying files in system directories).

    15. Open Messenger and continue throughout the setup. Once finished, you should be greeted with a familiar layout.
      No ugly blue bar saying Messenger is outdated, and no intrusive "Update Messenger" prompt!

    Closing Statements

    My hope is that my findings can somehow be bundled into a tweak, but I didn't seem to have any luck myself by just modifying these files with Messenger already setup and installed. I imagine making this into a tweak would be difficult for that reason, but I could be wrong as I'm not a tweak and/or iOS developer.

    My theory is that these layouts are on a server somewhere in Facebook's API, and that the layout isn't saved to the device until setup has been completed. When the setup is completed, it looks for the version number on their servers and pushes them to the device. For this reason, I'm not quite sure how much older versions will react to this type of modification. Facebook may not have layouts for older versions available on their servers anymore.

    I apologize if the write-up seems lengthy and over-simplified. I only did this because I want to also supply this information to those less experienced in modifying plists but are jailbroken. And if you somehow manage to mess up your device... well, I will refer you once again to DISCLAIMER 2.

    Thanks to those of you who read through this. I hope you find your preferred layout in an updated Messenger, and hopefully this is something that can be developed upon.

    EDIT: Grammar, formatting issues.

    submitted by /u/_jordammit_
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    [Discussion] Anyone gonna try this out?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 06:34 AM PST

    [Question] Is there anymore tweaks for ios 12 similar to badges and Carrier Changer? I'm trying to get as many of these as I can until a jailbreak is finally pushed

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 01:41 PM PST

    title says it all

    submitted by /u/M1ghty_boy
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    [request] native iOS player in other apps

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 03:19 PM PST

    Would it be possible to replace apps video huds with the default iOS one? This could allow picture in picture

    picture example

    submitted by /u/bigbrycieboy
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    [Discussion] I've been working on something interesting called PocketFinder. It'll be a desktop interface for iOS. What do you think? (See my comment)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 06:02 AM PST

    [Discussion] Just found this beauty, and I’m having a field day. Any tweak suggestions?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 09:24 AM PST

    [Help] Can’t seem to downgrade Cydia Substrate without getting this error, any solutions? Unc0ver 3.0.0 b8

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 09:02 PM PST

    [Discussion] Rootless JB by Jake James

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 11:26 PM PST

    iOS 12 working Jailbreak will be coming soon as exploits are out but all of a sudden Rootless (who people call jailbreak, as its not a jailbreak) are implementing on this phones.

    Few Questions:-

    • What is the use of (Rootless) as its not even a jailbreak & you cannot install Cydia / Tweaks.

    • Why people are trying to install (Rootless) as its of no use

    • Once iOS 12 Jailbreak comes people might have messed their iOS with Rootless & might not able to restore or go back to working jailbreak version.

    submitted by /u/xx_inFerNo_xx
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    [Request] An Update to Palert, Messages Customiser, etc for iOS 11-11.4.1

    Posted: 02 Feb 2019 05:05 PM PST

    I just jailbroke my iP7 with Unc0ver on 11.4.1 and alot of the popular and customization tweaks from iOS 10 dont seem to work anymore. I imagine its not too hard to update, but heres a list of tweaks that I think should be updated along with some pictures to show how awesome they can be. Hope to get some visibility on this, only posted a couple times.

    Messages Customiser - https://imgur.com/a/ybV6Xj4

    Palert - https://imgur.com/a/74H0Q09

    WatchNotifications - https://imgur.com/gallery/9iYaFl6

    Translucent Messages (shows home screen background [blurred] as messsages background)

    submitted by /u/Moonbase45
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