• Breaking News

    Monday, February 5, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [Release] [Beta] Circuit ⚡️ Breaker v1.0: An iOS 11 Electra jailbreak management utility app. Quickly enable and disable tweaks and tweak settings for troubleshooting, rebuild uicache, respring, backup tweaks & more! (See post for details) Price: FREE

    iOS Jailbreak [Release] [Beta] Circuit ⚡️ Breaker v1.0: An iOS 11 Electra jailbreak management utility app. Quickly enable and disable tweaks and tweak settings for troubleshooting, rebuild uicache, respring, backup tweaks & more! (See post for details) Price: FREE

    [Release] [Beta] Circuit ⚡️ Breaker v1.0: An iOS 11 Electra jailbreak management utility app. Quickly enable and disable tweaks and tweak settings for troubleshooting, rebuild uicache, respring, backup tweaks & more! (See post for details) Price: FREE

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:19 PM PST

    Circuit ⚡️ Breaker



    Circuit ⚡️ Breaker, aptly named due to both function and relation to the Electra jailbreak, is a simple jailbreak management utility - akin to an extra-light version of iCleaner Pro. No…this isn't a replacement for iCleaner Pro…but it will certainly fill in the gap until iCleaner Pro is updated for iOS 11 and Electra.


    Available features include:

    ● Enable/disable tweaks via toggle switch

    ● Enable/disable tweak settings via toggle switch (preference bundles)

    ● Rebuild uicache

    ● Respring

    ● Backup tweaks/tweak settings & themes (need help testing)

    ● Doesn't require running additional exploits (besides Electra)

    ● No random reboots from running multiple exploits in the same session (like Filza Escaped, etc)

    ● More to come (maybe...)


    Circuit ⚡️ Breaker should be compatible with all jailbroken Electra/Substitute iOS devices running iOS 11.x through 11.1.2. Personally tested on the following versions: iOS 11.1.2


    Please contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information or support.


    Screenshots for more details:




    This is beta software, and as such there may be bugs or other unforeseen issues. If you'd prefer not to experience any possible issues and/or are unwilling or unable to report bugs that you find, then PLEASE wait for a future update to iCleaner Pro!


    Where can I get Circuit ⚡️ Breaker?

    Circuit ⚡️ Breaker v1.0 is currently available to download from DropBox.

    Circuit ⚡️ Breaker v1.0.1 is now available to download from DropBox. Version 1.0.1 contains updated versions of the install.h and uninstall.h installation scripts. The updates address issues some were experiencing with uicache during install/uninstall (located in a different path). This version also includes README.md which is essentially an installation guide for both manual and script driven installs. No changes to the app were made in this update.


    How do I install Circuit ⚡️ Breaker?

    I've included an installation script (install.sh) and uninstallation script (uninstall.sh) which simplifies the process. Simply unzip the downloaded file, login w/SSH as the root user, point to the CircuitBreakerInstaller directory you extracted and run the command:

    bash ./install.sh

    Optionally you may also manually install by placing circuitbreaker.app in the root /Applications/ directory, setting ownership level to root:admin (chown 0:80) and making sure the circuitbreaker binary access permission is set as an executable -rwxrwxr-x (chmod 0775). Finally, you need to run uicache after manually installing - so the app icon will appear on your home screen.


    Get Switched On with Circuit ⚡️ Breaker! 😁



    submitted by /u/TheComputerWhisperer
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] Coolstar is back and working Again!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:45 PM PST

    [News] @ibsparkes got Substitute working on Meridian!!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:48 PM PST

    [News] @iBSparkes Finishes up a Safemode for Meridian + Substitute

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 04:32 PM PST

    [News] Meridian + Substitute now works with (some) Cydia packages!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 03:34 PM PST

    [News] Here is the compatiblity sheet for Meridian. It's being updated live

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:33 PM PST

    [Release] SparkDev_'s MusicDockX tweak, idea from a suggestion in this sub

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:44 PM PST


    At the moment only early access available to Patreons.

    We're expecting a big update soon to add more features

    submitted by /u/tmosed
    [link] [comments]

    [Release] [Tutorial] How to downgrade any 32 bit device to almost any iOS (TETHERED)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:30 AM PST


    This is for advanced users only and the risk is high. If you ever slide to power off your device you'll be forced to restore because iBoot will refuse to boot the old kernel. You have been warned.

    WARNING: Some iPhone 4S and iPod touch 5 models don't support iOS 5 and 6 respectively due to NAND differences. If you see 'Still waiting for root device' error the device most likely does not support iOS 5/6. If you want to downgrade an iPhone 4S/iPod touch 5 to iOS 5/6 check production date before starting.

    UPDATE: All Github repositories are down for the time being. Use pmbonneau.com/cydia and download GPTfdisk, HFS resize, and MKSysBag if you are downgrading to iOS 6. You'll have to extract ASR from restore ramdisk of any iOS version.

    Read the instructions carefully.

    Remember that you can go to almost any iOS execpt iOS 4.3 on the iPad 2

    First, here are the compatible devices:

    iPhone 4S

    iPhone 5(C)

    iPad 2 (including iPad2,4)

    iPad 3

    iPad 4

    iPod touch 5

    iPad mini 1


    On computer

    xpwntool - Exists on odysseus macos or linux folder

    dmg - Exists on odysseus macos or linux folder

    irecovery - also on odysseus macos or linux subfolder

    SSH client - Built-in on macOS or linux

    image3maker - Used to pack files into an img3 container. Available here

    iBoot32Patcher - tool written by @iH8sn0w. Patches iOS bootloaders out of signature checks, inject boot-args. Available on GitHub

    On device

    Apple File Conduit '2' - allows full filesystem access over USB

    CoolBooter - All in one iOS dual booting tool. Available in repository coolbooter.com

    diskdev-cmds - Only needed for umount; and only needed on the CoolBooter OS

    OpenSSH if main OS is <=9.3.5 or Dropbear on iOS 10+ Dropbear deb can be found on http://cydia.ichitaso.com/test/Dropbear.deb

    dualbootstuff - Only needed on the CoolBooter OS. It contains ASR, gptfdisk, hfs_resize, and kloader. Available on Cydia repo nyansatan.github.io/apt.

    OK; let's start.

    1. Download the firmware of choice and dual boot your device with CoolBooter Before you start, back up systembag.kb, and baseband files if you have an iPhone 4S or newer, not sure about iPad 2, which are located in /usr/local/standalone/firmware/Baseband On iPhone 5/iPad 4, It is called Mav5, and on iPhone 4s it is called Trek, not sure what iPad 3 baseband is called.

      1. Boot the second OS with CoolBooter. Important: If you have a Lightning device you must first reboot the device, if you are already downgraded you must use kloader to reboot device, after you send kernelcache and type bootx quickly unplug the device after 1-2 seconds. Important: If you are downgrading a Lightning-adapter device to iOS 6 it must be unplugged during the entire downgrading proccess. On all other iOS versions and on 30-pin devices it is OK to plug it in.
    2. Decrypt the root filesystem DMG. You also need to convert it to UDZO (compressed) format after decrypting it. First type this on the computer terminal:

      dmg extract XXX-XXXXX-XXX.dmg XXX-XXXXX-XXX_decrypted.dmg -k <insert rootfs key here>

    Keys can be found on TheiPhoneWiki Keys must match the device model and the iOS version. Next type:

    hdiutil convert -format UDZO XXX-XXXXX-XXX_decrypted.dmg -o XXX-XXXXX-XXX.dmg 

    Now you can delete the original encrypted DMG. Finally, use ASR on the computer to add checksums:

    asr -imagescan XXX-XXXXX-XXX.dmg 

    An alternative way to build a read only DMG (UDZO) is to type:

    dmg build XXX-XXXXX-XXX-decrypted.dmg XXX-XXXXX-XXX.dmg 
    1. Decrypt the bootchain files including applelogo, devicetree, and kernelcache, the keys can also be found on TheiPhoneWiki:

    xpwntool /path/to/encrypted/files /path/to/decrypted/file -iv <iv-here> -k <key-here> -decrypt

    Important: You must add the -decrypt flag or else the kernel will be uncompressed.

    Next, decrypt and patch iBEC. You can skip this step if you already have a patched iBEC:

    xpwntool /path/to/encrypted/iBEC /path/to/decrypted/iBEC -iv <iv-here> -k <key-here> 

    Note: Do NOT add the -decrypt flag this time because we are going to use iBoot32Patcher to patch iBEC.

    Important: If you have an iPhone or an iPod you need to decrypt and patch iBSS. This step is not needed for iPads. Alternatively you can use kDFUApp if you have a supported device.

    xpwntool /path/to/original/iBSS /path/to/decrypted/iBSS -iv <iv-here> -k <key-here> 

    Next; Patch iBEC and iBSS if you have an iPhone or iPod out of signature checks and also change boot args:

    iBoot32Patcher /path/to/decrypted/iBSS /path/to/patched/iBSS 

    iBoot32Patcher /path/to/decrypted/iBEC /path/to/patched/iBEC -b "rd=disk0s1s1 -v"

    Note: You do not need any boot-args for iBSS.

    Now repack the patched iBEC, you don't need to repack iBSS, You actually should not repack iBSS, as you may get a black screen.:

    image3maker -t ibec -f /path/to/patched/iBEC -o /path/to/packed/iBEC 
    1. Back on the device, download Apple File Conduit "2", diskdev-cmds; only needed for umount, dualbootstuff, and openSSH. dualbootstuff can be found on the repo nyansatan.github.io/apt.

    2. SSH into the device. If it asks you to connect for the first time type yes. The default password is alpine:

      ssh root@device_ip

    3. Now for the hard part. To repartition the storage. Now on the device type:

      gptfdisk /dev/rdisk0s1

    Now type p to print the partition table. Note the logical sector size. It is 8192 for the iPad 2 and 4096 for the iPhone 4S/iPad 3 and newer. Now request info of the first 2 partitions:





    Note: You should write down the Partition unique GUID and the attribute flags for the second partition which is Data. For me it is usually 0003000000000000. It may be different for yous. Now delete first and second partitions. Don't worry we'll create new but smaller or bigger partitions:







    Leave the first sector default. How to calculate the last sector: First decrypt the restore ramdisk with xpwntool but without the -decrypt flag. Now open the decrypted ramdisk and go to /usr/local/share/restore. Open the options.plist. Now note ths SystemPartitionSize. Now look at SystemPartitonPadding. There are values of 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128, which are how many MBs to add to the SystemPartitonSize. For example, 16 means 16GB device, while 128 means a 128GB device. For example 1500 MB MinimumSystemPartition size on a 16GB device would be 1660MB. Now go to this website to calculate bytes. 1660MB means the size in bytes is 1740636160 bytes. Now divide it by 8192 on iPad 2 or 4096 on iPhone 4S/iPad 3 and newer, and add to the first usable sector.

    Leave the default Hex code, now type this:






    Leave the first and last sectors default.







    Note: If your attribute flags were 000000000000000, hit <Enter>. If your attribute flags were 000100000000000, type:






    Type i and 2; It should say Data after partition name. Example: Data (correct); Partition name: System (incorrect)

    If your attribute flags were 0003000000000000:







    Now copy the unique GUID. It must be the one you copied. Or else the device nodes for System and Data partitions will change to /dev/disk0s1s6 and /dev/disk0s1s5 respectively until next reboot.:







    Verify what you have. If something has gone wrong or you want to restart or redo a change type 'q' or press Ctrl+C and start again.



    This will write the changes.

    Type: sync; sync; sync

    Do a quick fsck to be safe: fsck_hfs -q /dev/disk0s1s1; fsck_hfs -q /dev/disk0s1s2

    1. Now run newfs_hfs, if you have an iPad 2, type:

      newfs_hfs -s -v System -J -b 8192 -n a=8192,c=8192,e=8192 /dev/disk0s1s1

    If you want to erase all data:

    newfs_hfs -s -v Data -J -P -b 8192 -n a=8192,c=8192,e=8192 /dev/disk0s1s2 

    If you have an iPad 3/iPhone 4S or newer, type:

    newfs_hfs -s -v System -J -b 4096 -n a=4096,c=4096,e=4096 /dev/disk0s1s1 

    newfs_hfs -s -v Data -J -P -b 4096 -n a=4096,c=4096,e=4096 /dev/disk0s1s2


    NOTE: If you want to preserve data, only run newfs_hfs on /dev/disk0s1s1.

    1. Copy the decrypted and read only DMG to /var of the second iOS using iFunBox.

    2. Run ASR to copy the DMG to /dev/disk0s1s1:

      asr restore -source /var/XXX-XXXXX-XXX.dmg -target /dev/disk0s1s1 -erase

    To save time you can add the -noprompt flag to stop it from asking 'Erase contents of /dev/disk0s1s1 [n/y]'

    Now run fsck_hfs:

    fsck_hfs -f /dev/disk0s1s1 
    1. Make a few changes to the filesystem. You need to move /var to /dev/disk0s1s2. Now the tactic depends if you erased the data partition or preserved the data partition. First is if you erased the data partition. Now type mkdir /mnt1, and mkdir /mnt2.

    Mount the System partition:

    mount -t hfs /dev/disk0s1s1 /mnt1 

    Mount the Data partiton:

    mount -t hfs /dev/disk0s1s2 /mnt2 

    Fixup /var:

    mv -v /mnt1/private/var/* /mnt2 

    Now patch fstab to match the partiton layout. It should look like this:

    /dev/disk0s1s1 / hfs ro 0 1 /dev/disk0s1s2 /private/var hfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 2 

    Important note: If you are downgrading to iOS 5/6 an additional step is required. You need to generate older version of system key bag.

    First mount /dev/disk0s1s2 to /private/var:

    umount /mnt2; mount -t hfs /dev/disk0s1s2 /var 

    Run fixkeybag:


    Eject /dev/disk0s1s2:

    umount -f /var; mount -t hfs /dev/disk0s1s2 /mnt2 

    If you are downgrading to iOS 7 or newer just copy systembag.kb from the computer that was saved from before to /mnt2/keybags. Keep in mind that if you restore you need to copy the system key bag to the computer.

    1. Pack the baseband firmware - Very important thing if you have an iPhone 4S or newer. Skip this step if you have an iPod or an WiFi-only iPad. If you fail to copy baseband firmware, your device will fail to activate and the device will after 3 minutes panic saying "Debugger message: WDT timeout"

    First, type this:

    mkdir -p /usr/local/standalone/firmware/Baseband/Mav5 

    Important: On iPhone 5 and iPad 4, it is called Mav5, while on iPhone 4S it is called Trek, not sure about iPad 3.

    Then copy the baseband files from the computer to the Mav5/Trek folder. If you are downgrading to iOS 6 or earlier, you need to zip the baseband files and name it Mav5-personalized.zip or Trek-personalized.zip if you have an iPhone 4S.

    Now here's how to modify filesystem if you are preserving data:

    Mount /dev/disk0s1s1:

    mount -t hfs /dev/disk0s1s1 /mnt1 

    Remove /mnt1/private/var/:

    rm -rf /mnt1/private/var/* 

    Now patch fstab and copy baseband firmware the same way as described earlier.

    IMPORTANT: You must erase all data if you are going from iOS 9+ to to iOS 8.2 or earlier, even if you first downgrade to iOS 8.4.1 or else you'll get 'mount_hfs: Operation not permitted', when trying to boot the downgraded iOS.

    1. Now we need to make the system partition a little bit smaller. First copy the encrypted kernel cache (as is in a IPSW, the only purpose is to calculate the system partition size). Next type df -B1. Now note the output of used space of /dev/disk0s1s1. Now calculate the size in megabytes once again in http://whatsabyte.com/P1/byteconverter.htm. For example, if the df -B1' used space output is 1929379840 bytes, that means in MBs it's 1840 MBs. Now add the SystemPartitionPadding size to the output in MBs. If for example 1840 MBs is the output on a 16GB device that means the real system partiton size is 2000 MBs. Next typehfs_resize /mnt1 <size-in-bytes>`

    Next run gptfdisk again: gptfdisk /dev/rdisk0s1

    Now request info of partitions. (important!):





    Delete and make new partitions:







    Leave the first sector default. Now to calculate last sector, divide the output by 4096 if you have an iPhone 4S or later or 8192 if you have an iPad 2. Leave the hex code default. Now type:






    Leave first and last sectors default. Now rename data partition and toggle attributes:









    Now hit enter. If your attributes were 0001000000000000; only type 48, if your attributes were already 0000000000000000; skip this step. Now you must copy the unique GUID. If you fail with this step, you'll corrupt the partitions and you'll have to start over.







    Now write changes. Check everything before proceeding.



    Hit enter. Then type: sync; sync; sync. Now run fsck to be safe.

    fsck_hfs -f /dev/disk0s1s1 

    fsck_hfs -f /dev/disk0s1s2

    If fsck says that the volume appears to be OK, congratulations, you successfully resized the system partition. If fsck says 'The volume could not be verified completely', that means you did it incorrectly and you need to start over.

    1. Most difficult part of the entire tutorial. Now to delete CoolBooter partitions and quickly run kloader to boot iBEC or iBSS. Skip this step if you are downgrading to iOS 8.4.1 on 5C or iOS 9.1 or newer or if you are able to extract Cydia.tar from an untethered jailbreak.

    First set Auto-lock to Never and close all apps from the app switcher for best chance of success.

    Now copy hfs_resize, kloader, and iBSS/iBEC to /mnt1:

    cp -a /usr/bin/hfs_resize /mnt1; cp -a /usr/bin/kloader /mnt1 

    Copy iBEC/iBSS from the computer to /mnt1. Now run /mnt1/hfs_resize and /mnt1/kloader without any args to be safe. Now run gptfdisk again.

    gptfdisk /dev/rdisk0s1 

    Request info of first data partition, (very important!):



    Now delete second, third, and fourth partitions and make new second partitions. THIS WILL DELETE COOLBOOTER PARTITIONS. Don't worry yet, the changes were now saved yet:









    Leave the first and last sectors default. Now rename data partition:




    Now toggle attributes like before:






    Hit enter. Now copy the unique GUID. It must be the one you copied! Very important!




    Now get info of partition 2:



    Note the Partition size. Get the partition size and multiply the size by 4096 on iPhone 4S/iPad 3 or newer or 8192 on iPad 2 and you'll have your size in bytes.

    Double check everything! If you are sure, write changes:



    Now immediately run hfs_resize and kloader to boot iBSS/iBEC. DON'T DO ANYTHING ON THE DEVICE, OR ELSE IT WILL FREEZE AND REBOOT.

    /mnt1/hfs_resize /mnt2 <size-in-bytes> 

    /mnt1/kloader /mnt1/iBSS

    Note: If you are downgrading to iOS 8.4.1 on iPhone 5C or any device to iOS =>9.1, skip the partition removing step, just type kloader /iBSS or use kDFUApp, boot with iRecovery, jailbreak and use CoolBooter to delete dual boot partitions.

    You can just boot iBEC if you have an iPad, however you must use iBSS if you have an iPhone/iPod because you may get the dreaded Dead LCD bug. Now wait for iBSS/iBEC to boot, if iTunes detects an iPhone in recovery mode, now back on the computer, type:

    irecovery -f iBEC.* 

    Now unplug and replug device, wait for backlight to turn on, then type:

    irecovery -s 

    Send applelogo:

    /send applelogo* 


    bgcolor 0 0 0

    Send DeviceTree:

    /send DeviceTree.* 

    Execute the device tree:


    Send the kernel and start the boot proccess:

    /send kernelcache.* 

    Boot the kernel:


    Important: If you have downgraded a Lightning-device to iOS 6, quickly unplug it, or else AppleTristar kernel extension will panic the device.

    Now the device should successfully boot the downgraded iOS, simply set it up, and you will have a downgraded device!

    Now for some FAQs:

    Q: Does this work on 64-bit devices?

    A: Yes, but we need an updated kloader64 that supports iOS 10/11

    Q: Can I jailbreak the device post downgrade?

    A: You can for semi-untethered jailbreaks, beware that if there is even ONE kernel panic, the device will be forced into recovery loop that can only be fixed by a restore because there is no iBoot/bootrom exploit. For untethered jailbreaks, you need to extract Cydia.tar using jtool, because untethered jailbreaks will reboot the device.

    Q: Does this work on A5 Rev A devices (iPad mini, iPad2,4)?

    A: Yes.

    Q: How do I reboot or shut down device?

    A: You need to be jailbroken to do this. First ssh into device and copy iBEC/iBSS to the root directory. Type kloader /iBSS if you want to shut down device or you are rebooting an iPhone/iPod. If you are rebooting an iPad, type kloader /iBEC. Then use iRecovery to boot the device.

    Q: Do you need any SHSH blobs?

    A: No.

    Q: Can this be patched by Apple?

    A: No, since 32 bit devices are now unsupported anyway. The only way Apple can patch this is to patch the jailbreak.

    TL;DR, This is essentially a cross between CoolBooter and GeekGrade.

    EDIT: Here's a source that has dropbear: http://cydia.ichitaso.com/test

    EDIT 2: Here's a link to dropbear deb: http://cydia.ichitaso.com/test/Dropbear.deb

    EDIT 3: To clarify, OpenSSH is only needed on the dualbooted OS.

    EDIT 4: To remove OTA daemons (optional but recommended to block auto updates):

    rm -rf /mnt1/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileSoftwareUpdate.framework/Versions/A/Resources/softwareupdated /mnt1/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SoftwareUpdateServices.framework/Support/softwareupdateservicesd /mnt1/System/Library/CoreServices/OTACrashCopier /mnt1/usr/libexec/OTATaskingAgent

    submitted by /u/Benfxmth
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] 39 days ago saurik said this about jailbreakd... is this still the case? Is it not an issue to be concerned with?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 05:07 PM PST

    When I last looked into what jailbreakd was doing, it was brutal... every 0.7 seconds it wakes up the phone, leaks some memory, and is racing credentials with the processes it is modifying... during which time it actually can't modify other ones for 0.5 seconds...

    Isn't that a bit of a big deal? Has jailbreakd changed since then?

    I'm not looking for an answer from saurik, just anyone with knowledge of jailbreakd.

    submitted by /u/I_am_not_binary
    [link] [comments]

    [News] @iBSparkes Requesting Tweaks to Test :: Provides Compatibility List Link! For Meridian + Substitute!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:35 PM PST

    [Question] How is this possible?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:07 PM PST

    [Discussion] No, Electra doesn't bootloop your freshly installed tweakless iPhone. You probably forgot to change your "root" and "mobile" default password and got SSHed in a public Wifi.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:11 PM PST

    Electra installs dropbear (a SSH server), so if you don't change your root and mobile password right away, just blame yourself.

    When you buy a new wifi router, you don't leave it on its default password. Do the same with your iDevices.

    Also bootloops happen only to clueless impatient users who blindly install stuff without even understanding what they are doing.

    I've tested close to a 100 tweaks on my "Electralized" iPhone X and it's still rocking.

    submitted by /u/AOU_
    [link] [comments]

    [NEWS] Looks like Ben has Cylinder running on Meridian!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:10 PM PST

    [Request] BioProtect for iOS 11 please, it’s one of the features i’ve missed the most from yalu :)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 06:57 AM PST

    [News] JTool has been updated to v1.0!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 02:51 PM PST

    [Release] You can now buy Pikabu from pikabu.io

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 08:23 AM PST

    Well, there's been a bit of delay but after a hell alot of work I think it's finally good enough for me to say that pikabu.io is ready for everyone to visit!

    For peope who would like to purchase Pikabu but didn't preorder, you can now purchase it there with paypal. An account with be created automatically with your paypal email address which you can use to login.

    For people who preordered Pikabu, you should now be able to login to it with the email you provided me in your paypal payment and download the latest version of Pikabu whenever you want. If you have preordered pikabu and couldn't login, please contact me.

    The reason why I spent so much time setting up pikabu.io is not just because I see it as a platform for me to distribute my current and future work as user-friendly as possible without cydia (which I know will be coming out relatively soon) or any other online paid subscription service, as I know it's not the best way of software disturbution, but also because of the greater amount of freedom for me to hold any kind of special offers and discounts, or rewarding long-time users for their continuing support. As we are just moving into the new era of jailbreaking with Electra, I want to make developing and publishing jailbreak tweaks a long term and continuous process for me.

    I have loads of tweak ideas in my head and after finishing this website I can finally work on those now, please look forward to my future work!

    submitted by /u/pikabu17
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] I may get a lot of hate for this, so im anticipating it - but am I the only one that thinks the “wen eta” jokes are so overplayed and dried out?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 07:52 AM PST

    I mean, ya, like a year or 2 ago (during the Yalu era) it was fresh and funny, but I feel like im the only one now that thinks its not even remotely funny anymore, maybe even more annoying than funny? This is an open discussion so all sides are welcome

    submitted by /u/BenJmanCarroll
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] Scroll Shot (Scrolling Screenshots)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 07:06 PM PST

    [Question] Does Controllers For All work on iOS 11

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 11:53 PM PST

    Can someone test this?

    submitted by /u/Cemre2017
    [link] [comments]

    [discussion] I took the plunge and jailbroke my 6s with goblin and one issue.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 09:58 PM PST

    I was waiting for more stability updates, been following the github to track issues. I wanted to jailbreak so I could finally run emulators without resigning and a dark mode, and I cleaner pro for my main tweaks. I used RC2 build and it took 2 tries and I was jailbroken. Upon jailbroken I installed ext3nder which is great. One question to those using this, what does "resign when missing X days mean in the menu "? Extender reloaded makes it easier by stating "resign applications when X days left ". Now the issues that I've run into, applications reset and I needed to login back into them. One application in particular zing box a manga reader won't open and crashes. Anybody on 10.3:3 using goblin would care to check if it runs on your phone. The app is free. I may have the touch id issue but it doesn't bother me much.

    submitted by /u/Sarayu_Ganesha
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] After installing electra beta10, i cant see tweaks in my settings app. Any suggestions?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 04:30 PM PST

    [Question] Has anyone successfully downgraded an A10 device to a lower firmware of IOS 11?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:26 PM PST

    [Question] what happened to Kloader for 64 bit

    Posted: 04 Feb 2018 10:10 AM PST

    A little while ago, someone ported Kloader for 64 bit. Why do we still not have an dual boot utility for 64 bit devices?

    submitted by /u/YingyNL
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