• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 26, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [Release] NoMoreBanners - A working fix for the annoying Open In App banners on Safari.

    iOS Jailbreak [Release] NoMoreBanners - A working fix for the annoying Open In App banners on Safari.

    [Release] NoMoreBanners - A working fix for the annoying Open In App banners on Safari.

    Posted: 26 May 2018 07:46 PM PDT

    So I saw there were some issues and that guy took his tweak down due to another user saying he made it first. I just whipped this up in like 5 seconds so yeah. Ill edit in the source once I upload it to GitHub.

    You can get this on the Aux repo: https://repo.auxiliumdev.com/

    Should work on any iOS. Tested on 10 and 11.

    Follow Us on Twitter: @AuxiliumDev

    Deb File for those of you on Betas or JBs without Cydia: https://github.com/Auxilium-Development/NoMoreBanners/raw/master/com.macs.nomorebanners_0.0.1_iphoneos-arm.deb (If you do not have some form of Substrate don't use dpkg rather manually extract it!)


    EDIT: Here's the source.. I didn't copy anybody it's literally 8 lines of code.. https://github.com/Auxilium-Development/NoMoreBanners

    submitted by /u/thecoderkiller
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    [Request] Place Control Center / CC Icons on Homescreen

    Posted: 26 May 2018 03:00 PM PDT

    [Update] [News] Parallax-live’s development (the animated parallax wallpaper) has been temporarily suspended

    Posted: 26 May 2018 06:33 PM PDT

    I'll give it to you guys straight. For the time being the tweak/lockscreen widget "parallax-live" will not be worked on for the following reasons:

    • My only test device is destroyed
    • my computer is unusable

    A water leak caused this and has fucked me over immensely. I'm working on getting both back.

    Reference: https://reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/8lixt9/upcoming_animated_parallax_wallpapers_and_an/

    Thank you for understanding. If I can get my old computer working and a cheap test device I should be back in development mode in two days.

    • OvercookedFish
    submitted by /u/Entity001
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    [Discussion] Look at Cydia Geek’s behavior. He used my features that I created in a package that he made and put himself as the author. I ask him to remove it, reminding him that as the creator of the article, I am automatically protected by copyright law. Then he takes it lightly and blocks me.

    Posted: 26 May 2018 05:24 PM PDT

    [Request] A tweak to make apple music like this again where the color matches the album artwork

    Posted: 26 May 2018 06:33 AM PDT

    [Question] Is there a tweak that automatically closes the “view/use the app instead” window on safari?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 08:46 AM PDT

    [Request] Tweak to bring back the old iOS album artwork mosaic view!

    Posted: 26 May 2018 04:51 PM PDT

    [News] Real reason why AdjustNotification was removed by JunesIphone

    Posted: 26 May 2018 08:44 PM PDT


    AdjustNotificaitons which LaughingQuoll will recreate.

    • Positioning: Switch that enables/disables it.
    • User inputs a value and it will move notifications down or up.

    • Full width bubbles: Allows full width chat bubbles LS, NC and SB.

    • Full width widgets: Full width widget bubbles.

    • Adjust widget corner radius: Switch

    • Adjust bubble corner radius: Switch

    • Slider which allows you to drag to pick corner radius value.

    • Disable bubble blur (disables bubble bg blur)

    • Disable bubble title: Removes title from bubbles

    • Disable bubble icon: Removes icon from bubbles

    • Disable bubble date: Removes date from bubbles

    Note: If you remove the icon you should make sure time is moved over (duh)

    • Enable color bubbles: Switch
    • Select a bubble color: allows you to select a bubble color
    • Select a text color: allows you to select a bubble text color
    • Slider that allows you to adjust the opacity of the color chosen.
    • (Unreleased feature was an option to adjust text opacity, it was finished but still being tested)

    • SBBanner at top: Switch (sticks notifications to the top of the screen)

    • SB Custom banner position: Allows user to define the position of the springboard notification.

    • Send notification option: Allows a user to send a notification.

    Last note. Everything had a switch. You could disable everything and the notification would be stock. I made damn sure that happened (Unlike a lot of tweaks)

    Color options and width worked everywhere not just the LS.

    Tweet stating he will recreate AdjustNotification and the reason this list is even here: https://twitter.com/LaughingQuoll/status/1000320525044858880

    The Noctis incompatibility with AdjustNotifications from @junesiphone is total BS and just lazy coding on his half.

    I will be recreating the tweak not because I want to, but so that users can use both at the same time.

    I don't communicate with LQ. I'm sure that's why he has talked so much shit about me today and any other day. I just don't like how he "operates". (In real life) I don't deal with people like this, so I won't online either. As far as this lazy coding i've worked multiple times even redoing methods I had to try and make it work with Noctis. I even looped over views (instead of just grabbing them) to catch whatever views he puts there (WHY DO THIS JUST TO EDIT A COLOR OF A VIEW) anyways we got it to work but other weird bugs happened. So I wrote it off as not compatible. Stating in my depiction that it was not compatible with Noctis. No one read this so I added it to conflicts as I was tired of hearing about it.

    I see many different reports with Noctis other than the compatibility of this tweak that it made no sense to work with it. I even looked at the reviews on Packix. Doesn't seem like the perfect tweak by any stretch of the imagination. I couldn't make it compatible with Noctis so that was that. It wasn't I didn't try at all and it can't be because i'm lazy as a ton of time went into this tweak and I was continually updating it. Again I don't talk (or care to) talk to LQ but as stated he is going to remake AdjustNotifications therefore I have removed it from my repo.

    I also removed it as it can no longer be the topic of discussion. I'm done with it. I keep drama like this kindergarten shit out of my life. Life is way too short to deal with it.

    Sorry for wasting your time with this tweak. At the end of the day it's just a tweak.

    submitted by /u/PundaiNayai
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    [Question] What is the point of the APFS snapshot

    Posted: 26 May 2018 09:00 PM PDT

    Ok so as we all know when you first jailbreak using Electra it makes an apfs snapshot. So basically what is it. What does it do. And how do you use it.

    submitted by /u/Freestyler589yt
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    [Question] Mount/access USB drives in iOS 11 Filza?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 02:24 PM PDT

    One of my favorite features of iFile was the ability to use the camera connection kit + USB drives for extra storage. After creating a symbolic link you could index the drive in Kodi which was soooo useful and awesome.

    Is there any way to do this in Filza? I can't figure where the drive is mounted.

    submitted by /u/aneraobai
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    [Request] Update FolderEnhancer Or Alternative

    Posted: 26 May 2018 09:11 AM PDT

    [Request] hide the cellular connection bars when WiFi is connected, and hide LTE text when connected to cellular

    Posted: 26 May 2018 05:40 AM PDT

    [HELP][WIP] Google Maps Flex Patch for Carbridge

    Posted: 26 May 2018 01:43 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm one of those guys who "only jailbroke to use Carbridge" and in my case just so I could use Google Maps with Carplay. But like a lot of people I am annoyed at how the navigation bars on the top together with the footer container at the bottom take over half of the screen. I started working on a Flex patch to remove those but the best I could come up with was to make the top ones transparent or change the colors. I was able to change the alpha value of the footer container using [[FLEXing]] but could not accomplish the same with Flex. So I'm posting this in hopes that a dev or someone with more experience would be kind enough to take a look and maybe finish it.

    What the patch does so far:

    - Makes the top banners transparent

    - Displays the speedlimit container

    - Allows to change the color of the top banners instead of making them transparent (to use these options the "Makes Top Banners Transparent" unit needs to be deleted)

    - TIP: Start Google Maps on your phone first and rotate it to landscape mode then open it in Carplay. Otherwise the laneselection banner will look like in the middle picture.

    What the patch is missing:

    - Making the AZNavFooterContainerView transparent or a way to adjust the alpha

    - Actually displaying the speedlimits not just the container

    - Any other cool things that can be found.

    Also, I am not a dev and know zero about programming or creating tweaks so if anyone knows of any good tutorials that I can use to learn how to make the changes that I make with FLEXing in Flex please post a link. Thanks.

    ps: I created this and used it on an iPhone X 11.1.2, Electra, with a 2017 Hyundai Sonata.

    My patch: http://getflex.co/patch/Google-Maps-Patch-For-Carbridge/app/Google-Maps/id/42431


    submitted by /u/Poopsquare
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    [question] Any info about this new AVCache tweak from Julio Verne?

    Posted: 26 May 2018 10:40 AM PDT

    The description talks about enhanced buffering of online video. I've looked all over for info on AVfoundation. It looks like AVfoundation handles a lot of the media playback & recoding on the device. also, the description says it works on some apps that use it. maybe it just works for a few apps? which ones do you think? Just wondering if anyone has anymore info, or has tried it out with positive results. here's the tweak description in cydia.

    submitted by /u/iphizzle
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    [Release] Better shape and colors for selected connectivity buttons in CC

    Posted: 26 May 2018 10:33 AM PDT

    BetterCCIcons for iOS11 - Will be updated to allow custom colors to be selected for each item! Confirmed to work on iPhone X, 7 plus, & 6S plus. More support to be added soon. Repo: http://dev4i.yourepo.com/


    submitted by /u/Dev4i
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    [Question] Resetting ios 9.2

    Posted: 26 May 2018 09:44 PM PDT

    Any idea how to erase everything without upgrading. My springboard crashes comstantly. Couldn't isolate the problem tweak

    submitted by /u/YL0303
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    [Request] [Help] I need some files from Flex3 for iOS 11

    Posted: 26 May 2018 09:25 PM PDT

    If you have a jb iPhone on ios 11 with Flex3 installed, would you mind send me a file?

    Just go to: Flex-> '+' (in the right top corner)-> SpringBoard-> ControlCenterUI

    it will load and a file named "ControlCenterUI.dat" will get stores in '/var/mobile/Documents/Flex/"

    I would really appreciate it.

    -- Why I cannot do it by my own?, Flex crashes when I try to creating a patch for anything related to the UI, idk why.

    submitted by /u/PajerudMaximus
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    [Question] cydia error when installing a theme iOS 10.2 Yalu (subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile retuned error exit status 2)

    Posted: 26 May 2018 05:24 PM PDT

    [Request]Show status bar in CC on iPad models

    Posted: 26 May 2018 11:47 AM PDT

    [Request] jailbreak renewal for 32-bit

    Posted: 26 May 2018 08:42 AM PDT

    basically what I'm thinking is something where you can set your date to like a year previous, so that your cydia impactor jailbreak doesn't expire, but then when you start the jailbreak it automatically sets the date to current, and when you turn off your phone it sets it back to the previous year. basically this would totally remove the need for cydia impactor. if any devs are reading this, is this possible, and if so, could it be made? thanks

    EDIT: basically this is needed since cydia extender doesn't work on 32-bit

    EDIT 2: also the reason that the date can't just be set to the previous year 100% of the time is because HTTPS doesn't work right when your date is out of sync, you'll get certificate errors and stuff, so internet/data is basically useless

    submitted by /u/Nakiroto
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    [request] tweak that disables annoying personal hotspot banner

    Posted: 26 May 2018 11:35 PM PDT

    [Request]tweak to remove the search when you swipe right on the first page on home screen(the one with widgets)

    Posted: 26 May 2018 05:17 PM PDT

    [Help]app stuck in downloading status.

    Posted: 26 May 2018 10:51 PM PDT

    I tried downgrading Instagram into a lower version. Now it wont download and is stuck in that mode. I tries uninstalling and went i go an open the app store as if i would be downloading again is showing like its downloading but nothing is happening. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/NightOwlEyes
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    [HELP] 5C: Can't reinstall Cydia or even update

    Posted: 26 May 2018 10:06 PM PDT

    • I'm on 9.2 on 5C
    • After one mistaken button press, I lost my Cydia icon
    • Neither HomeDepot or Jailbreakme will install Cydia again
    • I don't have SSH, BLOBS, iFile, Filza etc (I only had the thing Jailbroken for a day)
    • I can't even update to 10.3.3, it just hangs on "Download and Install"
    submitted by /u/EnigmaUnboxed
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