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    Thursday, February 22, 2018

    macOS High Sierra Question

    macOS High Sierra Question

    High Sierra Question

    Posted: 22 Feb 2018 12:06 AM PST

    I have a 2012 MacBook Pro that im going to install an SSD to soon. I was planning on installing High Sierra fresh, but I read people had problems with things such as peripherals not working, and a few other minor things. I mainly just want to know that if i installed high sierra that i could plug in my external hard drive and know it will work. Just curious what your thoughts on the software are, issues, etc. because i've read more bad than good.

    submitted by /u/ABunchOfSloths
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    Ctrl+s in Terminal/iTerm2

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:05 PM PST

    Hi - I'm trying bind ctrl+s as :update in Vim, but MacOS seems to prevent me from using that particular keybind. I've tried adding the below to my .zshrc:

    stty -ixon stty stop undef 

    This doesn't help, and it's the only suggestion that keeps coming up online. Anyone know how I can get this working?

    submitted by /u/govim
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    Streaming video burning up macbook pro

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:14 PM PST

    Cannot update MacOS 13.3.3 Supplemental Update, MBP won't restart or shut down

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:18 PM PST

    I'm at a loss here, hopefully someone can help. My Mid-2012 MBP will not restart or shutdown. I'm trying to install the supplemental update (with the Telugu bug fix), but clicking restart brings up the "restarting in..." notification. Wether I click "Restart" on the notification or let it time itself out, my MacBook never actually restarts. Selecting Restart or Shut down from the Apple menu also does nothing. No apps close, no pop-up warnings, just nothing (my MBP continues to work as if the button were never clicked). I've booted into safe mode (can't restart there either, same deal). Ran First Aid on the disk, nothing. Reset NVRAM and SMC, nothing. Reinstalled macOS, nothing. Ran fsck -fy in Single user mode, nothing ("reboot" works as intended in single user mode). I also downloaded the update from Apple's software update website, and it tells me it can't install on my drive because it's not formatted as APFS (except it actually is). Short from wiping the drive and doing a complete reinstall, is there anything else that could fix this?

    Edit: Looks like I'm unable to log out as well. The only options that work are Lock and Sleep. I have figured out a workaround, just using the switch user interface to shut down/ restart. This also allowed me to install the update. Found another article online where someone had the same issue and Apple support instructed them to wipe the disk and re-install macOS. I'll stick to using this workaround until I feel like going through that annoying process...

    submitted by /u/butzdarren
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    Obscure Reoccuring Crash Causing me to Lose my Mind

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 08:01 PM PST

    MacBook Pro 15" 2014 Issue started in High Sierra, but has followed me to Sierra and Mavericks

    Here's the issue:

    I'll be using my system, and what seems to have no trigger, it will black screen (LCD, keyboard, logo, FaceTime light still on) and will proceed to ramp fans to max, and then shut down.

    I have to manually turn on the system again. My programs from before are remembered and reopen where I left off.

    I've gone through all of apples diagnostics. NVRAM, SMC, factory reset, etc. I had a Genius Bar appointment, nothing showed up under diagnostics. In fact, I just got it back with a replaced clamshell due to issues with the screen coating, and the issue remains.

    I've tried pinpointing the crashes in console to no avail.

    Please reddit. I'm losing my mind. Have I missed something? Anyone else have this issue?


    submitted by /u/masondaugherty
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    Random reboots on late 2009 MacBook

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:37 PM PST

    I have updated my device to High Sierra 10.13.3 and I noticed that while I charge the device, it randomly reboots if I use it. Any ideas? I have yet to see the device reboot during use without charge. The battery is OEM, never replaced, and I upgraded the RAM. Nothing else is changed

    submitted by /u/BearOfReddit
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    ($15 bounty) I'm going insane. Can't reformat or erase my MacBook Pro's internal drive. Spent a half a day trying to figure this out - somebody please help!

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:04 PM PST

    I have a 13" MacBook Pro that's less than a month old. It's been working great until it froze up out of the blue today and rebooted itself to the blinking "?" folder icon. I booted into recovery mode and tried to reinstall High Sierra - it started fine but got hung up at around 3 min remaining. After leaving it for a while, I rebooted and tried again - same thing happened again, got stuck at 3 min remaining.

    Went into Disk Utility and tried first aid, and although it completed, there were a bunch of errors - something like error (83) getting cib bitmap (see below). Tried the install again and it hung up again in the same spot.

    So I decided to just try and erase the volume and try again - it wouldn't let me erase the APFS volume or the actual drive. Wanted to try target disk mode, and try it from my Mac Pro, but I don't have a thunderbolt 3 -> thunderbolt 2 adapter. So I plugged a fresh external SSD into my MBP, installed OSX on that, then booted my MBP from the SSD.

    Tried again with Disk Utility, still wouldn't work. I went to the terminal in recovery mode (still from the external SSD) then went on a maddening google journey trying everything I could find, nothing worked - I'm tearing my hair out.

    Here's most of what I tried:

     $ diskutil list /dev/disk0 (internal): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme 251.0 GB disk0 1: EFI EFI 314.6 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_APFS Container disk1 250.7 GB disk0s2 /dev/disk1 (synthesized): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: APFS Container Scheme - +250.7 GB disk1 Physical Store disk0s2 1: APFS Volume Preboot 22.1 MB disk1s2 2: APFS Volume Recovery 509.8 MB disk1s3 3: APFS Volume VM 3.2 GB disk1s4 /dev/disk2 (external, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *2.0 TB disk2 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk2s1 2: Apple_HFS Temp Startup Drive 2.0 TB disk2s2 3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk2s3 $ diskutil info disk0 Device Identifier: disk0 Device Node: /dev/disk0 Whole: Yes Part of Whole: disk0 Device / Media Name: APPLE SSD AP0256J Volume Name: Not applicable (no file system) Mounted: Not applicable (no file system) File System: None Content (IOContent): GUID_partition_scheme OS Can Be Installed: No Media Type: Generic Protocol: PCI-Express SMART Status: Not Supported Disk Size: 251.0 GB (251000193024 Bytes) (exactly 490234752 512-Byte-Units) Device Block Size: 4096 Bytes Read-Only Media: Yes Read-Only Volume: Not applicable (no file system) Device Location: Internal Removable Media: Fixed Solid State: Yes OS 9 Drivers: No Low Level Format: Not supported $ diskutil apfs list APFS Container (1 found) | +-- Container disk1 DB8B697C-48BF-4FCA-BFF2-BA8714AF84A6 ==================================================== APFS Container Reference: disk1 Capacity Ceiling (Size): 250685575168 B (250.7 GB) Capacity In Use By Volumes: 209347874816 B (209.3 GB) (83.5% used) Capacity Available: 41337700352 B (41.3 GB) (16.5% free) | +-< Physical Store disk0s2 C529D7F5-F6E6-40C7-A623-67A7D425704C | ----------------------------------------------------------- | APFS Physical Store Disk: disk0s2 | Size: 250685575168 B (250.7 GB) | +-> Volume disk1s2 EA64C387-D3C7-468E-A521-0926D95259F0 | --------------------------------------------------- | APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s2 (Preboot) | Name: Preboot (Case-insensitive) | Mount Point: /Volumes/Preboot | Capacity Consumed: 22126592 B (22.1 MB) | FileVault: No | +-> Volume disk1s3 8A3508EE-8706-44F8-92C1-E3A650846E6D | --------------------------------------------------- | APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s3 (Recovery) | Name: Recovery (Case-insensitive) | Mount Point: Not Mounted | Capacity Consumed: 509820928 B (509.8 MB) | FileVault: No | +-> Volume disk1s4 972B18C9-8AAF-40A6-B70F-CF73E698A10C --------------------------------------------------- APFS Volume Disk (Role): disk1s4 (VM) Name: VM (Case-insensitive) Mount Point: Not Mounted Capacity Consumed: 3221245952 B (3.2 GB) FileVault: No $ diskutil verifyDisk disk0 Started partition map verification on disk0 Checking prerequisites Checking the partition list Checking the partition map size Checking for an EFI system partition Checking the EFI system partition's size Checking the EFI system partition's file system Checking the EFI system partition's folder content Problems were found with the partition map which might prevent booting Error: -69842: Couldn't mount disk $ diskutil repairDisk disk0 Unable to repair this whole disk: A writable disk is required (-69772) $ diskutil verifyvolume disk1 Started file system verification on disk1 Verifying storage system Performing fsck_apfs -n -x /dev/disk0s2 Checking volume Checking the container superblock Checking the EFI jumpstart record Checking the space manager Checking the object map Checking the APFS volume superblock Checking the object map Checking the fsroot tree Checking the snapshot metadata tree Checking the extent ref tree Checking the snapshots Checking the APFS volume superblock Checking the object map Checking the fsroot tree Checking the snapshot metadata tree Checking the extent ref tree Checking the snapshots Checking the APFS volume superblock Checking the object map Checking the fsroot tree Checking the snapshot metadata tree Checking the extent ref tree Checking the snapshots Verifying allocated space warning: Overallocation Detected on Main device: (1+63) bitmap address (57684) warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 104 @ 57746 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 warning: error (83) getting cib 0 bitmap 105 @ 57747 on device 0 The volume /dev/disk0s2 appears to be OK Storage system check exit code is 0 Finished file system verification on disk0s2 $ diskutil repairvolume disk1 Started file system repair on disk1 Repairing storage system Performing fsck_apfs -y -x /dev/disk0s2 error: device /dev/rdisk1 failed to open with error: Permission denied Storage system check exit code is 66 Error: -69716: Storage system verify or repair failed Underlying error: 66: Directory not empty $ diskutil apfs deleteContainer disk1 Started APFS operation on disk1 Deleting APFS Container with all of its APFS Volumes Unmounting Volumes Unmounting Volume "Preboot" on disk1s2 Unmounting Volume "Recovery" on disk1s3 Unmounting Volume "VM" on disk1s4 Deleting Volumes Deleting Container Wiping former APFS disks Switching content types Error: 13: Permission denied $ diskutil erasedisk apfs "Macintosh HD" disk0 Started erase on disk0 Unmounting disk Error: -69877: Couldn't open device $ diskutil partitionDisk disk0 1 GPT JHFS+ MBPSSD R Started partitioning on disk0 Unmounting disk Error: -69877: Couldn't open device (Is a disk in use by a storage system such as AppleRAID, CoreStorage, or APFS?) 

    And here's what the Disk Utility app is showing, for reference: https://imgur.com/a/TVBH6

    Seems weird that they're listed as read-only...considering it keeps telling me permission denied it seems like that may be at least part of the problem.

    A couple more things to note, not sure if they're relevant or not. Less than an hour before that happened I changed my "login" keychain password in the Keychain Access app. Also, FileVault was on.

    I don't know what else to do except to take it to the Genius Bar, maybe it's a faulty drive? Idk. Hope somebody has some suggestions. I'd be happy to send $15 in bitcoin (or any other crypto) to whoever solves this for me :)

    submitted by /u/gullyben
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    iMac Screen tearing after wake-up from sleep.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:33 AM PST

    I have a Mid 2011 iMac running Sierra (10.12.6), and for the past 4 months or so, if the computer goes to sleep, there is major screen tearing and artifacting when it wakes up. Usually, I can minimize, then fullscreen an app to refresh all of the pixels, but occasionally this will not work and a full restart is required.

    Is this a problem that has been fixed with High Sierra? Because the machine is 7 years old at this point, I'm starting to become wary of updating the OS for fears of bigger slowdowns due to unoptimized hardware. If it fixes this dumb bug, I'll likely put in the time to get everything backed up and run the update this weekend.

    submitted by /u/Yurishimo
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