• Breaking News

    Monday, June 21, 2021

    iOS Jailbreak [Free Release] Flowing: Disable paging on SpringBoard for iOS 14 available at TitanD3v's repo (https://repo.titand3v.com/) for FREE!!!

    iOS Jailbreak [Free Release] Flowing: Disable paging on SpringBoard for iOS 14 available at TitanD3v's repo (https://repo.titand3v.com/) for FREE!!!

    [Free Release] Flowing: Disable paging on SpringBoard for iOS 14 available at TitanD3v's repo (https://repo.titand3v.com/) for FREE!!!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    [Paid Release] Digitnetic: Floating phone keypad and calculator for iOS 14 available at TitanD3v's repo (https://repo.titand3v.com/) for $0.99!!!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    [Tip] For those that have a JB and a yearly Amazon Prime account. Amazon is blocking the music portion of the plan because of JB. I called and mentioned JB and not getting full plan and was refunded $14.88.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    [News] Packix Now Supports Gifting Packages!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    [Free Release] Palette: Add colours to your collection for iOS 14 available at TitanD3v's repo (https://repo.titand3v.com/) for FREE!!!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    [Paid Release] Surge: Low battery alert for iOS 14 available at TitanD3v's repo (https://repo.titand3v.com/) for $0.99!!!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    [Free Release] Déverser-linux - dump SHSH blobs from your device even if it's not signed!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    so I wanted to dump some blobs from some old devices, and the only method I found was [Déverser](https://github.com/MatthewPierson/deverser) by @moski_dev.

    The problem is that the readme said it only worked on MacOS, so I made minor modifications (literally changing two lines and runned iproxy).

    (Here)[https://github.com/IlannM/deverser-linux] is the repo with a guide and the script , it should work on MacOS, but the original script already does that.

    if you have any questions dm me via discord: Ilan#0541, or open an issue on the repo.

    PS: if it works, it woks. This is my first time making something like this so if it sucks/does not work, I have nothing to say.

    submitted by /u/Ilan_M
    [link] [comments]

    [Free Release] Unique: Paste your device's UDID from the keyboard for iOS 14 available at TitanD3v's repo (https://repo.titand3v.com/) for FREE!!!

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    [Tip] if you are thinking of buying a youtube tweak then check out [[YoutubeKiller]]

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    I don't know why, but mostly I only see discussions about cercube and youtube reborn. That's why I wanted to point out YouTubeKiller to those, who are looking for a YouTube tweak to take a look at YouTubeKiller, as it is an all-in-one tweak for YouTube. For an example it has PiP, background playback, OLED darkmode and many more. It's a paid tweak though.

    But keep in mind that the scorpion developer is making an open-source youtube tweak which will be free for those who don't want to pay for tweaks

    YoutubeKiller repo : https://repo.ikghd.me

    good luck to your european championship team

    Edit: I forgot to mention the price. It costs $ 2

    submitted by /u/King6321
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] Tweak to remove this panel from Apple Maps Look Around

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    [Request] A long press pop-up feature of iOS 14 for iOS 12

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    I don't know if it's a haptic touch or an iOS 14 feature. I'm talking about the long press feature that pops up the entire conversation like the messenger app in iOS 14 devices, specifically. I also tried researching if someone made a tweak for that already but I haven't found anything so far. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/asdfghjooosh
    [link] [comments]

    [REQUEST] Any Twitch Tweak that gets rid of the ads

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    I am sick of having to watch 6 ads in a row each going 15-30 seconds. Isnt there any up to date twitch tweak that gets rid of the ads completely that works

    submitted by /u/Pleaseeeeeeeee3
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] YouPip alternative that works on current Versions of YouTube

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    It totally speeds up and messed up. I am ok to downgrade but hopefully not too far

    submitted by /u/__babygiraffe__
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] Tweak to create custom camera roll per app

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Is there a tweak that could change the directory of where a specific app like WhatsApp saves and sends pictures from? Basically making its own camera roll per app

    submitted by /u/TechSexy
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] tweak that replaces the clock on the lockscreen with a compact music widget style when music playing, that’ll look dope.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    [HELP] Issues verifying signatures when using Filza or any other method of installing apps via .ipa files - could this be an issue with Appsync Unified or am I missing something?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    [HELP] Looking for the PreferenceBundle for BetterTelegram from an XS Max on Unc0ver/ ios 13.5

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    Hey! I recently accidently uninstalled PreferenceLoader and after reinstalling that and BetterTelegram, I can't seem to get the Bundle for BT to work.

    Some BS about the arm64 dylib not working on arm64e when I've literally used this tweak before and it was fine :/

    Could someone pretty please share with me their BetterTelegram.bundle folder? :))

    submitted by /u/irrational_abbztract
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    [Request] is there an ios 10 tweak for an ipad to make it an airplay device to cast my iPhone too.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    [question] wtf is wrong with twickd?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    I have a twickd account with purchased apps, I lost my password and went to go to "forgot" password ONCE and it said I was trying to exhaust their servers and now I can't access my account at all. If you go to support it wants you to download discord, I don't want to download discord for something an email can take care of. Anyone know what's up with their page?

    submitted by /u/Nx0Sec
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] IMDB app tweak

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    Is there a tweak for the IMDB app where on the title page there is also a section with additional links like: Wikipedia, YouTube, tpb, etc for that movie?

    submitted by /u/CulturalIncrease
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] a music player that lets me turns my screen sideways on my lock screen?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    Basically the title, I want something clean for my car on my car mount thingy, something that remind me of the sideways Apple Maps things I guess.

    submitted by /u/Lanko-TWB
    [link] [comments]

    [question] is there a tweak to change wallpaper based on location. Like when I leave house.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    [Help] CCsupport update boots me into safe mode, Issue found with iCleaner Pro

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    I decided to start updating some tweaks because I had not updated anything in a few weeks. At first everything was fine, but then whenever I invoked bottom tool bar or the normal cc my device would boot into safe mode. I worked on disabling tweaks and had a friend do some when I had to attend something else. We found that disabling ccsupport would fix it. I will keep looking if it is a different tweak interference anyways. Does anyone have an older version of the .deb. I cannot downgrade it in zebra. Is there a fix/work around? Edit: Why exactly did this get downvoted? I'm having an issue and need help. Now you just downvote a comment asking for help? I really hate this community sometimes...

    submitted by /u/SimpleJailbreak2
    [link] [comments]

    [question] how can I add the border and put the icons all in one long cell like shown above

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:56 AM PDT

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