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    Friday, June 19, 2020

    Apple Help How can I solve this????

    Apple Help How can I solve this????

    How can I solve this????

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    My iPhone X had a broken screen and wouldn't even restore (dreaded 4013 error). But it restores fine when I disconnect the screen and digitiser unit. I've now replaced the screen and getting 4013 again. Any advice welcome!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Question mostly in the subject line. In short, my iPhone X was completely busted and I'd given up hope (repeated 4013s). However, when I unplugged the broken screen and digitiser from the device it restored fine - gave me internal memory options, synced with iTunes, could restore from backups, etc. (though obviously couldn't see anything!). That gave me hope that it was just an issue with the front panel, so I paid to get that replaced. But now with a new screen/digitiser unit I'm getting 4013s again, and all I see on the phone itself is a restore screen and the apple logo. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: The plot thickens! I can now get into my iPhone and set it up as a new device, although only by removing the top cable from the front-facing camera before I turn it on (see here). However, if I plug it back in afterwards I can even make use of the front-facing camera, so it's all functioning fine. However, when I try to restart the phone, it gets 'stuck' at the Apple logo as long as that cable is plugged in. But hilariously if I unplug that cable while it's booting I can get it to work normally. So clearly there's something about that cable that's interrupting the sequence. Possibly FaceID related? That's not working no matter what I do.

    Additionally, there is a single column of non-response digitizer on the screen. That could just be a fault in the new digitizer unit I had installed - I can check back with the repair store over the weekend. But if anyone has any insights on that front they'd be appreciated too!

    submitted by /u/Doglatine
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    Iphone 11 sometimes not recording audio with the video. What could be the problem? Normally it records audio fine but sometimes it produces video files with no audio. Happened with screen recoring too. (iOS 13.5.1, was present at earlier iOS 13 versions too)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Does Apple consistently fail this badly with customer service?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    This is the letter I've had to write to Apple after a huge, protracted ordeal with my MacBook Pro:

    Dear Mr. Cook,

    I'm writing in reference to an ongoing and protracted issue with my MacBook Pro. The case number is ****************. The case history should describe the myriad issues, but I wanted to further articulate how unhappy I am with Apple's response - and how my computer arrived back to me today damaged.

    This computer has been seen for two major repairs (display and logic board) and now a third (or fourth, depending on how you look at it) major repair. Quick timeline:

    • In November of 2019, I took the computer to the Apple Store for a battery replacement for which I offered to pay. They refused, citing the battery didn't fail diagnostics. The computer had been overheating, the battery was lasting barely an hour under load, and kernel_task usage was high. All of these are indicative of power and battery issues, yet the Genius at the time relied too heavily on plug-in diagnostics rather than an experienced computer technician's account. (I've been repairing computers for 20 years and have owned Macs since the early 1990s.)

    • On June 12, 2020, I took the computer to the Apple Store for a battery replacement for which I was ready to pay. The Genius suggested I buy a new computer. This was insulting. I had to insist that the Genius open the computer to physically witness the swollen battery. This is indicative of a factory defect when the battery swells with less than 200 cycles. The Genius said I may have trouble getting the repair center in TX to replace the battery because it was failing hard drive diagnostics. The SSD had been replaced third party, but this doesn't cause a battery to swell. This does not play into the battery issue. The computer was accepted by the Genius and I authorized a $199 battery replacement.

    • On June 17, 2020, I was contacted with a nearly $1,500 quote to fix the computer. Perplexed, I spoke with a Senior Advisor and then an Apple Store lead. Both agreed a third-party SSD in no way should have affected my ability to get a battery replacement. They offered that if I can put the factory SSD back into the computer, it would increase my chances of getting the computer replaced outright by Apple.

    • On June 19, I received my computer back from Apple with physical damage that was not present when I dropped the computer off for repair on June 12. Screws on the bottom case door were placed incorrectly, loose, and in the wrong places. There was a chip on the display not present previously. To reiterate, a computer with no damage to the display was received back by me with damage. I spoke with a Senior Advisor and was kept on the phone for 1 hour and 7 minutes while she tried to get a replacement computer authorized due to repeated major repairs and negligence by the repair team. She was unsuccessful. Instead, she authorized a display replacement and a battery replacement and said I would need to bring the computer to a store to be sent off for repair. I did put the original SSD in and finished installing MacOS. The power and heat issues persist.

    • At 3:15PM on June 19, I walked a few blocks to Apple Store, where they had a line and refused to see me today due to the case load. I am unable to get an appointment for 2+ days simply to drop my computer off for major repair.

    In summation, I have been trying to pay Apple to replace my defective battery for 7 months, unsuccessfully. In the process, Apple repair broke my computer and now wants me to wait several more days to drop it off again for repair.

    Due to the number of repairs, countless hours on my end trying to rectify issues (more than 20 hours now, just for the battery alone), and severity of repairs, I believe Apple should make this right by replacing the computer with a comparable unit. I have remained patient throughout this process and have tried to handle the typical hierarchy of Apple support, and have been turned away or had the situation made worse at every step.

    Again, this is all documented under the case number I provided you above. I sincerely hope Apple sees that neither party benefits from repeated repair attempts and Apple-caused physical damage. Why does Apple insist so much on making an experienced user jump through hoops, failed repair, after failed repair? Why, after effectively two display replacements, is Apple dumping money and repair time into a machine that is better off being written off by Apple? The logic fails me at all levels.

    I politely request a call back within 24 hours to fully rectify this situation.



    It may seem like I'm asking for a lot here, but I cannot explain just how bad Apple has been about fixing this computer. For each and every single repair I've needed, I've had to go through their Senior Advisors or executive-level support people. No wonder people hate going to the Genius Bar so much, they tell you to fuck off and buy a new computer or you have to jump through hoops like these to get helped.

    submitted by /u/FlyingPhotog
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    Do you think apple could repair this? Or should I just go ahead and buy a replacement?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Apple headphones broke off in MacBook audio port.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I had a pair of apple earbuds break off into my audio port. This unfortunately kills the speakers on my macbook. I do not think it is bent inside, and I can see the stem that is stuck in there. Does anyone know a tool or have advice on how to get it out?

    submitted by /u/TenorHorn
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    Hey guys , where do you think i could fix it? I thought this logo was replaceable but i didnt found it on market

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Restore backup files onto new copy of Mac OS

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    I am having OS Mojave issues and am trying to restore my backup on a clean copy of the OS. Migration assistant isn't working so I am forced to restore a Time Machine backup.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but this reinstalls the same old copy of Mac OS right??

    I don't want this because my copy is corrupted, and I need a new one, while still keeping my same old files.

    Here's the process I went through where I would run into issues: -Time machine backup -Restart in repair mode (Cmd-R) -Erase Macintosh HD -Install new copy of OS Mojave on Macintosh HD

    -Attempt to restore from backup with Migration Assistant in new OS setup page, but halfway through, it stops with an error message saying it quit unexpectedly, try again later.

    -Go through rest of setup into completely fresh mac, no old data from backup

    -Now restart in repair mode again and select "restore from Time Machine backup".

    I am pretty sure I am now going to be stuck back at square one on the same damn corrupted OS I was dealing with in the first place.

    Is there another way to solve my problem?

    submitted by /u/jxdewey
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    locked out of original ipod

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    So I have an original Ipod but I've forgotten the pin to get into it, is there some way to reset it or get into it another way?

    submitted by /u/Win8tor
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    Macbook Pro flickers even when restarting HELP needed ASAP

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Was going to get this all in one apple computer fixed this Monday, does anyone know what model this is? (Wish there was a question flair)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    I never bought Beatles 1+. I wish I had, but it's no longer available. Why has it suddenly appeared in my library - but it will not allow it to play, saying I hadn't bought it. ARGHH!

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    Is anyone having this issue with ios 13.5.1?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    I updated my iPhone today and all of my photos disappeared. A couple of hours later, a small portion of them came back, but no more have come back since then. Is this a common issue? Does anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/secretagentandoceans
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    Unable to update certain apps in the store

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Whenever I try and update an app it says that the developer has removed the app from the AppStore. I tried updating reddit just now and it says that it was removed. Has this happened to anyone else and how do I fix it?

    submitted by /u/LonzaviousBall
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    Is there an easy way to install OS on new SSD for macbook 2012?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    I bought a 1TB Crucial MX500 SSD and 2x8 Crucial RAM and my macbook model is 13inch, mid 2012 model.

    Before I replace them, the only issue I have is installing a new OS when I turn the system on. Is it the same as Windows where you put a bootable USB in and the installation comes up?

    Is there an easy easy way to install OS on the mac once the SSD and Ram is installed without using sata to usb and command lines?


    submitted by /u/asamisanthropist
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    Unable to get into my phone

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    My sister has an iPhone XR and somehow this morning, is unable to get into her phone. When we try to get into her phone, we have a british guy talking over and saying the time and date if we tap on it. We try to put the passcode in but won't let us in, which is weird, cause we know it's the passcode. Also to note, every time we put the right passcode in and it doesn't let us, time is added on each time. Has this situation happened before to anyone?

    submitted by /u/RachetR3aper
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    Stupid question. Recommendations for what to use to clean MacBook Air display.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    Stupid question I know but what cleaning solution and cloth would you recommend to use to clean my MacBook Air display and trackpad. If you could hit me up with some links and recommendations it would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Darth_Kal-El
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    MacBook Pro won’t go into docked mode?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Hello all. I have a weird issue. Recently I got a 24 MSI gaming monitor to use for my WFH setup. I have a 13" 2017 base model MBP. I bought a usb c to hdmi cord off of Amazon. I plugged it in a shut the lid. It worked once. I can't figure out what's wrong. It works fine when it's open. I also have it plugged in when I do all of this. Here is the cable https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CL2RHX5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7bA7EbYZ5R7PQ. Would really like to use it closed just to free up some space.

    submitted by /u/thatiOSdev
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    Anyone else crop photo/video to then send and them not be cropped?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    When editing media in the photo gallery I've experienced a bug consistently every time I crop ,

    Incredibly annoying, app often previews the photo cropped but when sent it instead sends the fully unedited media.

    Holy this has been an embarrassing glitch, happens almost every attempt in reddit+snapchat+ 3rd party apps

    submitted by /u/poodabs
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    Why does my MacBook get a different Graphics Card Reading sometimes?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    I have a really old MacBook Pro 15" from late-2008. It is currently running OS X El Capitan 10.11.6. Boot ROM Version is: MBP51.007E.B06.

    As this is actually my first machine, I was testing out some things on the system when I stumbled across an "Energy Saver" option in System Preferences. After enabling and logging back in, I noticed something weird. While on the "Better Battery Life" option, not only does the system seems to run cooler, as I get a different reading on the Graphics Card in "About this Mac".

    While on "Higher Performance", the system reads an Nvidia Geforce 9600M 512MB.

    On "Better Battery Life", it reads Nvidia Geforce 9400M 256MB.

    Why is that? Is this happening because the system is limiting graphical usage or does it actually have two graphics cards? If so, why can't it switch between them automatically according to usage?

    If it's just limiting the VRAM, why does it change the name of the Card? This is so confusing...

    Should I be worried at all?

    submitted by /u/Oh_Shiiiit
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    What adapters do I need to use my MBP as my desktop?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    Hello folks,

    I am a college student and with the grant, I received for summer, I am trying to build a desktop setting using my MBP something like the picture below.


    I currently have MBP 2018 13 inches with specs:

    Processor: 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 Memory: 8 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 Graphics: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 1536 MB

    I already have a monitor I used to use for my PC which is AOC G2460PF 24".

    What adapters I should buy so I could connect my MBP to my monitor and how should I set it up? (I was wondering if I should buy a Belkin dock pro so I can connect the monitor to MBP at the same time it charging) Will my MBP powerful enough to be able to be used as the desktop?

    My budget is $750 and also trying to buy a keyboard and mouse/trackpad with it. (most likely magic keyboard and trackpad 2) I'd appreciate listening to any insight or advice!

    submitted by /u/llvll2113
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    Concerning Problem with Apple's Current Promo

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    I'll try to keep this short. Basically, Apple has a promotion going on for college students/educators where you can add on a pair of AirPods courtesy of Apple with a purchase of a Macbook Pro or iPad. During the week I ordered my Macbook Pro and despite already having AirPods added them to cart as they were $0.00 at checkout so I thought I might as well gift them to my brother. However, it has since been a few days and I have been charged on my card for some of the USB-C cords I bought AND the AirPods ($160) despite it being $0.00 on the bottom line at checkout. Despite this, I have yet to be charged for the laptop. Is this a problem on Apple's end or my banks, and how can I fix it?

    submitted by /u/badgersfan418
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    TV Content Purchased elsewhere...option to download to watch on Mac offline?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    I am pretty sure I am out of luck on this one but I was wondering if there was a service that was like movies anywhere but for tv. Currently I have one show purchased on Vudu, one show purchased on google play and three shows purchased on Apple TV from the "iTunes" store. I used to use a chrome book as my traveling computer so I could access my google and Vudu accounts right there with options to download for offline viewing. Now I am using a MacBook so I only have the option to download Apple purchased tv from iTunes on to my computer. I will be traveling to an area with no WiFi or cell phone service and I would like to have something to download and watch on my computer. Can I download the google or Vudu tv content somehow to my Mac? I also have an iPhone but I think I would prefer to watch things on a bigger screen. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/catfarmer1998
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    Apple Pencil (1st gen) stuck at 0%

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    My Apple Pen is stuck at 0% despite being plugged in for over an hour. The pen does work, though. I used it for about 15 mins with no issues, so it seems like it's able to hold power or something. Is there a way to fix this?

    submitted by /u/sunny1cat
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    My iPhone 11 has bricked and won’t turn on

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    My iPhone 11 has blackscreened and won't turn back on. It won't hard reset even when charging and it won't connect to my computer. I've had it 2 weeks...

    submitted by /u/SoulZzStar
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