• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    iOS Jailbreak [Giveaway] 500,000 Subscriber Giveaway | Day 9 & 10 Results | All Days Winner Info

    iOS Jailbreak [Giveaway] 500,000 Subscriber Giveaway | Day 9 & 10 Results | All Days Winner Info

    [Giveaway] 500,000 Subscriber Giveaway | Day 9 & 10 Results | All Days Winner Info

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Original Post


    But before we announce the winners... read the following:

    The winner forms are going to close 24 hours after this post goes live. If you don't fill it out by then, you forfeit your prize and it will go towards a day 11 giveaway. Also, if you fill out the form with an incorrect username, you forfeit your prize.

    After the form closes, myself and some helpers will go through the entries and confirm that everything lines up. Suspected cheaters will be DM'd and if their stories don't line up, their prizes will be forfeited.

    At the time of posting this, there are still a few more giveaways happening on Discord.

    Once the day 11 giveaway is over and all the prizes are verified (Day 11 winners will get a new link), we will begin giving out prizes. So please be patient on that. Prizes on Packix, Twickd, GetDelta, and henrikssonbrothers will be added to your account automatically. If you won a prize from the Dynastic repo, you will be sent a gift code. Chariz Repo - TBD

    Day 9 Winners (Scroll Below For Day 10):

    Username Tweak/Theme
    u/aviv2211 3DTools
    u/23Dre 3DTools
    u/TheBlueKingLP 3DTools
    u/meeepacooo 3DTools
    u/cj81499 3DTools
    u/quickquestions-only 3DTools
    u/rdaraujo 3DTools
    u/jquinn092 3DTools
    u/Caveman_James 3DTools
    u/Sk1rm1sh 3DTools
    u/mohibeyki AdobiOS
    u/elishakoch1 AOD
    u/CakeDayOnNewYears Appaze 2
    u/chhoyla Appaze 2
    u/arjankahlon Appaze 2
    u/iamjerrysmith Appaze 2
    u/PrettyHungry1 Appaze 2
    u/mfinkle1 Appaze 2
    u/M1ghty_boy Aurora
    u/kumashi73 Aurora
    u/joyrene1234 Aurora
    u/angelcuevas11 Aurora
    u/Its_thelight Aurora
    u/838199736392 Aurora
    u/Bobo07 Aurora
    u/MistryM4chine Aurora
    u/K0411 Aurora
    u/ianrod30 Aurora
    u/independent739 B3rry
    u/GotDamned B3rry
    u/gilshahar7 BatteryNotch
    u/havardva Beamy Glyphs
    u/F4rg0_ Beamy Glyphs
    u/MegaWhyNOPE Beamy Glyphs
    u/haykam821 Beamy Glyphs
    u/thebesttt1 Beamy Glyphs
    u/jonjon85 Bleed
    u/AjaxLikeTheSoap Bleed
    u/frameon Bleed
    u/inadryseason Bleed
    u/aukxy Bleed
    u/Mikeryck BlueFinder
    u/Kaiserrollii BlueFinder
    u/notmebutmesoz BottomToolbar
    u/lobellomattia BottomToolbar
    u/RazzaBrah BottomToolbar
    u/Kaori_Miyazono_ BottomToolbar
    u/Sleetui BottomToolbar
    u/loldarrenlol BottomToolbar
    u/sultan175 BottomToolbar
    u/mrsidmanfu Centaur
    u/rayman641 ChatSpeaker
    u/Bubertino ChatSpeaker
    u/FunkyBlunt ChatSpeaker
    u/b0tacc ChatSpeaker
    u/TheReacher ChatSpeaker
    u/shampoolegs Circloid
    u/Exoker01 Circloid Dark
    u/Ohmygodzilla_ Classy
    u/jn3jx Complications
    u/dannyminhas123 Complications
    u/FrozinFier CopyLog
    u/d1uis CPUTool
    u/TinQ0 Darker
    u/wbraffman Darker
    u/RealBrianDuong Darker
    u/viniciusnrc Darker
    u/sween64 Darker
    u/Framdark69 Fladient
    u/minecrafterty1 Flex 3
    u/YatinYuri Flex 3
    u/Satan214 Flex 3
    u/Final-Hawk Flex 3
    u/TheRasPiGuy Flex 3
    u/hero3210 FlixRatings
    u/lebombastic FloatingDockPlus13
    u/Bill804 FloatingDockPlus13
    u/Nixugay Flow
    u/NatsuDzn Glyphy
    u/AndrewT_1 HS13
    u/jaloos HS13
    u/L_I-Am HS13
    u/hiimecho HS13
    u/Nonoone HS13 Beta
    u/mikoshatel HS13 Beta
    u/fireagentk HSketch!
    u/giannisnrch HSketch!
    u/Qasim311 HSketch!
    u/axerlion HSketch!
    u/iamScrubble InstaLauncher
    u/DoomGuy077 Jumper
    u/bestroms93 Kalm
    u/BenjaminYu_0219 Keyboard Plus
    u/giMMe_gAmeS Keyboard Plus
    u/JMLindeN Keyboard Plus
    u/DoubleR7 Keyboard Plus
    u/Dennis_bonke Keyboard Plus
    u/OliverTrades Keyboard Plus
    u/sup-re-me Keyboard Plus
    u/Sorrow7 Keyboard Plus
    u/iwfjoanna Keyboard Plus
    u/jack980517 KillX Pro
    u/____ACHIYA____ KillX Pro
    u/JRK-7 KillX Pro
    u/Cloudanator Liaca
    u/turtl3rs Liaca
    u/MrBeat93 Liaca
    u/mathguy2003 Liaca
    u/0wdj Liaca
    u/eizaemon_the_third Liaca
    u/__aakarsh Liaca
    u/rcpag1103 Liaca
    u/Coolymike Liaca
    u/19card Liaca
    u/humunguschungus1 Liaca
    u/gglelian Liaca
    u/Just-Shock Liaca
    u/Ntdark Logicons for iOS
    u/Tradgedgdegedgey Lynx
    u/ZenIsBestWolf Lynx
    u/KerbalFromDiscord Lynx
    u/Football_Inc Lyricify
    u/N1ghtrain Lyricify
    u/Customality Lyricify
    u/Chipring13 Lyricify
    u/encryptem Lyricify
    u/_firecracker Lyricify
    u/Lac0ste Marque
    u/NGSYT Marque
    u/DadoumCrafter Marque
    u/GoodShootingsTM Marque
    u/FrEeMiKi Marque
    u/Hypocrites_begone Marque
    u/efeaydin_ NextUp 2
    u/akHyG OneHandWizard 2
    u/vladaad QuickLS
    u/nyuszika7h Shortlook
    u/IfYouWoooshUrGay Springtomize 5
    u/Konner1001 Springtomize 5
    u/webbgamers SwipeExtenderX
    u/arabyiphone SwipeExtenderX
    u/MambaCla97 SwitchShades
    u/tokilokit SwitchShades
    u/Skwad29 TrueTube
    u/Gio_bugs TrueTube
    u/cupboard_ Velox
    u/JeleiaFish Velox
    u/froggodog Veza
    u/BlazikReign ZeZe

    Day 10 Winners:

    Username Tweak/Theme
    u/Siraj588 3DTools
    u/Wisnam 3DTools
    u/painfulbunny__ 3DTools
    u/SFM3 3DTools
    u/vickey97 3DTools
    u/thijsderk 3DTools
    u/Prranav 3DTools
    u/REALsteve859 3DTools
    u/mintyclear 3DTools
    u/Shadowarrior64 3DTools
    u/DanscoRed AdobiOS
    u/XolothM Appaze 2
    u/IliaOhadi Appaze 2
    u/supapete Appaze 2
    u/didnotsub Appaze 2
    u/burkybang Appaze 2
    u/levent2954 Aurora
    u/WizLiz Aurora
    u/Snarvix Aurora
    u/Evil_Puppy Aurora
    u/BupMaster Aurora
    u/PermanentTwix Aurora
    u/preston_p Aurora
    u/chuachuabinks Aurora
    u/invmini Aurora
    u/iPhoneguy101244 Aurora
    u/Jakesnake523 B3rry
    u/Kienio B3rry
    u/Im-Darkness Beamy Glyphs
    u/YatinYuri Beamy Glyphs
    u/craymotherlol Beamy Glyphs
    u/BugraK Beamy Glyphs
    u/Puntoz Beamy Glyphs
    u/theIuser Bleed
    u/FerasSowan Bleed
    u/L_I-Am Bleed
    u/BlazikReign Bleed
    u/FunkyBlunt Bleed
    u/Yung_Nacho BlueFinder
    u/Sorrow7 BottomToolbar
    u/Aliennnn129 BottomToolbar
    u/NatsuDzn BottomToolbar
    u/leandroprz BottomToolbar
    u/healerx BottomToolbar
    u/Jeisonx3 BottomToolbar
    u/aviv2211 BottomToolbar
    u/MentalStomachPunch BottomToolbar
    u/jiqgs ChatSpeaker
    u/sriawsome ChatSpeaker
    u/fuhzbot ChatSpeaker
    u/NickyD_ ChatSpeaker
    u/Bulldog3321 Circloid
    u/Aamir_F Circloid Dark
    u/Xx_Chunky_Gravy_xX Classy
    u/19card Colorly
    u/fuomag9 Complications
    u/Benetzit Complications
    u/nilbatey Complications
    u/LAYVID Complications
    u/adityameena26 Darker
    u/BBaoVanC Darker
    u/ballinamgee Darker
    u/151010 Darker
    u/iamcomptonrapper Darker
    u/aburri Fladient
    u/Spartacusboy Flex 3
    u/caden3ds Flex 3
    u/ChrisChraas Flex 3
    u/lucky13820 Flex 3
    u/Dawnmian Flex 3
    u/minecrafterty1 FloatingDockPlus13
    u/cj81499 Glyphy
    u/theskullsmasher HS13
    u/ZPinka HS13
    u/TheBlueKingLP HS13
    u/Jelbrekinator HS13
    u/Bobthejellyfish HS13
    u/parkerlreed HS13 Beta
    u/fairyoddparents HS13 Beta
    u/06GamesG HSketch!
    u/UslashUslashUser HSketch!
    u/ianrod30 HSketch!
    u/gnlc HSketch!
    u/Final-Hawk Keyboard Plus
    u/Neveark Keyboard Plus
    u/Thereald24h Keyboard Plus
    u/iTudorS Keyboard Plus
    u/zach57x Keyboard Plus
    u/Nixugay Keyboard Plus
    u/AHeatedIceCube Keyboard Plus
    u/AUSSIE_G4M3R Keyboard Plus
    u/simraffons KillX Pro
    u/the_blaggyS KillX Pro
    u/Mikeryck Liaca
    u/arturo14 Liaca
    u/ThatSmashFan101 Liaca
    u/youremomgeylol Liaca
    u/AllStars101 Liaca
    u/ContraBeats Liaca
    u/PokemonBattles Liaca
    u/Riderixx Liaca
    u/OmairZain Liaca
    u/Humschi Liaca
    u/mangobus45 Liaca
    u/Stardust-kyun Liaca
    u/littleboymma Liaca
    u/el_malto Liaca
    u/The_Yungest_Gravy Logicons for iOS
    u/arabyiphone Logicons for iOS
    u/PETRE202 Logicons for iOS
    u/iwfjoanna Lynx
    u/georgey220 Lynx
    u/ArchXII Lynx
    u/hiimecho Lyricify
    u/adarsh82_ Lyricify
    u/Game_Highlights Lyricify
    u/hero3210 Lyricify
    u/AlbertoBX Lyricify
    u/DaRealPBJ Lyricify
    u/mattp_12 Marque
    u/carlosrivera2712 Marque
    u/_aRved Marque
    u/tkarocker Marque
    u/Tobias10124 Marque
    u/xtrandom3 Marque
    u/Slangin_Smilez Marque
    u/TWC_Dev NextUp 2
    u/dangetty NextUp 2
    u/Totendax12K NextUp 2
    u/imkpatil QuickLS
    u/Xpl0it_U Shortlook
    u/mayorzz Sleepizy
    u/adhip999 Sleepizy
    u/JustForDaMemes12 Sleepizy
    u/ATwoDollarBill SpringArtwork
    u/ale-nerd SpringArtwork
    u/Ruptito SpringArtwork
    u/jhabashey Springtomize 5
    u/AIVD-NL Springtomize 5
    u/TheDefault1 Springtomize 5
    u/Ntdark Springtomize 5
    u/Anonymousrandomm SwipeExtenderX
    u/nigrr SwipeExtenderX
    u/arctrus710 SwipeExtenderX
    u/JRK-7 SwipeExtenderX
    u/roberto-on-weed SwitchShades
    u/Egobrane TrueTube
    u/RazzaBrah TrueTube
    u/cjantonio59 TrueTube
    u/garettelol Velox
    u/SimonGiurca Velox
    u/manalow88 Viola
    u/adoggy24 Viola
    u/Gladiator5000 Viola
    u/ajaycs26176 Viola
    u/masar4 Viola
    u/Unexp3cted Viola
    u/studious_man Viola
    u/microtruong Viola
    u/tannerridenour Viola
    u/DJShadeEmotive Viola
    u/l301 Viola
    u/kn3w Viola
    u/ichsanhardy Viola
    u/KerbalFromDiscord Viola
    u/charliec502 Viola
    u/kerulberul Viola
    u/rhld15 Viola
    u/tshelburne02 Viola
    u/Sk1rm1sh Viola
    u/Rohitwasnik Viola
    u/FlareTheFlame Viola
    u/elisuko Viola
    u/Cheaterstar Viola
    u/ImStray Viola
    u/Kolkacify Viola Dark
    u/omeralus Viola Dark
    u/DovydasPC Viola Dark
    u/nicifor0vic Viola Dark
    u/angelcuevas11 Viola Dark
    u/xeanxedrik Viola Dark
    u/Xample_ Viola Dark
    u/BloodHound022 Viola Dark
    u/swissblade23 Viola Dark
    u/pokeplayer59 Viola Dark
    u/hessen2505 Viola Dark
    u/Mestrecoca Viola Glyphs
    u/36xAR Viola Glyphs
    u/tentaciono Viola Glyphs
    u/ST3RB3N666 Viola Glyphs
    u/luchiyi Viola Glyphs
    u/asingleguitarpedal Viola Glyphs
    u/a_carmen_p Viola Glyphs
    u/boblikestheysky Viola Glyphs
    u/cabelodefogo5 Viola Glyphs
    u/Red1482 Viola Glyphs
    u/thetruesonix Viola Glyphs
    u/honda8894 Viola Glyphs
    u/cycreek Viola Glyphs
    u/RaZoR_22 Viola Glyphs
    u/Eastmont WatchSounds*
    u/fierce98 WatchSounds*
    u/JoePaPie WatchSounds*
    u/labtech67 Watercooled
    u/M4gus10 Watercooled
    u/michaelnv710 Watercooled
    u/TheSoarGamer Watercooled
    u/CoBrA2168 Watercooled
    u/hason7792 Watercooled
    u/Karan-G Watercooled
    u/gr0ud3n Watercooled
    u/The3GamingStars Watercooled
    u/__Axis__ Watercooled
    u/YonasTheNerd Watercooled
    u/zedrox464 Watercooled
    u/01110101_00101111 Watercooled
    u/Stoppels Watercooled
    u/ookic Watercooled
    u/EleventhDegree Watercooled
    u/ImInPhx Watercooled
    u/Debugsio Watercooled
    u/andrewgordnier Watercooled
    u/tafkap1999 Watercooled
    u/thisnickalreadyexist Watercooled
    u/FuckVeggies Watercooled
    u/Waffel_Gott Watercooled
    u/kasek55 Watercooled
    u/_BindersFullOfWomen_ Watercooled
    u/yummybomb123 Watercooled
    u/Retarderad-Kredit Watercooled
    u/HackingtheSystem Watercooled
    u/Ohmygodzilla_ Watercooled
    u/deadlylion55 Watercooled
    u/MC-Grenada Watercooled
    u/danish358 Watercooled
    u/danielesro Watercooled
    u/encryptem Watercooled
    u/Asereht5 Watercooled
    u/RustyGoldGaming Watercooled
    u/0rangeoa Watercooled
    u/Person10802477 Watercooled
    u/_Saddy_ Watercooled
    u/duckJB Watercooled
    u/WilsonDev Watercooled
    u/Gorhu Watercooled
    u/Freep_Dryer Watercooled
    u/kevondwf Watercooled
    u/Sukadia Watercooled
    u/porner6337 Watercooled
    u/-justagoose- Watercooled
    u/whattheclap Watercooled
    u/testuser3847 Youva
    u/saltytoast69 Youva
    u/johndekart Youva
    u/notmebutmesoz Youva
    u/yannip1234 Youva
    u/polyyeet Youva
    u/loldarrenlol Youva
    u/zodeck1 Youva
    u/Bubertino Youva
    u/realtalkmoe Youva
    u/trwbox Youva
    u/Faetrol Youva
    u/N1ghtrain Youva
    u/redzrex Youva
    u/Zlayer256 Youva
    u/SmthCrmnl Youva
    u/findog88 Youva
    u/axerjack Youva
    u/illuminati-CRAZ Youva
    u/DoubleR7 Youva
    u/lewy995 Youva
    u/TotallyLegitOnyx Youva
    submitted by /u/aaronp613
    [link] [comments]

    [Release] Scorpion - Now available on Dynastic.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    [Release]MailMend - A patch for Mail vulnerability by Ryan Petrich

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    [Update] Ryan Petrich: Shipped some iOS 13 and A12/A13 updates to my beta repo.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    [Release] Groups - The wait is over. Groups is now available on Dynastic.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    [Release] iFlooder: Messages spammer -- that's no python script

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    I saw this post a few hours ago and I decided to make it into a tweak, rather than forcing people to use a python script.

    Only works in Messages app for now. iOS 13 is the only supported version but in a few days I'll update it to work with 12

    Demo video: https://i.imgur.com/gTyftUL.mp4

    How to use it:

    • Go into the conversation you want to flood

    • Tap on the flooder button in the top right

    • Select the mode you would like to use

    • Enter your message

    • Select the speed (default is 1 second)

    • Press the button

    • To stop it, simply press the flooder button again.

    You can get this tweak for free on my repo: http://qwertyuiop1379.com

    This tweak is open source: https://github.com/qwertyuiop1379/Tweaks/tree/master/iflooder

    Please remember to use this responsibly, don't be a dick.

    submitted by /u/qwertyuiop1379
    [link] [comments]

    [Release] Eggcrypt Public Beta by @Castyte - Encrypt messages on Discord mobile

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! After a few weeks of private testing and work we think Eggcrypt is ready for public beta. It lets you encrypt Discord mobile messages with ease and swap between different encryption keys and have custom color presets for your texts. Oh and the best part is it will always be free! This is in beta to keep in mind there will be bugs. Feel free to report them.

    Here is a demo of Eggcrypt in action and a showcase of the color codes. (Reddit won't animate the demo gif so you'll have to open the imgur link.

    Castyte's Twitter announcement post is here

    To get the latest release join here on Eggcord or iOS JB. Planning on eventually hosting it on a repo, but grab the latest public beta .deb file there!

    How to use it: Type your message then press and hold the send message button to select a profile, then hit send and it will be automatically encrypted. Anyone with that profile will have it automatically decrypted.

    Making new profiles:

    1. Click "New Profile" then add whatever name you want.
    2. Put in an encryption key, it should look like p~LQkFqG"COynS=8YJ!WGe(DX~R1J;X#M+5"[pH or something similar. Just a random string of characters and symbols.
    3. Put in a Hex color code. If you don't know how to make one go to this site. Your color code should look like #66cc00 or something similar.
    4. Next click add profile and done. You should have an option to encrypt with that key.

    Oh and it also has "/n <msg>" to disable encyption for a single message, "/eval <js>" to evaluate javascript and send the output and /egg to send an egg :)"

    Side note: Here's how to manually edit the the Eggcrypt profiles. They are stored in the documents folder of the Discord app. To easily find them open Filza and click the star on the tab bar. Next click Apps Manager and find Discord. Open it and click documents. The file should be named "EggCryptProfiles.txt". You can just send this .txt file or copy the contents and have your friends paste it in their file. Restart Discord and they should appear as an option.

    submitted by /u/xfahrenheightx
    [link] [comments]

    [Release] LPMAutoLockTime - Custom autolock time in LPM

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    I separated this from SmarterLPM, it allows you to set a custom autolock time while in low power mode.

    No more 30 second timeout !!

    You can set your desired time in the prefs.

    ONLY works on iOS 13+

    Repo: https://repo.packix.com/package/com.smokin1337.lpmautolocktime/

    submitted by /u/smokin1337
    [link] [comments]

    [Release] Messenger No Ads 3.0.0 - Free & Open Source. Now you can access settings inside the app by tapping on your profile picture icon

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    [Release] Messenger No Ads 3.0.0 - Free & Open Source. Now you can access settings inside the app by tapping on your profile picture icon

    There are so many requests for making quick settings inside the app. With this new version, say goodbye to the pain going to Settings app and finding for tweak preferences.

    Click on your profile picture icon on top left and explore it yourself ;)

    For those who got used to ControlCenter module, I'm sorry that it was removed, if you prefer to use it you can stay at version 2.5.1, there is no functionality difference.

    My Github: https://github.com/haoict/

    Repo: https://haoict.github.io/cydia/

    I work very hard to make good, free and open source tweaks for everyone. If you want to support, you can buy me a coffee at https://www.paypal.me/haoict


    submitted by /u/haoict
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] Anyone know a way to do this?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    [Release] [Free] WeatherGround - Bring the Weather right to your fingertips

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:02 AM PDT


    WeatherGround is a tweak that brings weather to your fingertips!

    WeatherGround offers 3 (+ bonus) features currently: * Live weather background as wallpaper! * Live weather effects on top of your current wallpaper * Tapping on the time in status bar to see the current temperature! * (BONUS) If you have 2 different wallpapers, you can enable/disable the background or effect for the homescreen and lockscreen separately

    Available to be downloaded from: https://repo.chariz.com

    The tweak works currently only fully on iPhones (X device recommended), iPads do not support the wallpaper features

    If you are having any issues with the tweak, you can contact me at tr1fecta@pm.me or on my twitter @FectaTr1.

    The tweak is fully open source at: https://github.com/Tr1Fecta-7/WeatherGround

    submitted by /u/Tr1Fecta-
    [link] [comments]

    [Release] piRa1n: Easily turn a Raspberry pi into a Checkra1n dongle that you can take anywhere (Checkra1n)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    [Release] piRa1n: Easily turn a Raspberry pi into a Checkra1n dongle that you can take anywhere (Checkra1n)


    I'm proud to present you a simple tool that let's you easily turn a Raspberry Pi 4 into a Checkra1n dongle that you can take anywhere. ⚠️ piRa1n only works with the Raspberry Pi 4.

    How does it work?

    piRa1n jailbreak your iDevice using Checkra1n.

    Connect the Raspberry Pi 4 to a powerbank. After that, plug you iDevice to the Pi. Put the iDevice in DFU mode and let piRa1n do the rest!

    What do you need to build it?

    - a Raspberry Pi 4 with either 1GB, 2GB or 4GB of RAM (1GB of RAM is enough and cheaper so I recommend the 1GB version).

    - a USB to USB Type-C cable

    - a USB to lightning cable

    - a powerbank (For better performances, make sure it supports 5V/3A output.)

    - a MicroSD Card of at least 8GB

    You'll find instructions on how to build it here.

    Have a nice day and happy jailbreaking!

    submitted by /u/raspberryenvoie
    [link] [comments]

    [RELEASE] [FREE] ClearHome - Turn off dock backgrounds and page dots and icon label. Get it at: https://repo.4nni3.com/

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    [QUESTION] Did anyone tried this tweak?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    [Update] Checkra1n-Linux: an All-Platform Checkra1n Installer

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    TLDR: Since the last update, here are the following changes: - updated checkra1n - removed unused scripts - better self-updating method - autostart checkra1n or webra1n on boot

    Click here to visit the GitHub repo

    Yep, it supports automatically running checkra1n and webra1n on boot (but only one or the other, since I think they can interfere). Here's the README:


    a simple all-platform checkra1n installer

    Works on x86, x8664, ARM and ARM64! Tested on: multiple VMs and some RPis By @randomblock1

    one liner

    download without installing using bash: curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Randomblock1/Checkra1n-Linux/master/installer.sh | sudo bash (note: selecting the update option will install it to your machine)

    how to use

    Use the "Install Repo" option if you are on x86_64. Otherwise, use "Direct Download", which will install checkra1n to /usr/bin if you tell it to. "Credits" is self explanatory, and "Update" uses wget to get the latest version of this tool. "Install Autostart Service" will automatically start checkra1n on boot. There are 2 options for it: checkra1n and webra1n. Checkra1n will jailbreak your devices automatically with the downside of having to manually put your device into DFU mode (instructions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/wiki/dfumode) before jailbreaking. Webra1n requires you to connect to the device via WiFi or Ethernet. Both of these options cannot be used together because I'm pretty sure checkra1n interferes with other instances of itself.

    If you are not on a Debian based system, you may need to install additional dependencies. Just google any errors and see if it means you're missing something.

    Please put any issues in the GitHub Issue tracker. Feel free to make pull requests.


    • dynamically fetch the download URLs from the website instead of hardcoding them
    • add option to autostart checkra1n in a screen instance for easy troubleshooting

    Going more into detail on how this works: it simply copies a .service file into systemd so it will automatically run on boot. That's it. However, the installer also gives you additional information when installing one of the two options to help the less savvy users.

    Info on checkra1n autostart:

    This installation is now configured to autostart checkra1n on boot. This means that your device must be in DFU mode manually in order to jailbreak. The autostart service may also interfere with other instances of checkra1n and cause them to fail. Instructions of how to put your device into DFU mode are here: https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/wiki/dfumode Plug your device in, push some buttons, and checkra1n will do its work.

    Info on webra1n autostart:

    This installation is now configured to autostart webra1n on boot. This means that you must use a web browser and access this device's local IP via WiFi or Ethernet at port 8081. Current local URL: $NET_IP :8081 Note: this will change if the device connects to a different network or loses connection.

    It will also tell you your current local IP, and replace $NET_IP above with your actual IP (example Pretty useful stuff.

    If you are going to just have this at home and can't hook it up to a monitor and keyboard all the time, you should use webra1n. If you're going to be bringing this to other places (even though you should be staying inside for the most part during this pandemic) you should use the automatic checkra1n. Either way, the installer can handle all the hard work for you, and you can literally just copy-paste that one-loner into a terminal and have it immediately work.

    The script works on all platforms, but checkra1n doesn't really work on Raspberry Pis older than the 4, due to their USB hubs being a little funky. This is an issue with checkra1n itself, but I can't fix that so don't ask.

    Anyway, that's about it. Follow me on Twitter @randomblock1_ and leave any suggestions or questions in the comments, I'll try to answer them.

    submitted by /u/Randomblock1
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    [Release] No2Theft3 the most complete tweak against pranksters, annoying nosy people and thieves available on Packix

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    The best keeps getting better! Introducing No2Theft3, the successor of No2Theft2, the most complete tweak against pranksters, annoying nosy people and thieves. No2Theft3 has been reworked from scratch, with tons of new features.

    The main concept behind that tweak was protecting your phone in public places and from annoying friends / coworkers that are trying to access the phone.

    Let's say you're having dinner in a restaurant and you have your phone charging on the bar someone comes by and snatches that phone and tries to run what will happen ?

    Charger option: An alarm will fire immediately when the charge is disconnected, the alarm cannot be turned down, a picture of the thief will be taken, alongside the device location and will be sent to any of two sms numbers you specify or one of the two emails you specify in the tweak.

    Lockscreen: if you have annoying family members, friends, coworkers that like to peek with your phone , you can specify how many times you are allowed to input the password before firing that alarm , taking pic of that annoying person , saved to camera roll and sent with the device location as SMS or Email. Device location is so accurate, as accurate as google maps, in fact it uses the same API as google maps does.

    Remote commands: this is a neat feature that allows you remotely control your device in case it got stolen: You specify a trigger word let's say you chose "remotecommand". You send an SMS to the stolen phone that contains the word "remotecommand" only, and once that SMS is received an email and an SMS will be sent to the numbers and emails you specified with the device location in order to find it!

    Attempts: You can also specify the number of attempts when a failed passcode has been inputted before firing the alarm, and even better, you can specify a coutdown in seconds, let's say you specified 5, when the password is inputted wrong or charger disconnected the phone will wait 5 seconds before firing the alarm, giving you time to authenticate.

    Disable Shutdown: disables the regular shutdown function when the alarm is firing, in case of hardware reset is attempted an email will be sent with picture and location of the device, unfortunately a hardware reset cannot be stopped as it's not a software feature we have access to.

    Custom Alarm: The tweak comes with 4 stock alarm sounds, the cool part is that you can import YOUR OWN! As simple as placing ANY sound file in /Library/Application Support/No2Theft3/Alarm Sounds and the tweak will recognise them and you get to choose the alarm you like.

    Front facing pics quality taken can be adjusted to your liking within the preferences aswell, ranging from low quality to the highest quality.

    Safe WiFi: You can also set up to 5 WiFi network considered as safe, if you are connected to one of these WiFis an alarm will never fire. Extra options: when the alarm fires you can configure the tweak to: Enable Data in case it's disactived, very important in order to be able to send location and photo. Enable LPM mode, to keep the phone alive as much as possbile. Enable Location if it's off, needed to send the location.

    iOS 13 only! Internet connection is needed everytime you enter enter the tweak preferences panel to verify the license.

    submitted by /u/elias1995ish
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    [Discussion] Useful commands/gestures for Activator (now w/ a12 support)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Just wanted to put together a community list of useful gestures and features of Activator. I have had Activator in the past (4 years ago) but haven't had it due to a12 support.

    So let's make a nice list of what this powerful tweak can do!

    Please post yours below.

    submitted by /u/I05fr3d
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    [REQUEST] Activator to support external Trackpads/Mice

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:36 PM PDT

    It would be awesome if Activator supported trackpad or Magic Mouse gestures. This would especially be useful on iPads, assigning gestures or taps to launch specific apps

    submitted by /u/Deckmx
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    [Question] is there a tweak or way to export audio files from iMessages?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    [Release] ZebraSourceFix - Stop Zebra from hijacking Cydia and Sileo open requests!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    The title pretty much explains it. If you're tired of opening sources or other links in Zebra all the time, check out this little tool. :) Available on my repo: nicho1asdev.github.io/repo.

    Stay safe!

    submitted by /u/nicho1asdev
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    [question] anyone ever getting an unresponsive black screen?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    I don't often get it this but sometimes it occurs. And it's really annoying. You decide to turn on your phone to use it and you're screen is black an unresponsive. Until you hold the power button down and volume until you hear it respond; it's still black at this point. Then you keep hitting all those buttons for a couple minutes and it finals comes back. Anyway to fix this ?

    submitted by /u/Diecidal
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    [Help] Checkra1n stuck on right before trigger

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    i'm trying to jailbreak my ipad mini 2 running ios 12.4.6 and everytime it fails. could it be because it shows the not charging symbol? or is that ios version not compatible?

    submitted by /u/0O9Ili
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    [REQUEST] A tweak to use the lyric color background as the main music player background

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    [Request] Tweak to continuously randomize GPS location on iOS 13

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I would appreciate if someone could develop a tweak to CONTINUOUSLY RANDOMIZE the GPS location reported to apps on an iPhone for iOS 13 within a given radius. I would like to be able to set the location which will be randomized around, and be able to specify the distance from that set point in which to randomize in. Ideally I would like to update the location at specified time intervals and be able to add certain locations as favourites.

    A video demonstrating what I am looking for is here: https://mega.nz/file/rL5D1QIC#dEsGLbjYBvkgapcUBTSU207PXCu9EZXJYaYmKCg3U38

    The only tweak I have ever found to do this was this: http://cydia.saurik.com/package/org.thebigboss.gpscheat/

    Unfortunately the above tweak only works up to iOS 11 and doesn't change the location on iOS 13. I have contacted the developer [minuits@163.com](mailto:minuits@163.com) a few times over the years but they have never replied.

    Would really appreciate the help. I haven't updated since iOS 11.3.1 because of this!

    submitted by /u/atlantis197500
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