• Breaking News

    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Apple iOS Does anyone know how to turn off these carrier alerts? They’re driving me insane.

    Apple iOS Does anyone know how to turn off these carrier alerts? They’re driving me insane.

    Does anyone know how to turn off these carrier alerts? They’re driving me insane.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:41 PM PST

    Spotify's new iOS design makes it easier to navigate

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:16 PM PST

    Anyone else experience this grey scale issue ?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    WiFi app data usage tracking

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:04 AM PST

    Has anyone discovered an app that would track app data usage while on WiFi? The cellular data tracking capability in iOS is useful, but not complete. I don't want to jailbreak for the functionality.

    Daughter's phone is mostly on WiFi, and something is uploading gigs of data. Workaround is to disable WiFi and let it run on cellular data only for a few days, though any malicious apps could limit themselves to WiFi.

    submitted by /u/sharkowictz
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    Decluttering my phone

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:17 AM PST

    It seems iCloud is using 10GB of my iPhone storage, so are doing WhatsApp and other apps that are supposed to use iCloud to backup content.

    Settings, General, iPhone Storage, iCloud Drive shows that total but no files downloaded locally.

    I'm trying to free up that space.

    Does anyone know how to keep all my content on iCloud and keep locally only files I really use?

    submitted by /u/aspublic
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    What do you want in iOS14 this year?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:51 AM PST

    How to move photos in camera roll with date data?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:52 AM PST

    So, when you save a photo, it'a placed in camera roll based on date data. Sometimes current date, sometimes a different date.

    Is there a way to change that information as a means of cheating not being able to move photos manually?

    I have tried metadata editors like Exif and they don't seem to work.

    submitted by /u/Beasts_at_the_Throne
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    Forced to use memoji as profile pic in messages

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:24 AM PST

    How do I get around this just display a regular pic?

    submitted by /u/pn_dubya
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    Well We can change our preference to open a new tab in safari in the settings>Safari>Open Link..... The default setting is very annoying, which is to open a link in a new tab with safari automatically switching from the current tab to the new tab

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:02 AM PST

    Should I switch from galaxy s10e to iphone xs?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:41 AM PST

    I use my mostly to listen to music, camera, and reddit. I stream music mostly for at least 4 hours a day so battery life is important to me.

    I've never had an iPhone, and if I switch I will probably keep using Google photos, maps, and calendar. Things I might miss from android life are:

    Customization of homescreen. I've used the calendar widget for years and usually design my homescreen to be minimal.

    Being able to control the volume for ringtone, media, and notifications separately.

    My s10e has a great wide lens camera, rear and front

    Why I'm thinking about switching:

    I have an ipad pro (old version) and use it a lot for work and school. Being able to airdrop files quickly with each other would be so awesome

    Imessage looks really cool

    Questions I have about iOS or the xs:

    Does it have a blue light filter/dimmer screen for night time?

    How's the camera? I've heard it has wide lens and heard it doesn't, so I'm confused

    If I pay for YouTube red will videos keep playing if I exit the app or lock the screen?

    Does iphone keyboard have swipe?

    My galaxy has a option in the alarms for it to announce the time as the alarm is ringing. Any apps or option to do this in iOS?

    Any cool stuff on iOS that android can't do?

    If you've had both an android and iphone, please give me your input. Switching to iPhone would cost me about 200 out of pocket if I sold my s10e and bought a used xs. So I'm debating if it's worth it. Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/houndizzle
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    iOS 13 Mail

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:24 AM PST

    Didn't ios mail used to have a feature that would detect contact info in an email and let you add a new contact from someone's signature? I know it will let you add individual parts of the signature (i.e. phone, email ..) but I thought it used to add the whole thing if you wanted. This may be just a MacOS thing.

    submitted by /u/irambos
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    How to sign into an Apple ID with 2FA on a device running iOS 8 or earlier.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:24 AM PST

    While trying to use my iPod Touch (3rd generation) with my Apple ID, I found that no matter what, it was returning my password as incorrect. On my other (newer) iPod and my sister's iPhone, everytime I attempted to sign in and put the correct password in, it showed the location of my older iPod and a verification code. However, on my iPod Touch 3, there's no place to input any verification codes. Apple support told me that it was impossible to sign in with my current Apple ID on my iPod, and I'd have to make a new one and rebuy all my music. However, I figured out a way around it.

    (Requires another device that you can receive a verification code from, can be any other device signed into the same Apple ID running iOS 9 or newer)

    1) Turn on your device running iOS 8 or earlier

    2) Navigate to any screen that requires sign-in to Apple ID

    3) Put in correct e-mail and password

    If you did this correctly, it should say that your e-mail or password is incorrect, but on your other device you should receive a notification that there was a sign in

    4) Press "accept" on the notification from your other device, and look at the security code

    5) Now, on your old device, type in your password again, except immediately following the password, in the same input text box, type in the verification code that appears on your other device. (ex: In the password box, it should be something like this APPLEIDPASSWORDVERIFICATIONCODE)

    6) Sign in should work!

    I hope this helps someone else like me trying to use an old device with their Apple ID, as it was frustrating when Apple Support couldn't help me. Bye!

    submitted by /u/LOOKADistraction1248
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    Do apps have the permission to read my pasteboard?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:24 PM PST

    If I copy my phone number or address and then open a app, will it collect my information?

    many apps seem to be checking the pasteboard.

    submitted by /u/Wedicious
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    My XR doesn’t make sound anymore when taking photos

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:28 AM PST

    Even when the silent switch is off and media volume is on, and I'm so glad. Just curious if it's a bug. I'm on the latest iOS. Anybody experienced the same?

    submitted by /u/timaries3
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    [Alert] A scam under name of PUBG Mobile Coin Ultimate pack

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:41 AM PST

    How Digital Transformation Trends to Look for in 2020?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:35 AM PST

    There is an ever-increasing competition between customers, skilled workers, and businesses, and in this digital era, competition is tougher. One important factor that can make a huge difference in speed. technology offers every scope for the same.

    submitted by /u/Cingant
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    Rant: last falls’ Apple Maps update made it effectively useless for me

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:30 PM PST

    The most frequent use of Apple Maps for me is for my commute to and from the local light rail station (RidgeGate Parkway station south of Denver). It's a straightforward shot north on I-25. The reason to use GPS guidance is that in the morning, traffic jams sometimes extend south of the exit. In those cases, I need to take the earlier exit and drive a lower-speed road parallel to the freeway.

    With last falls' update, Apple Maps has forgotten where the entrance to the station is. It now instructs me to abandon my car at the bottom of the freeway exit and walk the rest of the way. This means it never tells me to take the earlier exit to avoid a traffic jam, because the only way to get to the bottom of the freeway exit, is to drive north on the freeway. In fact, I once tried ignoring the instructions and took the earlier exit anyway. Maps kept telling me to "return to the route," until I was within a few hundred yards of the actual station entrance. At that point, it started to instruct me to continue past the station, get back onto the freeway heading south, take the first exit, get back on going north, and abandon my car at the usual exit.

    This is insane. This used to work correctly. I've reported the issue, and I check for updates regularly, but in the mean time I find myself forced to switch to Google Maps.

    submitted by /u/bight_sidle
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    Safari Reshuffling Tabs

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:48 PM PST

    Is there any fix to this? I have minor ocd and seeing my tabs that I have put into a specific place all jumbled up is so stressful. I've even tried multiple times saving all the websites and copy and pasting them into either private/ non-private to prevent it from continuously switching. It works temporarily but will reshuffle itself again after some time.

    I'm crying over here

    submitted by /u/xPhoenixFiresx
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    iOS Files app tags not working

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:47 PM PST

    When I add a tag on my Mac, it syncs to my iPad, but not iPhone. No idea why! Both devices signed into iCloud. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/AussieAdam26
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    iPhone 7 Plus speaker not working. During a call if my airpods are not connected but if I play a video with my airpods disconnected the speaker works fine. I restarted it 7 times and still the same thing

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:28 AM PST

    Is my iPhone dead?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:39 PM PST

    Stuck in a boot loop, recovery mode issues error 4013, which appears to be hardware related, but my iPhone x is in damn near New condition. A consult from a local shop says it's the logic board because they can't get the serial.. but I can see the serial when I attempted a restore. Gonna let it die and do a soft reset but I think beyond that I may be out of options

    And my Apple Care expired 4 days ago :(

    submitted by /u/austingutnik
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    Is there a way to remove contacts from the “sharing” bar when you tap the share button?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Title gore, I apologize. When you tap the share icon on anything in iOS, you see a row of contacts to share to. This seems to be ordered by those you have interacted with recently or more frequently.

    Is there a way to remove someone from that list? Like, if I don't want my boss listed as a "quick share" recipient. Can I remove him from the list?

    Or is there a way to remove that row of contacts all together?

    submitted by /u/JerryGaryLarryLenny
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    I accidentally started a huuuuge download from my icloud to my mac, and I want to stop it. How do I do this?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:48 PM PST

    iPhone boot loop issue

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:12 PM PST

    My phone has been in a boot loop for a week. So this is what happened

    1. I tried to send a text and it wouldn't go through. My wifi was connected but it was showing that my carrier was unable to be connected. My storage was pretty full but I know that I had deleted some apps to free up some room
    2. I restarted it by holding down power button and then it got stuck in that loop so when I called Apple they told me to enter restore mode and try to update it. I did all the force restart tricks online with no avail.
    3. I did the update 2-3 times and the update would load and then finish downloading, yet nothing was happening to my phone. There would be no error messages.
    4. I went to the Apple store, they said it was probably caused bc phone was too full, told me to do factory reset

    I went to a few data recovery places because I had some files for work that I need on there. One place was able to make a clone using Oxygen? But said they couldn't decrypt the files because it had gone through too many failed updates.

    What would be the best thing to do here? Is it a hardware issue or a software issue at this point? Should I just give up hope?

    submitted by /u/fentychungha
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