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    Friday, January 17, 2020

    Apple Help MacBook Pro 2014 is fading in and out

    Apple Help MacBook Pro 2014 is fading in and out

    MacBook Pro 2014 is fading in and out

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:33 AM PST

    Need help with bad battery drain. Apparently my apple watch series 2 has been having this bad drain for Months. The usage time & standby time shows the same amount of hours. Is there something running in the background constantly? How do i pinpoint the problem?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:55 PM PST

    Reset iPhone For Sale Without Deleting iCloud Data

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:53 PM PST

    My wife recently sold 2 old iPhones of hers online.

    She wants to delete all the data off the 2x phones (reset them for sale) but not accidentally delete anything off her iCloud account which is connected to her new iPhone (and was used on the two old phones).

    How do we do this?

    I'm an Android peasant so want to check before I make a mistake.

    submitted by /u/datchchthrowaway
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    My Apple watch is refusing to update, and is now effectively bricked as it is stuck in a loop of failing to pair and/or update.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:52 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm having difficulties with my Apple watch and getting it to update. Sorry in advance for the wall of text!

    I recieved an Apple watch series 4 last Christmas (2018) and up until about 6 months ago (not sure on precise timings!) it was used very often. Had no issues with it.

    Eventually however, the watch wouldn't charge properly when i hooked it up to the charger. I wasn't sure if this was the charging cable, or the watch itself. Neither of them show any external signs of damage or wear, and as i was the only one with an Apple watch, I had no way of testing without purchasing a new charging cable. As a result, I ended up using the watch less, and it kind of fell off my radar eventually.

    Recently however, a colleague at work has got an Apple watch and I was then reminded of my issue. He kindly let me borrow his charging cable and to my joy, the watch started charging instantly, confirming that it was indeed the cable. This is where my problems start.

    Currently, i'm getting thoroughly unhelpful reminders on my phone 3-4 times a day that my watch needs updating, but every time i try to update the watch, the download/install via the app on my phone instantly fails. I've tried

    • Restarting the phone
    • Restarting the Watch
    • Restarting both at the same time
    • Factory resetting the watch and trying to install the backup from the phone's app
    • Factory resetting and coming at it from scratch (not using the backup)

    None of which has worked.

    Currently, the watch is functionally bricked as the watch is requiring an update after pairing to the phone to allow me to do anything with it (which invariably fails, either near-instantly or after it sits on it for a while) if i cancel out of the update to try and use the watch without updates, the app on my phone demands a factory reset.

    This has left me with a watch that is either unpaired and un-updated, or 'paired' and un-updated and thoroughly unusable in either circumstance as it never progresses to the point of even telling the time in either state.

    Any help that can be offered would be much appreciated.

    For reference, i'm using an Iphone X updated to most recent firmware (13.3) and the watch is trying to install version 5.3.4 from factory default. The phone has over 30gb of space free, so plenty for the update to download and subsequently installed, and bluetooth/wireless appears to be working flawlessly with any other device i connect.

    Let me know if you need anything else to assist.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Visil
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    Apple iPad Pro 10.5-inch won't power on

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:04 PM PST

    The battery was dying so it was plugged up to a surge protector and the power switch on that was flipped. Every since it won't come on. Zero signs of power. I've tried every trouble shooting step. Leaving it plugged in. New plugs. Hooking it up to a computer with itunes. Trying to reset it. Nothing has worked. Is there anyways to get pictures off of it at least does anyone know?

    submitted by /u/AIRobotStreamer
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    Repair Shop (not Apple) Messed Up My iPad

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:21 PM PST

    hey, so last year in let's say February? i cracked my ipad. my fault, yeah. so, my dad took it to a shop to get it fixed- i don't know where he took it though. so, after maybe a week or so, i got it back. however, the home button no longer worked and they said there was 'nothing' they could do about it. not that bad i guess, a little annoying but hey, the cracked screen is fixed. so, a few weeks later i started noticed little dirt/dust specs or something INSIDE the screen. i told my dad about it (who did nothing and i can't drive and shit so,,). over time it started building up, and eventually it started clicking random shit on the ipad, etc. about maybe two weeks ago, my dad took it back to the same shop. i got it back today, and i didn't notice this until i got home, but there were still two little specs of something inside of the screen. usually i wouldn't care but considering what happened previously,, yeah. so, i turn it on and test it. home button is still working, but other than that i don't notice anything; after a few minutes thought, it randomly restarts. every time it turns back on, after a few minutes it restarts again- it's fully charged and i've tried restarting it myself rather than letting it do it by itself. so, later on when i'm looking at it again (like ten minutes ago,) i start to notice a lot more that i didn't before because i didn't look at it that much. i took pictures of it all, but i'll try explain everything: 1. i'm not sure if this is normal, but at the top of the screen, it's like it's 'lifted' up a bit towards the right, while the left side is perfectly flat. 2. at the bottom of the bottom, (not on the screen,,) there a BUNCH of tiny dark spots,, i forget the word for it cuz i'm dumb but it's a bunch of noticeably darker colored spots on the ipad that ha be a different 'texture' than the rest of the ipad 3. in two of the corners, there's a sort of dent- on the side of the ipad not on the screen as the spots above 4. i didn't notice this at first, but i opened up a white screen type thing to see what the ipad screen looked like, yk?? and,, i have no clue how to explain it but a lot of the screen, mostly towards the bottom, was a VERY noticeable grayish light spot, and they're sort of scattered around the screen in big chunks or something, and my screen is clean on the outside. i have no clue what the hell it is, and it's more noticeable when the screen is a lighter color but it's there.

    i'm kinda dumb so sorry, i'm much better with computers than ipads, tablets, phones, etc- i have pictures of all of the problems i've noticed so far. is there possibly anything i'm able to do to fix the ipad entirely?? or get it replaced? i don't know where my dad took it to her or fixed but i'm pretty sure it wasn't Apple,, so after all this i don't entirely know their policies when it comes to this stuff and i don't think they'll do anything but,, any suggestions for what i can do? i don't have the money to buy a new ipad because i'm currently saving up for something else,, but. i know the reason it cracked in the first place was my fault (funny story, i was bored so i wanted to learn how to tap dance from youtube videos, went to the garage, set up my ipad (i thought it was good and it stayed there for half an hour before it fell), then after like 30 mins it just yeeted itself onto the floor,, whoops-) but it's really frustrating because as of right now, it's no use to me at all with the restarting thing,, and i can't explain it and i sound like a stuck up bitch but it's so damn frustrating that even though i paid to get it fixed, the shop just proceeded to fuck it up differently-

    submitted by /u/EightBitTheorist
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    New iphone cant update gone through everything!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:14 PM PST

    Hello, So today I got an iphone x. When i got home I realized there was no dark theme and had to update the version. When I try updating it just says "software update failed, an error occurred downloading ios 13.3" Ive tried everything that support told me. I was on the phone for 50 mins with the head specialist and still couldnt resolve. Tried updating after factory restoring with and without an apple id logged in, without a sim card, different wifis plugged in I mean everything. So next I tried with iTunes. I downloaded the newest version of iTunes and it downloaded the full way then told me after the download finished that my iphone doesn't have the correct firmware. I dont know what to do an I dont want to have to pay more money to fix a phone that I just got :( if anyone has seen or experienced something similar and fixed it please help!! I appreciate your time!

    submitted by /u/hardstuckp2
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    Transferring files from Mac to iPhone on Catalina is terrible

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:21 PM PST

    So I like that it's just in Finder instead of iTunes, but if I transfer a folder with a couple of gb of files to my iPhone it seems to work, but there is no progress bar or any other indication that it's working at all. Seems really weird. Is anyone else experiencing this or is it a bug on my end?

    submitted by /u/Naive-Enthusiasm
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    Is there a way to save iMessage handwritten messages as a video/gif?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:00 PM PST

    My partner and I love sending each other elaborate silly & sometimes crude messages using the iMessage handwritten message function. I know that I can save them and resend them to him so that we can watch it be 'drawn' again but is there a way to save/export the message into a gif or video format? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/oceanlovesmollusc
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    Battery capacity 98% after just 12 cycle count. Is this normal?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:53 PM PST

    iPhone 11 Pro not showing up on iTunes

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:52 PM PST

    tried all the basic stuff (updates, restarting, other cables..) nothing worked. The iPhone comes with a usb-c but my MacBook does not support that so I used another usb cable, could this be the problem?

    submitted by /u/storm11_
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    macOS 10.15.2 update not working on my mid-2012 MacBook Pro

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:47 PM PST

    I am trying to run a software update for macOS 10.15.2 on my mid-2012 MacBook Pro. Here's what I'm doing and what's happening:

    1) System Preferences > Software Update > Click Update Now
    2) Receive message: "Some updates need to finish downloading before they are installed. Your computer will restart to complete the updates." Click "Download & Restart"
    3) Notification pops up: "Restarting Your Computer Your computer will restart in ## seconds to install updates."
    4) After the countdown to restart from 60 seconds ends, I get a new notification that says: "Updates Not Installed Some updates could not be installed." My options on the notification are to click Close or Details. When I click Details, nothing happens, and I'm back to the Update Now button in the System Preferences, Software Update window.

    A little extra info: I have tried restarting my laptop before updating a few times. I have also clicked "Restart Now" instead of letting the timer rundown during step 3. Neither has any effect. And when I click Restart Now on the countdown notification, my computer doesn't even restart.

    Any ideas as to how I can fix this and download/install the update?

    submitted by /u/SuperKamarameha
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    MacBook Air has “self assigned IP” WiFi problem

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:44 PM PST

    My sister's laptop (MacBook Air 2017, Mojave 10.14.6) and now her iPhone 6s won't connect to our home wifi after she connected to her school's wifi. Her laptop says "Wi-Fi has the self assigned IP address x.x.x.x and will not be able to connect to the internet."

    Its only her devices that won't connect. Everyone else isn't having any problems. She says it started after connecting to her school wifi.

    I have tried renewing the DHCP lease, deleting all the known wifi networks, and setting IPv6 to local-link. We have restarted the modem several times and rebooted her computer too. Nothing in other similar posts is working.

    submitted by /u/Wicked_Fabala
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    Help with a Chinese input tablet

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:30 PM PST

    Hi! This is probably a long shot but I thought I'd give it a try. My dad has this tablet from PenPower that he uses to handwrite Chinese characters and inputs them into a Word document. Suddenly, with the update to Catalina, the tablet has stopped working. He's still able to move the cursor around the screen with his pen but it won't register any strokes or "clicks." I removed the tablet and input program from the accessibility section under Privacy and Security and put them back in to no avail. I contacted the manufacturer and they provided me with an updated software download link. Did not help.

    My dad is super old school and does not like the trackpad input at all. He does not like using the Pinyin keyboard either. Please help! I'm at my wits end.

    submitted by /u/TsubasaTori
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    Please help, I want to buy a Macbook but I have no idea which one to get.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:16 PM PST

    I cant find where to ask this anywhere on reddit so maybe I can here... I'm a college student and I have a crappy $200 laptop that I bought last year because I didn't know what I was doing. It is absolute garbage and I was wanting to get a MacBook. The problem is that I know absolutely nothing about MacBooks. I need help figuring out which one I should buy that isn't going to make me rip out my hair waiting for it to load and crash all the time but also one that doesn't have all the extra bells and whistles of the new ones. I primarily use my laptop for entertainment like Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, etc. and answering emails and doing papers. Please help

    submitted by /u/michaelwross
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    Airpods Pro connection issues after saying "Hey Siri"

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:52 PM PST

    I recently got Airpods Pro for my iPhone 8, and I often get issues with "Hey Siri." Sometimes it doesn't work, and sometimes when it does work it briefly reduces music volume for a brief second as if it's answering, but it doesn't actually say something, and after that the long press on either stem doesn't work and I have to reset the connection by putting them back in the case for a few seconds, and everything typically works after that. Does anyone else have this problem, and is there a permanent fix that anyone is aware of? My iPhone runs on iOS 13.3.

    submitted by /u/a_reborn_aspie
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    Iphone 5s wifi disconnects every minute

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    My wifi disconnects every minute

    This never happened before and the wifi I'm using is the same

    I have Iphone 5s, running Ios 12.4.3 (cannot update because of described problem)

    submitted by /u/omniversalvoid
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    Podcasts play whenever I insert or remove headphones iPhone 8

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Within the last week my iPhone 8 has started playing podcasts whenever I insert or remove my headphones. Regardless of whether or not the app (pocket casts) is open. Is there a fix for this? I googled it and found frustrated users but no solutions. I'll probably solve it by smashing it in a fit of rage but I'm out of town and I'm not able to replace it with a Samsung for at least a week. Thanks

    submitted by /u/Beancounter75
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    Problem with Music App on iOS 13.3

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:00 PM PST

    I'm incredibly perplexed about this situation and can't seem to find any solutions when searching the web. When I download music and import it to iTunes on my Mac, it's on my iPhone after a quick sync under the main music library page. However, when I open the "Downloaded Music" section of the app, the songs don't auto-populate under the "Recently Downloaded" window under the rows for Playlists, Artists, Albums, and Songs. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/rodevs17
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    iPhone 5 dropped and now this happens I reseated cables pls help

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:42 PM PST

    Transferring contacts from an old Apple ID to a new one

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:19 PM PST

    I'm making an attempt at moving my contacts from my old Yahoo Apple ID to my new Gmail one. Any tips on doing this correctly, and safely?

    submitted by /u/GreatBigBazongas
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    MBP using more power than it can take

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:53 PM PST

    So I've been playing Star Trek Online for the past 6 hours (what can I say, it's an infuriating but good game).

    Then a notification pops up telling me I only have 10% battery left :O I'm using the official charger and the Mac is less than 4 months old. It's the 2019 15 inch model.

    Granted I'm running bootcamp, but this should not happen??

    submitted by /u/Sisko91
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    Apple Music won’t let me add music to my library + more issues

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:03 PM PST

    As the title says my Apple Music has bugged out. Tried to play music off my phone this morning, a banner appeared saying I was already a member of Apple Music but wouldn't let me play any music. Logged out and logged back in, lost my entire library.

    Tried to reload my library on my MacBook, but it was lost on that as well.

    MacBook library never synced over a period of 9 months and never let me download music. Tried to add music from browse and it completely bugs out, on my iPhone it kinda works.

    Updated to Catalina from Mojave and it still doesn't allow me to add music to my library. Booted into safe mode, created a new user to no avail. Now the error codes I get are 9039 and 11444.

    iPhone 8 with latest iOS 15" MacBook Pro from 2013 with Mojave's upgraded to Catalina go try resolve issue

    Any help would be great

    submitted by /u/Permabulksquad
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    My pictures have disappeared what do I do?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:12 PM PST

    My iPhone XR ran out of storage so it won't back up, that's fine I can fix that. But, all of my pictures before may or so have disappeared and I was wondering if all hope is lost or can I get them back?

    submitted by /u/Skrub_Chan
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    Installing Apps on a New Mac

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    I just upgraded to a new iMac. Instead of migrating, I want to start over on this setup to avoid some mistakes I've made. On my old Mac, I didn't have multiple accounts with an administrator account - I just had admin privilege at all times. I understand that's a bad idea from a security standpoint, so I set up an admin account and a separate user account on the new Mac...

    Since I've never set up a Mac this way, I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to install all my apps while in Admin persona, and just give my user account permission to use them (?) or whether I should install the apps when logged in via the user account, and just enter the admin password each time I make a change? Or is neither of these the way to go?

    Any advice on this topic is appreciated, since I've never worked this way.

    submitted by /u/SpecificMick
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