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    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    iPhone Daily Tech Support Thread - [December 28]

    iPhone Daily Tech Support Thread - [December 28]

    Daily Tech Support Thread - [December 28]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 08:09 PM PST

    Welcome to the Daily Tech Support thread for /r/iphone.

    Have a question you need answered? Ask away! Please remember to adhere to our rules, which can be found in the sidebar. As usual, if you have a serious issue with the subreddit, please contact the moderators directly.

    Please be informed that any questions about bypassing iCloud lock, or anything similar that may infer that you are trying to get access to a locked iPhone, are no longer allowed and will be removed. Thank you.

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    Note: Comments are sorted by /new for your convenience.

    This is the previous archive of all previous "Daily Tech Support" threads. This is best viewed on a browser. If on mobile, type on the searchbar [title:"Daily Tech Support Thread" author:"AutoModerator"] (without the brackets, and including the quotation marks around the title and author.)

    Here is a previous archive of all previous "Weekly Tech Support" threads, which has now changed to Daily Tech Support Thread. This is best viewed on a browser. If on mobile, type on the searchbar [title:"Weekly Tech Support Thread" author:"AutoModerator"] (without the brackets, and including the quotation marks around the title and author.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Apple's Stock Price Hits A New Record On Christmas Day And Market Value Reaches $1.3 Trillion, Thanks To Airpods And iPhone 11

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:27 AM PST

    Tracked a thief to his house using Find my iPhone! I got my phone back!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

    So earlier today I was heading back from my parents house after a long and indulgent Christmas. My Uber dropped me off at the station pretty late so I ran through the station with my bags to catch my train. Only once I was on the train I realised my phone was gone. I figured it had fallen out of my pocket in the rush or someone had swiped it out my pocket.

    I went through the unusual repertoire. Got my boyfriend to try calling - it had been switched off. Went back to the station to see if anyone had handed it in: no dice. Filed a missing item report. Tried Find My iPhone: it was offline. Put a message on my phone saying it had been lost and where they could reach me. Went home to block my phone.

    Over the next few hours I kept calling my phone, to no avail. I'd given up and had started looking up new phone deals online when all of a sudden I got a dial tone. Nobody picked up but I SPRINTED to my laptop to run Find My iPhone. Bingo! It tracked them to an address less than a mile from the station where it went missing. Less than 30 seconds later it went offline again- they'd switched it back off.

    Next I called the non emergency police line.

    Me: "So uh... someone's taken my phone and I know where they are. I got the address from Find My iPhone. Can you send someone round there?"

    Lady: "Oh no, we don't do that. You shouldn't go there either as it could be dangerous. Would you like to report it lost or stolen?"

    That's what 9 years of Tory cuts will do to a police service. Well fuck that, I want my phone back.

    Armed only with a raging justice boner and a vague fear of getting stabbed, my boyfriend and I hopped on the train and headed over there.

    Once there, I put on my best "don't stab me" face. When I knocked, a woman in her 40s/50s answered. I could see around four/ five other people in the room: seemed to be teenagers/ early 20s. I nicey nicey explained my predicament- how my phone had gone "missing" and it had been tracked to this very house.

    After I'd explained a few times she threw her head over her shoulder and yelled: "are you listening?!" to the mob. She said she hadn't found a phone and they'd all been out that day so couldn't possibly have found it - but I kept pressing. I said if it showed up to send me a message. I mentioned something about a reward.

    I had been making a fuss for a good two minutes in the doorway when eventually a man in his early/ mid 20 heaves himself up from the sofa and says "come outside with me". I follow him outside and he sheepishly pulls my phone out his pocket, removing a slip of paper from between the phone and case in the process. He mutters something about finding it, we shake hands and I leave.

    Headed to the nearest pub. Many pints were sunk in celebration.

    A million thanks to Find My iPhone. No thanks to the Metropolitan Police.

    TL;DR: Phone got swiped, police wouldn't help, showed up on thief's doorstep, embarrassed him in front of his mum/ aunt/ authority figure, he gave it back.

    submitted by /u/Jujusmu
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    I've been updating and working in Playground AR: Physics Sandbox for 3 years now, now you have some medieval stuff to play with :D

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:23 AM PST

    What do you guys think of my new homescreen?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:01 AM PST

    Anyone experienced this before?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 01:08 PM PST

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