• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 20, 2021

    Apple iOS Discord reverses course on iOS blanket ban of NSFW content

    Apple iOS Discord reverses course on iOS blanket ban of NSFW content

    Discord reverses course on iOS blanket ban of NSFW content

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 11:21 PM PDT

    Apple id hacked, but..

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 05:12 PM PDT

    Hello, a few months ago my apple id was hacked but I managed to get back in, change the password etc. It says now that my phone is the only device logged into that id. I became concerned because upon starting my old device, which was once using my apple id but i have since removed and now has no id logged in, still has my passwords and favorites in safari synced on the phone. Now Ive disabled icloud syncing with everything so its all local to my phone, but the safari stuff and passwords are still on the old phone. How is this possible if there is no apple id logged in? My question is, is the person who got into my apple id still able to see everything, or once you "kick them out", its gone? Why is it still on my old phone? Is there anything I should do? Am i confused/missing something? I apologize if this is a dumb question, just very concerned about the fact all of my passwords and things might be on someone's phone

    submitted by /u/Disastrous_Winter_69
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    Please help me find iOS app alternatives to my Android apps

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    Firstly, apologies if this is not the right place to post this. If I should be asking this elsewhere, please direct me and I'll be on my way.

    With that said, I'm switching from Android to the iPhone 12 tomorrow afternoon and was wondering what I can use on the iOS as an alternative to the following:

    1. Solid Explorer file browser
    2. K-9 Mail
    3. Xodo pdf editor
    4. aCalendar app. I prefer a clean, independent app for my calendar. Does everyone use the default iOS calendar app? Are there other better options?
    5. Samsung Secure Folder (is there a way to ringfence and password protect sensitive files in iOS)?
    6. NewPipe or Vanced for ad-free YouTube browsing and ability to download videos on wifi and watch them later.
    7. Screen Filter is an app that can lower the screen brightness way below what the system normally permits users to.
    8. Any app that shows me all my missed or dismissed notifications
    9. Any app that enables me to split my bluetooth output. For example, Youtube should play on the bluetooth headphone and a game on the iPhone speaker?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/8pawe
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    I can’t access photos from old imessages. It doesn’t give me an option to tap to download. Any help?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 11:21 PM PDT

    Completely unable to use WiFi or data on iPhone 11

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    About a month ago my Safari app began failing to operate citing "Safari could not open page because the server stopped responding". I brushed that off and downloaded a different browser.

    Yesterday everything that requires an internet connection stopped working. I cannot access the vast majority of my apps (I'm using my old iPhone 7 to make this post), I can't access the App Store, I can't update apps, none of my browsers work, and texting is a hit or miss. Perhaps the strangest of all (IMO) is that my music won't play no matter what I do.

    My Wifi connection appears to be strong on that phone, (it's strong on this phone) and I've gone through all of the basic easy fixes: shutting down, toggling the WiFi button on and off multiple times, checked to make sure airplane mode is not on, etc. I've had that phone for 6 months at the absolute most. Any ideas?

    Edit: is it weird that it won't let me turn off VPN in my settings?

    Edit 2: My iPhone 7 started acting similarly after I turned on my VPN, (I've been using CyberGhost). So I thought I would see what happen if I completely deleted the app from my iPhone 11. As of now I believe it's back to working flawlessly. I'm going to leave this post up for the rest of the day to update if it stays this way or not.

    submitted by /u/PLATINUM_PLACENTA
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    Notification sound interrupting media

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:26 AM PDT

    Why does the notification sound temporarily lower music or the youtube video I'm watching I don't wanna put my phone on silent mode I still wanna hear my notifications but without it interrupting me ever 5 seconds There must be a way to fix this I'm new to iphone and I find this so irritating I can't put up with it

    submitted by /u/leynaB
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    Alarms/sleep schedule stopped working

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 07:10 AM PDT

    I've already tried hard resetting my phone. I've already tried deleting sleep schedule and resetting it up. When I set sleep mode to go on, it doesn't say Sleep Well or give me an alarm. It just darkened my screen, showed time and date and said no alarm. I've even turned sleep schedule off, and manually added an alarm, nope nothing. I even slept an hour later than I wanted to this morning. Is this just a iOS 14 glitch or am I the only one that's experienced this?

    submitted by /u/siobhanmairii__
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    Shared Album on Map - Pictures not shown

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    Ipad getting a suspicious popup

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 02:39 AM PDT

    Ipad getting a suspicious popup

    My dad has been getting some suspicious popups on his ipad. Ipad OS version is 14.4

    whenever I press cancel it just comes up again and after cancelling it multiple times it goes away. This happens every few hours.


    Is this dangerous and can it be fixed?And if this is some malware, how will I know if I have already been affected?


    submitted by /u/icyqz
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    Location Services Icon

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    I am new to iPhones so sorry if this is a stupid question. Is it possible to have location services always on in the background for an app, and not have the little arrow next to the time always show up? I find unnecessary information irrationally annoying.

    submitted by /u/abiobob
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    Turning on or off the beep after Hey Google

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    I'm trying to use the Google Assistant but want to turn off the beep after one say Hey Google.

    There's lots of info about doing it in Android but I haven't found out how to do it on IOS. I have both the app Google Home and Google Assistant and trying to shut off the beep on a Sonos Roam.

    submitted by /u/ShortReddit
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    Opening google Search Results in Safari

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    Hi, I am using iPhone 11- 14.4.2. I have added Google Search widget on slide bar in Home Screen. Safari is my default browser. However, when I click on search results in Google Search, the pages are opened in Google App. I do not want to open the results in Google App and wish that pages open directly in Safari. Any Inputs?

    submitted by /u/gratefulmalive
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    Trouble transferring photos off an iPhone to a Windows 10 PC using Windows Explorer

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    Hi. Got an iPhone 10 that I need to copy images from to a PC as a backup, however when I connect it to a PC it first takes ages for it to show internal storage and subsequently all image folders in DCIM folder, and after I finally get around to selecting folders I want copied, at some point during copying process the phone just loses connection/disappears and I have to reconnect and wait for ages until it shows folders again.

    I'm not quite sure what to do, any help? Are there for example any apps like WiFI File Explorer for Android that I can maybe use over WIFI to transfer all the photos off the device? Or is there a fix for the problem I'm having? Thanks!

    (and no, backing all of them into the cloud isn't an option, and if possible I'd like to avoid using iTunes, I fucking HATE iTunes and whoever made it so difficult to manipulate iPhone's filesystem is a fucking peasant that deserves to be fired)

    submitted by /u/aNumberFiveLarge
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    LiveListen App for any bluetooth devices

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:37 AM PDT

    Does anyone know iOS applications that work similarly to Live Listen with AirPods, or with Hearing Aids made for iPhone? I have an intercom Cardo PackTalk Bold in my motorcycle helmet and sometimes I have to take off my helmet if I have to talk to someone.

    submitted by /u/MR_H44
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    Does anyone know with any certainty if features like Tap to Wake use extra battery?

    submitted by /u/LeFaire87
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    Screen time limit strange behavior

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    I have screen time setup for my kids, limited to 1hr per day. After a little over 40min, the iPad pops up stating that the time limits have been reached. I checked the app history and time usage, and confirmed that usage was nowhere near 1hr. Any ideas as to why that's happening? I searched around and haven't found anything.

    submitted by /u/OCretribution
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    How do I pin an an app?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    I'm an new iPhone 12 user and would like to know how to do this. I have some educational apps for my niece and nephew to play but anytime they try to use my phone they exit out of the app.

    Can this be fixed in settings somewhere? I haven't seen it.


    Edit: It's Guided Access in settings!!

    Thanks everyone!! Feel free to keep blowing up this post with other nifty tricks I should know.

    submitted by /u/littlebear_blackfoot
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    How do i remove this feature?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    Backup not working

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:35 AM PDT

    Made a backup earlier today so I can reset my settings and stuff, it froze up mid reset so I restarted my phone with the volume up + down + power button to restart it, I sign in, connect to WiFi and my backup isn't there, I just roll with it and go into my iPhone without my backup and I go to my settings but most of my storage is taken up by my backup I made earlier today, how come it wasn't showing before and how do I use it to get my things back?

    submitted by /u/aguwas
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    New to IOS - How to add MP3s?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:12 AM PDT

    Hey all!

    Is there any 3rd party app that can add MP3s to my iPhone XR? It would be great with an App that looks the file explorer/finder so you can simply see what's on phone, delete stuff and drag-n-drop MP3s. Also free of course :)

    I want to avoid iTunes since it wipes all...

    Any suggestions is highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/candyraver
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    iPhone low battery notification

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    I noticed just now after charging my phone (iPhone 11) running the latest version of iOS that my phone was somehow set to low battery setting earlier. I was wondering how exactly that was possible and the only thing I can think of was the notification that pops up at 20 and 10 percent battery life. Does that popup include a setting on iphone 11 to enable low battery mode? I looked online and saw screen shots were there was an option and also without. Also is it possible to remove this from popping up and just keep it a warning and the cancel option?

    submitted by /u/Paint_Recent
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    Higher battery drain when I'm not at home, why (probably iCloud issue)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    Higher battery drain when I'm not at home, why (probably iCloud issue)


    Compare battery drain before 18h and after. Before 18h is my usual battery drain when I'm not at home, using my iPhone XsMax slightly or completely not. In this example, I used a few apps for a short while, but when using nothing, I have the same battery run.

    I'm wondering why... Tried several common things like switching off location, wifi, bluetooth. No markable improvements. Only when I log off to iCloud it improves more.

    With iCloud settings, my phone knows my hometown, but why drains iCloud more battery when I'm away...

    I have a whole HomeKit setup, maybe that's the reason?

    Very curious about it...

    submitted by /u/raverke95
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    Concept: Paid Apple Podcasts

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    Question about iOS 14 Widgets

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    So i am currently using ios 13 and im gonna update it to 14 but i do not want the widgets will my home screen look exactly like the same old?? Or will it require me to put widgets?

    submitted by /u/FlyUzi
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