• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 20, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [Request] This time animation on Status bar/Lockscreen

    iOS Jailbreak [Request] This time animation on Status bar/Lockscreen

    [Request] This time animation on Status bar/Lockscreen

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 03:19 PM PST

    [Update] StackXI - by Antique, it works way better now!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 08:12 AM PST

    https://i.imgur.com/xtz0Q9U.jpg as you can see it puts the newest notifications on top finally!!

    https://i.imgur.com/hLiHmPk.jpg also the buttons are smaller and I noticed the performance is better, especially when interacting with the grouped notifications, it's faster now.

    I gotta give it to him, great job!

    submitted by /u/dpkg_
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    [RELEASE] Lace 2 (iOS 11) – Control the lockscreen page with ease (FREE)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 11:37 AM PST

    Just submitted Lace 2 to BigBoss.

    Here is the description:

    Compatible with iOS 11.

    For iOS 10 support, see the initial Lace.

    Lace 2 allows you to control what lockscreen page to show with ease. It comes with the following features:

    Change While Dragging:

    If you for example start swiping from the left side bottom side and moving your finger to the right, it will change from the Today page to the Main page.


    You can choose to display the Main page if and only if any notification is present, and otherwise show the Today page.

    Default section:

    Choose to always show the Main page or the Today page.

    Also, it's open source for those of you wanting to begin with tweak development.

    submitted by /u/andreashenriksson
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    [Tutorial] iOS 11.3.1 Enable FaceTime on Non-Supported Devices (Middle East) - Working FIX - No reboots required.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 10:58 PM PST

    [Tutorial] iOS 11.3.1 Enable FaceTime on Non-Supported Devices (Middle East) - Working FIX - No reboots required.

    Morning fellows.

    I bought an iPhone X recently from Kuwait during one of my travels and didn't bother to check if FaceTime was enabled in that phone as Kuwait has no such restrictions. Only when I found out that the phone has no FaceTime, I kind of panicked because I use it a lot to touch base with my family back in India whenever I'm travelling.

    Anyhow, I was a little elated when I realised the phone was still on iOS 11 and I could Jailbreak it and possibly enable FaceTime as well.

    Took me a better part of couple of months going through hundreds of posts/videos/tutorials and what not to finally have it working.

    Long story short, here are the steps if you're on iOS 11 and jailbroken. Not sure if it may work on other OS versions or any other device - I only tested it on my device by rebooting a couple of times and re-doing the steps and it works each time.


    1. A jailbroken iPhone running iOS 11. (I am on iOS 11.3.1, iPhone X)
    2. Root Access to system files - anyone who is jailbroken would know this.
    3. iFunbox to access System files from your Laptop/Computer - Though you can access the files from your iDevice using Filza or iFile but I prefer doing it through a machine.


    Part 1

    1. After you had jailbroken and have root access, connect your iDevice to your computer using the lightning cable
    2. Open iFunBox and browse to / System / Library / RegionFeatures
    3. Select the file called RegionFeatures_iphone.txt and copy it over to your machine.
    4. Open the file with a text editor.
    5. Anywhere you see the text NOVOIP(0x80 - Remove it. Do not remove the entire line. Just remove 'NOVOIP(0x80'
    6. Save the file.
    7. Go back to iFunBox, delete the RegionFeatures_iphone.txt from / System / Library / RegionFeatures and copy over the newly edited file from your computer to the same location on your iDevice.

    Part 2

    1. Open iFunBox and browse to / var / mobile / Library / Carrier Bundles / Overlay
    2. Select the file called device+carrier+40410+D221+32.1t and copy it over to your machine. Note - You may see multiple files here depending on how many SIM cards you may have used on your iDevice; each file pertaining to individual operators. You may copy them all over to your computer and open them using Xcode (or any other plist editor) to identify the operator you want to edit.
    3. Once the file is copied over to your computer, open the file in Xcode (or any other plist editor of your choice)
    4. Add a new row and call it AllowsVoIP
    5. Change the Type to Boolean and Value to YES
    6. Save the file.
    7. Go back to iFunBox, delete the original file and copy over the newly edited file to the same location

    Part 3

    1. Open iFunBox and browse to / var / mobile / Library / Operator Bundle.bundle
    2. Select the file called carrier.plist and copy it over to your machine.
    3. Once the file is copied over to your computer, open the file in Xcode (or any other plist editor of your choice)
    4. Add a new row and call it AllowsVoIP
    5. Change the Type to Boolean and Value to YES
    6. Save the file.
    7. Go back to iFunBox, delete the original file and copy over the newly edited file to the same location

    Part 4

    1. Open iFunBox and browse to / var / mobile / Library / Carrier Bundle.bundle
    2. Select the file called carrier.plist and copy it over to your machine.
    3. Once the file is copied over to your computer, open the file in Xcode (or any other plist editor of your choice)
    4. Add a new row and call it AllowsVoIP
    5. Change the Type to Boolean and Value to YES
    6. Save the file.
    7. Go back to iFunBox, delete the original file and copy over the newly edited file to the same location

    Note: I am not sure which of the two carrier.plist actually did the trick (from Carrier Bundle.bundle or Operator Bundle.bundle) but I don't really care as long as my FaceTime continues working.

    You may want to backup the files and keep it safe elsewhere in case something goes wrong. I was too damn frustrated at a point about FaceTime not working that I didn't really care about bricking my phone and did this whole thing without a backup.

    Part 5

    1. Respring your iDevice (not reboot). I have PullToRepsring so it's kind of easy..
    2. By now, you should have the FaceTime icon on your springboard. Do not open it yet.
    3. Respring your iDevice again
    4. Remove the SIM card from your iDevice.
    5. Respring again
    6. Open FaceTime and try activating it if it's not activated already.

    If for some reason, the FaceTime doesn't get activated; follow through the following steps

    Part 6

    1. Make sure the SIM card is still out of the iDevice.
    2. Go to Settings / General / Language & Region
    3. Change the Region to Bahrain. Hit Done and Hit Continue
    4. Respring your iDevice and try FaceTime again.
    5. It should work fine.
    6. Insert the SIM card

    IMPORTANT : Do not change the Region back. Let it stay on Bahrain.

    The only caveat being is that since Electra is still not a fully tethered jailbreak, every time you reboot your device, you will have to go through these steps time and again just like you re-enable the jailbreak.


    This worked for me but I'd like to hear your experiences.


    Image 1 - Shows that I am on an AE iPhone (check Model number)

    That's the FaceTime icon (3rd row 4th column)

    And some Test Calls to confirm it's working.

    submitted by /u/bajajnikhil
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    [Question] As long as I keep saving blobs, am I fine to keep upgrading stock iOS as they come out?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 06:49 PM PST

    [Request] For the love of God, somebody please make a tweak that disables auto play via USB.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 02:26 PM PST

    Almost every time that I plug my phone into my car, it feels like the Apple Music player is fighting for the rights to play it's audio over whatever else I may be trying to play (YouTube, Spotify, Etc). Sometimes I will turn my car on to listen to an audiobook and have to turn the volume up, and then halfway through a word a very loud song will play through Apple Music. I have tried a racing every song I have downloaded to my phone, but they just auto play through Wi-Fi when I do that. Somebody please help my poor eardrums.

    submitted by /u/gibbler
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    [Question] Can someone tell me why the hell a golf game is taking 200% CPU?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 01:35 AM PST

    [Help] floaty and floating dock

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 06:51 PM PST

    [tip] Include the error number in post title, then others can search for it.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 06:36 PM PST

    I mean really, why is this not a rule? Why!? I hate how everyone is like "help I can't jailbreak!!!! Urgent!!!!!" Without context, please be more helpful ppl.

    submitted by /u/mboyx64
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    [help] screwed up my jailbreak - can't find a fix

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 04:12 PM PST

    long time jail breaker here. i'm normally pretty good at finding my way through fixing my jailbreak if i mess it up, right now i feel like i'm royally screwed.

    here's what happened:

    - i'm on ios 11.0

    - was on electra, was working fine but wanted to try unc0ver

    - terrible idea. my touch id and my siri stopped working.. eventually my phone kept freezing

    - tried to get electra again. didnt work. i tried ssh into my phone but i am unable to.

    almost resorted to upgrading to ios 12, but know i will be sad about it lol

    please advise. i have searched for as many answers as i can through this subreddit.

    submitted by /u/houlanta
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    [Request] Tweak to completely disable all sound output

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 01:54 PM PST

    We've all been there: you're in a class, or in your room at night, with your ringer off, volume all the way lowered and then you click on some random video and suddenly a sustained aural assult begins on your environment while you frantically struggle to turn down your volume that somehow decided that off meant on. Or when you're taking a test, teacher says if your phone makes a sound she'll invalidate your score. You made sure to turn your phone to airplane mode, enable do not disturb, silence everything but there's still that nagging feeling of what if, that's compelling you to completely power off your phone "just in case" but consequently lose your jailbreak. In times like these one has to wonder: what if there was a tweak that completely disabled audio output in every way. Nuked it. The software equivalent of ripping out the speakers themselves? You could have the true peace of mind not offered by the mute switch or the volume buttons alone. What a world that would be.

    submitted by /u/praeceptorxs
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    [question] what’s the tweak that enables me to change these toggles

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 10:38 PM PST

    [help] something is stopping my phone from taking photos in 3rd party apps such as messenger or snapchat, I can't find it what is causing this and crash reporter isn't showing anything. Can someone please help?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:51 PM PST

    [Request] Activator option to toggle on/off “Type To Siri” (Or even a control center switch?)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 06:54 PM PST

    [request] marked as “read” notification banner dismissal.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 05:09 PM PST

    When a short text comes through (something I don't need to expand), in order for it to be marked as "read" and no notification badge, I need to pull down on the banner or open to the app. I wish banners had a button or some type of gesture that would clear the badge and confirm I read the message. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/d4v3k7
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    [Release] DarkCollection - WhatsApp Dark Mode - May support extensions in the future!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 09:36 AM PST

    [Upcoming] Post

    This is a true dark mode for WhatsApp. The color of the bubble might look ugly, I'll push an update to add a preference bundle in the future.

    [Upcoming] Extension support: An update is planned to completely rework the tweak to support extension packages which'll make creating dark modes a lot easier!

    Repo: http://www.pixelomer.com/repo

    submitted by /u/pxOMR
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    [Question] SE@10.2.1: Meridian never resprings. What should I do?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 07:35 AM PST

    [HELP] Getting this error while trying to jailbreak

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 06:20 PM PST

    [Request] a tweak that can send massages on spcefic time!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2018 12:15 AM PST

    is there any tweak for this?

    submitted by /u/afg_king
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    [Upcoming] DarkCollection - WhatsApp Dark Mode - Dark mode for multiple apps in the future

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 06:19 AM PST

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VTjdpWl

    There are probably multiple WhatsApp dark mode tweaks out there but who cares?! Here's another one!
    The first version of DarkCollection comes only with dark mode for WhatsApp but it will be updated to add support for more apps in the future.

    If you want to see a work-in-progress version, you can find it on my repository: http://www.pixelomer.com/repo

    submitted by /u/pxOMR
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    [question] Is there a secure way to wipe personal data from phone before selling AND keep jailbreak?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 05:21 PM PST

    So I have an iPhone 6 running iOS 8.1.1 which I've learned from this sub that is rare and therefore potentially valuable to a small group of people. I was wondering if I do try to sell it (as I pretty much cannot use any current apps any longer) is there a way to securely wipe my personal info from the device without losing the jailbreak? The only way I know how is a factory reset which would remove the jailbreak and the rare iOS.

    submitted by /u/bonito2
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    [Question] Rollectra doesn’t work yet for 11.2.1 so is there an alternative?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2018 04:30 PM PST

    I'm having issues jailbreaking, with both Electra and Unc0ver, neither of those seems to work for me right now, Electra just fades to black at 1/3 and only shows the HomeBar, Unc0ver keeps telling me 'can't copy over our resources to RootFS' so won't jailbreak. I know Rollectra is the tool i wish i could use but it doesn't support 11.2.1 so i was wondering if anyone knew of a different tool that would do a similar trick? I don't think there is but hey I'm throwing it out there to find out for sure.

    submitted by /u/AdamMolloy83
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