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    Tuesday, July 31, 2018

    Apple Help Be wary of ifixit batteries.

    Apple Help Be wary of ifixit batteries.

    Be wary of ifixit batteries.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 05:45 PM PDT

    My 6 year old MBP battery started to show its age so I decided to finally replace it. I thought using ifixit would be a good idea since they're pretty well known, so I decided to get a battery through them.

    I get the battery in the mail and properly install it. After probably a couple weeks I noticed when I went to turn on my MBP it did its startup chime twice, and when it loaded up the battery was still over 70% so it kinda got me confused. Over a course of a few weeks the issue happened a few times, and I noticed that the computer was getting really hot. When I look at the battery information I notice the manufacturer was Aaweal. Out of curiosity I google them and see MBP batteries being sold for as low as $30. This kinda annoyed me. I run diagnostics on the computer and get a random error (4BAT/6/40000005:0X8981d990 if you're curious) which I find out is tied to the battery.

    I decided to pop my original battery into my MBP and run diagnostics, and have no error at all. During the diagnostics the fan runs quickly as well, which didn't happen when the Aaweal battery was in the computer when being diagnosed. I let the system boot up and noticed the original manufacturer is SMP (or Simplo)

    I let ifixit know that the battery they sent me was acting up, they had me do a few tests and decided to send me a replacement for the replacement.

    I get that battery today, run diagnostics and it passes just fine. I boot up and see they sent me an SMP battery.

    I find this to be very shady of them honestly. Maybe I had high hopes for them? I'm just annoyed they'd send out cheapo batteries and sell them at a high price.

    What if I was someone who didn't look into what the issue was? An unstable battery is pretty dangerous and to know that they'd put people at risk really leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Be wary of them.

    tl:dr Bought battery from ifixit for $90 and got a $30 battery that had issues. They replaced it with the proper one, but still...

    submitted by /u/aRTie02150
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    iPhone not connecting to mac(connection going on and off really fast)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 08:40 PM PDT

    So I want to import photos from my iPhone 7 to my macbook air and I use the standard apple cable they gave me and it just connects and disconnects very fast over and over as long as it's plugged in. Don't get me wrong, the cord is not the problem to my knowledge. It charges perfectly fine when plugged into a brick. I've tried updating my computer software and that didn't work, restarting my phone, didn't work. I'm not sure what else to do. I'm currently running IOS 11.2 on my phone. Any help?

    submitted by /u/pfaix
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    (MacBook) Downloading new program, use it, close, needs to download again.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 08:34 PM PDT

    Im fairly new to MacBook and have a little issue with a program. Everytime I want to use it, it wants to download again.

    At first the security from Apple blocked it but I was able to fix that (or so I think)

    Attached is a video of what happens. The program/app is called Dashe. I don't mind having to download it each time because I won't be using it that frequent but it's very annoying and would like to know for future reference what I'm doing wrong.

    In the video I stopped it from downloading, but it loads up and is operational but once I close it, I have to restart this process all over again.

    video of operating process. (2 photos and then video)

    submitted by /u/DCgromrider
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    I'm trying to organize my computer, how can i view all files on my computer in chronological order at the same time?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 07:54 PM PDT

    Excluding hidden/system files ideally. I figure my old files from like 4 yrs ago that i have touched prob should go.

    submitted by /u/UnlobedSwan
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    Song skips on iPhone or iPad but not on MacBook Pro.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 07:37 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I've got an issue with a song in my iCloud music library. The song is over 6 minutes long and will play the entire song in iTunes on my touchbar MacBook Pro, but when I stream/download it on both my iPad Pro and my iPhone, it reaches the 4:24 mark before skipping to the next song.

    I've tried turning iCloud music library on and off on all devices, hard resets of both the phone and Ipad, signing in and out of accounts. My suspicion is that potentially the song did not upload properly. Anyone else have this issue?

    submitted by /u/dcsy
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    Is there any risk to buying a refurbished Mac? Is there any wear and tear that can happen to CPU/GPU under very heavy use that would be hard for apple to see during the refurbishing process?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 10:15 AM PDT

    I'm considering a refurbished iMac Pro and I'm curious if there is any degradation that can happen to a CPU if the previous owner was putting it under heavy use. Basically, I want to know if by buying a refurb, I'm potentially buying something with a shorter lifespan and compromised output.

    Disclaimer: I know nothing beyond how to use my software. Please go easy on me.

    submitted by /u/UndrehandDrummond
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    MacBook Air fan won’t turn off

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 03:43 PM PDT

    This is a machine my child spilled juice on some months back. I cleaned it and turned it on today to see how things were looking. Hooray! It started up and nothing was lost.

    But now the fan won't turn off. I've done the SMC reset, and checked my activity log (>90%). It's still running loud.

    Is this a mechanical issue I am stuck with? Is this the price of a machine that should've died? Ventilation forever?

    submitted by /u/Judgyhoofbag
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    Recovery Volume stays mounted in /Volumes/ in Finder after update check(?)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 06:58 PM PDT

    Ive noticed twice now that after i restart my computer the Recovery Volume gets mounted in /Volumes/ without entering terminal commands to mount it like normal. The way i know its mounted and stays mounted is that i open the path /Volumes/ in the Finder then go to the AppStore and press cmd+R when checking for updates; usually the Recovery volume would be mounted momentarily and disappear after whatever updates are finished, but ive seen it happen three times now that it stays mounted in /Volumes, and i could either unmount it manually or restart my mac(which ive done each times). I tried reseting the NVRAM and did a fresh reinstall of the MacOS on my hard-drive but sometimes when I go the AppStore and cmd+R for updates the Recovery volume stays mounted... im at a loss here. . .

    It may have to do with how long my MacBook has been awake since the last time it was restarted/shut down or due to the fact that i removed recovery folders for deleted secondary volumes while in recovery mode(bit.ly/2KVd9dY), but overall im at a total loss.

    Im unsure what triggers it as any restarts after the first one where Recovery stays mounted dont linger after i cmd+R in the AppStore for updates, at least not until later after the boot-up. Im running MacOS 10.13.6 High Sierra with APFS on a mid 2013 MacBook Air. Any insight would be appreciated of why the Recovery volume stays mounted(an doesnt seem to unmount itself) in /Volumes/ off a restart.

    submitted by /u/hauntli
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    Screen recording audio from iPhone

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 06:40 PM PDT

    I'm trying to record the audio of a scene from Westworld, by screen recording the scene on one of those putlocker websites, on Safari. (This bit of music was left out of the Westworld soundtrack, and there was no good version available on youtube) However, the only thing I hear in my recordings is the noise around me. When I turn off the microphone, I don't hear anything at all. Is there a way to record only the audio of the scene itself, without the external noise?

    submitted by /u/GerriEickhof
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    Macbook Blackscreen on bootcamp, won’t turn off, gold to whoever solves this problem, i’m desperate

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 06:34 PM PDT

    Hi, so i was working on bootcamp last night (2015 macbook pro, windows 10, high sierra), when suddenly the screen went black. The macbook reacts to nothing, no command has worked so far, but i can still hear the fans! If i plug in the charger, the led on the charger is green and then turns to orange after a few seconds. The bootcamp partition is basically full, maybe a few mb left. Contacted support, they couldn't help.

    submitted by /u/Milan_F96
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    Whenever I plug my iPad air 2 into my Mac, I get this message and when I click to download it, it says it can't because the software is not available

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 06:27 PM PDT


    My iPad software is "up to date."

    submitted by /u/dressage
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    Is there a way to watch movies purchased on my mother’s account, but on my iPhone with another account. Will home sharing allow me to do that?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 06:20 PM PDT

    So we have used her Apple TV for a few years and it has a lot of movies on them that I watch all the time but then I get on my phone and forget I can't watch them. Also I have movies on my phone that I would love to watch on her tv.

    Is there a way to do this? I'm sorry if this is a rookie question, I just get mixed up real quick these days with apple's account sharing ecosystem.

    Thanks for any info

    submitted by /u/pulplesspulp
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    Running a script by double-clicking on a file in Finder

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 10:01 PM PDT

    I am trying to run something like python script.py %1. I have seen the answer for Windows https://stackoverflow.com/a/11192183/9023855 but what about Mac?

    I am also looking for File Extension association in this case.

    submitted by /u/patarapolw
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    How do i transfer all my music from itunes to my phone?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 09:54 PM PDT

    I upgraded my iphone and transferred all my data from the old iphone to the new iphone with the help of their app which was super helpful and easy. But, when i opened my music app, all my music was gone. So i thought maybe i have to transfer my saved music from itunes manually and when i attempted to do just that, it couldn't transfer because the music was "not found" and i remembered that i deleted the folder with all my music awhile back. So is there a way to still transfer my music? I assume that since i did a backup, i can still transfer the data from my old phone to the new one. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Qimosabe
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    UNBEARABLE keyboard lag - but only when not using my 2013 Macbook's built-in keyboard

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 05:47 PM PDT

    I noticed a pretty large amount of lag on my 2013 Macbook Pro when using my USB keyboard dongle. I use the Macbook for a studio computer (plugged into an audio interface, various MIDI keyboards, etc), and figured that the USB 2.0 devices were simply overloading the computer.

    So I bought a flagship BlueTooth keyboard, and the issue persisted, if not got even worse.

    I decided to upgrade from Yosemite->High Sierra as a shot in the dark since all my software upgrades were deemed compatible, even though the changelog for that upgrade didn't mention much of interest.

    If anything the problem has gotten exponentially worse. The issue is an intermittent pause between keystroke and result, as well as an occasional (but infuriating) tendency to send the same keystroke over and over, despite no keys being held down.

    It is virtually impossible to play SC2 (little known fact, you actually can play this game on OSX) but actually any task is quickly made tear-my-fucking-hair-out frustrating and it definitely damages my ability to do music production, which is the point of this expensive laptop.

    So it's not an issue with a particular keyboard, or even BlueTooth/USB, and it isn't to do with the particular operating system...

    The funny thing is whereas it is an intermittent issue, I have gone to some lengths to reproduce the issue on the laptop keyboard (i.e., the one built into the laptop) and it is always lightning quick with zero problems.

    I have unplugged all other peripherals except my Thunderbolt port, used for the TV, and reproduced the issue as well.

    I am on the verge of uninstalling and reinstalling all of my software, which would cripple me for at least a couple of days. I have also tried resetting the NVRAM. For the love of God, somebody help me. No forum seems to have my issue (with the distinction that it is only an issue with peripheral devices).

    submitted by /u/recursiveMnemonic
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    Phone won’t connect to aux?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 05:20 PM PDT

    I have an iPhone 7, so I use a lightning to aux thing. Recently my phone has no longer been able to play music though the aux. All my friends' phones work perfectly fine with the lightning to aux that I use, so I know that the problem isn't with the cord but rather with my phone... anyone know what this could be?

    submitted by /u/xxxvuhsace
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    iPhone X battery

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 08:58 PM PDT

    I have had my iPhone X for maybe a month and a half and I just checked the Maximum Battery in settings and it's already at 99% should I be worried

    submitted by /u/some_guy_near_nothin
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    Hard drive enclosure for late 2013 MBP

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 04:34 PM PDT


    I am trying to recover data from a SSD that came with a late 2013 MBP. I want to buy an enclosure so that I can access the drive through USB from another computer. However, I am really confused with the different types of PCIe SSDs. Does anyone know what type of drive comes with that laptop?

    Here is a picture from ifixit:


    Also can anyone point me to what I have to buy?

    I found this, but it is not clear if it would be compatible:


    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/karmato
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    Can't add boarding pass to wallet

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 01:42 PM PDT

    I'm not able to add my United or American Airlines boarding passes to wallet. When I press add to wallet, it states that safari is unable to download this file. I went onto my computer, downloaded the boarding passes, then emailed them to me. When i click the file in my mail and the action menu appears, the add to wallet option is missing. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I'm on an iPhone 5s running iOS 10.2

    submitted by /u/habadinka
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    What's a good software approach to a redundant disk backup?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 12:20 PM PDT

    I have a lot of miscellaneous data currently residing on several external hard drives. I recently purchased two identical 4 tb drives and set them up as a RAID in Disk Utility and copied all of my data to them from my many drives. Then the RAID fell apart with one drive basically falling out of it and Disk Utility saying the raid couldn't be repaired. Ran diagnostics on the drive, no hardware problem... and an Apple support guy told me "off the record" that Mac OS's RAID function is not that reliable, at least not with USB drives. So I need an alternative.

    I am now in the process of copying the data off the "failed RAID" (one "good" drive) onto the other drive after having repartitioned it. At that point, I will need some software tool to keep the two drives in sync. The goal is to be protected from drive failure. The data isn't quite important enough to merit an expensive off-site backup, although every couple years or so I intend to replace one of the drives and archive the old one in a fire safe.

    I also run Time Machine of my internal storage onto two separate and unrelated drives.

    Back in the day I used Rsync, but the GUI version I was using, RsyncX, seems to have gone defunct. What are people using nowadays? It doesn't need to be a two-way sync, although I'd like it to be a bit hard to delete data from either drive.

    submitted by /u/NotRoryWilliams
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    Can't import music in IMovie

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 01:55 PM PDT

    My IMovie is updated. I use apple music and the song I want to import is added to my library and downloaded on my computer, though it doesnt show up in the Audio>ITunes column nor can I drag and drop it. Any fixes? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/gavin214
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    Disable Password Required for Touch ID?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 04:45 PM PDT

    Hey all, This is my first Mac (2018, 256 ssd)that I have ever owned, and I was kind of surprised to find that it asks for a password before I can use Touch ID. It is kind of frustrating because Touch ID was supposed to replace a password imo.

    Is this just a bug in the system right now, or is it a setting I have turned on in Mac OS that I can turn off. If it helps, there are two users on this computer, but I don't think that should impact it to be honest.

    I updated to the most recent IOS on 10.13.6. is this a known error?

    submitted by /u/Paxaman01
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    Error trying to delete a partion

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 12:21 PM PDT

    I have a macbook air mid 2011 running high sierra. I have been trying to delete the untitled drive so I can have some space.

    Macintosh HD:

    Available: 2.03 GB (2,025,537,536 bytes) Capacity: 84.07 GB (84,065,251,328 bytes) Mount Point: / File System: APFS Writable: Yes Ignore Ownership: No BSD Name: disk2s1 Volume UUID: 68B59357-BCA5-3A00-B5FF-723EF8F44099 Physical Drive: Device Name: APPLE SSD TS128C Media Name: AppleAPFSMedia Medium Type: SSD Protocol: SATA Internal: Yes Partition Map Type: Unknown S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified


    Available: 36.18 GB (36,183,326,720 bytes) Capacity: 36.27 GB (36,268,240,896 bytes) Mount Point: /Volumes/Untitled 1 File System: APFS Writable: Yes Ignore Ownership: No BSD Name: disk1s1 Volume UUID: CC66629C-733A-416D-8B1A-A50A3F985B28 Physical Drive: Device Name: APPLE SSD TS128C Media Name: AppleAPFSMedia Medium Type: SSD Protocol: SATA Internal: Yes Partition Map Type: Unknown S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified

    submitted by /u/Dday863
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    MAC address changing on new 2018 MBP broken

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 12:05 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Anyone here with one of the new 2018 MBPs able to chime in? 'sudo ifconfig en0 ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' in particular seems to be broken only on the 2018 MBPs…

    I am able to change (until next restart) my MAC address using the below commands in terminal with wifi disconnected on my older MBP. Unfortunately, using the same commands in terminal on my new 2018 13" MBP (10.13.6) does nothing to change my MAC address.

    Checking 'ifconfig en0 | grep ether' shows that the MAC address has not changed. How can I spoof my MAC address on my new laptop? Thank you!

    Terminal commands used:

    ifconfig en0 | grep ether

    openssl rand -hex 6 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//'

    sudo ifconfig en0 ether f8:1e:df:d8:9d:8a

    submitted by /u/raveroli
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    “Verification Required” to update existing apps/get free apps, nothing I do fixes it

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 03:42 PM PDT

    It started a couple days ago, I went to update an app and it said "verification required please update payment info". So I did, and it still keeps popping it up whether I'm trying to download an app, including free apps, or just updating an app that I already have.

    I looked it up and most sites say to update payment, verify Apple ID, or switch payment to "none". I tried all three and none work.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Applehelpmeplz
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