• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 14, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [Update] [Beta] DetailedPowerUsage v1.0.2b: Unlock Apple’s hidden internal battery usage interface + get detailed battery stats - for iOS 9.x to 11.1.2. PRICE: FREE

    iOS Jailbreak [Update] [Beta] DetailedPowerUsage v1.0.2b: Unlock Apple’s hidden internal battery usage interface + get detailed battery stats - for iOS 9.x to 11.1.2. PRICE: FREE

    [Update] [Beta] DetailedPowerUsage v1.0.2b: Unlock Apple’s hidden internal battery usage interface + get detailed battery stats - for iOS 9.x to 11.1.2. PRICE: FREE

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 07:52 PM PDT


    iOS 9.x ➜ 11.1.2 COMPATIBLE ~ VERSION 1.0.2-1b ~ BETA RELEASE

    What's New In v1.0.2-1b

    • Genuine Apple Battery Check: See if your battery is Apple OEM or a 3rd party replacement part. Note: This feature is still in development and is not 100% accurate!

    • Average Battery Discharge Rate: Overall battery usage discharge rate

    • Manual Refresh/Sync Button: Manually trigger UI & stats reload

    • Show/Hide Daemons Button: Quickly enable/disable system daemons from appearing in results

    • Usage/Standby Since Last Full Charge: Added back to results!

    • Battery Health Indicators: New visual battery health indicators

    • Usage Time Displayed By Default: See App/Daemon background usage times automatically

    • User Interface Improvements: New UI reloading methods

    A special thank you to u/mrmadtw (Mrmad), 李庭競, and everyone else who helped with localization translations!


    About This Tweak

    Unlock Apple's hidden internal battery usage interface and gain access to unabridged administrator data and statistics. More than just a simple replacement for DetailedBatteryUsage for iOS 11, DetailedPowerUsage also adds some useful new features, such as battery performance & health stats, live power usage stats, as well as details about connected power adapters/USB devices . Discover hidden battery usage details that Apple wants to keep secret!


    Available in 30+ Languages:

    Arabic, Bosnian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Traditional - Hong Kong), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish (US), Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

    If you find any issues with translations in your native language, please contact me. If your language isn't supported yet just send me a request and I'll add it in the next update!



    • Tap on the Temperature to switch temp units °F / °C

    • Touch and hold on details to copy them to clipboard

    • View extended app power usage reports by pressing down and then sliding left on it's table cell (similar to the "swipe to delete" motion - watch this 1 minute YouTube video for a demo)

    • Live data updated every 20 seconds (this is because I use the existing power logs which iOS generates by default every 20 seconds…preventing DetailedPowerUsage from being a battery drain itself)

    • All data shown is from your system power log, except for the following values: Battery Health, Battery Authenticity Check, and Average Usage

    • The battery usage graph is present on all iOS devices but is not displayed (hidden) for regular users. DetailedPowerUsage enables you to see this graph…however it doesn't create or modify it

    • Occasionally you may notice missing app battery usage details: this is usually because your power logs have been reset. There are a few circumstances where power logs get purged automatically (such as specific tweak respring methods involving backboardd), and they can also be erased when using iCleaner to tidy up your device


    No respring is required after installing DetailedPowerUsage, however you need to quit the Settings app to finalize installation. This tweak is enabled by default, and can be switched off from the Settings App battery section:

    Settings > Battery



    • DetailedPowerUsage is compatible with all jailbroken devices running iOS 9.x to iOS 11.1.2

    • DetailedPowerUsage is not compatible with the tweak DetailedBatteryUsage because both tweaks hook into the same/similar methods, which can cause excess RAM and CPU usage if used together


    Screenshots / Demo Video

    Screenshots Available Here: https://imgur.com/a/UQuB1

    YouTube 1 Minute Demo Video Here: https://youtu.be/jN_jE1G0kMM



    This is beta software, and as such there may be bugs or other unforeseen issues. If you'd prefer not to experience any possible issues and/or if you're unwilling or unable to report bugs that you find, then PLEASE wait for the eventual release of DetailedPowerUsage on BigBoss.


    Where can I get DetailedPowerUsage?

    DetailedPowerUsage v1.0.2-1b is currently available on my repo, and eventually BigBoss for the final release version.


    If you'd like to check out my other tweaks, utilities, tools and themes please add my repo: https://legitcomputerwhisperer.github.io or tap this link from your jailbroken iOS device to automatically add my repo to your Cydia sources.


    EDIT: Pushed update v1.0.2-1b which addresses an issue where users who upgraded weren't seeing the battery usage graph. No change was made to the tweak itself but I did add a postinst script to remove the old tweak preferences plist (which was causing the issue).

    Please contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information or support.


    Knowledge is Power!


    submitted by /u/TheComputerWhisperer
    [link] [comments]

    [News] Substitute 0.0.6 released

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 04:21 PM PDT

    Any idea what it may fix ? :)

    submitted by /u/EtoileYuki
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] I believe I found the file Fortnite uses to detect jailbreaks.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 07:00 PM PDT

    Here is a pastebin link to the file: https://pastebin.com/d31dzVa3

    If you look through it you will see that it found some tweaks I have like Zeppelin, Flex, and TweakInjector. From what I can see it mostly looks for things in /usr/lib/ and /Library/TweakInject

    Here is the directory for those interested: Fornite/Library/Caches/com.crashlytics.data/com.chairentertainment.fortnite/v3/active/"folderwithrandomname"/binary_images.clsrecord

    submitted by /u/rzzer
    [link] [comments]

    [News] Tweak Injector 1.0.6 released

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 06:42 PM PDT

    [Question] Any tweak which will show only notification of that icon like this in s8?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 06:12 AM PDT

    [Question] where can I find the full Saurik Video?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 02:41 PM PDT

    I mean the office section 1201 roundtable video which had been streamed yesterday. As i was working i couldn't watch it sadly and now I'm not able to find any video except a 4min long posted in this sub. Anyone knows where or if i can rewatch this?

    submitted by /u/23melty23
    [link] [comments]

    [Release] Script for repo owners

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 04:14 PM PDT

    Hello, someone asked me to make a script for them that will automatically delete .DS_Store files, scan their Debs folder for files, update their Packages file, and finish off by creating the Packages.bzip file. I decided to upload it here for anyone who's interested in it. The script is simple, but gets the job done, no more entering all the commands by hand for those of you that still do!

    The RepoScript.command file contains:

    #!/bin/bash #To use this script you may need to run "chmod u+x ~/PathToScript/RepoScript.command" #Search for .DS_Store files and displays+deletes them. Change to your repo directory. find /Users/lucifer/repo -name .DS_Store find /Users/lucifer/repo -name .DS_Store -delete #Change this to your repo directory. cd /Users/lucifer/repo/ #Scans repo packages from debs folder, and creates Packages files. Change "Debs" to your deb folder NAME, not path. dpkg-scanpackages Debs / > Packages bzip2 -fks Packages echo "Repo is ready for uploading" 

    You can download the script here:


    submitted by /u/LucifersCircle
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] Will Controllers for All ever support Xbox One controller?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 12:29 PM PDT

    It supports the PS4 controllers but I have an Xbox one controller, will the developer ever support it or is it not possible?

    submitted by /u/Photoshop_Fun
    [link] [comments]

    [News] Confirmed- Liberty Lite fixes Verizon Fios jailbreak detection

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 03:23 PM PDT

    As the title says, liberty lite fixed jailbreak detection for the Fios Mobile app on iOS 11

    Thanks to RyleyAngus for this amazing tweak!

    Now, let's all move together to conquer Fortnite!

    submitted by /u/fanch12
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] LocalIAPStore & GameGem on IOS 11.X.X

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 11:52 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    So I've been trying to get these tweaks to work on my iPhone 8 (IOS 11.0.3). Some reason they haven't been working though? I have tried reinstall, rebooting, restarting. Ensured the app wasn't server-sided. I'm just not quite sure why?

    I see quite a lot of people able to use it and I was wondering if it was me or this is a particular problem surrounding the phone or version?

    Tried to search stuff up and find more information, but I don't think anyone else has this problem but me. If you guys have any ideas, please drop them below.

    Much Appreciated

    submitted by /u/TujBoss
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] Currently playing music filter for snapchat

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 05:15 PM PDT

    I really like this as part of snap++ thought it was pretty sick to share some new tunes etc.. Could someone make a tweak that makes just this and nothing else? Or could it cause bans?

    submitted by /u/Shlok_P
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] even after removing buggy tweaks phone still tends to heat up. nsurlsessiond showing up in detailed battery power usage. (Check description for link)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 09:02 PM PDT

    https://ibb.co/dZCX7S I have turned off iCloud back up too :( Removed tweaks which could cause heating :(

    submitted by /u/rockgary52
    [link] [comments]

    [Update] FDots - F*** more dots

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 08:55 PM PDT

    Updated to hide more dots

    Hides Icon Badges Page dots on springboard and lockscreen Orange Beta Dots Blue Update Dots

    Let me know if there is more I am working on the settings badges

    Big thanks to u/jman0125 for testing for me !!

    Repo Https://smokin1337.github.io

    submitted by /u/smokin1337
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] Rusty from Jailbreaking, can somebody point me in the direction of best way to upgrade my 6S(9.0.2) to ios10 and jailbreak? (Have blobs saved)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 03:33 PM PDT

    Been on IOS 9.0.2 since the beginning and getting tired of all of the new apps from the appstore requiring at least IOS10 to download. Gonna take the plunge and upgrade to IOS10.

    I have the blobs saved through the telegram app if that changes anything.

    submitted by /u/shinbo
    [link] [comments]

    [News] Eat the core of an Apple : How we analyze and find bugs in macOS and iOS kernel drivers conference.hitb.org/hitbsecconf201…

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 01:54 AM PDT

    [Discussion] iPhone 8+ dropping LTE constantly

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 06:23 PM PDT

    Has anyone been having an issue like this recently? Because I feel like Apple did something on their servers intentionally when the new iPad was announced to push people to update to 11.3

    submitted by /u/kevosmin
    [link] [comments]

    [REQUEST] A control center toggle for the vpn in settings. ( very sorry that photo of the idea lol)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 06:11 AM PDT

    [Question]Cloudd is using 45% of my battery. Can someone please tell me why?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 06:06 AM PDT

    [Discussion] i found this treasure today, should i update cydia packages? 50 updates

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 02:54 PM PDT

    [question][request] an adblock tweak that can add custom block section like this for safari, I'm really need this cuz i'm using 5 adblockers but still can't block some ads

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 07:31 PM PDT

    [Help] Can’t get this google search widget to be interactive. Does not respond to touch.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 11:01 AM PDT

    [Question] What is the tweak that make your keyboard's key vibrate called? BTW for iOS 11.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 01:04 PM PDT

    Title says it all. ;)

    submitted by /u/Advega
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] hey everyone a few days ago i saw people change their apple watch faces with new animated ones, i searched everywhere I couldn’t find how! (I have an iPhone x iOS 11.1.2, Apple watch 1st generation sport model ) thanks in advance

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 10:47 PM PDT

    [Question]iPhone X can't jailbreak after restarting

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 03:59 PM PDT

    So my iPhone X restarted overnight like it does every few days and so it unjailbroke, but now when I try to rejailbreak it it just loops through the respring screen forever. I've tried side loading electra again and still nothing, and there shouldn't be any conflicting tweaks installed since it was working just yesterday. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Zachb8
    [link] [comments]

    [Help] iPhone X overheating and battery drain with Apple Maps installed.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2018 10:52 AM PDT

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