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    Thursday, March 8, 2018

    macOS How to remove recovery as option to boot?

    macOS How to remove recovery as option to boot?

    How to remove recovery as option to boot?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 10:41 PM PST

    High Sierra Issues

    Posted: 08 Mar 2018 02:08 AM PST

    It all started when I upgraded to High Sierra.

    My MacBook (early 2015) would restart and crash with "your computer restated because of a problem" -- great. And when rebooting back up I am greeted with the kernel panic report.

    Now this happened once in a while and did not really affect me at first. It would sometimes shutdown with the lid close. Sometimes I leave it closed in my laptop sleeve and come back to it hot-- fans on. Being in the sleeve, it just gets hotter and hotter.

    Recently, these crashes have been occurring more often and each report indicates a different process. Finder completely broke on my account. Couldn't open finder window or any folder. Creating another account and enabling file sharing allows me to access my files with finder. I found out later that booting into safe mode did not work. And that disk utility first aid failed (see link for exact error).
    My MacBook was a complete mess.

    So, I did a clean install of High Sierra. Formatted my disk and installed os and migrated my time machine backup. First aid runs fine. Everything seems fine. Finder works. Except I'm back to the point I was before. My laptop is still crashing every once in a while. I'm afraid High Sierra is trashing the file system as time goes by and might go full circle on me again. (Assuming file system due to the finder issue and object map error)


    Is anyone else getting wrecked by high Sierra like me? I ran the hardware tests and diagnostics and have no issues. It seems that it's an os issue.

    submitted by /u/doanwiththis
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    IrDA options for contemporary macbooks?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2018 01:43 AM PST

    I'm wondering if anyone has tried to - or successfully achieved - IrDA connections on a macOS High Sierra Macbook Pro.

    I'm interesting in using a number of legacy devices (IR keyboard interfaces such as the Alphasmart, Psion 5MX, Apple Newton) to send data to my Mac, but not sure what receiving devices on the Mac side would be needed - there's many budget-priced IrDA interfaces, but obviously getting one with drivers and system support/integration is key.

    Has anyone had any experiences with this?

    submitted by /u/davemee
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    High Sierra, Illustrator and InDesign flashing/glitching when zooming

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 11:47 PM PST

    When High Sierra was first released, I installed it, and all of these bugs shown here, occurred: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6cyKlzIhVs I instantly went back to Sierra, couldn't work with those issues.

    I thought all of this had been ironed out by now, and a lot of people told me that Illustrator and other Adobe software worked fine on High Sierra. Yesterday I finally updated again, but sadly, all the bugs and glitches in Adobe software is still here. Does anyone have the same issues, or does anyone know if it's fixable and if it's Adobe's or Apple's fault?

    I'm running on a 2016 MacBook Pro with Touch Bar.

    I can note that turning GPU Preview off, fixes the issue, but then Illustrator becomes a pain to use

    submitted by /u/TheBsoBoy
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    Dark system theme?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 10:00 AM PST

    Does anyone know of a way to change the theme of Finder and other system applications to a dark UI theme? I've done some googling but none of the solutions I've found seem to work, specially the one at this address.

    I'm looking for something looking like this: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2000/1*IBHKsnIsXU6UDDke_Kv_Tw.jpeg

    submitted by /u/seacucumber3000
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    Is there a way to semi-universally have apps go full screen a la pre mission control?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 12:36 PM PST

    I actually like the mission control full screen in certain use cases. Like when I have a Remote Desktop / VNC / etc session/s. Mission control full screen works fine for this.

    However there are other apps where I'd really just prefer for full screen to just remove the window dressings and make the app the size of the screen instead.

    Mission control also seems to add a lot of overhead somehow, or at least things feel slower when I have multiple full screen apps open that use mission control.

    Is there a setting or perhaps an app that can switch to the old way of doing full screen? I'd be happy with doing it universally but would prefer to be able to set it on an app by app basis.

    Or is this something that each app has to implement internally, and I'm stuck?

    Thanks for any assistance :)

    submitted by /u/eeyoredragon
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    The latest macOS freezes - MBP 2017 13" (mandatory restart)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 12:28 PM PST

    Does anyone know any way to investigate why am I getting these "death freezes"? Windows has it's app for such problems but when my Mac has to be shut down I don't have any way to know what caused such problem - it was an app? process?

    I can't figure it out

    submitted by /u/alus992
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    SSD in 2014 MBP Installation Cost

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 09:15 AM PST

    Is $215 too much to pay for a business to install an SSD in a MBP? Not asking them to clone my data for me and I provided the SSD. They offered to install an OS for me (sierra - they said high sierra is buggy and to avoid it right now) so they might be including installation of the OS in that quote. But regardless, it seems a little high for labor. Any thoughts? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Hexoplanet
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    make a clone of my whole system (and bootcamp) before sending in for repair?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 08:47 AM PST

    I have a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015), that has a swelling battery, I'm getting ready to ship it back for repair, but wanted to take an image so I don't have to start over when it comes back (or is replaced). Is there a simple way to do this or does it get dicey? I'm pretty capable, but I've never done this before. I have access to external drives and such if I need them..


    submitted by /u/rhcreed
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    Dark mode and Alfred dark theme at sunset script [shell] [launchd]

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 04:20 AM PST


    I'd like to share a my shell script to enable dark mode and the Alfred dark theme at sunset.

    The script pulls sunrise and sunset data from the Yahoo weather API and sets up two user launch agents for sunrise and sunset, which then run the script thereafter.

    If your mac was asleep/off during the sunrise/sunset times, launchd will run the launch agent when you're next logged in!

    The script requires 'dark-mode' from Homebrew. In Yosemite there was a defaults command to set a keyboard shortcut to turn on dark mode, however this seems to no longer work in later OS.



    1. Download Darkmode
    2. Place the script in whichever folder you like.
    3. Open Terminal and install dark-mode from Homebrew.

      $ brew install dark-mode

      If you do not have Homebrew installed, refer to the Homebrew setup instructions below.

    4. Change directory to the folder containing the script and run the script.

      $ ./Darkmode.sh

    If you run the script after sunset, dark mode will turn on. If run the script during daylight, nothing will appear to happen, but don't fret the launch agent will soon automate dark mode at sunset!


    Homebrew setup:

    1. Open Terminal and type the below command

      $ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

    2. Wait until the $ prompt returns.

    For more info visit brew.sh


    Now, I realise Flux has this functionality, however I had issues with Flux crashing WindowServer and I switched to Night Shift and still wanted automated dark mode. Plus this script also sets the Alfred dark theme.

    When originally searching for a script to do this, I found a python script on Github which sets the Alfred dark theme at sunset, however the script was way over my head and I couldn't work out how to also set dark mode, so I made my own script c:



    • Be sure to not move the script after first run, as the script location is set in the launch agents and will break.
    • The script pulls your location from ipinfo.io. If you would not like the script to gather your location, hard code your location in the solar function in variables 'loc' (City) and 'nat' (Nation) e.g. loc=seattle nat=usa
    • If you have a custom Alfred theme, you can change the name of the theme in the darkMode function. Change the second quote in the osascript commands.
    • The script creates a folder in your Documents folder named 'Darkmode' to store the solar data and a log file. If you want to change the folder location, change the "darkdir" global variable.


    This is my first proper programmatic shell script. Let me know here or on GitHub if you have any issues or find any bugs! A log file in Darkmode folder logs dark-mode and any script errors.

    You can view the code here https://github.com/katernet/darkmode/blob/master/Darkmode.sh

    submitted by /u/katernet
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    Added font not appearing in preview

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 12:48 PM PST

    I've added a font to my font book, however when opening up preview and then editing a photo, I cannot see my added fonts.

    submitted by /u/raymanh
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    Why do minimized safari windows disappear after rebooting ?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 04:54 AM PST

    I haven't had this issue so far, I noticed this in the last few days. I had fairly important stuff lost because of this, any ideas? I'm on High Sierra.

    submitted by /u/akalamago
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    Mac OS Sierra question: Is there a way to have the dock on multiple monitors?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 08:25 AM PST

    I have 3 Apple displays and it's sometimes a pain to have to turn and look at the dock to open an app or check for app notification badges. I have a bad pinched nerve in my neck so I'm trying to make my work easier.

    submitted by /u/johnorso
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    Does the Lastpass Safari extension allow Touch ID on Macs?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 06:38 AM PST

    How do I delete deleted files?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 05:12 AM PST

    Thanks, friends.

    submitted by /u/kodysatdown
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    Come to the dark side: enable dark Menu Bar and Dock

    Posted: 07 Mar 2018 09:59 AM PST

    System Preferences > General > Use dark menu bar and Dock


    submitted by /u/westermac
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