• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 25, 2018

    iPhone Apparently this is the Megaplex theater in South Jordan, UT. Thanks for getting me here just in time for my showing, Apple.

    iPhone Apparently this is the Megaplex theater in South Jordan, UT. Thanks for getting me here just in time for my showing, Apple.

    Apparently this is the Megaplex theater in South Jordan, UT. Thanks for getting me here just in time for my showing, Apple.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 07:33 PM PDT

    When you take your case off.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 05:26 PM PDT

    The best feeling ever, using my iPhone X after having a bulky case on it.

    submitted by /u/Joshyeah
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    I miss the square like design of the old iPhones. We need an se plus.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 06:31 AM PDT

    I bought a case from rue 21 and it has more square edges. I makes me miss when iPhones were more square. Don't get me wrong I love my 7+. But those square edges add way more grip and security to the hand. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/NFSdemon666
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    Roundup: The best Qi wireless chargers for Apple's iPhone X and iPhone 8

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 04:22 AM PDT

    My 8 Plus’ battery life is having issues

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 05:14 AM PDT

    I got my iPhone 8 Plus in November and my battery life has suddenly become shorter.

    I remember getting through the whole day with 30% left and now I can't even make it till 6 pm. I initially thought it was iOS 11.2.6 but now I'm on the public beta (11.3) and the same thing is happening.

    I get around 5 hours of usage and 9 hours of standby.

    Is this normal? My battery health is at 98%. Should I restore my iPhone?

    Background app refresh if off for 95% of the apps from the beginning.

    And my phone seems to be charging faster than before (same adapter and same cable as before).

    Please suggest what I should do.


    submitted by /u/MisterFhister
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    Sandstone case for iPhone 7

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 10:12 PM PDT

    [Question] I'm looking for a thin case for my iPhone 7 that has a sandstone texture similar to the oneplus 5 case. Any ideal where to get it? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/luckytrinh1970
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    iPhone 6+ gray screen flicker, how long do I have before I need to upgrade?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 07:24 AM PDT

    My iPhone 6 Plus just started exhibiting the gray flicker at the top of the screen and intermittent touch unresponsiveness associated with the "Touch Disease" that was uncovered a few years ago. Right now pressing firmly at the top of the screen or resetting the phone seems to fix it, but should I start thinking about replacing it? I see that Apple offers a $150 repair, but TBH at this point I'd rather just put that towards an upgrade. I was hoping to hold out until September for obvious reasons. Do you think the 6+ will it make it that long, or will the situation continue to get worse?

    submitted by /u/glud314
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    New iPhone 7 respringing constantly and WiFi greyed out

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 07:56 AM PDT

    Hello, I am in need of help.

    I got a new iPhone 7 from guarantee after it fell face first on the ground. My new iPhone 7 worked very well, up until the day before yesterday when it started to restart/respring and disable wifi constantly. It is still doing it, just respringing and greying out WiFi.

    I have tried:

    • Restoring and then using a backup
    • Force restarting
    • Just turning it on and off

    I am on iOS 11.3 latest beta, I hoped that that would have fixed it but it didn't.


    submitted by /u/SuperEesti
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    Did my phone get hacked or is it a simple number spoof?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 07:26 PM PDT

    So a group text with my close friends received various messages in response to plans that we were trying to set up for tonight. The thing is, I did not send the messages and they do not appear on my phone but everyone else in the group text sees it as me as the sender. What I'm worried is that someone might somehow got access to my imessages seeing how they responded to my friends. Should I be worried and what should I do now?

    submitted by /u/streamchimp
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    Looking for a very specific type of iPhone X case

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 09:44 AM PDT


    I'm looking for an iPhone X case that has a wireless power bank on the back of it, meaning that if I want to charge, all I need to do is turn the power bank on, no cables needed.

    I'm sure I'm not the first one to think about this combination, does it exist?

    submitted by /u/michaelNXT1
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    iMessage counter?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 11:56 PM PDT

    Am I the only one interested in having a way to know how many iMessages have been sent/received like how carriers show us how many texts have been sent/received, or are there others here also interested in this?

    submitted by /u/99cad
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    Justice Dept. Revives Push to Mandate a Way to Unlock Phones

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 09:14 AM PDT

    New Bug, 11.2.6?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 09:07 AM PDT

    This is my current home screen layout on iOS. I just encountered this bug, where apparently, features like FaceTime, Messages, and Phone aren't a priority...


    A restart solved the issue. Here's hoping 11.3 comes out soon!


    submitted by /u/thedeegst28
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    SMS messages not sending between Iphones?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 09:00 AM PDT

    I have my Imessage enabled on an SE and the phone I'm experiencing bugs with is an Iphone 7 with Imessage disabled. We're sending SMS messages and theirs a 50/50 chance messages wont be sent or received. I've tried multiple methods to try and resolve this bug but with no success. Is there anything else to try and fix this issue?

    submitted by /u/1000ibbiguy
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    For those of you that qualified for the free repair for the "No Service" issue on the iPhone 7, how long did it take to get it fixed?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 05:12 AM PDT

    I just went to the Apple store yesterday and they verified that i was eligible for the free repair of the "No Service" system and sent it to the repair shop but they did not give me a replacement phone. So i am wondering how long am i going to without a phone for? currently surviving on groupme...

    submitted by /u/lefthandshooting
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    Anyone with experience of pre orders and day 1 releases care to explain how it works?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 07:16 AM PDT

    I plan on trying to pick up the new iPhone X + or whatever new + variant coming in September. How exactly do pre orders work and how do I ensure I get one? Also how is picking it up on day 1? Tips and stories are completely welcome

    submitted by /u/HeyBriansOn
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    Iphone 6s+ microphone and headphone jack not working

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 07:06 AM PDT

    Since iOS 10 my microphone and headphone jack won't work anymore. It's like my microphone is completely dead and doesn't exist on my phone anymore and my headphone jack is also just completely dead, my headphones work on other iphones but not this one. I have hard resetted my phone and it fixed it multiple times but it just keeps coming back after a few hours everytime. I'm fed up with having to hard reset my phone all the time. Does anyone know how i can fix it?

    submitted by /u/kaasuvlee
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    Any good Nintendo DS emulators for Gen IV pokemon ?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 11:30 PM PDT

    I currently have nds4ios downloaded on my iPhone but there seems to be an issue with downloading the roms as it does not sync with Dropbox, which makes my nds4ios emulator useless. Is there any other way that I can play Pokémon Gen IV Nintendo DS games on my iPhone 6s?

    submitted by /u/thekid2009
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    iPhone Silicone Case Worn Out After 1 Month

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 02:33 PM PDT

    I have an 8 Plus with the black silicone case. I usually get the leather but bought the silicone instead thinking it would hold up over time better.

    The case is already worn through on the corners with the silicone pealing off, probably from sliding it into my pocket, keep in mind I'm not taking it out of my pocket super frequent. It's to the point where I'd rather just carry the phone around in my hand so I'm not sliding in my pocket.

    Does anybody else have this problem? I figured for $40 the case would hold up better than this.

    submitted by /u/dick_avalanche
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    What is the best Official Apple (not a knockoff) fast charge charger for an iPhone 7+?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 05:53 AM PDT

    I'm using the standard 5v iPhone charge and it's so slow and I've found myself using my iPad Pros 12v charge to do it faster.

    I now looking at getting a better voltage charger for my iPhone but what would be the best one for my money?

    I don't wanna get the highest voltage charger if it's only 5% faster then the 2nd highest voltage charger! If that makes any sense? Basically diminishing returns on voltage to money.

    submitted by /u/Mashable_Pixels
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    [Help] Deleted Emails Filling up Drafts...

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 05:47 AM PDT

    Hundreds of mails I deleted months are now in my drafts folder and are undeletable. These aren't emails I sent but inbox emails that were sent to me which makes this even more odd.

    I have an iPhone 7 and it's up to date.

    submitted by /u/Kill_Kayt
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    Should I pick a 6S+ 64GB or a 7+ 32GB?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 05:42 AM PDT

    Very soon I'd like to change my iPhone 5 16GB, and I can't really figure which of these is better.

    Personally, I have a feeling that 32GB might not be enough, but yet the 7+ is obviously the better phone. I'm not a big video/photo fan, but I have loads of videos or PDFs from my university courses which I can easily read through my phone while I'm on the go.

    Music is also something that I use my phone for , not sure right now how much memory is occupied by music, but for sure I'll add more once I change my phone.

    Thoughts? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/selinken
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    iPhone Adjusts Contrast Randomly?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2018 06:20 PM PDT

    iPhone 7 Plus user here - has anyone had issues where your phone app screens adjust contrast at random? This happened twice to me today while using my phone (no Night Shift, I have this auto-enabled at sunset and this was in the afternoon).

    Curious if anyone has suggestions or a fix to this issue. Essentially, colors came out bolder at one point, and then changed to become more faded after a few minutes.

    Tips or tricks are welcome, and thanks!

    submitted by /u/thedeegst28
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    Cases like the Optrex by Body Glove

    Posted: 25 Mar 2018 05:14 AM PDT

    I've been looking and looking for a case like this for my iPhone 8, I love the chunk and ruggedness to this case and since it's out of production I've been looking for one like it, any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Connor0555
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