• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 14, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [News] Cydia can now uninstall packages on iOS 11.1.2

    iOS Jailbreak [News] Cydia can now uninstall packages on iOS 11.1.2

    [News] Cydia can now uninstall packages on iOS 11.1.2

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 02:50 PM PST

    [News] Meridian Cydia almost done. Waiting on setuid0 fixes

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 05:18 PM PST

    [News] Cydia Sources are Loading

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 03:24 PM PST

    [News] Cydia now able to install packages!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 08:19 PM PST

    [News] Some good news: dpkg and APT confirmed working on iOS 11.1.2 Cydia’s still refusing to load sources for whatever reason, but “apt-get update” and “apt-get install” work perfectly :)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 01:45 PM PST

    [Discussion] Anchor is now open source!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 12:48 PM PST

    [News] Electra RC1 will be a limited release to developers only initially.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 10:04 PM PST

    [news] iOS 10 users - Our time is soon :)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 05:06 PM PST

    [META] So what's the point of the Coolstar megathread if no mods actually keep it updated?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 04:27 PM PST

    I have been seeing more and more of these Coolstar twitter posts on the /r/jailbreak front page and, while I'm grateful for the updates and advancements towards getting Cydia and Electra working concurrently together, people seem to forget that we do indeed have a megathread specifically for this.

    I think one of three things need to happen:

    1. Moderators start cleaning up the posts and moving them to the megathread (specifically /u/exjr_ since he was the megathread creator)

    2. The reigns of the megathread go to /u/ObamaTookMyToast since I've seen this person post more about the Coolstar tweets than anyone (2-3 times in a day)

    3. Delete the megathread and just use the provided filter on the sidebar.

    To me, the megathread literally serves no purpose. No one checks it because it never gets updated as news breaks and no one checks it because the tweet gets posted on /r/jailbreak and hits the top almost immediately. So either we clean up the single tweets and move them to the megathread or we just get rid of the megathread altogether and point people to use the filters.

    submitted by /u/NigelxD
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    [News] Baseband issue with Cydia is fixed!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 01:47 PM PST

    [Release] Wink .deb for iOS 10 + 11

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 06:29 PM PST

    Thank you u/Amro5698 ! You're awesome for updating the .deb

    Wink .deb

    To install:

    1. Open the file in Filza

    2. Install

    3. Go into Cydia and install AppList

    4. Respring

    5. Profit!


    Wink hides your status bar and reappears again for a short time with a simple tap. There are options to configure in settings. These include animation style, the duration of the wink, to always show the clock, and blacklisting the tweak in certain apps.

    submitted by /u/keveeeezy
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    [News] Coolstar eats a sandwich for breakfast and brushes his teeth before sleeping

    Posted: 14 Feb 2018 12:01 AM PST

    [Discussion] The future of jailbreaking

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 11:26 AM PST

    So earlier, I was just thinking at the amount of progress we have made. Jailbreak was claimed to have died. Here we are.

    I think that a lot of this innovation and progression has come from the community. Younger minds just reverse engineering code with the mentality of "fuck it why not me"; Doing it because they enjoy it. I believe we have dropped a rock in a pool which will continue to ripple outwards. Younger minds becoming more interested in security research and/or exploitation. I believe that this is the most beneficial effect this scene is causing.

    Let me say that many thanks are owed to saurik for establishing such a sound foundation for this ecosystem. His contributions and countless hours put into development and research benefit more than he probably realizes. With all of that being said...

    Saurik doesn't like jailbreakd. We know this. He has the right not to. Saurik doesn't agree with it from an architectural standpoint. He is entitled to that belief and I'm sure he shares it with many others. He believes he can make a more "architecturally sound" package which we as a community should be encouraging.


    The point that I feel I need to share is that we shouldn't discourage innovation. If coolstar, or even a future inspired 15 year old reddit browser, uses "unconventional" methods than we NEED to embrace that. What is conventional? Who defines it? You. We need more people in this world interested in security research. This community can inspire future security researchers in a novelty kind of way.

    I have a question for the community

    What do you think the jailbreaking community will look like 1 month from now? How about 6 months? 1 year?

    I ask this question because I think it's important for us to envision where we want to be so we know the challenges that come before us, and to thank those that have brought us to where we are. Dream on, and have a good day everyone!

    edit: tldr; Embrace and encourage those interested to get involved.

    submitted by /u/blvckoutnow
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    [Discussion] How to Jailbreak with Electra and NOT install Anemone

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 10:35 AM PST

    I tested this ONLY on an iPad Pro 12.9 11.1.2.

    1. Download Electra ipa.

    2. Change .ipa to .zip

    3. Unzip and locate anemoneapp.tar and DELETE this file.

    4. Unzip tweaksupport.tar and navigate to SBInject. Delete Everything except PreferenceLoader.plist and PreferenceLoader.dylib

    5. Back out and rezip the tweaksupport folder to .tar. (I used PeaZip for this)

    6. Back out and re-zip the payload folder and rename it to whatever you want. (Electra No Anemone)

    7. Change .zip back to .ipa and install with Cydia Impactor

    Edit: If you are already Jailbroken with Anemone Installed, You can either run unjailbreak.sh and rejailbreak. Or you can delete all the anemone files (SBInject files and Anemone.app) and then replace your current Electra with the new one you made and rejailbreak.

    Edit 2: added steps to clean SBInject folder as well.

    submitted by /u/kennyfreemoney
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    [Tutorial] Activator to set Nonce automatically, for iPhone 7 (iOS 10)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 01:55 PM PST

    This is a little guide, to automatically set your nonce for iPhone 7, on iOS 10. It is different because it uses the nvpatch command, which doesn't apply with the old guide. I made sure to link the original at the bottom as 75% of this guide is from that one. Much thanks to u/dunemark for his original post. This will allow you to set your nonce with the Nvpatch, and Nvram commands in iOS 10 using Siguza's kern utils. I also found during this process that once you run the nvpatch command, your nonce is still in the Nvram, so it doesn't reset after a reboot, making this guide pretty useless, but if you want to be sure and are a worry wart like me, this guide is for you. Also, be careful when messing with files. I'm making this guide because I've been trying to figure it out for a while, and I hope its useful to someone else, but please correct me if I have any mistakes, or if this method isn't good, but I couldn't find another way.

    1. Install [[Activator]]

    2. Install [[Activate Command]]

    3. Install [[Sudo]]

    4. Install [[Filza File Manager]] (if you don't have it already)

    5. Install Kern-Utils from https://github.com/Siguza/ios-kern-utils/releases (you can download this deb, and open/install it with Filza) Thank you to Siguza for this.

    Basically once everything is installed, we follow the previous guide... with a couple of extra steps.

    First find the Sudoers file in private/etc/sudoers. Open this file either via SCP or Filza text editor.

    Underneath root All=(All) ALL , we need to add a couple of lines to make it look how it does below... The Nvram and Nvpatch files are added lines. DON'T delete any lines and make a backup just in case of the sudoers file.

    root All=(All) ALL

    mobile ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/nvram

    mobile ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nvpatch

    This will allow us to use the sudo command with Nvpatch, and Nvram (some might think this is unsafe, so you can weigh the risks yourself.) I'm not too worried about it because it is contained to those files, but I'm not an expert. Moving on.

    After you have added those files to the sudoers, we can now make commands with Activate Command.

    Go to Settings > and find the Activate Command Tweak, and we will make 2 commands.

    Command 1: sudo nvpatch com.apple.System.boot-nonce

    Command 2: sudo /usr/sbin/nvram com.apple.System.boot nonce=0xf882649b13ff34f8 [<---- your nonce ]

    edit: replace this> 0xf882649b13ff34f8 <---- with yours to be more clear

    After you do this, you can make an activator action that will set your nonce on your phone.

    Go to Activator, then create the command you want, I did this..

    Anywhere> Device Unlocked

    Activate Command 1

    pause 1 second

    Activate Command 2

    I tested this out by changing my nonce to the wrong number, then locking and unlocking my device. Afterwards it was correct again. Also I rebooted the device, and made sure that not only the nonce stuck, but also you can view the generator, and you don't have to re-apply the nvpatch command. Yay! Hopefully this will help someone, it might just be a waste of time. The cool part is, after testing all of this, I feel like we wouldn't even need to do this, just because when the nvpatch is applied you will see that your nonce is back to whatever you had it set as, so if anything this guide just makes things easier, and probably doesn't do much. I wanted it anyways lol.

    Original article (much more detail and way better formatting, I don't know all of the reddit tricks lol) Thanks Siguza and dunemark https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/5sfh37/tutorial_automatically_setting_your_nonce/

    Edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/technaustin
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    [Question] Rocketbootsrap on iOS 11, what’s up with it?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 03:53 PM PST

    Is anyone working on updating it? If not is there any way for community members to contribute to the development? Lastly does anyone know if there's a specific reason why it's broken?

    submitted by /u/Basshead404
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    [Question] I feel stupid, my friend has an ipad but it says update to 10.3.3, will it actually update to 10.3.3?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 05:19 PM PST

    [Request] Please HELP my IPhone X Won’t charge past 2%.... I tried multiple different wires and wall adapters... also tried wireless charging pad. Someone told me that my battery files are corrupted...? I don’t want to restore and loss 11.1.2!!!!!! What should I do????

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 06:59 PM PST

    [Discussion] What are some of your favourite/must have tweaks that you’re going to install once this jailbreak is fully released?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 05:58 AM PST

    [NEWS] latest netflix working on tvOS 10.2.2

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 07:49 AM PST

    We got it working and will do the same for as many apps as we can. so if you arent on a jailbroken version of 11, downgrading to 10.2.2 might not be a bad idea ;) keep in mind if you have a newer AppleTV 4 with newer siri remote model there are pairing issues. Also on the todo list to figure out, but im not as confident that can be solved with a tweak. Not sure on ETA, hopefully soon.


    submitted by /u/nitotv
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    [Request] Need an electra user on 11.1.2!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 02:18 AM PST

    An unfortunate incident occurred, and as such my phone no longer has a baseband. If you're on 11.1.2, please send me this file from your phone:


    Edit: Seems like psi_ram and bbticket aren't the only things needed to get it to boot. I'd like to try with the entire ICE17 folder before restoring, so please send that if you have it.

    It would be very helpful for recovery and there's no personal information in it. Thanks for any help.

    Edit 2: Looks like I'm joining the ETA squad. Thanks to everyone who shared their files.

    Also: I've seen a lot of people ask whether this will affect coolstar's ETA, the answer is no.

    submitted by /u/wafuu
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    [Question]Will 'CacheCleaner' be updated from ryan petrich repo?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 09:46 PM PST

    one of my favorite cydia twweaks. will it be updated if someone knows?

    submitted by /u/catastrophe42o
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    [Request] My rear camera broke and crashes anything on my phone when activated. Can someone create a tweak to have front facing camera be the default?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 12:45 PM PST

    If this is too specific of a tweak to create for the community I'd be ok donating to the creator

    submitted by /u/pardod
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    [Help] Does anyone else have this calendar problem with Eclipse?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 06:03 PM PST

    [Help] Snapchat crashes whenever logging in.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2018 11:34 PM PST

    Snapchat crashes every single login, signs me out afterwards.

    I've tried installing a JB protector, didn't work. Also tried removing all tweaks affecting snap, still crashes.

    I dont currently have phantom installed.

    Im out of ideas, any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Right_Twix3121
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