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    Sunday, September 24, 2017

    Apple Help Does Siri no longer use google? (IOS11).

    Apple Help Does Siri no longer use google? (IOS11).

    Does Siri no longer use google? (IOS11).

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 05:13 PM PDT

    I have an iPhone 6S+ (IOS11) and want Siri to open a new safari page with my google search results when I ask commands like "Google search pictures of cats".

    I can say "Bing pictures of cats" and this behavior works perfectly. Siri will respond with "Searching Bing for images of cats" and open the page in safari automatically.

    When I replace Bing with Google, I get the default "Here are some images of 'cats' I found on the web" in the default Siri web search that uses Bing. It doesn't even open the search results in Safari.

    Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

    submitted by /u/BuzyFNG
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    Clickfree HD527 External Hard Drive won't read on my Macbook Pro 2009, HALP M3!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 10:29 PM PDT

    I've been using the aforementioned 500GB External Hard Drive to store movies and movie scripts, as my internal hard drive is rather depressing. Only 120 GB. Sad Dad.... Anyhow, that Hard Drive, that I've lovingly named it, "Dickbutt" has been with me for like 4 years, and today it stopped working. There's a light on the actual device that will still light up when I plug it in to the USB, but my Mac won't register it as existing at all. I tried it on my partner's Mac as well, to make sure my USB drive wasn't shot, and it didn't work on hers either, as well as, I usually watch movies on PS4 through it, and it won't work there either. So, I feel pretty sure it's the device itself that isn't responding, even though it's LED lights still register when it's plugged in. Any advice? Can anyone restore or Phoenix Down my Dickbutt? Me love you long time if you can. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/MrAwesomeBrett
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    Error 3503 while trying to update to iOS 11?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 10:12 PM PDT

    I'm trying to update my iPhone 6s because I'm trying to pair my Apple Watch. Every time I try update it via computer there seems to be an error 3503 and it won't update at all without the computer. Any help would be great.

    submitted by /u/vincemcmahondamnit
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    iPhone 5 Problem Loop

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 09:56 PM PDT

    So my iPhone has been turning itself off for the past week and today it turned off and won't turn back on.

    I connect it to the outlet charger and it flashes the apple logo so I try to restore it and now it's on the iTunes logo however whenever I try to plug it in to the computer the iPhone won't turn on at all or get recognized. I tried different cables and computers so it's probably the Phone's issue

    submitted by /u/ShitBrainsForAll
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    Why did like 90% of my photos turn blurry in my camera roll??

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 09:33 PM PDT

    When I try to edit them it says "error downloading photo form iCloud Photo Library"

    submitted by /u/zaale
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    iPhone SE is rarely able to connect to the App Store

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 09:26 PM PDT

    Been an ongoing problem since I got the phone in Sept. 2016. Almost every time I try to use the App Store it'll say it can't connect. I try resetting my phone, closing and reopening the app, using data, wifi, etc. I usually just use the phone for casual browsing, texting, calls, and social media, but in the slim cases where I need an app, it's really damn annoying.

    Anyone know any fixes? Thanks

    submitted by /u/ThatGuyFrom720
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    Black FaceTime screen between Mac and iPhone after iOS 11?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 09:16 PM PDT

    After update to iOS 11 on iPhone 6 (and now also on my new iPhone 8 Plus), the party using the Mac cannot see my phone's video, but I can see them. However, if the same party uses another iPhone on iOS 11, it works. That person is also able to FaceTime with iPhone users from the Mac if the iPhone user hasn't updated to iOS 11.

    Has anyone else experienced this behavior or have a solution? Is it worth reporting to Apple, or is there a way to check if someone has already reported it?

    submitted by /u/Polytecher
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    I may have deleted everything on my computer...

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 09:06 PM PDT

    I needed to go back to Yosemite from sierra because it was making my games lag. So I watched a few videos and did the reset thing holding command + r and that window popped up. Then I went to the something HDD and removed it like the video said. Then I was supposed to go back to the main part by closing the window. And it didn't have a Yosemite option just the sierra. So I was like, screw this... then I went to the top left and hit the apple thing to reset my mac assuming it would go back to the shitty sierra. But it had a flashing folder with a question mark... I was freaking out so I manually reset it then held command + r and it gave me the option to get the Yosemite. Will this remove everything I had on my computer before? Or will it be backed up? Or can I get everything back? It has 10 minutes remaining on the Yosemite download... please help.

    submitted by /u/Xyzdx
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    Aluminum Bumper cases & Wireless charging

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 07:50 PM PDT

    I have a IPhone 8. And just got a Belkin Boost Up7w (the one made for the iPhone). Was just wondering if the Aluminum bumper case made by Ranvoo (no metal backplate just Bumper). would interfere / damage the charger or the phone using it?

    TLDR; Are Aluminum Bumper Cases safe to use with Charging pads?

    submitted by /u/00Mayhem00
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    Macbook 12" 2017 overheating?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 07:40 PM PDT


    My Macbook 12" retina 2017 gets hot super fast. It runs Sierra 10.12.6. It's brand new, and I use it mostly to surf (Chrome, so probably CPU intensive?), and watch streams.

    I noticed it heats up really fast, especially if I use it on me (while on the couch for example). But it also heats up quickly if I'm using it on the desk. The bottom right side is always the hottest, to the point where it's almost difficult to touch sometimes (does not burn me, but it's not the kind of heat the skin can sustain for long). Quickly the entire bottom front is very hot, say after maybe 10-15min of usage..

    Is it something known, and normal with this model? I understand it's best to use it in a way that allows for airflow, but if I can't, what are the risks? Could it damage components inside? Anything I can do, software side, to help it cool down?

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to input!

    submitted by /u/Hekidayo
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    Mac restart progress bar freezes at ~75%

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 07:31 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I appreciate any help; I'm not very good with technology so please forgive my amateurishness and sorry in advance :(

    A little less than a year ago I purchased a second hand MacBook Pro 13" 2010. It came with a few dents and was already a little 'slow', but nonetheless pretty good. I admit I should have treated it a bit better though, I often left it on with high brightness when I really should have put the lid down, let the battery drain out, and forced shut downs among other things. Viruses would occasionally appear, but Malwarebytes would usually handle things for me.

    A week ago I noticed the window for Microsoft Word's "save as" wouldn't pop up at all, despite almost everything else working perfectly fine. I was busy so I just left the document on for the rest of the week (and I just figured Word would get back to me like this, being torrented and all :(). A few days ago I was working on the same document when it just disappeared. It didn't 'go anywhere', my laptop just acted as if the very concept, the very image of the document itself had never existed before.

    I force quit Word and hoped the auto recovery function would lend a hand. It didn't. Word started acting weird as well, windows would pop up in reaction to clicks I did a few minutes ago, and would remain on the screen even though force quit was quite clearly telling me it wasn't running. My laptop then hit the stage where everything was performing unbearably slowly, as it does once in a while. I decided to use Malwarebytes (which I had been putting off/forgetting to use as my browser was also getting random "ssp.[something]" pop ups). I followed its restart prompt of course.

    Unfortunately, upon rebooting, the progress bar (with the grey screen and apple symbol) would load (I think around 50% at that time) and then stay stuck. I force shut and then restarted it, this time the bar wouldn't load at all. I repeated this ~10 times. Then on one attempt the bar loaded at 75% and froze. I left it there the whole night in some sort of desperate hope, and in the morning it was still ~75%. I force shut it and then restarted, only for the progress bar to not load at all again.

    I went searching for info and tried to ignore the symptoms that 'the hardware is dying', because I was a little afraid, and perhaps still a bit doggedly hopeful. Anyways I used Disk Utility and ran first aid on the... I'm not sure what to call it sorry... the 'main disk'[??] and I'm pretty sure it was called a successful operation that time. Also, I was surprised to find that the 'main disk' (~390 GB) was completely/very nearly full, according to disk utility. Anyways, I restarted on the usual disk (not Recovery HD) and sadly the progress bar froze at ~75% again. I had to leave for the whole day and decided to leave it there as is. But when I came back at night I found it on the login screen.

    Unfortunately, after logging in the only things that would load were the desktop wallpaper and a few small QuickTime player windows. I don't remember whether I closed them (I don't even remember whether the mouse actually functioned or even moved, my memory leaves it as an incessant spinning beach ball) or they disappeared on their own after a while. Hopeful, I left it like that for the night, only to see it remain so in the morning.

    I shut down again and restarted to get on disk utility. However, I think it is this time when running first aid on the main disk[?] procured an error message "First Aid found corruption that needs to be repaired. To repair the startup volume, run First Aid from Recovery", which vigorous research failed to explain to me what the hell that message meant.

    But some research led me to a Macrumours page suggesting I 'clone my laptop to an external drive, then reformat the internal.' I followed through with the cloning. One of the steps suggested I 'boot to the external drive', just to check in case something unwanted happen. Well, I pressed 'option' while restarting my laptop and chose to boot to my external drive. Unfortunately the progress bar has loaded, and frozen at ~75%, and still has remained frozen right here for a good few hours now. I'm really unsure about everything currently. I just don't know what to do.

    I'm obviously being pretty reluctant to go to an Apple Support Store, I think it's a combination of my laptop being second hand (sent over from all the way across the country), and being told that my laptop wasn't eligible for (at least) online Apple Support upon entering its serial code on the site. My mindset hovers between caring more about the 'wellbeing'/'survival' of the laptop itself, or caring more about the priceless data inside. Anyways, I'm really sorry for this rambling, amateurish post, and I'd really, really appreciate any help or advice :)

    submitted by /u/TheDarthFederer
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    Tried to delete Adobe Creative Suite but the contents say "In use" and thus can't be deleted

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 07:18 PM PDT

    I may have fucked up here but I just dragged the entire Adobe Creative Suite folder into trash and tried to empty trash.

    I don't use any Adobe apps, I just downloaded it once a couple years ago to do a free trial demo seminar of Photoshop.

    Upon trying to empty the trash, each item comes up saying it's in use and can't be deleted.

    So now.. What do?

    submitted by /u/JustinGitelmanMusic
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    Why does my iPod Classic keep randomly pausing at the same moment in the song?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 07:14 PM PDT

    I have a 2nd-generation iPod Classic, and it's recently started pausing at the exact same point in the song (3:13), no matter what the song is. Once it pauses, I can't press the play button to continue the song. Any ideas on how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/mecolema
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    iPad will not turn on at all

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 01:15 PM PDT

    My grandpa had the iPad 4. He is now in the nursing home and he doesn't have a use for the iPad anymore. It's been a few years since he stopped using the iPad, so it's basically been untouched for 2-3 years. And it will not turn on. I have read a lot about it and also tried a lot to get it to work, But so far, nothing. So I'm looking for any help :)

    submitted by /u/moeseb
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    Disk1s1: device is write locked

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 07:03 PM PDT

    My wife got a MacBook from her uncle last week. He shipped it with a new account just for her. But he forgot the password. I was gone all last week, but they spent time on the phone with Apple for over an hour. Apple had him remove the computer from his account. Now I don't know what to do. I try to use the password reset command, but it just asks me to input the password. Is this a firmware lock? I've never had an Apple before. The lady on the phone said we had to take it to an Apple store. When I command+r+s and type fsck -fy it says the system is normal. When I try mount -uw it says disk1s1 is write locked. I didn't know if there was a way to unlock that so I could reset the password. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

    It's a MacBook Air and it is running Sierra.

    submitted by /u/CerwinVegas55
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    Music Volume Varying on Devices

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 07:03 PM PDT

    I have an issue with one album in my iTunes library (Paramore's All We Know Is Falling). The album was copied as MP3 files from a friends computer if that helps. When I sync this album to my iPod's and play it the volume is increased so much that it blasts my ears when it comes on shuffle, whereas on the iPhone the same album is fine. I synced it to three devices, an iPhone 6, an iPod Nano 5th Gen and an iPod Classic 6th Gen and this is the only album I've found that does this. I've tried turning on the volume equaliser setting on both iPod's but it doesn't help. I've had to resort to just excluding this album from both my iPod's but I was hoping there would be a better fix than this.

    submitted by /u/HJackDidNothingWrong
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    IPhone SE right side almost completely unresponsive?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 06:54 PM PDT

    a few days ago i dropped my phone and cracked the hell out of it. the new replacement screen came in today and after i swapped the new one in i instantly realized the right edge of my screen isn't very responsive. the display looks completely fine and i can use the phone as normal, i just cant use the right edge. i used some isopropyl alcohol and a q-tip to run along the screen connection points, sadly that didn't help anything. any ideas? model no: A1662 ios 11 thank you :)

    submitted by /u/pooncatcher
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    Seeing weird named folders in iCloud

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 06:43 PM PDT

    Why am i seeing all these weird named folders in my iCloud? They do not show up in iCloud Drive in my devices, they do not show up in iCloud Drive in the iCloud.com website, and they cannot be deleted or renamed.

    Here's a screenshot of what I am seeing

    submitted by /u/Siproprio
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    Should I update the software on my old Apple TVs?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 08:07 AM PDT

    I have two older Apple TVs, one in the 720 variant (gen 2) and another in the 1080 variant (gen 3). The one in my bedroom is MC572LL/A, which everymac says has an A4 processor and 256 megs of ram.

    The other is the 2012 version so it's got an A5 and 512 megs of Ram.

    Should I update the software on these to the latest version, just the newer one, or neither?

    My only concern is that AirPlay streaming doesn't seem to be working anymore from my iPhone 7 after updating to iOS 11. Otherwise I don't think any of the new tvOS benefits hit this device anyway.

    submitted by /u/NotRoryWilliams
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    Help with clean install

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 10:55 AM PDT

    Hello Reddit.

    I've purchased a late 2009, "unibody" white MacBook for my younger son to use.

    I've upgraded the RAM to 8 GB with no issue. The Mac has a HDD with 10.7.5 installed. I've pulled the HDD out and installed a SSD. I've tried doing the Option + R and the Option + Command + R upon start-up but it doesn't seem to be working. I get the flashing gray folder with a '?.'

    What are the steps for the to re-image the laptop, using the new SSD? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/PeanoAxioms
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    Soundsport wireless takes over the music controls?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 06:19 PM PDT

    I just bought some soundsport wireless headphones and noticed whenever I'm listening to music I can no longer control the play rewind and fast forward in my control center. Any ideas on what's causing this??

    I'm running ios11 as well

    submitted by /u/MrRIP
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    Applying for Apple

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 06:06 PM PDT

    So I'm in my profile and under experience it ask's "select highest education level". I am currently a college student but have not gotten my associates or bachelors. So do I put Associates, High school or equivalent, or other? And one more thing even If I put high school or equivalent it ask for major/field of study, when there isn't any of that in high school, what should I put?

    submitted by /u/ANALB3ADSMCGEE
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    Charger Port or Charger isn't working.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 05:34 PM PDT

    I have an iPhone 5s with iOS 10.3.3. Periodically the charging port fills with general lint/debris which I normally clean out with a small wooden skewer. If it remains dirty I can normally push the charger upwards so it is pushing, at an angle, into the holes at the end of the port. This was the case today, where I could make my phone charge by pushing the charger up. Knowing it was dirty, I tried to clean it with a small needle, so as to go deeper into the charger. I got a lot of lint out, but now my phone won't charge at all, not even if I angle/jimmy it upwards. Also may be of note: the charger seems to be jiggling around a lot more than usual, I can move it from side to side in the charging port. Is my charger or my port broken and what action can I take to fix the latter? (PS: I can still see some lint in the port, I'll clean it some more and see how it goes)

    submitted by /u/griffinfoxwood
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    itunes error 3503 when trying to restore

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 01:29 PM PDT

    I am trying to restore my iphone 6s plus but after it extracted the firmware it just pops up error 3503.

    submitted by /u/malikehinomen
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    Do I have to take out the motherboard when removing and installing a battery on a MacBook Pro early 2013?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2017 04:59 PM PDT

    I'm currently backing up my mac and plan on doing this DIY operation tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/He_Who_Likes_To_Run
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