• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 2, 2022

    Apple iOS The default Phone app on iOS is not user-friendly.

    Apple iOS The default Phone app on iOS is not user-friendly.

    The default Phone app on iOS is not user-friendly.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 10:02 AM PDT

    After having used Android for over 8 years, I was quite disappointed to see how the Phone app on iOS is not very easy to use. For example, on Android it is very easy to search for a contact by typing the name by the letters on the number pad. Same goes for searching a number by typing the first few numbers of it.

    I hope iOS 16 solves this issue and makes the Phone app a lot better.

    submitted by /u/talkk_sickk
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    Live wallpapers?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 01:37 PM PDT

    I have an XS, upgraded from an XR and plan to move to the 11 soon. Without 3D Touch, how do live wallpapers animate? Are they a thing of the past now? Is it just a long press?

    submitted by /u/Jaebyrs
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    Bunch of apps crashing on opening

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 07:37 PM PDT


    For some months now, I've had a big problem with my phone : several apps often crash when I open them. Not all the time, but very frequently. They show their start screen for 10/15 seconds, and then back to the home screen. But if I try to open them multiple times in a row, sometimes it ends up working. It's always the same apps : instagram, plexamp, textnow, and a bunch of others. Nothing in common between them. Others never showed any symptoms.

    I've tried deleting and reinstalling the apps, restoring a backup, to no avail.

    If someone has an idea, I'm all ears!


    submitted by /u/Gwouigwoui
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    IOS dynamic wallpapers question

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 04:58 PM PDT

    Is there a way to make the dynamic wallpapers on IOS like Mac OS. For example the dynamic ones that go from light to dark during the day on Mac OS have at least 10 different changes throughout the day, however the IOS one is only day and night. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Florentine8
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    YouTube App Gesture

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 02:19 PM PDT

    Does the YouTube app not have the swipe down for miniplayer gesture? If it does is there a setting I am suppose to enable? Basically this is normal in Android where when you are watching a video you can swipe down from the bottom right of the screen which shrinks the video to a miniplayer and you can surf the rest of YouTube while the video is playing. Note this is not like picture in picture.

    submitted by /u/pratzc07
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    Driving me crazy: Can't transfer files in the background

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 03:13 PM PDT

    Just recently changed from Android to an iPhone 13 PRO Max.

    Please help, don't make me go back to Android!

    Really liking the phone, but I can't, for the love of god, make it send or download a file in the background. I need to be watching the progress bar until it finishes, every single time.

    Every time I try, for example, going to photos and upload a somewhat long video to google drive, or send something through telegram, or even WhatsApp, it starts uploading and the progress bar shows up. Then if I change to another app, and go back to the transfer, it says ERROR NO INTERNET, or some other kind of errors and stops the transfer.

    Same thing happens if I press the side button to turn the phone screen off, it instantly crashes the upload/download.

    A couple of notices:

    • This happens with any app, any type of file
    • This happens with 4G, Wi-Fi or whatever connection type
    • Background refresh is enabled for all apps
    • Battery saver settings are all off.
    • I tested the same thing on my gf's iPhone 13 pro max and the same thing happens to her
    • Tested this on an iPhone 7 plus and an 8 plus as well, (using my apple id), same thing happens on 4 different phones!

    I have no idea what's going on and it's driving me insane, please send help!!

    ** UPDATE **

    Spoke to Apple support on the chat, and to summarize they basically asked me "is it working on messages?" and I told them yes, it is, and they said "then it's the third party apps problem, go talk to their developers". (Of course they told me that in a very nice way, but that was it at the end)

    Very sad to hear that, considering switching back to android now, since this is such an important feature to me, as I need to be constantly sending video files to other apps in the background for work.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TheFlyingJapanese
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    Please help im deaf and cant hear the phone

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 01:31 PM PDT

    I just bought an ipad and iphone and iwatch all to celebrate some recent events in my life and i got so happy to use them but when i connect my headphones to the iphone or ipad the sound even at max volume is very very low. I cant hear it at all. On my galaxy phone though it was fine and i was still able to hear it if it was at max volume.

    Ive tried updating the devices already. Please please tell me that they didnt cap the maximum volume just so that people dont hurt their ears? Because then im gonna have to return all this shit

    submitted by /u/falloutvaultboy3
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    My new IPhone has painfully slow internet speed, regardless of whether I’m on WiFi or not. What’s the deal?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 11:09 AM PDT

    I just got my first IPhone, and the main issue I'm facing is ridiculously slow internet connectivity. Regardless of whether I'm on WiFi, or connected to 5g or anything else, I can't even hit 1 mbps internet speed.

    What's the deal? Is there some setting I need to change? Is my phone defective?

    submitted by /u/JonsRedditAccount
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    PSA: Use the Apple TV app to watch WWDC on demand without spoilers

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 05:53 PM PDT

    TLDR: open the app, type in WWDC if it isn't already recommended to you and enjoy. No spoilers guaranteed. Even the description will just be something like "Apple WWDC event 2022" for the week.

    Suppose you have work on the day, or, the event is live at 2 am and your not a morning person. Whatever the reason is, some can't watch these events live, which is unfortunate, because Reddit, YouTube, and every other social media/ news site immediately posts whatever was announced, the second it was announced.

    Easy solution to this is to turn on DND, set it to turn off never, then when you feel like watching it, just open the Apple TV app, and if it isn't already in the home page, search up "WWDC" or "2022", whatever gets those keywords out.

    Personally, I gotta follow tradition and wake up at 2am, promise myself that I won't download the next version of iOS, and then find myself downloading a dev build on my main devices anyways 5 minutes after the show. But you do you!

    submitted by /u/MyMemesAreTerrible
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    driving mode turns on and off all day while not driving

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 12:53 PM PDT

    I thought it was funny the first time I saw driving mode pop up while I'm working at my desk. Now it happens all day long: it turns on, then a few minutes later it turns off, then a few minutes later it turns on, then ...

    Focus > Driving > While Driving > Automatically is checked, and it says "Driving Focus will be activated automatically based on detected motion." Why would it detect motion when the phone is sitting still on a desk? Or is the phone making and losing bluetooth connections to my car in the garage? I do not have When Connected to Car Bluetooth checked.

    Is there a workaround? Or do I need to find a way to turn off driving focus altogether?

    iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 15.1

    submitted by /u/lamalamapusspuss
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    What do other people see when you have them blocked on iOS?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 04:34 PM PDT

    Wondering what is all done on the other end if someone is blocked on iOS? Let's just say there is two scenarios:

    1: I blocked someone with another iPhone but have my iMessage turned off.

    2: I blocked someone with a Android phone

    Wondering mainly if it will give them a delivered message, not deliverable or what they would see on their end. I know if either call it just goes to voicemail and if a voicemail is left it goes into the "blocked" folder on the visual voicemail.

    submitted by /u/3800s
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    Weird buzzing sound on videos recorded on WhatsApp.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 12:32 PM PDT

    Videos I record inside the app have a weird buzzing or static sound on the background. This is not present on videos recorded with the stock camera app or other third party apps (including WhatsApp busines and instagram, both developed by meta)

    I've tried with my mothers phone and she doesn't have the issue but she doesn't have the same phone (I have a 13 pro max, she has an 11) and I guess WhatsApp's A/B rollout of version updates could mean we're not on the same build.

    Could someone with an iPhone 13 Pro Max record a video on the latest WhatsApp version and check if they have a buzzing sound on the background of their video? I understand WhatsApp isn't very popular here but what everyone in my country uses so I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me out and figure out if this is a software issue.

    submitted by /u/Leomar91
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    "While in Focus Mode"

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 12:32 PM PDT

    Does this make sense and can someone confirm this is correct? Also, this might fix your issue. Screenshot is only to show what I refer in case you've never seen it. https://ibb.co/wSyVJFF

    So, I stumbled upon this other post https://www.reddit.com/r/ios/comments/ptx2wy/instagram_ignoring_work_focus_rules_what_gives/ because I wanted to fix my notifications not being inside the wrap "While in Focus".

    Parting from the fact that enabling focus mode does hide notification banners, mute,and hide them from lock screen.

    Some time ago I noticed how some apps "ignored" focus mode by displaying their notification outside the "While in Focus Mode", didn't care by the time and blamed instagram/discord/whatsapp for not supporting Focus. It started to bug me since I noticed I am more susceptible to open those notification outside that wrapper. So I began to dig on why this was happening, tried to disable/enable notifications, restoring notification settings, with no success. Until realized that reinstallation was a "fix". Actually a colateral fix.

    If you want the notification to be summarized inside "While in Work Focus" the application must have the "Lock Screen" option enabled! This is plain dumb. For I hate having my screen light up every time a notification is shown when not on focus mode; ok, you'd say I turn off that option, but like I mentioned earlier, while in focus mode, every time I check a slack notification or email, I'm tempted to open any other notification outside that "While in Focus". Pfft.

    Steps to reproduce: - Make sure the app has "Show on Lock Screen" option enabled. - Turn on Focus mode. - Get someone to send you a message through that app. (or wait for a notification) - Notice how is wrapped inside this "While in Focus" - Now, go to settings, disable "Show on Lock Screen" - See how that notification is now outside the "While in Focus"

    submitted by /u/omglionheaded
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    2FA iOS app with password protection

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 03:59 PM PDT

    Could you suggest me to a 2FA iOS app with password protection?

    I am Brazilian, and here it is extremely important that I have protection in everything.

    submitted by /u/NODE_rddt
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    iPhone won’t let me enable photos camera and mic access to apps suddenly.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 03:32 PM PDT

    Cannot transfer photos on mac

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 02:53 PM PDT

    So i got this iphone 13 a week ago and i tried to airdrop photos on my macbook air with yosemite os but the two devices won't find each other. What do i do? Also there isn't a cable to plug cuz the iPhone cable doesn't have normal usb and my laptop doesn't have usb c port.

    submitted by /u/MasterpieceAbject840
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    Xiaomi Mi Cloud to IPhone Device

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 02:40 PM PDT

    How can I move my Xiaomi Mi Cloud to an I Phone ? I'm moving soon to IOS and I'd really like to know how to move my stuff. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Ivan_hell97
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    Anyone know of an app for apple that can stretch a video to 21:9 aspect ratio?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 01:31 PM PDT

    I am on IOS 15.5, I am looking for an app that can turn 16:9 video to a 21:9. I'm working on a product that is in 21:9 but the app I use turned the video to 16:9 and now it looks squish. I need to turn it back to 21:9 but can't find an app on iOS that can do that. I would really appreciate the help

    submitted by /u/EnviousRidersAMVs
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    Can anyone suggest iOS app for this?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 08:30 AM PDT

    Limit IP Address Tracking keeps turning back on by itself

    Posted: 02 Jun 2022 11:50 AM PDT

    Ever since upgrading to iOS 15.5, my internet and connection has been incredibly slow. I read others having this issue too (primarily with Safari) and saw suggested somewhere to disable the Limit IP Address Tracking setting in General > Wi-Fi and that solved my issue but it keeps turning back on by itself! How can I stop this?

    submitted by /u/MWFD
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