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    Monday, June 21, 2021

    Apple iOS How to make autocorrect stop changing words that are spelled correctly?

    Apple iOS How to make autocorrect stop changing words that are spelled correctly?

    How to make autocorrect stop changing words that are spelled correctly?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    This has been really annoying me lately, I don't want to turn auto-correct off completely because I still use it to fix typos but when it automatically adjusts worlds that are correct it annoys me to no end.

    Eg. It just corrected 'Austrian' to 'Australian' and 'Haaland' to 'Harland'. Sometimes it'll change super common words like 'food' to 'good' and it drives me mad.

    Any help would be great, cheers.

    submitted by /u/optional_moosemilk
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    “Clear History and Website Data”

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    I hope this isn't a dumb question but: I wanted to delete my cache history and clicked the "Clear History and Website Data", which effectively closed all of my open 40 or so tabs. I was wondering if resetting my iphone and choosing an earlier back up would restore these tabs?

    submitted by /u/warlockfrog
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    Might have figured out setting custom day/night wallpapers

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    (You are going to create 2 automations and have 2 albums premade with one of the photos you wanna switch to)

    Go to shortcuts and create a new personal automation, then select "Time of Day" and choose when you want the wallpaper to change. Then I found the easiest way to set and pick the wallpaper you want it to switch to is to have 2 different photo albums created, each named either day or night with the corresponding photo in it. Then add the action "Find Photos" and choose the album you want to set the automation to. Then add the "Get Item from List" action, which should automatically set up for you. And finally, add the "Set Wallpaper" action and turn off the show preview option. Do the same for switching to the other wallpaper and you're done

    submitted by /u/cArSoK06
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    Is there a way to report/investigate an app?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:14 AM PDT

    Whenever I open the MoneyControl iOS app, if I have anything on my clipboard, I always get the prompt "MoneyControl pasted from [insert app/device name here]" even though I've not pasted anything and there's no visible text field where this gets pasted.

    So… what's going on? Is the app randomly reading the clipboard? Is it going to the developers? What's going on?

    submitted by /u/ayruos
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    Can we hide notifications with one action yet?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:32 AM PDT

    One thing that really frustrates me about iOS (and I might be missing something) is that I can't seem to just hide notifications spamming my screen (for example group chats) when I'm using my phone.

    This is still very frustrating when trying to play games or watch videos, and I feel like the OS should automatically hide them in full screen apps but at the very least give me a single action that can hide all my notifications that are currently set to display, as a toggle!

    For example, Deliver Quietly is a great feature to triage apps that you don't want notifications for, but you have to then manually go to the apps notification settings and turn it back on one by one.

    I would love a way to - deliver quietly all of my notifications when I'm currently using the phone (or on the Lock Screen too but Apple hates flexibility and granular options lol) - turn them all back on again (respecting my individual app notification settings of course)

    This could be a simple "snooze" that does it for a time period or as I say a toggle.

    Does this not drive anyone else crazy?

    submitted by /u/Vyper91
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    Reset iCloud Settings on iPhone, and then have to on iPad, goes back and forth.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    I've seen the posts concerning the Reset iCloud setting issue some are having but I have what I believe is a unique problem. With 2 devices (iPad and iPhone) I reset the iCloud Setting on one device and the other device needs the iCloud settings reset again. I reset the iCloud settings on that device and then the other device needs a reset again. This goes back and forth. Both devices are up to date OS-wise. I've tried logging out of iCloud on one device, resetting iCloud settings on the other, and then logging on to iCloud again on the first device. No help.

    submitted by /u/TKazNC
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    Anyone else been getting JetsamEvents early in the morning the past week?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    Checked my analytics logs, and for some reason, over the past few days, I get a JetsamEvent at around 5-5:30 in the morning. I've had the phone for 3 weeks, and this is the first time I have gotten these when I haven't been using the phone for anything. There is no usage under battery for these time, and the first two time, the largest process was whatsapp, and it was signal for the most recent. I haven't changed any settings, or updated my phone since installing 14.6 a few weeks ago, so I am not sure how this could have happened, given those two are the only apps open. Any ideas? How could my phone be low on memory?

    submitted by /u/what51tmean
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    No more “Files” tab under the ‘i’ menu in iMessage?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    Previously, you could tap on the little 'i' icon in iMessage to see lists of every photo and file you've been sent. Currently though, only photos are listed and 'Files' has been replaced with 'Links', meaning all files and even audio messages (anything that isn't an image basically) you've received aren't listed anywhere and, in the case of Audio Messages, aren't even searchable. You have to manually scroll up until you find the audio message you're looking for!

    Am I missing something here or has that functionality actually been removed? On my Mac running Catalina I can easily see all files (including .amr audio messages) I've received in iMessage under the 'Details' section. Is there a similar section on iOS still?

    submitted by /u/Hazza42
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    Quick Question regarding imessage

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    If i send a message & its marked as read AFTER the recipient replies, & then send a second message thats marked as delivered, while the first message is STILL marked as read, am i blocked? Everywhere online has said that if the second message is delivered, im not blocked. however im confused why the first message is marked as read & the second message is marked as delivered at the same time. Please let me know thank you!

    submitted by /u/EastCoastMoneyMaka
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    Iphone SE permanently deleted photos

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    Hello guys!

    I permanently deleted a few photos and videos about 2 months ago from my photos (I also deleted from the recently deleted folder). I did not upload them to icloud or any cloud. Is there a possible way to recover this data? Thank you for your answers.

    submitted by /u/bi0peter
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    text recovery question

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    so i just accidentally deleted my whole conversation over imessages with my boyfriend when i only meant to delete one text. i also don't back up my phone very often because i'm out of icloud storage and my parents won't upgrade it for me. i've been reading online about how to fix it but everything is telling me that i'll have to download/pay for a recovery program and i don't know how reliable those will be. i also don't know how long i can wait before i lose the conversation forever. i have an iphone 11 and it's updated to iOS 14.4.2 if that means anything at all. if anyone has any help or advice or recommendations it would be greatly appreciated because i just don't know what to do. i'm not a techie person at all so i really need any help i can get.

    submitted by /u/jessica_m_2004
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    HI I want to play racing game on my iphone suggest me the best game

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    HI I want to play racing game on my iphone suggest me the best simulation game

    submitted by /u/iosdownloadgamefree
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    iPhone without a cell account or number?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    My 83 year old father is deaf as a rock. He connects his pc to WiFi and sends emails. Im thinking of giving him my phone when I upgrade. A cell contract and phone number make no sense for him. Would he be able to text if he didn't have a phone number, but had an Apple ID?

    submitted by /u/dweaver987
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    Switching from iPhone 8 to 12 - apprehensive about the removal of unlock button

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:57 AM PDT

    I'm going to be upgrading my iPhone from 8 to 12.

    Having very briefly used my friend's iPhone 12 I really hated the removal of the unlock button.

    It was such a handy feature of unlocking your phone. I guess I'll get used to the facial recognition unlock, but wonder if it'll be become a hassle/annoyance for some occasions when I need to unlock my phone.

    The other problem I have is switching between the apps. I love the double click to see all previously opened apps. The new feature means you need to swipe up and a little to the left/right, if I recall correctly. It seems a very sensitive action to do, for something you want to see so quickly, and seems like you could accidentally close your apps instead.

    Just wondering if anyone else had these concerns before the switch and if they were easily gotten over or weren't a problem in the end!

    submitted by /u/lastlaughlane1
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    A specific network name can completely disable Wi-Fi on your iPhone

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Does anyone else find it irritating that you have to have your ringer on to hear the audio on certain videos like Instagram and Facebook stories?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    What is the meaning of this? Especially stupid considering most people keep their phone on silent.

    submitted by /u/Uncle-Buckwild
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    Should I go for Google Photos 200GB plan or iCloud 200GB plan?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    I need this storage just to store my photos and needs to be as seamless as these both offers. So which one should be considered?

    I already have purchased iCloud 50GB plan.

    submitted by /u/KehKarLenge
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    Is the VR problem fixed?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    So my iphone X is in version 14.6 and the VR function is broken. When i go into any video the screen just go ham and start spinning like crazy, same thing apply to google cardboard. Till now, is there anyway to fix it?

    submitted by /u/yolo_litdab
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    Messages contacts not appearing in iCloud

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:35 PM PDT

    I have lots of folks in Messages with names and photos who don't appear in the Contacts app, which means they're not getting synced with iCloud. How do I fix that?

    submitted by /u/iamsienna
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    Notes app taking 9 GB of space, but there are 3 notes in the app.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    Hi, does anyone have a solution for this? I'm trying to clear up space but the notes app takes around 9 gig of data. Only 3 notes in the app, just text.

    submitted by /u/amoonchildspersona
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    Privacy Question about Notes and Photos when Using iCloud Sync/Backup

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    I am trying to simplify my digital life and going back to just using Apple's Photos and Notes apps are a part of that. However my concern is with privacy. If I have notes that are not "locked" because there's a PDF or video in it, how safe is that note from being made public? (Also why doesn't Apple allow you to lock notes if it contains a PDF or video? Seems pointless.) And secondly if I backup sensitive photos (photos of heirlooms, legal paperwork, etc) to the cloud, how safe are those from being seen by others? Is anything encrypted even if they aren't locked?

    submitted by /u/otterlyspicy
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    Safari dark mode

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    It is sad that safari on iOS still doesn't support full dark mode. As it stands, it is reliant on whether a particular site supports dark mode, which only a handful does as of writing.

    Even whilst using google as search engine, innate dark mode is no where to be found. Yes DuckDuckGo has dark mode, but not exactly pitch black😭

    I can't wait for those dark mode safari extensions for iOS.

    p.s. I have tried smart invert but it just doesn't work as well🙄

    submitted by /u/markaznar
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    Default iOS In-app User Agent ID

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    What is the iOS (14.x) default User Agent ID for the browser that iOS launches for certain system functions? I'm not referring to Safari (though it may just use a Safari process).

    Eg., you're in Settings/Passwords/Security Recommendations/somedomain.com and select "change password on website". It launches an unlabelled process/thread and opens a session to the site.

    Also pretty sure it uses the same process for Siri and when looking up text selection in messages, mail, notes, etc.

    Truth be known, I don't really care what the User Agent ID is, I just want to know if it's a "cleanskin" Safari process or some other browser.

    submitted by /u/_the-dark-truth_
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