• Breaking News

    Friday, May 13, 2022

    iPhone Switched from Android. Poor GPS and Signal on iPhone - is this common?

    iPhone Switched from Android. Poor GPS and Signal on iPhone - is this common?

    Switched from Android. Poor GPS and Signal on iPhone - is this common?

    Posted: 13 May 2022 07:09 AM PDT

    I switched back, after being an android user for 10 years. I have an iPhone 11.

    Almost immediately I found the overall network signal to be worse; sitting in the same areas (i.e. picking up kids, or at a drive-thru) I suddenly can't browse or listen to music/watch videos- and worse, most likely related to this signal issue, my GPS is terribly inaccurate.

    I got absolutely lost yesterday (not for the first time) and was 2 hours late for something important, as my GPS kept thinking I was on the road next to the actual road I was driving on. It kept sending me in circles, and I almost ran out of gas at one point. This is unacceptable; is this common, do I have a lemon, is there anything I can do? I may be switching back to Android for this reason alone.

    (I have reset all network settings and yes, location services are on, all the basic settings for location/GPS are correct, as is the time zone.)

    submitted by /u/i_will_be_sorry
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    Need this app for my job. Can't get it to install.

    Posted: 13 May 2022 08:39 AM PDT

    iPhone storage full from photos even with spare icloud storage Please help!

    Posted: 13 May 2022 08:36 AM PDT

    My phone has 64GB storage, 20 of which are taken up by my photos even though I have 100+ GB spare in my icloud storage - I've done the whole "Optimise phone storage" etc. almost everywhere I can, including old photos, but the photos app still takes up 20+ GB? Anyone know how to fix this? I could move all the photos to like Dropbox or something but I like having them all on my phone...

    submitted by /u/Competitive-Law-6847
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    Why would the iPhone alerts only randomly work? If they didn’t work at all it would be an easy fix. But they work sometimes and not others?

    Posted: 13 May 2022 08:31 AM PDT

    Like I'm in a group chat and I got the first few then nothing. No vibrations and no audible alerts. I though it was the phone so I replaced it via warranty and the brand new phone is doing the same exact thing. It works then it doesn't. Same with all other alerts. Like the Ring device will work once every few days then go quiet again. Same with messenger, mail and others. Alarms work every time though.

    I've called Apple and because it is random, it's hard to recreate. I have no focus set, it's not on DND and the switch is on for sound. The volume is up also. I've also checked all the settings and they all have sounds and are on.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/mrsmith2929
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    but why

    Posted: 13 May 2022 08:11 AM PDT

    charging problems

    Posted: 13 May 2022 06:47 AM PDT

    i got a iphone 7 plus and every since this morning i try charging it but the percentage won't go up. tried multiple chargers and it still doesn't work. please help. i'm not updating the software either cause thats just going to make it worse, long term

    submitted by /u/castrobundles
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    How to Backup

    Posted: 13 May 2022 06:33 AM PDT

    Extra storage solutions for recording 4k video on a iPhone 7 with 32GB memory.

    Posted: 13 May 2022 06:27 AM PDT

    I'm new to the iPhone after being given an unwanted iPhone 7. I started using it for the 4k camera and are slowly getting used to it.

    My problem is that the iPhone 7 only has 32Gb. My Android has the same plus a 32GB SD card. Plenty of room for my music and recordings. I have 13GB free with not many apps installed.

    Yesterday I recorded 14 minutes yesterday and it took 5.6GB. So maybe I have room for 35 minutes? So my question is, what do people use to record video when they don't have the space for it?

    I've seen lightning memory dongles but from what I read they can't be used as recording storage. They can be used as a backup storage so I can copy video to it once I stopped recording.

    I can imagine I'm not alone in this and there are probably a lot of simple solutions.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Engelkott
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    Iphone xs max having a green tint on dark gray colors. Is it normal? And if not how can I fix it?

    Posted: 13 May 2022 05:49 AM PDT

    connecting same wifi

    Posted: 13 May 2022 01:18 AM PDT

    I used to be able to connect a wifi from my iphone and then i could connect the same wifi with my mac w/o needing pw. Recently i reset setting on my iphone 12. Rn my mac is connected to a wifi but my phone still needs pw how can i fix it?

    submitted by /u/Couinty
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    add to home screen apps

    Posted: 13 May 2022 04:57 AM PDT


    I'm just wondering how I can add a link to homescreen then keep it within that app rather than launching on safari?

    Its an easy login for a work homepage but I had 400 tabs open from using the homescreen link.

    submitted by /u/carla_5038
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    Can’t find a way to change the notification chime of certain apps

    Posted: 13 May 2022 04:40 AM PDT

    I find the sound of the Facebook Messenger app very annoying and wish to change it. However, there's not an option in my settings to do so. Can this be overruled and changed?

    submitted by /u/1980svibe
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    Weird pattern on notch, is this normal

    Posted: 13 May 2022 04:32 AM PDT

    iPhone 13 + Dual SIM

    Posted: 13 May 2022 02:39 AM PDT

    Dear Redditors:

    I need to order this one for my new boss at work. I am an Android native forever. Does this iPhone work with Dual Sim? We need his private line and his work line on the iPhone. I have read that it supports normal nano-SIM, plus an eSIM? I don't know how it works. I guess both lines are Nano-SIM. How would I make this work? Thanks in advance! and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/Dioxxxadol
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    13 Pro x3 Lens making whining noise when stabilizing shaky footage

    Posted: 13 May 2022 02:21 AM PDT

    I recently purchased the iPhone 13 pro and noticed that when recording with the x3 lens and the camera does a shaky movement, the stabilization freaks out and I get a high pitched buzzing noise for a second. It gets really annoying when I recorded a meeting and every few seconds when I move the camera I hear this noise, is this normal? I'd really prefer not having to have to go trough a repair process with this phone especially that it's only 3 months old. (I never dropped it)

    submitted by /u/DiMitryMladenovic
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    I have a problem with brightness

    Posted: 13 May 2022 12:32 AM PDT

    Hi yall i have a problem with brightness by going down by itself down to 25% so basically i play high intense games like Genshin Impact and Pubg Mobile i play while charging all the time i play in iPhone 13 Pro and since 2 weeks this problem occured, so i have the brightness up to 100% and while playing the screen just gets darker out of nowhere and when i try to make it brighter it will not get brighter more than 75% i swipe up the brightness but i doesn't get brighter it just looks darker please if anyone know what is happening or how to fix let me know thank you

    submitted by /u/No-Lingonberry5217
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    Photos won’t delete

    Posted: 12 May 2022 11:02 PM PDT

    I have over 30k photos and I want most gone, every time I try to delete them they literally reappear, I've tried restarting my phone but nothing seems to work, any thoughts on how I can delete them?

    submitted by /u/ppmaster45
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    Audio pans automatically on Airpods while playback from Google Drive app

    Posted: 12 May 2022 10:41 PM PDT

    Whenever i play any audio inside the Google Drive app with my Airpods Pro connected, the audio moves from one ear to another when i move my head. How do i switch this off?

    submitted by /u/sayantheguitarfreak
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    Please help me 😭😭😭😭

    Posted: 12 May 2022 10:18 PM PDT

    I lost my iPhone X on iOS 15 i got it in April 2022 and I didnt have find my iPhone on. Please help me! My original post got deleted. I looked everywhere!

    submitted by /u/Moist-Blueberry4614
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    Huys since i removed my number from imassage because iam dumb and iam trying to activate it again and its been stuck like this

    Posted: 12 May 2022 10:05 PM PDT

    My old iphone 8 keeps freezing and restarting.

    Posted: 12 May 2022 09:27 PM PDT

    (additionally my current phone is a 13, but my 8 is a back up and for reading.) Anytime I unlock my iPhone 8, I only have about less than 40 seconds before it starts freezing up and then restarts. It's up to date in software. My prediction is that it is due to the low storage as I have around 3 gbs left. But due to the phone restarting after less than a minute, I can't do basically anything. I don't want to factory reset, because there is an app in the phone that has been taken out of the app store and I want to preserve it. Anything to help out?

    submitted by /u/saintchocolat
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