• Breaking News

    Monday, July 26, 2021

    Apple iOS iOS 15 FINALLY supports Xbox Controller Series S 1914

    Apple iOS iOS 15 FINALLY supports Xbox Controller Series S 1914

    iOS 15 FINALLY supports Xbox Controller Series S 1914

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:13 AM PDT

    The 1914 variant (the latest one, with Share button and USB-C) is finally fully supported in iOS 15. In 14.x, only the older variants were supported. I'm now installing Monterey beta to see if it's supported there as well, because as of Big Sur 11.5, it hasn't.

    EDIT: I'm now trying it out in Monterey PB3 and so far it works in everything, Steam Link included. So it looks this controller is FINALLY supported.

    submitted by /u/Stooovie
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    Facebook showing up while I was asleep on screen time, but I don't have Facebook installed?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    I knew the iPhone didn’t have the best wifi antennas but I didn’t think it would be this bad. This is iPhone XR and iPad Air 2020 side by side. Are others experiencing such drastic differences or shortcomings with their iPhones XR or is my phone messed up?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    Play Triple A games on you iOS devices

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    I found this video that showcases how to set up all of the cloud gaming services on ios devices. Great stuff!


    submitted by /u/amaeloeze7
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    All of a sudden blocked contacts can call me!?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    This morning I started getting calls from spam numbers that I have already blocked. Anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/BridgesM365
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    Can’t maintain max brightness.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    I have set auto brightness off. I push brightness to max but stays at about 50%. If I restart iPhone, it stays on max brightness for several minutes and then goes darker. The meter actually shows it at Maximum but clearly it's about half.

    iPhone 12 Pro Max 14.7.

    submitted by /u/agentmikeyd
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    Export SMS and photos

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Helping a user export ALL sms/iMessages and photos from an iPhone. What's the best way to do this?

    Messages can be TXT/PDF, photos should be JPG.

    Have access to the phone and iCloud account.

    How's this best done?

    submitted by /u/RazzaDazzla
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    Send a safari page link

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    Now that "Continue on PC" app is getting discontinued tomorrow, how can i send a safari page link to my windows 10 pc? Ios15

    submitted by /u/RadishRadu
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    Iphone 12 pro max stutter in app switcher and few aplications

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 02:29 AM PDT

    Hello like in title on my 12pm have stutter in app switcher on IOS 14.7 version 14.6 have too..

    For example if you have 12 series (maybe 11 to idk) apple maps is slightly laggy when you zoom in out (Fast). Snapchat Maps laggy much laggy.

    Question is... do you guys have same problem like me ?

    submitted by /u/Tasty_Boy616
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    Snapchat-like “Text On Photo” Editing - feature request

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:37 AM PDT


    hey guys,

    i just posted this feature request on Apple's feedback site, and i thought that maybe if more people requested it, we could see it in iOS 16. if any of you find it helpful like i do, be sure to submit a request, and maybe this thing will somehow get to management.


    submitted by /u/anima_contritum
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    iPhone and iPad tricks compilated

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    I don't remember from where I took this info.

    iPhone and related tips and tricks compiled together

    collected from all the sources of internet

    1. Tapping the clock/top bar on a page will take you quickly to the top.

    2. Single tap on screen when phone is locked to wake it up

    3. Swipe down from home screen to access spotlight

    4. Drag your finger down from the white stripe at the bottom to use your iphone with 1 hand(reachability)

    5. When downloading or updating an app, tap its icon on the Home screen to pause downloading or long-press it for Prioritize, Pause, and Cancel actions

    6. Open your notes app > click on the + sign > scan documents.

    7. @@ autofill replaces it with my email ( you will have to set this in text replacement)

    8. You can lower your brightness further using the zoom function

    9. your phone searches for cell towers every once in a while. If you got bad reception, it might be because your phone is clinging onto a more distant/worse cell tower. By turning airplane mode on, then off, you can manually force the phone to look for cell towers, and if there's a one thats better than the old one if was clinging to, it'll obvious connect to a nearer tower

    10. In accessibility you can turn on led flash for notifications.

    11. Turn on Low power mode and airplane mode to charge faster

    12. ⁠In Calculator, rotate to landscape to show the scientific calculator

    13. In Notification Center, long-press the X button to show the Clear All Notifications action

    14. On home screen press and hold to go to edit mode , there keep pressing and holding on one app icon and with other fingers tap other app icons and multiple apps will be selected ehich you can move to different pages on homescreen

    15. Click and hold on the page indicator dots on home screen to open an overview of all pages at once , this can also be used to hide some of the pages

    16. You can stop any audio playback (podcast, YouTube, Spotify...) after any length of time by setting a timer in the clock app and instead of a ringtone select :When timer ends - Stop playing

    17. Tap once power button to mute incoming call, press again to finish it

    18. press lock button plus volume up quickly together for screenshot

    19. When your is screen off or the phone is locked while listening to music or just audio in general: Double Tap home button to bring up iPod controls to Pause/Stop or skip. Also works to resume last playing audio track whether native or 3 party.

    20. In phone is unlocked and there is an incoming call swipe up to ignore it(it will still be thre on upper left corner, you can bring back the interface by tapiing it)

    21. Without unlocking the phone , swipe the screen to left to quickly open camera , and swipe right to find widgets

    22. You will have to tap and hold on torch button on screen to turn it on if phone is locked(on lockscreen)

    23. In calculator or dialer, you can delete the last number you typed with a swipe to the right or to the left.

    24. Text expander can be used from the keyboard settings

    25. Double click the upper case arrow to set caps lock

    26. While typing if you holh spacebar and move , you can move the cursor anywhere

    27. Enable double tap on back in settings and use it anything(preferably control centre)

    28. Long Press in Safari/Edge to select test

    29. Double tap in other apple apps to select text

    30. Tripple tap in other apple apps to select whole sentence

    31. Three Finger Pinch in is Copy after selecting the test

    32. Three finger Pinch in twice is cut on selected text

    33. Double tap with three fingers to undo

    34. Double tap with three fingers again ro redo the same text

    35. 3 finger tap anywhere on the screen brings up Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste

    36. Hold the ABC key and slide your finger to number row corrusponding text row letter and let go and the number will be inserted and keyborad will stay in text mode only(generally you will have to press ABC type number and again press ABC to come back to text mode)

    37. Multifinger swipe up in app switcher will close multiple apps simultaniously

    38. Use multiple fingers to swipe left in notification centre to cancel multiple notifications simultaneously

    39. swipe left or right on the white bar at bottom of the screen to switch between apps

    40. Some people find that swiping up and then right (in an arc) invokes multitasking faster

    41. Swipe inwards from the left side of the screen as a universal back button.

    42. In notes or in webpage -> click share -> Print -> Now in this print preview mode long press on the preview(then it will zoom little bit ) -> Then tap on it ..you will see that all pages are zoomed up and are fit to screen -> now again press share -> you will get always get PDF this way

    43. Press and hold Volume up for burst photos in Camera app

    44. In camera app while recording video , press and hold red button and slowly move it towards right to record specific time video

    45. In camera app Press down volume down key for specific time to shoot specific time video

    46. Open any music app and minimise it and then open Camera app and strat recording the video by pressing and holding on red butten and moving it to right side slowly.

    47. Be careful, actually there is no proofed solution to turn this off again! If you go into the phone app, and dial 3001#12345# and hit call, the "Field Test" application opens, which allows you to see the numerical value of your cellular reception, along with other information about the surrounding cell towers. In addition, if you hold down the power button until the "Slide to power down" slider comes up and then hold down the home button until the app exits, you can tap on the carrier name in the top left corner to change between the numerical value and the visual representation (in bars) without going into "Field Test" mode.

    48. Double click the upper case arrow to set caps lock

    49. In Mail, holding the "New Email" button will display all your recent drafts.

    50. In safari long pressing + will give recently closed tabs

    51. In safari while switching between tabs interface , swipe down to opena mini search tab bar at top

    52. In safari when in tab switching search bar , write any text and hold and press cancel button and then you can close all tabs matching with your text simultaneously

    53. In Safari, tap with 2 fingers on a link to open it in background.

    54. In safari , if you go to landscape mode and long press ona tab ...you can arrange tabs by websites and some other options

    55. If you want to search for a word on a page with safari, enter it in the web search box on the top right and scroll all the way down, past the suggestions until it says 'on this page'.

    56. If you long press a link in safari , it will show preview of that page right there by opening a small popup view

    57. To record screen with phone audio as well as microphone audio , click on Screen recording button firmly from control centre and you will see screen recording UI , and you will also see microphone off ther and click on it to turn it on and then click on strat recording so everything will be recorded (Screen + microphone) ,,you can also mute yourself in the middle of recording by going to control centre again and turning off the microphone

    58. when in markup for any document or picture, if you want to draw perfect circle or any other shape just draw a circular shape and hold the screen after drawing it for 4seconds and it will perfect the circle

    59. In the iPhone accessibility turn on voice control and enable it and go to customise command and put your voice keyword(create new command..run custom gesture )and using that you can unlock your iPhone

    60. go to camera setting and if you into selfie's then turn mirror selfie camera to see the viewer showing exact feed as your photo will look after shooting(otherwise iPhone will show inverter image)

    61. go to setting -> screen time settings -> app limit -> add anew limit for app you want -> set minimum value (1min) This way if we try to open it ..we can't do that ...so this is kind of a hack to lock apps in ios

    62. Go to a single contact and tap on edit their phot and you can create custom animoji for your contact

    63. while unlocking the phone just wipe up rather than waiting for the phone unlock animation to work..if you swipe up the phone will unlock and the animation will take care of itself ..this will unlock the phone faster

    64. if you want to lock your your photos with faceID , copy the photo and paste it in notes and lock the note with faceID

    65. on safari if you take screenshot , there is one more tab on top which says full page....click on it and when you save it ...it's the whole page in pdf

    66. if there is some website that doesn't allow you to go back...long press the back arrow button in safari and that will open the previous sites list

    67. Use the three dot menu in files app and from there you can scan a document just like you can do it from notes . the advantage of scanning it from files is that it will be automatically sync to i drive on the go and you don't have to manually send the document

    68. Open a note you are interested in and you can see date created and if you tap on it you can switch between date created and date edited

    69. While holding spacebar to move your curser at the time of writing text ...press on the keyboard at some other place with another finger and now move your original finger . you can select test like that without touching the text itself

    70. If you go to files app and if you click on the name of a file , you can directly edit its name without long pressing any file and clicking rename

    71. Long press on any photo in files app and save in pdf and you can convert any photo into pdf

    72. while pulling down the notification centre from left side , when it is partially down we can use the torch shortcut

    73. while using smart stack, a simple down gesture will change the widget in the stack, if we force and do a longer down gesture we can change 2 widgets in a single swipe

    74. when in compose mail screen , in the keyboard if we press arrow on the right side of keyboard , it will show a menu where we can add attachments and. scan documents and add manual scribble note as well

    75. while in notes app , if we press on search bar then we can select filters like 'notes with attachments' or ' notes with pictures' etc

    76. while a file being uploaded in icloud and if you go in files app and see the file , you can see the amount of file actually uploaded in real time in the files app

    77. while annotating the pdf , in lower right corner we can tap + and add multiple signatures , these signatures can be used on ipad aswell or ipad signatures can be used in iphone as well

    78. we can add multiple signatures

    79. while annotating the pdf , in lower right corner when we press + , we can also use the magnifier which can further be customised with its border colour size and magnification strength

    80. when we select a text and long press it , in the menu click on arrow > to see more options where we will get highlight option

    81. While editing the text ,tap and press space and the text can directly be selected using finger movements of both those fingers

    82. Press and hold top of the apollo app to change theme form dark to light or vice versa. G

    83. double tap of back action can be also triggered by double tap on side and we don't necessarily tap the centre of back

    84. in email or messages or notes ..touch an object with 2 fingers and move those fingers without lifting which will select multiple objects quickly

    85. while multiple objects are selected don't , lift one finger and top on upper right corner of screen and from current position to the topmost position all the items will be selected

    86. when apps are in folder and there is notification to one of the apps from the folder ...so to access that notification without tapping on folder , long press on that folder which will give the name of the app with notification and tap on that to directly address that notification

    87. while on lock screen if we long press on the torch it will turn on , to turn it off quickly swipe from left and leave , the camera should be triggered and the torch will turn off quickly without long pressing the torch bitten

    88. You can take screenshot and quickly open iMessage and drag that preview of the screenshot to specific person and send it , same with the videos

    89. In the notes app , long press and select text from camera and you can point the camera towards any text and it will do auto OCR

    90. Now we can mention #name like tags in the notes and these notes with similar tags can be sorted together

    91. The tag based notes can be added to something called as Smart Folders in the notes app( which is visible while creating new folders)

    92. Double tap control button to activate dictation quickly

    93. calculator in landscape mode automatically turns into scientific calculator

    94. you can write a flight name in notes app and click on it to see flight route EL215 ***

    95. On iOS 15 when we drag our finger from lower left corner we get to have a quick note and we can type and use Apple Pencil to write anything in it

    96. If we swipe from lower left and give that quick note a direction it will go in different direction

    97. In iOS 15 , when in any application if we swipe down on the multitasking three dot menu it automatically take current app in right side and now you can open another one

    98. Globe key + a will open Dock , Globe + H will take you home , Globe + C will take control centre down

    99. Globe + right / left arrow will cycle through currently running apps , Globe + up will open Xpose , Globe + Q will open quick note

    100. Swipe down from App Library to get an alphabetical app list view

    101. Now when an quick note is open and another app is open for example Apple Music or some browser window then we can quickly add those to the quick note so it is really useful for collecting different websites into a note for research purpose.

    102. if we opens pdf and swipe from left side we will see all pages there and we can ping press and move the pages around

    103. the left side swipe menu of the pdf can also be used to add new pages , delete pages .. scan pages on the go .. or add pages from different file using files application

      1. You can screenshot a website and select whole page for make a PDF of the website
      2. You can hide the hide photos folder in config>photos
    submitted by /u/Socramk007
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    Do you use Apple or Google services?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I wanted to know which apps / services you use on your iPhone. Below are some example of what I mean:

    • Notes + Reminders vs Google Keep
    • Apple Mail vs Gmail
    • iCloud Drive vs Google Drive
    • iWork vs Google Docs
    • Apple Music vs YouTube Music

    Depending on which you use, why do you you use that vs the competition (excluding privacy)?

    submitted by /u/NimzyStranger
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    Deleting i messages locally only

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    Is there any way to delete a conversation from my iphone and mac, but still have it saved somewhere like cloud or tunes I recently got out of a relationship and want to avoid opening the conversation, but would like to still have it available in the far future as it's still important to me.

    submitted by /u/_jkidd22
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    Apple screentime being very innacurate

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    I spent less than 5 minutes on my phone today to change music, and it still says i have 17 minutes of screentime, how is apple so inaccurate with screen time, or is there something i can do?

    submitted by /u/GoodMorningStaySafe
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    Can’t drag and drop .mov to windows. 12pro max.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    I can plug in with USB and drag and drop photos. I can't do any .MOV files, I just get errors. Have changed cables. Using official Apple cable. Any workarounds? I can upload a 7gig mov to Dropbox but then I'll have to redownload it on my PC. It's absurd.

    submitted by /u/alleyrulZ
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    Only ONE iPAD is showing the "Low Data Mode" flag on it's tethered connection

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    I know the rules of the sub is "No speed issues" which I understand why. However this is is technically more of a setting issue than a speed issue but if mods deem it against the rules after reading the meat of the post then I understand.

    My issue is as the title sounds but I'll go into more detail. I have a 3rd gen iPAD Pro 12.9 running iOS 14.7 that shows the "Low Data Mode" flag on underneath it's tethered connection being provided from from my iPhone 12 ProMax running 14.7. I also have an iPAD Air on iOS 12.5.4(it's max supported) and have also checked using my old iPhone Xs Max (now handed down to Pops) and neither label the connection as low data mode and operate normally when tethered. I'm not sure using the Air as an example is relevant however because when actually enabling/disabling "Low Data Mode" on the ProMax (settings->Cellular->Cellular Data Options) the Air never actually displays the message no matter the setting where as the older Xs Max does update it's connection label accordingly. So I'm thinking this is just a limitation of it being restricted to iOS 12.

    The reason I'm posting here is I've exhausted all troubleshooting steps with the last one being driving the 70miles to my nearest Apple store. As for that troubleshooting history I've done Reset Network, Reset Network and Reset Location&Privacy on both Phone and iPAD 12.9. I've called AT&T as well as visited an AT&T store, both confirmed that there is nothing on my account or part of my data plan that would be enabling Low Data Mode period, much less only on one device and after contacting Apple support while in the AT&T store, according to Apple the problem I am describing is not possible and it had to be something we were doing on our end.

    So just to be clear. I can enable and disable Low Data Mode on the ProMax and the iPhone Xs Max will react accordingly but on the iPad 12.9 it doesn't matter what the tethering source is set to, it shows Low Data Mode and it's definitely reflected in the speed. Speedtests conducted on the Xs Max and the iPad air show what you would expect when toggling the setting on the tethering source.

    Again if mods see this as complaining or troubleshooting a speed issue then I will accept it but to me it's something else since it's single device isolated.

    submitted by /u/mjike
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    Text notification issue

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:09 PM PDT

    I am having an issue with my phone where when I get a text from one specific number it doesn't notify me. I've already checked that I do not have hide alerts on and I do not have do not disturb on. I get notifications from every number but this one. I have already tried deleting the contact and then putting it in again and I have checked the info tab of the number. I haven't seen anyone else with this issue on the internet so I haven't been able to get answers that way. Can someone please help???

    submitted by /u/Dad_pounder
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    I am having trouble with safari on the beta, can anyone help this pops up everytime I go to a website or reload.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    Video AI enhancer

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    Is there any app on iOS that uses AI to optimize video quality to 4k like topaz video enhancer app?

    submitted by /u/DRAlsadi0010
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    iOS 14.7 Reddit App: heat & stutter

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    Since installing iOS 14.7 I'm experiencing heat on my 11pro which has never reached this level before. It is also seemingly isolated to the official Reddit app, which causes the phone to heat and the app stutters with frames slowing right down.

    Is anyone else experiencing this and know of any fixes?

    submitted by /u/calum93
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    Backups just not possible? Basically empty icloud yet nothing

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    Why does iOS Search suggest unwanted things?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    Hello guys, since I started to notice this I feel like I am going crazy so I figured out I would ask you about it.

    Whenever I search something on my iPhone home screen, the Search tries everything to include the words "Apple Watch" to it. If I write simple "can I", it suggests "can I leave my Apple Watch on charger overnight" (which is really ironic because it's ten times longer), if I write "re", it fills out to "reminek Apple Watch SE" (the first word means band in my language) and if I write "rem" it suggests "reminders on Apple Watch".

    I do not own Apple Watch and never would want them - especially not after this. I deleted every search and browser history I could find but it still keeps appearing.

    Do you have any ideas how to get rid of it? Do you think there's possibility that Apple manipulates search suggestions for sales improvements?

    submitted by /u/MistakenAdam
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    Does anyone else keep getting these off centered alerts? I see it most often because of 20% and 10% battery alerts.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:05 AM PDT

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