• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 5, 2019

    iPhone I'm currently experiencing the weirdest bug ever on the xr; please help

    iPhone I'm currently experiencing the weirdest bug ever on the xr; please help

    I'm currently experiencing the weirdest bug ever on the xr; please help

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 08:27 PM PST

    I have no idea of what may have triggered this, but it started right after a facetime call. I told my friend I would call her right back, but the call would never connect and the application would not close.

    Which led to no other apps opening at all, the only thing I was capable of doing was screen recording.

    Right now I can't even turn it off, nothing happens, so imma just let the battery drain.

    submitted by /u/lenovo40
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    Notifications in lockscreen help

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 10:03 PM PST

    I finally got around to doing the software update and I really hate how the banner notifications I ignore when I'm using my phone then show up on my lockscreen.

    I would still like to see lockscreen notifications that I get when my phone is locked, but I find it annoying to have to clear notifications from my lockscreen that I've already seen as a banner.

    Is there any way to change this?

    submitted by /u/pajaimers
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    Iphone 6s wont turn on please help!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 06:16 PM PST

     Hey reddit so Ive got a bit of a problem. So yesterday I got a warning from my phone (iPhone 6s) that it was over heating and it turned off for a few minutes but then turned back on and it was fine. This morning it was working perfectly and then this afternoon it started to freeze while I was using it and it would shut off every few minutes. Meanwhile when it was on I would not be able to use certain apps like snapchat etc. After a while it would shut off and restart. Then my phone stopped receiving and sending messages and and proceeded to shut off completely and now will no longer turn on. It was still a little bit warm so I took it out of its case. I've connected it to my laptop & it recognizes the phone. But when I try & import all my photos/videos(a little over 6000) it says the phone doesn't have any. 

    Any advice/help is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BernsCard
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    6S Bricked after removing screen

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 04:54 PM PST

    I have an iphone 6s that the screen broke on (2nd time) so i removed the screen and disconnected the battery and went through the normal replacement process, reconnecting the battery as a last step. Now the phone does not pull any current as far as i can tell (doesn't warm up when plugged in) and does not show up in itunes. What could be the issue here?

    submitted by /u/e11i077
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    Annoying tablet problem

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 06:21 AM PST

    I occasionally help elderly people with their tablets and one of the biggest problems is forgetting a password --> locked devices. Usually I'll just restore it, they likely don't have anything saved on it anyway, and everything works fine.

    However, I came across a particularly annoying tablet a few days ago. Even after formatting/reinstalling the OS, when the tablet boots up it asks for their apple id and password. They don't know their password and don't have the same phone or email so I can't do a recovery. They are too old to travel to the Apple Store themselves, and aside from the security issues, I don't really have time to be running individual trips to the store either. Does anyone have any suggestions? What exactly caused this tablet to be linked more strongly to their apple id so that even a restore doesn't fix the problem?

    submitted by /u/Worglorglestein
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