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    Saturday, June 19, 2021

    iPhoneX Planning to deconstruct my older iPhone X. Anyone knows where can I download the template for the parts? Thanks

    iPhoneX Planning to deconstruct my older iPhone X. Anyone knows where can I download the template for the parts? Thanks

    Planning to deconstruct my older iPhone X. Anyone knows where can I download the template for the parts? Thanks

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:24 PM PDT

    My iPhone X Experience

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    TL;DR: While I've had a couple issues with the phone, both were addressed by Apple. I love the phone, and plan on keeping it for at least another year.

    I was a huge Android fan. I had the Nexus 6 until Google was no longer pushing Security Patch updates (3 years from release). At which point I bought an LG V30, convinced that they would keep it up-to-date. Nope. Sold that a couple months after I bought it and picked up an iPhone X brand new in January of 2018.

    I loved it. Battery was great compared to the V30, and especially compared to the Nexus 6. However, about 15 months later I got the dreaded vertical green line. Even out of warranty and without insurance, Apple replaced the screen free of charge in a couple hours.

    From there on everything went fine until about a week ago. On a drive home, CarPlay froze. Looked at the phone and it was super hot and the battery was bulging. I immediately shut it off, but it was starting to push the screen out of the body of the phone. At the time, I had 88% battery health. At this point the phone is almost 3.5 years old.

    Got an appointment at the Apple store the following day, and they replaced the whole phone with a "new" iPhone X for the price of a battery replacement ($69).

    So, yeah - I've had a couple problems. But both problems were out of warranty and immediately addressed by Apple. I had to pay for a battery replacement, but IMO $69 is fairly reasonable, but yeah, free would have been nicer.

    I plan on keeping this phone for quite a bit longer. The battery now lasts much longer, and I'm back at 100%.

    Putting the above into context: My SO had her 14 month old Pixel 4 that she bought brand new from Best Buy decide to not turn on one morning a couple weeks ago. They didn't help her at all. The phone wasn't abused, no water damage, just didn't turn on one morning.

    submitted by /u/anekdotos
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    A slightly water damaged iphone X

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:57 PM PDT

    A little water managed to get into my phone and I was stuck in a never ending bootloop last night but an hour later the phone booted up without face Id working and no network. I could see the front camera hole is foggy a bit. Should I keep it in a warm location and wait for a day or two for it to dry and then power on to check or should I immediately get it to the local repair shop? Need advice or tips

    submitted by /u/CallMeAldyy
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    iPhone X Deal

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    I have a jailbroken PS4 slim and im thinking about doing a swap deal with my friend for the iPhone X Is it a good deal ?

    submitted by /u/DrowsyMonster95437
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    Is refurbished iPhone X of apple store reliable?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    Start using iPhone X or trying to sold it in the future?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Hi folks! I have a brand new iPhone X from 2017 that I have never unwrapped (at that time, I was an Android user, so it was an undesired gift). Then, I got a secondhand iPhone 7 in 2018 that I'm still using. However, this phons is dying (short battery life, heat, bad performance), so a new device would be super.

    Should I start using that iPhone X or could it acquire enough value to be sold in 10/20 years? I know, this could sound crazy, but I am stuck with this idea, although I don't know how does vintage phone market work. I am a little afraid of using iPhone X because of performance, is it still good today? Because my iPhone 7 downgraded quite a lot over time.


    submitted by /u/gioele_casuale
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