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    Monday, May 3, 2021

    Apple Daily Tech Support Thread

    Apple Daily Tech Support Thread

    Daily Tech Support Thread

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the daily (Tech) Support thread for /r/Apple. This thread may also be used to find buying/selling advice or answers to other short questions.

    Have a question you need answered? Ask away! Please remember to adhere to our rules, which can be found in the sidebar. On mobile? Here is a screenshot with our rules.

    Join our Discord and IRC chat rooms for support:

    Note: Comments are sorted by /new for your convenience.

    Here is an archive of all previous "Tech Support" threads. This is best viewed on a browser. If on mobile, type on the searchbar [title:"Daily Tech Support Thread" author:"AutoModerator"] (without the brackets, and including the quotation marks around the title and author.)

    The new Daily Tech Support Thread is posted each day at 06:00 AM EST (Click HERE for other timezones) and then the old one is archived. If this time is near when you want to post your question, it is advised to wait for the new thread to be posted.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    An AirTag sent by mail and tracked.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    Buying a Bitcoin emits 195x as much CO₂ as buying an iPhone

    Posted: 02 May 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    I launched my first app on the App Store! Half Lemons - get recipes with the ingredients you have on hand.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Last year, I learned to code (Swift) to build an iOS app. I named it Half Lemons, and it's now live on the App Store! The app concept is simple. Half Lemons gives you recipes using the ingredients you have on hand.

    Check out our website --> https://www.halflemons.com/

    Or download the app (it's free!)https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1539975398


    Everyone who cooks has their staples. Meals we know how to make. Meals we can trust. But even the tastiest grilled chicken breast gets boring. We try to branch out. But somehow keep going back to what we know. Everyone knows the hungry pain of staring into a fridge full of food, feeling like there's nothing to make.

    The reason is that every recipe app out there works the same way. You search for "chicken breast recipes," and scroll until you find one that looks good. Only to find you're missing key ingredients. So you're left making funky substitutions, or needing a trip to the store.. Womp

    Half Lemons brings a new approach to the table. You start by taking a digital inventory of your kitchen. It takes 60 seconds. Then you're rewarded with a rich collection of recipes tailored to your ingredients.

    Standout features of the app:

    👆🏾 Easily add the foods in your kitchen: Take a one-time inventory of your kitchen. HL remembers the inputs. All without paid accounts.

    😍 Get recipes using only those ingredients: A custom search algorithm matches your ingredients with recipes in our database.

    Save recipes: See a recipe you like? Save it.

    🥳 Bonus Recipes: Missing an ingredient? We'll still share that recipe with you. Then you decide if you want to make it or not.

    Half Lemons is free, and available on iOS 13+. I'd love any feedback from the community on how to make it better! What features do you want to see?


    Here's the short story of how I learnt to code, and built my first app.

    In early 2020 I quit my job and learnt to code. I'd never written a line of code, so I signed up for an online iOS programming course and threw myself head-first into it. The next several months were spent following course videos (3-4 hours per day), and completing 'code challenges'. After a few months of this, I graduated to experimenting with mini side projects, just to make sure my skills were real. Eventually, I stopped the course (¾ of the way thru) and built Half Lemons!

    I'm happy to share more details of my journey from no-code-skills -> product launch, if anyone's interested.

    submitted by /u/FarProfessor3735
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    Facebook and Instagram notices in iOS apps tell users tracking helps keep them ‘free of charge’

    Posted: 02 May 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Apple Watch could gain glucose monitoring features by 2022

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    I designed 3D printable versions of Apple's AirTag Accessories

    Posted: 02 May 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this post counts as promotion, as I'm not trying to sell anything.

    I found Apple's official AirTag accessories to be too bulky and overpriced, so I designed slim versions of the keychain and loop that are roughly the thickness of the AirTags themselves. They're slim enough that I currently have the keychain on my camera body and the loop on my wallet. These are designed to be printed using flexible filament.

    Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/NqLxYwi

    Files: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4847084

    submitted by /u/SamSamples
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    Rosenzweig — Dissecting the Apple M1 GPU, part IV

    Posted: 02 May 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    Kuo: Apple to Launch 8-Inch Foldable iPhone in 2023

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:28 PM PDT

    iFiXit AirTag Teardown Part One: Yeah, This Tracks

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Apple to face Epic Games in court

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    TIL Craig Federighi gave a technical talk at WWDC 1997

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    I found Instagram and TikTok culture really isolating so I built an alternative - find, share and organise cool stuff to do with friends.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    Instagram and TikTok used to be about connecting with friends, but these days I find them pretty isolating and toxic. The pandemic has made me feel even more disconnected, so I spent the time over lockdown learning react native to build Discover, an app centred around finding and doing stuff with friends IRL.

    App Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/id1557302431


    Here are some of the main features I have at the moment:

    • Discover real life locations or online websites posted by the community (currently ~2000 people!).
    • Post your own "Curations" and earn "Reputation" when people like what you have shared.
    • Follow top "Curators" to see their best recommendations. Or build your following and become known as the guy with the coolest spots in town.
    • Add people as friends to see what interests you have in common. This is great for those who want some spontaneity!
    • Collaborate with friends by organising your discoveries in shared collections, great for planning nights out!

    Something that some of the community has found really cool is discovering common interests with friends. One person even ended up going climbing with a mate who they had no idea was also interested in the same thing because of the app!

    I'm rolling out new updates weekly so stay tuned! If you have any interesting ideas or feedback, please hit me up in the comments below or the discord where I chat with the community on a regular.

    submitted by /u/No_Target4299
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    Like the macOS dock, but for people

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    It's broken that in 2021, after a year of remote relationships, the people we talk to most are secondary on macOS compared to our apps for email, docs, code, etc.

    So, I've been working on an app that's kind of like a macOS upgrade that brings people into the environment. It's called Remotion, and we think of it as a "lightweight virtual office" that helps teams connect as though in person.

    Remotion's a labor of love, written 100% in native macOS Swift, and borrowing heavily from existing macOS ideas that work, like the dock.

    Would love to know what people think!

    submitted by /u/embirico
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    So you made a playlist, but it doesn’t look nearly as good as Apple Music playlists. Well, I made an app named Denim that has a new feature that seamlessly syncs with your playlists to let you create beautiful cover art in mere seconds. Stop the envy and give your playlist the cover art it deserves.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    Hi r/Apple

    I'm the developer behind Denim. You may remember, earlier this year I launched the app on this sub. Today, I'm incredibly excited to share a major new update that I've been working on the last few months.

    Denim 2.0 has a never before seen feature called Trial Room that integrates with your Music Library and uses your playlists to automatically create previews of different cover art (as it would look on your playlist) by just simply tapping. Your playlist titles will magically appear onto artworks, with no need to type or edit any more.

    You can preview, create and add playlist cover art in about 30 seconds, here is a quick video showing you how. It's really that easy with this new update. Hope you you enjoy it!

    App Store Link

    submitted by /u/hotashonly
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    Check out my first app that I’m actually happy with!

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    Just submitted my first app (that I'm proud of)!

    Here's the link: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/versa/id1563552390 It's built entirely in SwiftUI, here's the git repo if you're interested: https://github.com/tedbennett/versa It uses the Spotify and Apple Music APIs, and I built a couple of packages in Swift to work with them. It's actually my third app on the App Store, but it's the first i'm actually happy with and one I think I'd actually use. Id love to hear what you think!

    submitted by /u/fartsniffersalliance
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    Billions in data protection lawsuits rides on Google's last-ditch UK Supreme Court defence for Safari Workaround sueball

    Posted: 02 May 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    I've updated Charty and you can now create ring charts to track any goals using Shortcuts!

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I'm the developer of Charty for Shortcuts, an iOS app to create beautiful visualizations from Shortcuts!

    I've released the latest update last Friday, and it's now possible to create ring charts, just like the ones from the watch!

    Also, if you ever wanted to learn more about how to create shortcuts, I've included 11 tutorials videos on how to use the app and create custom shortcuts. These cover easy tasks like plotting data from Health, to more complex ones like tracking OmniFocus' projects, plotting data from Google Sheets or filtering Health Data!

    There's a lot more to this update: a refreshed UI, more customizable widgets, rounded bar charts and extra actions!

    You can get it on the App Store! You can read more about the update on the launch post!

    submitted by /u/stalf
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    Made a devlog about Blobiverse—with life-like creatures; It's been my dream for 10 years to make this iOS game.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    I wanted to share a milestone —I've been working on this version for two years now, originally been updating this since 2011. It's a life-sim/god-game that's supposed to focus on the individual creatures rather than the 'big picture' or disasters. All the ways blobs interact are emergent behaviours from a set of rules determined by their memory (experiences) and their needs.


    It's finally shaping up to be what I want for it but I have a lot of work left regardless. Let me know what you think! I'll answer any questions

    submitted by /u/Telinir
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    One By One - Math Study App (Arithmetic, Algebra, Trig, and Calc)

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    I embarked on my first game, which happens to be a math study app geared towards teens and young adults. It has arithmetic up to some bits of calculus. I also tried to follow a retro/ascii art style to have a bit more flair. I'll Put some more info below. I do have more ideas of what to add and achievement and leaderboards are implemented I just need to address the new ios 14.5 tracking protocols.

    Interestingly enough I'm actually conducting a 2-week study to see if the app actually works for algebra and geometry students.



    One By One is a math study game directed for middle and high school students who want some extra practice. Teenagers finally have a modern and refreshing app to practice even calculus, forever! That is right problems are randomly generated so you will always be getting different problems and working those brain muscles! Step your mental math game up to the next level!


    UNICODE/ASCII Art Style. This app was designed to mimic the "nostalgic" or retro feeling on calculators with ASCII art and simple design. The background music continues this feeling with the satisfying key clicks.

    A leveling system. Go from level 1 to 99 by solving problems each step of the way! Every ten levels you unlock a brand new set of mathematical questions to help study.

    ARITHMETIC. Whether you need to practice what 1+1= or what (4+3)²/(4-2)³= we got you.

    ALGEBRA. As you enter into high school most students struggle with algebra, help yourself out and solve some fancy algebra equations like 3x+4=5. As you progress through the levels you can grind your way up to √(x+4)*2=6

    TRIGONOMETRY. I think we can all admit that the unit circle can be tricky. Through the exp system, you can work at your own pace and master sin(0) before being overwhelmed by cot⁻¹(-1). If you are already a master of sin and cos you can blow past those problems and gain some easy in-game money! For those of you who struggle with trigonometry there's even a unit circle to help!

    CALCULUS DERIVATIVES. Derivatives? That's right finally you can practice the derivative rules in any setting. The problems are perfectly tuned to be anywhere from easy mental math to slight difficult mental math. You can practice the power rule or try to figure out what the derivative of ln(2x+3) is.

    LEADERBOARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS: Have a competitive personality? Well, there are now 5 new leaderboards. Each game mode has its own leaderboard and the final one is based on your balance. There is also a hidden achievement, hint you better get solving!

    The perfect study tool. No matter what level of math you are this app is perfect for refining your mental math in a visually pleasing retro Unicode calculator style. You can transfer from arithmetic to calculus in seconds.

    What are you waiting for? Download the app and solve math faster than your teacher!

    submitted by /u/BricesDesigns
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    Shot On The iPhone Shared On Gala - New Service For iPhone Users Aimed At Instagram

    Posted: 02 May 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I just recently released my first iOS app Gala. I saw that Apple has many services nowadays but they don't have anything for iPhone users to share photos and videos like Instagram does, which is a surprise since there are trillions of photos and videos already on iCloud, and Apple hates FB + cares about our privacy. Gala allows iOS users to share their photos & videos with one another around the world. Unlike Instagram, our organic reach is far better similar to TikTok but with photos and longer videos plus we give users the option to use a chronological feed for the people they follow. You can get Gala here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gala-creativity-welcomed/id1560876288 or learn more or get the app below:

    1. We listen to our users, I actually posted a week ago, but when we posted we were only on the app store a few days prior. I answered every email and dm and collaborated with users to squish a ton of bugs, fix a few things, finished adding dark mode, and made the app overall better. You can contact me by [brian@trygala.com](mailto:brian@trygala.com) or on the app as @ brian I'll try to read everything like Tim and Steve would.
    2. Our app is designed with simplicity in mind and we made it easy to use. Instagram already happened and we can't just copy them however our reasoning behind design has merit. For example, instead of having a round profile pic we made it a squircle, this allows you to fit more of your picture in so it doesn't get cropped off like a plain circle. We tried to avoid all sharp corners because they're very uncommon in nature, and not as appealing. Circles are used to draw focus on a part of the picture.
    3. TikTok did an amazing job with improving organic reach. Unlike Instagram they allow users to choose between a chronological feed of followers and an algorithmic feed of users outside of followers to improve discoverability. We implemented this so no need to worry about your reach simply post what you want, when you want and reach the people most interested in your content, no need to research hashtags or pick the perfect time of day. We are still working on our algorithm and it will improve overtime.
    4. Like Apple we love gestures and not only included double tapping but since we have an algorithmic feed, we created a way to say not interested in a post by swiping left similar to a dating app. We also have a separate comment feed that shows related posts for even more exposure. Note: We are fixing things with swiping so it's disabled for now.
    5. We saw on Instagram that giant blocks of hashtags aren't very pleasant to see, so yes we still have them however we made them invisible in captions. Machine learning will play a huge part in Gala and you really won't need hashtags in the future.
    6. We love Apple's commitment to privacy and we only have sign in with Apple as an option. We don't sell data, or don't even have ads right now. It's important that we note that we use analytics tools to see our apps growth and retention as we advertise in a few places, and we haven't gotten around to writing a proper privacy policy(instead using a template) as it could cost thousands to get a proper one done. We understand people are concerned about this so we won't claim to be privacy focused until getting policies done and removing analytics but we do care about user privacy and when we get to the proper size/funding we'll be sure to have policies written and analytics we'll find a way to do.
    7. Ideally, I'd like people to use Gala like, snap an amazing photo or take a video that you love and think the world would also love. Press a button in the Apple photos app that allows you to share to Gala directly and that's it, no need to pick a time of day, add hashtags, or even a caption. We don't want people to worry about likes, we just want them to share what they love.
    8. DISCLAIMER: We try to fix things fast but bare with us, we are completely bootstrapped backed by personal savings with only 3 employees and 1 full engineer. We are looking for more iOS developers so pm me if interested. Also we are still working on a logo and for the app icon we wanted to honor great creators on the app by featuring the top photo as the icon each month(similar to how Nike honors great athletes or Apple honored the people that "think different").

    If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. We're on Instagram at @ galasocialapp, twitter as @ trygala, subreddit r/galasocial. Get Gala today on the App Store here. We hope to see you on the app.

    submitted by /u/bhope95
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    Looking for your Prime feedback

    Posted: 02 May 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    Hi, I recently fixed a bunch of bugs in Prime, my prime numbers app.

    Can you find a single new bug? Try punching in the biggest numbers, negatives, text, decimals. Try tapping things back and forth quickly… try to break the app! 😄


    Thanks in advance for any reports

    submitted by /u/Daniel-Springer
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