• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    iOS Jailbreak [Meta] What Happened?

    iOS Jailbreak [Meta] What Happened?

    [Meta] What Happened?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    Yesterday, we locked the subreddit in solidarity with a site-wide protest against Reddit. Read our full statement from yesterday regarding that:

    r/jailbreak is going private in protest of Reddit's recent decision to hire an admin who supports child sex crimes. We will open again eventually, but for now the subreddit will be closed in solidarity with other large communities across Reddit.

    Aimee Knight (née Challenor) is an ex-politician from the UK Green party, who resigned from the party after it was revealed she kept her father on her election team after he was convicted of raping and torturing a child. Her spouse has also been known to tweet pro-pedophilic statements, but she is also the latest admin to be hired at Reddit, and she used her power to surpress and permanently suspend a moderator of r/ukpolitics who posted an article exposing her links to pedophilia and support of child sex crimes.

    Before you ask how long until the sub reopens, the answer is however long it takes for Reddit to take action. The decision by Reddit to protect a known proponent of child rape through censorship and suspension is absolutely disgusting and intolerable. We will remain private until further notice, and we apologize for any inconvenience.

    Read this post for more info: https://redd.it/mbmthf

    Earlier this evening, Reddit has fired that employee, so r/jailbreak and r/iOSThemes are now open.

    We want to thank everyone for their understanding and for their support over the past day.

    submitted by /u/aaronp613
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    [Free Release] Nanobanners for ios14(Only)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    [Free Release] iSecureOS v1.09 Beta 1, with support for detecting the recent malware that was reported in the community + Major changes.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    It's GeoSn0w (@FCE365). Some may know me from the channel I run, iDevice Central.

    I recently created the iSecureOS iOS Security Application for the jailbroken iOS devices. Today I come with an important update release with some major changes and improvements.

    As of Beta 1 v1.09 available now on the repo, iSecureOS:

    • Can detect the recent pirate repo malware files that were floating around. It's a pretty serious backdoor with possibility for the pirate repo to run arbitrary commands as root on your device. They also did not deny the existence of the malware, just claimed they "won't use it for bad things" (yeah, sure, meet you in Shanghai...).
    • The detection is done through hashing rather than file names, so no matter how they named the file, it should still be detected. Will keep an eye on their repos and update the hashes on GitHub (from where the app fetches them at scan time) so that you get updated signatures for detection. I hope to make the hashes database bigger in the future as I add to it.
    • Vulnerabilities now have color codes. Red = malware or urgent threat. Orange = Important issue, but not urgent. Yellow = least important, usually security tip or recommendation. This way I hope people get less confused.
    • Fixed MANY of the bugs reported by the community, including some repos being flagged inaccurately, and the iPad landscape bug. Thanks for all the reports. Love you guys.
    • The app now fetches the repo definitions in encoded base64 format to avoid leaving a plain-text list of pirate repos on Github (even though everybody and their dog knows there repos anyways).
    • The app will now scan for malware your MobileSubstrate dylibs and tweaks. This CAN take a while depending on how many you have.
    • Improved detection for VPN, now with support for even more interfaces.
    • Added back button for iOS 12 devices because they do not have the modals we use on iOS 13 and 14.
    • Open sourced the application under GPL v2. Feel free to contribute.

    All in all, v1.09 Beta 1 is a major release for iSecureOS which I hope will help you.


    The repo is https://isecureos.idevicecentral.com/repo

    Warning: While this app now has the feature to detect malware, we rely on hashes of files in my database. So, this app won't do malware detection in real-time and won't do heuristic scans (that would be doable on iOS but extremely slow and very flase-positive-prone). I will, however, try to maintain the database with new malware as it gets discovered in the community. Thankfully, the occurrence is rather limited.

    Obligatory links

    I demand nothing in exchange for this application, but if you wanna do me a good deed, you can follow me on Twitter or check out my Jailbreak channel.

    Also: Source Code: https://github.com/GeoSn0w/iSecureOS


    This application is FREE. If you paid for it, you have been scammed.

    submitted by /u/GeoSn0w
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    [Update] NetworkDisabler - Control your network when using apps

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:56 PM PDT


    iOS 10, 11, 12, 13, 14




    mobilesubstrate, preferenceloader, applist



    Changes Logs

    1.0.1: Added: Enable Location Services

    submitted by /u/ichitaso
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    [Question] How secure is jailbreaking if I'm using crypto apps / wallets? And GeoSn0w's new security tweak?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    [Request] Ability to add apps to have notifications announced via AirPods

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    [Tutorial] How to Downgrade Snapchat, Get back the old UI And also how to stay as safe as possible while you are jailbroken. Edit 25/03/2021: Snapchat Forced a server sided update to Older versions too. But there is a solution to it also.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    If u want to reduce the risk of a ban by 90-95% while downgrading and also to use Snapchat as safely as it can gets while being jailbroken then just follow every step blindly.

    1)Log out of ur account

    2)Use app manager to wipe snapchat data. (Repo https://tigisoftware.com/cydia/ )

    3)Delete the app.

    4)install and Run icleaner pro (repo https://ib-soft.net/cydia/ )

    5)Ldrestart ot reboot user space (optional. I do it anyway :) )

    6)Install appstore++ and downgrade directly (without installing the latest version first) to the version u prefer. (Repo https://cokepokes.github.io/ )

    7)Turn off automatic updates, disable app backround refresh and block the snapchat updates with appstore++. Either way u should be careful and not update by mistake.

    8) Install choicy and disable tweak injection in snapchat. (Repo https://opa334.github.io/ )

    *you need also Choicy loader if your jailbreak tool uses substrate. (Mostly checkra1n users)

    DISABLE any other jailbreak bypasses tools for snapchat (such as liberty, shadow, flex patches, PICAHIDE as snapchat has targeted it many times, etc) They may prevent choicy from doing its job and this can lead to a ban.

    9) open snapchat and log in

    Ps0. Be very careful and Dont log in to snapchat if for any reason you device reboots in unjailbroken state. (After a crash or if your battery dies for example) Jailbreak again first.

    Ps1. If your account has been banned/flagged before this may not work.

    Ps2. You cant never be 100% sure with snapchat and their jailbreak detection. So stay in the lowest version you prefer and like.

    Ps3. If you tweak snapchat there is a higher risk of a ban. This post is mostly about people who just want to downgrade and stay as safe as possible without tweaking snapchat.

    Ps4. Dont log in on other devices that run a different snapchat version (especially newer)

    *Versions and below have the old interface (i think). I am on 10.78.6 an i have the old UI

    If it still has the new UI then roll back to older versions and try. Cause possibly the code has been there for a long time until snapchat finally decided to enable it for all the users it could. EVERY TIME YOU DOWNGRADE YOU SHOULD START FROM SCRATCH!

    Theoretically this method shouldn't usually result in a ban. IF YOU FOLLOW EVERY STEP EXACTLY and you didn't do anything wrong. The worst thing that usually happens when you downgrade this way is snapchat not letting you log in to the old version and force you to upgrade to a newer one.

    PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. There are no guarantees.

    EDIT March 25 2021 : Recently Snapchat forced a server sided update to the UI of many users who are still on older versions cause they tweak snapchat. Practically this update broke partially that tweak. BUT luckily a smart guy came up with a really quick and simple solution (hopefully it is a permanent one. It is mostly tested on 10.78.6 BUT it should work on later versions too (not in the very latest i think)

    SO here it is:

    • Open Filza
    • Press the Fav icon on the bottom bar
    • Apps Manager
    • Snapchat
    • Documents
    • Find zero-dep.plist
    • hit the "i" icon on the right of the file
    • Go down and select Sticky and change the mask to 00 manually.

    Open and close Snapchat and hopefully magic would have happened.

    submitted by /u/bountyhunter21
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    [Question] Any tweaks to remove the seperators in Apollo or Reddit app?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    [question] Where did the checkra1n team go?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    After 0.12.2 they haven't said anything on social media, their website, not even a small update. I don't mind them taking their time but I would just like to know what happened and if they're still working on Checkra1n. Checkra1n doesn't seem done yet, a11 still isn't fully supported. The a10X still has unsolved issues. So what's up with them? I hope they didn't drop the project.

    submitted by /u/Unique-Clone-9230
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    [Request] Can we get an alternative to Auto Location for iOS 14?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    [Request] Tweak to allow volume past 100%?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    Sometimes things even on max volume are too quiet. Tweak to override the limit?

    submitted by /u/TheAStarJosh
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    [Update] ShutterSoundSwitch - Extension of the ShutterSound and ScreenShot, Photos app.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:22 PM PDT


    iOS 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14




    mobilesubstrate, preferenceloader



    Changes Logs


    Changed to take default screenshot instead of alert when passcode is on and lock screen



    submitted by /u/ichitaso
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    [question] What does this mean? There is no repo name.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    [Question] iMessages not going through on LTE (only on WiFi)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    iPhone X, iOS 14.3, latest version of unc0ver. As the title says, I can't send or receive any iMessages while on LTE. Works perfectly fine on WiFi. I did a search on reddit and found that unc0ver had this issue back in the day. But the only fix I could find was unc0ver was updated. Anyone have any ideas? my tweaks are: AltDaemon, Amber, Appstore++, CallSlicer, CCSupport, Cercube for Youtube, fastuprepo2, FlashSound, LibertyLite, Lifeguard, LowBatteryBanner, MagSafe, MybloXX for iOS, NoGMStartupFooterCard, Perseus, PowerSelector (iOS 14), System info, TSS Saver, TweakReviewsDB, u0SMSCompleteFix

    Would really appreciate some help..

    submitted by /u/mpacepa
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    [Question] Is there a tweak that stops an app’s audio from automatically overriding another app’s currently-playing audio?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    Sometimes — especially when using apps that load gifs — the phone will automatically detect that there's "media" present, and will silence whatever music I have in the background. Is there a tweak to override this?

    submitted by /u/TomBom_Ombadil
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    [Help] AppStore++ gives me this error when manually downgrading

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    [HELP] Youtube Reborn causes red progress bar on previously watched videos to disappear

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    this seems to have happened after i accidentally changed the colors via youtube reborn. i set it back to the default color, but it's not the true default colors because changing to light mode doesn't change the background from gray. how can i reset the preferences or fix this bug?

    submitted by /u/happy-facade
    [link] [comments]

    [Update] PowerSelector (iOS 11 to 14) 1.3.1 - Added: Item to kill "CommCenter & mediaserverd" in Control Center options. Default is off

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 11:24 PM PDT

    [request] any tweak that we can select which photos choose in stock photo widget

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    [Question] Is there any way we can get the same animation features on the stock Music App?? I would LOVE to see this on the Music App. ����

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:25 PM PDT

    [Question] Looking to expand my tweaks

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:35 PM PDT

    I have been running dry on what tweaks I should use on my iPhone 11 14.3, and I love jailbreaking so I would love to hear some recommendations of your guys favorite tweaks or essential tweaks. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/josepharo
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    [Help] Can't update Lynx 2?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    I logged into my account which purchased "Lynx 2" on the repo but it's not allowing me to update to the newest version of the tweak. Any ideas? Thanks very much.

    submitted by /u/Pathomer
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    [Question] Is it possible to place a music player on this screen? (Wind down/bedtime screen)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    [Question] Is there a tweak that shows the time on screen with the seconds in applications ?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    [Question] Is there any other tweaks to organize the homescreen apps layout other than Boxy and Homeplus?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    [QUESTION] Has anybody installed the latest unc0ver using LightningSign, MagicSign, E-Sign, or any other self signing service? If you have then please explain how I can too.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    I don't have a PC or a Mac so this might be my only option. I'd really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/ApprehensiveWill1
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