• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 6, 2021

    macOS Updating to Big Sur 11.2 broke both of my Thunderbolt ports (M1 Mac Mini)

    macOS Updating to Big Sur 11.2 broke both of my Thunderbolt ports (M1 Mac Mini)

    Updating to Big Sur 11.2 broke both of my Thunderbolt ports (M1 Mac Mini)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:46 PM PST

    Title says it all.

    Worked fine out of the box, was able to use both thunderbolt ports.

    Updated to 11.2

    Both thunderbolt ports no longer work. Can't even get power out of em.

    Yet they show on my system information panel...

    Filed a ticket with Apple support.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    If so, is there a fix??

    Edit: Can't put it into DFU mode as the thunderbolt ports don't work lol.

    submitted by /u/Infinite-Story40
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    I'm pleasantly surprised by BigSur

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:54 AM PST

    To be honest, I kinda expected to hate it. I got my first MacBook a week or so ago, an M1 Air, and before that I've only used a Hackintosh on my desktop running Mojave and then Catalina. Aside from some of the aesthetic changes from Catalina being for the worse imho, BigSur has been really nice.

    I expected to hate the little iOS style control panel thing, but it's quickly grown on me for all the functionality it offers in one little spot. Being able to switch between light and dark mode in a couple clicks rather than opening system preferences every time is super nice, and it reduces the menu bar clutter quite a bit while being a pretty powerful menu.

    The widget/notifications bar is pretty nice as well, and the trackpad gesture to swipe to pull it up was something I very quickly started using often to check things.

    I haven't run into anything yet that I dislike (aesthetics aside) about it. I honestly expected to hate it and want Catalina back

    submitted by /u/V0idS0urce
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    How long until MacOS activated optimised battery charging mode and recognised your charging patterns?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:40 PM PST

    Have new M1.

    Keeping it plugged in all the time; no need to take it around, and also in an effort to get optimised battery charging mode activated. Been a day and still not activated.

    Would like to hear your personal experience with optimised battery charging mode.

    submitted by /u/tengyunv1
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    Why is my dmg file shrinking after installing?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:24 PM PST

    Soooo, fairly new to macs. Just installed an application basically for the first time and when I went to clean up some files I noticed that the folder the dmg is in was smaller then I remember it being and then I look at the dmg and it's losing a mb about every second. It went from a gb to 200 mb in a couple minutes and it's still going. What the heck is going on here?

    submitted by /u/DNAdeveloper-
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    Can someone recommend a window manager to replace Hyperdock?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:46 PM PST

    I've been happily using Hyperdock since 2011ish. It seems to have been abandoned a while back, but still worked up until Big Sur. Since then, I've been trialing a few new window managers and have ended up with Swish. I love it, but my wife just wants Hyperdock back.

    Can anyone recommend something that works as well as that did? I tried Rectangle and a couple of other free options but all seems very inconsistent/flakey. Is Magnet the same? Better? Is BetterSnapTool any good? They all claim to do the things I want, but I'd rather not have to buy them all to find out.

    It doesn't need to be free, it doesn't need to be fancy, it just needs to reliably drag-to-snap windows into full screen, horizontal and vertical halves, and quarters.

    Is there a general consensus on a 'best' option for Big Sur?

    submitted by /u/bigdogxxl
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    Homebrew now works for Apple Silicon ��

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:11 AM PST

    What is the "other" in the storage

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 01:59 AM PST

    What is the "other" in the storage


    I am trying to clean up my disk and seems like macOS categorises many of the files under the "Other" category. Is there a way to see these files, like we do for the other categories such as Documents?



    submitted by /u/fnoyanisi
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    You can change the background of a folder in Finder

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:10 PM PST

    I just realized you can change the background of a folder in Finder to either a solid color or a picture.

    Go into a folder and click command+J and a window will open with ways to customize it.

    submitted by /u/Reach-for-the-sky_15
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    Bootcamp on Samsung X5 or T7

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 12:21 AM PST

    Does anyone have some experience on having ether Samsung x5 or t7 with windows using boot camp. Would I notice any difference having the x5 over the t7? My main purpose would be gaming.

    submitted by /u/alexwalls
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    High Memory Usage on new M1 Mac Mini

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:25 PM PST

    High Memory Usage on new M1 Mac Mini

    I just got my M1 mac mini 16gb in today, and the first thing I noticed was this. With absolutely no apps open besides activity monitor, I am constantly hovering around 6gb of app memory used. How is app memory in use with nothing open?

    I installed iStat Menus and it shows basically the same. This amount of memory usage feels odd to me on a new system, and this is after waiting a few hours in case any background tasks were doing things.

    I cannot for the life of me figure out why. My i7 MacBook pro also running Big Sur 11.2 isn't using nearly this much and is next to nothing with no apps open.

    Any suggestions?


    submitted by /u/bluecarsarebest
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    macOS Big Sur on 2017 MacBook Pro

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 12:04 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I still haven't updated my 2017 MacBook Pro to macOS Big Sur, mainly because when it was first released in the fall last year, I saw that many other users were complaining about poor battery life issues, compared to Catalina. I was strongly considering updating recently, but I'm afraid if I update then my battery life and performance will decrease significantly.

    I would like to hear from other users after using Big Sur for a few months now, if they are currently experiencing the stated issues above with older MacBooks, or if Apple has patched many of those issues since the original release?

    submitted by /u/philipkwiatek8
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    Is it me or normal for macOS to reset my display setups after disconnecting and reconnecting the same external HD 1080 monitor (HDMI)?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 05:32 PM PST

    It resets to default Retina default tiny GUI and texts from scaled 1280x800 resolution (want bigger GUI and texts due to old eyes) set in macOS' accessiblity. Is there no way to have macOS remember these since it's annoying to retelling it? This is with an over month old 2020 13" MBP (Intel i7) with Big Sur v11.2.

    Thank you for reading and hopefully answering.

    submitted by /u/antdude
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    Trying to copy files via thumb drive, but keeps disconnecting it constantly

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 01:14 PM PST

    How to identify rootkit malware?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:10 PM PST

    Did a factory reset 100x times already but my mac osx big sur 11.2 keeps doing weird... Strange processes running, unwanted keychain entries and so on... Basically I think I'm spied on remoted. Kinda turning hopeless. Should I put it in for support? I Believe the malware is hidden very deeply on some kind of Preboot disk but to be honest this is a bit above my head.

    submitted by /u/VICE100KFXPRO
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    macOS Big Sur won’t install on my 2015 MacBook Pro. It keeps saying error. Restarting it didn’t help. I’m not the most tech-savvy person. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 01:11 PM PST

    Would a clean install of macOS create a new IP address?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:05 PM PST

    Early 2015 MacBook pro, fell behind on updates

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:52 PM PST

    EARLY 2015 Macbook pro (13 inch) 2.7 GHZ Intel core i5 8 GB memory

    I'm going to start by saying I don't know much about computers. My "software update" button always turned up nothing so I assumed my os was as good as it was going to get (which is obviously not the case) but I didn't think to update because everything I use ran fine. Problem now is that a lot of programs I want to run are incompatible with my current OS, so I'm thinking of finally updating.

    Is it safe to jump a few generations of OS? I'm running El Capitan and am looking to upgrade to Mojave. I'm anxious about my laptop becoming a brick and I'm a frequent Pro Tools user, so I don't want to do anything that will make it harder to work with. Is there anything I should do other than back up my hard drive before updating? Can I go back to my old operating system if I regret the update? Forgive me if these are obvious questions, my computer runs great as it is and I don't want to slow it down unnecessarily

    submitted by /u/thelittlestrummerboy
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    Monitor scaling issue

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:54 AM PST

    So I bought a 28" 4k monitor to use externally with my MacBook Air. Howcome native resolution 4k resolution is so small? It's too hard to read! If I go into the display settings and choose a "lower resolution", will the quality be reduced aswell for media consumption? It's so much easier on the eyes to use it at 1080p than the teeny tiny 4k.

    So my question in short is, am I sacrificing photo/video quality in scaling to a lower resolution?

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/nabilmontana
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    Help, Regarding Host/Computer Name of Mac Mini M1 to make privacy improve (even if it is small)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:49 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I have a Mac Mini M1, I changed my host/computer name to my name in terminal unfortunately this leaves a privacy flaw when I join networks since my host name will show my name which is a bad practice.

    Especially now when more people sniff, I want the computer name to reflect the item (since it's MAC address) will be based on Mac Mini not something like Macbook or iPhone etc, I was wondering if any of you have the name of the default Mac Mini host name for terminal/ system prefs in which I could use to improve privacy a little.


    Can any if you provide my the default host & computer name for the Mac Mini M1.

    submitted by /u/leapday2024
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    Mac Driver Trouble - Big Sur & Arduino Due

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:36 PM PST

    I haven't been able to get my board's serial port to show up on my Mac book and I am beginning to think it is a driver issue after doing a lil research. Others have seem to have had this problem. When I plug my board into my Mac via USB it doesn't show up anywhere on my system. If any of you have gotten around this issue and been able to see you Arduino board on your Mac please let me know the steps you took to do so. Maybe it could be a faulty connection with my USB cable, but I doubt that since my board lights up once it is connected.

    Any tips will be appreciated

    submitted by /u/LilRee12
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    Why am I (the admin) and an extra user on the left since 11.2 and not centered? Is this normal? If not, How can I fix this?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:51 AM PST

    Big Sur 11.2 | Time Machine Backup Restore Issue

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 12:39 PM PST

    Hi All,

    I am desperately trying to restore a Time Machine backup stored on my LaCie 2 Thunderbolt 3 external drive (10Tb) to my 2019 iMac.

    Here is what I have done: 1 - Started up iMac while pressing CMD + R 2 - Selected « Restore from Time Machine » and clicked « Continue » 3 - In the « Restore from Time Machine » window: Clicked « Continue » 3 - In the « Select a Restore Source »: Selected my LaCie external drive from the list and clicked « Unlock » 4 - Entered my LaCie drive password (backups are encrypted) and clicked « Continue » 5 - In the « Select a Backup » window: Selected the desired backup from the ones listed and clicked « Continue »

    The following message appears: « You must use Migration Assistant to transfer data from this backup. Reinstall macOS if necessary and then use Migration Assistant to transfer data from your backup. »

    I had a look on the Internet but found nothing satisfactory so far. My external drive format is APFS. I have just checked a MacWorld webpage that confirms Time Machine now (i.e. since Big Sur v11.0) supports APFS so I am clueless...

    Has anyone experienced this? Am I doing anything wrong?

    Thanks for any help or recommendation you could provide.

    submitted by /u/xtreme69reddit
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    White cursor theme I made, ready for HiDPI/retina displays

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:53 AM PST

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