• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    Apple Help My phone crashed at 100% and when I turned it back on it was on 10%

    Apple Help My phone crashed at 100% and when I turned it back on it was on 10%

    My phone crashed at 100% and when I turned it back on it was on 10%

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:57 AM PST

    MacBook Pro showing this symbol after factory reset

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:34 PM PST

    I don’t have this app that is apparently taking up a lot of my screen time, no clue where it comes from. Any ideas?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:20 PM PST

    It’s like this for an hour,i already tried to restart the phone or toggle off the icloud photos.How can i fix it? I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s because i used other apps while it was uploading.My question is should i wait on this screen? Or what should i do?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:06 PM PST

    I have a early 2011 MacBook Pro with high Sierra. I’ve been having sleep issues basically when I close the screen it doesn’t sleep/turn off I’ve tried everything resting the SMC and Nvram.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:16 PM PST

    MacBook Pro help

    submitted by /u/YesterdayStrict8538
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    Apple Pencil 2 no longer connects to IPad Air. Basically a flashing icon but is not recognized by iPad in Bluetooth. Have tried all troubleshoot including updates. What can I do?!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:00 PM PST

    "bash" wants access to control "system events"

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:57 PM PST

    hi, i recently started getting a pop-up claiming that "bash wants to control system events". i looked it up and apparently it is a type of adware? i don't recall installing anything recently. another website (pc risk) recommended "combo cleaner", but i don't want to install anything that is unhelpful, or worse, also malicious. any advice would be appreciated!

    i'm using a 2017 macbook, Mojave, 10.14.6

    submitted by /u/barefootbirdgirl
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    Middle Finger Emoji missing?! (iOS 13.5; USA)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:00 PM PST

    Mysterious Bluetooth Device I am connected to?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:47 PM PST

    Ipad won’t charge

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:19 PM PST

    I was traveling home when an egg broke in my bag, the charging port and the cable both were in contact. I cleaned them as good as I could but it's not charging is there any way to safely clean the charging port?

    submitted by /u/Nesto02
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    [Macbook air] All notes I had on my macbook just disappeared. My icloud only has notes that I keep on my iPhone. What do I do?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:09 PM PST

    Immediately after I updated Chrome, I check my notes and find that all of them have disappeared. The only ones I have found are ones that are saved to the iCloud from my iPhone. Why did this happen?

    Edit: I just ran a data recovery program with EaseUS, but it recovered tens of thousands of files. Is there a way of finding my notes in them?

    submitted by /u/TheGoonies88
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    My Macbook screen is clearly broken. I tried hooking it up via HDMI to my monitor and am now at this grey screen. I can’t do anything with this screen other than scroll with my mouse. Any suggestions to get to my home page?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:18 PM PST

    Why does the background picture change when I pick the option to change the picture every hour? I want them to go in a specific order at specific points of the day.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 05:04 PM PST

    Can't log in to Media & Purchases on iPhone 7 after changing Apple ID email

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:28 PM PST

    I recently changed my Apple ID email address. Since then, I am getting an error when I try to turn on Media & Purchases on my iPhone 7 (iOS 14.3) - I sign in and then it very quickly flashes "unable to log in, authentication failed". Because of this I can't purchase/download anything from the app store.

    This isn't an issue anywhere else, the App Store is working fine on my Macbook Air with the same Apple ID.

    I talked to Apple Support and they told me that because my battery health is at 77% that I need battery service and they think this is causing it to glitch. I already did a hard reset, then a factory reset, with no change, and don't really want to pay for battery service when I don't know for sure if it will solve the problem.

    I don't understand how battery health could affect logging in to my account. Has anyone encountered this? Anything else I should try?

    submitted by /u/rnco206
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    iPhone XR will rapidly disconnect and reconnect to wifi over and over during use.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:19 PM PST

    I just got myself an iPhone XR, and it's working well except for this. More or less at random, the wifi will suddenly and rapidly disconnect and reconnect over and over. And I do mean rapidly, like cycling back and forth literally every second. It only does this when I am actually trying to use the network. When it's idle or I'm doing something offline, the connection appears intact. But when I try to go online one way or another, it will sooner or later start to fail. I can watch the symbol disappear and reappear in the status bar, or the actual network list flickering in Settings.

    This was happening right out of the box: while I was still in the initial setup, it would do this while I was trying to download the latest firmware. I had to restart the setup a few times because it seemed to keep going wrong. It was to the point where, having left the update downloading overnight, by the morning it was only like halfway done. Only then did I pin down that the network connection was what was having trouble. And getting it set up didn't fix it, either. While I was able to update and complete the setup through iTunes, it still has been happening frequently during use.

    Oddly enough, it seems to have slowed down as I've been using it. It hasn't stopped, and it's still happening enough to be a noticeable problem, but during the first few hours it would cycle almost every minute when I tried to go online, and would stay that way for a solid 15 seconds. Compare that to now, where I can get a fair bit of time online before it happens again. I'm not sure what to make of that, but it's almost more annoying than had it just stayed the same; the inconsistency is very strange.

    This only happens on wifi; cellular has no problems connecting. And it happens on all networks, not just my home one. Likewise, none of my other devices have a problem connecting, even right next to each other. So it definitely seems to be a problem with the device itself.

    I have tried the following:

    • Rebooting the phone
    • Rebooting the router
    • Turning Airplane Mode on and off
    • Updating to the latest firmware.
    • The "Reset Network Settings" option.
    • Setting the phone up as a new device.
    • Setting it up with a backup from my old phone

    And none of those have worked.

    I have a window where I can get it replaced, so I might just do that, but I did want to ask around before doing so. Does this seem like a hardware problem? Some sites I have read say that it could be the antenna itself that's damaged if none of the other tricks have worked. Or is there something I'm just missing?

    (Apologies if this is too rambly; I tried to provide as much detail as I could, although I can provide more if I forgot or missed something. I appreciate your help. Thanks!)

    submitted by /u/UsernameClassified
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    Having problems syncing photos to iPhone (showing incorrect orientation)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:04 PM PST

    I have several albums on my Photos app on my MacBook that I'd like to sync to my iPhone, but when I sync them to my phone many of the photos are the incorrect orientation, some are sideways, some are upside down, some are sideways the other way, there is no rhyme or reason to it (like the photos being taken in portrait or landscape on my phone itself) and when I look at the photos themselves on my Phots app they are the correct orientation. I've tried removing all the photos from my phone and resyncing, I've tried resetting my phone from scratch. I'm kind of at a loss here. I don't want to delete my photos library and reorganize my 8,000+ photos again, but I'm scared that it might be the only option. iCloud photos is not an option for me because it just dumps all the photos into one album with no organization and no way to separate them into albums. Has anyone else had this issue>

    submitted by /u/TrstnBrtt
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    FaceTime hanging when answering

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:56 PM PST

    When receiving an FT video call from certain individuals, when I click to accept the call, FT will just hang on "connecting...", never connect and eventually fail. Always the same individuals, happens every time they try to FT video call me. Yet I can FT video call them, and they can connect to my video call with no problem every time. This happens regardless of Apple device I use (my iPhone XR on 14.3 or MacBook Pro on 11.1). I've tried switching off WiFi on the phone to see if it was my network, but that didn't help.

    It appears to have emerged around the time I upgraded to Big Sur and to iOS 14.3 in December, but I can't nail down exactly when and point to one those updates for certain as the cause.

    Apple Support chat was useless. The guy said this is a known issue and I have to wait until the next software update. But he couldn't tell me if he was referring to MacOS or iOS.

    Curious if anyone has run into this problem with recent updates or know of any potential solutions? I wonder if there's some interaction with whatever iOS or MacOS version the caller is running. Just shooting in the dark. Can't easily bother these people to troubleshoot with me either. I know at least one person is calling me from their MacBook and is not running Big Sur.

    submitted by /u/yeyebike
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    iMac freezing after entering password

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:49 PM PST

    No idea what's going on. 2019 27" iMac

    When I booted it today, it got past the black screen w/ apple logo and progress bar, then got to my wallpaper background w/ password prompt. I enter my password and it just hangs, spinning beachball forever. I even took a shower while it tried, 15 minutes still spinning beach ball.

    I've tried resetting PRAM/NVRAM/SMC. I've tried repairing via disk utility, nothing. And now, I keep trying to boot in safe mode (Holding shift after powering on) and even that isn't working now. It just stalls at the black screen w/ apple logo and progress bar (the bar gets to max, and then it just sits there forever).

    I started the computer in Safe mode about an hour ago, but once I was there in safe mode I didnt know what to do? Ever since then, holding shift doesn't boot me in safe mode, it just stalls at the progress bar. Why did Safe Mode work an hour ago but not now? Bizarre.

    Any ideas? I tried to go into Disk Utility and see about just reinstalling Big Sur to see if that would fix it but it says I need to free up 28gb to have enough space to do that, but without safe mode working anymore to let me in to delete some files, I don't know how to fix this? I can't even believe this is happening.

    submitted by /u/saint_ash
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    iPhone XS screen glitching issues and ghost touch, info appreciated.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:44 PM PST

    I'll be surprised if I can get this even typed out correctly.

    Just over a month ago my IPhone XS (iOS 14.4) Started typing and opening apps by itself. I've experienced this on a 6s but I replaced it immediately as it happened so I didn't really need to find help. But on a newer iPhone, I'm really not in the spot to just up and get another one. Anyway...

    After this issues persisted, a dead spot in the screen appeared, I can't touch anything at all, it's right where the "do you want to enable Face ID" and those sorts of yes or no questions pop up, so when that happens I have to restart the phone and not use any new apps. Since then I've noticed every few minutes the screen will get laggy when I scroll it too..

    I've read it could be either a motherboard issue or a simple screen replacement could fix it. If so, I'm fine with getting the screen replaced. Yes it's been dropped before but the screen itself or body has zero damage. Always cases with a glass protector on it.

    I've completely reset the phone And reverted to earlier iOS versions and no fix. It's a hardware issue for sure.

    Any opinions on what this could be?

    submitted by /u/mattymattrick
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    Is it just me or my iPhone 8’s battery level goes down significantly when I have it out in the cold weather?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:40 PM PST

    I would fully charge my phone and then when I bring it outside with me to listen to music, an hour later, I would have 30% left.

    What is the effect of the cold weather on my iPhone 8?

    submitted by /u/SnakeAmethyst23
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    Is the mail app search feature on iOS 14.3 basically worthless now for anyone else? Search in iMessage app is not much better, never finishes indexing...anyone else? Any fixes?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:26 PM PST

    Is the mail app search feature on iOS 14.3 basically worthless now for anyone else? Search in iMessage app is not much better, never finishes indexing...anyone else? Any fixes?

    submitted by /u/TurlockHomes
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    Taking a shot with old tech. Firewire Mixer

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:41 PM PST

    OK. I found my old Alesis MultiMix 8 Firewire mixer. Looks like I can hook it up to my 2019 iMac with a Firewire to Thunderbolt 2 to Thunderbolt 3 daisy chain of adapters but apparently the Garageband can't see it. There are no Alesis 64bit Firewire drivers available so I'm not sure if it's just dead for good. I have an old Macbook Pro that I could hook it up to but I'm not sure if I want to bother.

    Any thoughts or should I just bin it?


    submitted by /u/JackSparks
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    Segmented Downloading for the App Store

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:34 PM PST

    Hi All,

    I am curious about some methods used throughout MacOS but that could apply to iOS as well.

    So I'll give three different examples to hopefully offer as much detail as possible.

    I am on rural internet. Which simply means I get access to relatively high speed downloads for a certain capacity and then it slows down. Something I (and am sure many others) have gotten used to.

    Generally, I use that stretch on the first of the month to download apple store updates and the like. Then I'll play the slow walk for other files depending on the source.

    The simple circle to fill up blue is a time of anxiety. I really wish Apple offered a segmented option to prevent failed downloads.

    3 Current Apps I use that offer segmented downloading.

    1. Download Shuttle Pro

    Basically use this for bundle downloading. Whether it is brushes and such for AI or ProCreate, Affinity, etc.

    I'll load up the thing with several individual files (that way I can use some right away) instead of waiting for the entirety of it to download.

    Very, Very Useful App. Not all files can be restarted but most can crawl their way onto your SSD.

    1. Safari Browser

    No need to explain this one — surprising how apple has it setup in that app but not the app store.

    1. Toontrack

    Another more obscure example would be the product manager for all my toontrack products which are specific music production softwares and sounds.

    Some of those programs are 180+ GB of authentic drum sounds.

    Their manager tells me the amount of time remaining, speed, and total download.

    Right now I am downloading at 70 kb/sec. 2 hours and 45 minutes remain with 245 mb out of 904 mb downloaded.

    If it has an error, I can click play and it starts right back where it was.

    TL:DR; Why doesn't (or is there?) Apple allow for a segmented approach to their app store?

    submitted by /u/Jetavator
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    Iphone won't charge

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:17 PM PST

    I bought Iphone 11 just 2 weeks ago and it had no problem charging. I do not use it a lot, so i charged it like may be 6 times(because it lasts really good), ther were no problems. Now it won't charge. The cable and adapters are brand new, i tested them on my airpods and it worked perfectly fine. If I plug the phone to computer, the COMPUTER RECOGNISES IT. I did DFU restore and it didn't help. Please help me

    submitted by /u/AbylaiPD
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