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    Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    Apple Help Hello guys, I ´ve recently switched from android to iphone 7+, and I can’t find Youtube app on app store. The version is 13.6.1, I need help pleaase

    Apple Help Hello guys, I ´ve recently switched from android to iphone 7+, and I can’t find Youtube app on app store. The version is 13.6.1, I need help pleaase

    Hello guys, I ´ve recently switched from android to iphone 7+, and I can’t find Youtube app on app store. The version is 13.6.1, I need help pleaase

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    i cant login

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    I opened my ipad and i wanted to delete some games that i did not play and i saw the system update and i wanted to update it and i went to update and it gave me an error and i went up on the settings list and i saw that i dont have my photo next to my name and i tried to log in and it gave me an error i tryed to reset my pass and it worked but when i want to login its still saying unknown error. Is there a fix and is anyone else having this problem ?

    edit : i have ipad 5 gen with ios 13.6

    submitted by /u/xSpringtrapz
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    Apple monthly payments on gifts

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I'm looking to buy an iPhone as a gift for a family member. Does anyone have experience gifting an iPhone and selecting the interest-free financing payment option?

    1. Does the recipient of the gift have to keep the iPhone for the duration of the 24 month cycle?
    2. Would the recipient know that the iPhone is on financing plan?
    3. If the recipient tried to sell the iPhone to Apple to upgrade to the next year's product cycle, would Apple treat the iPhone differently than if it were paid for in full?

    Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/HombrePinata
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    [Applecare+] Can i get my EarPods replaced more than once?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    A couple of months ago, I got my EarPods that came with my XR replaced because they stopped working. Today, the left ear stopped working on the new ones. Can I get them replaced under AppleCare+ again, or is it a one-and-done type deal?

    I'm in Canada in case it matters.

    submitted by /u/MrAusnadian
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    Have I perhaps damaged my MacBook Air?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    Might just be me over worrying but I just finished washing my hands, I was in a hurry so I didn't dry them and as I went to pick up my MacBook Air (2015-2017 model).. some water poured down from my hand onto the trackpad right in the border with the rest of the Mac's body. Well I wiped whatever water I could from the surfaces with paper towel after 30 seconds (just when I noticed), but I'm sure a good heavy drops of water definetely went inside through the gap between the trackpad and the rest of the body. MacBook works fine yet (it's been about 30 hours, even though I know it takes weeks for corrosion to occur .. also I haven't plugged it into the charger yet). My question is .. I've checked online that underneath the trackpad there is the battery and nothing else, or other stuff like motherboard etc are found far from where the trackpad is. What are my chances of having caused permanent damage to my MacBook? I'm a musician and I have years worth of projects on my computer, I really can't afford to lose them. Am I just over worrying?

    submitted by /u/jordansak
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    Recommended repair services for A1466 logic board?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    I have an A1466 that no worky - it charges, and the light changes color if I perform a SMC reset, but nothing happens whatsoever when I press the power button. I bought the laptop as broken to swap in a board from another machine, but it'd be nice to have both of them running.

    Is there a recommended repair service for the logic board?

    submitted by /u/StopBoofingMammals
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    iPhoneX randomly shut off to support.apple.com/iPhone/restore and won’t turn back on

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Hi there! My iPhone X randomly shut off while texting and when it was turned back on, it turned on to show a screen with the support.apple.com/iPhone/restore. I tried restoring and updating the phone from two different fully updated macs but neither worked. I also tried using two different cords and neither worked. Please help!

    submitted by /u/mynameispej
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    My brand new charger

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    I got a new charger because my old one broke and I lended it to my brother because his just stopped working and now it just doesn't charge anymore even when I plug it into my wall

    submitted by /u/yeyeueyeueyeyeyespew
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    AirPod Pros unsyncing with eachother

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    So, about 4 months ago my left AirPod Pro decided to not connect with my right one. I would not connect to my iPhone 11 either unless I forgot it in settings. I tried to troubleshoot it by factory resetting them and charging my iPhone and AirPod Pros next to each other and wait for a firmware update. Alas, it didn't work so I requested support and they sent me a new left AirPod Pro to sync with the new one. They worked for 2 months and now today they have broken again. I'm not sure I can request another replacement and I really don't want to buy a new one. Is there anything people have done to fix it?

    iOS 13.6.1 iPhone 11 128 GB

    submitted by /u/Tsnipes164
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    HELP !!! Ejecting/Unmounting Internal Hard Drive after Accidentally Deleting Macintosh HD Drive from Disk Utility

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Hello, all. I'm at a loss with what to do and I have scoured the internet for an answer with no luck. First up if I am violating any rules/if there is a better subreddit to post this, please let me know as I am not used to posting on Reddit.

    I have a 2017 MacBook Air running Catalina that was working just fine. No problems whatsoever. I went into Disk Utility to restore it to factory settings to sell and accidentally deleted the Macintosh HD Drive, leaving only the MacOS Base System to be recognized. While I was able to use an External Hard Drive installed with MacOSX to revive it, however, i'm now running into the problem that the internal hard drive "ejects" itself after a couple of minutes or any time I do something to repair/restore/resintall MacOSX on the Internal Hard Drive.

    Every time I try to use Disk Utility (in regular start up and in Recovery Command+R Mode) the Macintosh HD appears for about 2-5 minutes but with every attempt to reinstall MacOSX or run First Aid/Erase/Restore, an error comes up and it "ejects" itself, leaving just my external hard drive and the MacOS Base System.

    Just for context, I have gone through the following steps and NOTHING has worked to restore the Macintosh HD after it was accidentally deleted:

    1. Reset PRAM

    2. Tried reinstalling MacOSX in Disk Utililty (did not work since it was only showing MacOS Base System without my External plugged in, also does not work since the Macintosh HD Data drive keeps ejecting now)

    3. Internet Recovery Mode via WiFi (Does not restore the internal hard drive, bought a dongle to try it with an Ethernet port that should be arriving soon)

    4. Using a Backup from Time Capsule (Again, every time I try to use a backup there's an error and it times out)

    5. Downloaded various "recovery apps" that don't work either.

    Also, one more important note: this is NOT a data recovery mission. I set up my new machine before I went to attempt to wipe the MacBook Air. I just want to get this back up and running to sell it because literally nothing was wrong with it until I made a very stupid mistake.

    If there are any details anyone needs please let me know as well.

    TL;DR I deleted the internal hard drive in Disk Utility, now comes up briefly but ejects but i can't do anything to repair and now i don't know what to do.

    Below are the screenshots. Thank you for reading !

    Recognized but goes away shortly after reboot

    Error -69766 after running First Aid

    Error -69565 after running First Aid

    Macintosh HD - Data keeps \"ejecting\"

    Disk Utility WITH my Hard Drive plugged in

    submitted by /u/macOShelpthrowaway
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    Apple iPhone 6s Not Charging Weird

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I have an Apple 5V charging block with an Apple USB to Lightning charger. My phone is dead and will not charge whatsoever (even with other chargers). I don't know why, I sent it to the Apple Help team.

    But when I try to charge my buddy's phone with the charger it says that it is charging. The lightning bolt symbol is shown but it doesn't actually charge the phone. I tried with Airpods and got the same issue. Does anyone know what could be going on other than I should get a different charger? I want to know why it shows that it is charging but isn't actually charging. What makes an iPhone show the lightning bolt symbol? Why would it show that symbol and not charge?

    submitted by /u/BardaWantsToBarter
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    Brand new macbook air battery issue

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    So I just bought a brand new macbook air 13.3 with touch id, intel core i5, 128GB SSD (those words mean nothing to me but thought it might help anyone know which mac i'm talking about)

    It was super slow to set up but I thought that could just normal however the battery condition says 'Replace Now' and it will not stay on if it's not plugged in. It's brand new, so why would it be saying that?

    I was told to reset it by holding control, option, and shift. I tried that and now it won't even turn on.

    My online classes start tomorrow, just my luck. Please help!

    submitted by /u/EffectiveSalamander7
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    Macbook Air 10.6.8 OS

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I'm trying to upgrade my Macbook Air from 10.6.8 to El Capitan (so I can run Zoom).

    After downloading El Capitan, I get InstallMacOSX "Not Recognized."

    Any ideas? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jlh23
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    How to I SIGN IN (not ADD account) to the mail app [IOS 13.7]

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    I want to sign in and receive emails since none of my accounts are verified, but it keeps saying," This account is already on your device". So how do I sign in?

    submitted by /u/CreepyPastaguy2
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    phone boot looping, need help

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    my phone randomly shut off off while i was texting, and i thought it died so i connected it to the charger and the apple logo came up, i thought it was gonna turn on but then it just kept looping and the apple logo would just keep popping up instead of the phone turning on. i tried pressing the volume up button and the volume down button and holding the power button but it didnt work, then the phone took me to recovery mode and i tried connecting it to itunes and updating it, at first it said there was an error and it couldnt update, so i decided to just restore it, and that also didnt work

    submitted by /u/Rudoble
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    Does Genius Bar ask for passcode to your device?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Looks like I need to replace my LCD screen. I kinda don't want them going through my device. They don't need my pass code to verify that they fixed my device since I just need the screen replaced. Will they ask for my pass code?

    submitted by /u/Squawwww
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    iMessages sent from phone not appearing in Messages on macbook

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    Can't for the life of my figure out why this is happening and I'm hoping it's a simple solution.

    Here's info about what I've got:


    Late 2008 model

    8gb RAM

    OS X El Capitan 10.11.6


    iPhone X

    iOS 13.6.1

    Texts that I send from my macbook in the Messages app will show up on my phone. Texts that I send from my phone DO NOT show up on my Macbook. Incoming iMessages appear in both devices from everyone. Incoming SMS do not appear on either device.

    Things I've tried/checked:

    • Text message forwarding to my Macbook is ON in my phone's settings
    • iMessage is ON
    • Messages is ON in my iCloud settings on my phone
    • I have turned off iCloud and turned it back on
    • Apple ID is enabled in my Messages prefs on my Macbook
    • I have disabled Apple ID in my Messages prefs on my Macbook and enabled it again
    • I reset PRAM per Apple support's instructions

    I'm stumped. Any help is appreciated!

    Edit: I also have an iMac which is quite a bit newer and I am not having this problem at all on that device.

    submitted by /u/turnasquare1
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    Time Machine backups: Can I exclude my music?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    My music library hasn't changed really for a few years. Can I exclude it and not have to worry about "losing it."? I mean I know it's not being backed up monthly when I do backups, but I assume it'd be part of a full backup which according to time machine is 132gb today. My backup drive only has 53gb available. Thanks for any thoughts on what's safe to exclude from Time Machine backups.

    submitted by /u/Cosimo_68
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    Horizontal lines on my phone screen?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:10 PM PDT


    There seems to be a hardware issue but I'm not sure what caused this. iPhone7 btw

    submitted by /u/Squawwww
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    Find My App Inaccuracies

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    So this past Saturday, my wife was working a side job at a local hospital. In the morning, I used the Find My app to check to see that she made it to work safely. Her iPhone 8+ showed up in the building, no problem. Her hours there vary, and sometimes she is able to leave earlier than scheduled. Around the time she was possibly able to leave, I ran Find My again. It showed her in the parking garage. Perfect! I started dinner. About 10 minutes after I expected her home, I checked the app again. She was back in the building. Weird. She ended up coming home at the scheduled time. She hadn't left the building all day, and she often has poor service in parts of the hospital. Could this explain why Find My located her car? Has anyone else experienced something like this? I was under the impression that Find My could find a phone that was powered off, etc.

    submitted by /u/FlatRooster4561
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    What is the “Other” category in Settings, and how do I delete stuff from it?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    The Other section in Storage takes up way too much space. It's preventing me from downloading the next update, and I've deleted everything I can think of that I don't need, but almost nothing is happening. I've looked up what I'm supposed to delete, like the Safari data, and it still did nothing. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/DarkLordJ14
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    I got “locked out?” Of my AirPods

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    My old Apple ID was the one assigned to them and I switched Apple ids and want to know if I can reassign them to my new Apple ID without need the old one?

    submitted by /u/Crunchy_Jell0
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    Problem’s with Video’s

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! My old videos on my iPhone XR will not play. They say error try again later. I can't save them to files,send them or really do anything with them. It used to to do it because I only had 5 GB of iClouds space but I've recently upgraded to 50GB and I still can't get them to play. Someone help please!

    submitted by /u/Luhat23
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    I'm AM receiving a verification code to sign in to iCloud except NOT.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Like someone else on another post, I too recently had to reset my password and had to receive a number of verification codes on my phone to log back in to iTunes, the app store, etc for OSX Mavericks.

    Everything is back to normal except for my iCloud account. I can sign in through the browser no problem but when I try to do so in system preferences it tells me to use the verification code that was sent to my device.

    NOW the key, I do not receive ANY code when I first request one no matter how long I wait. BUT when I request a second time I get one OR two at the same time for different SMS accounts. I thought I had malware but after checking with Bitdefender, I don't think so.

    I think there is a delay where the SMS does not get PUSHED out of Apple's system because it is trying to put out a code to the screen. Having an older OS and requesting a second it PUSHES out old CODE but it is not the NEW current code.

    Can anyone verify this suspicion. This worked flawlessly when I used it for AppleStore... but NOT iCloud.


    submitted by /u/gammazxray
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    MacBook PRO 2015 Hidden HD takes up to 68GB and protected by password

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    My mac have 128 GB SDD, and I can use only 50 GB. I found out that there is hidden partition, but I can't mount it, it's password protected. What can I do in this case?

    Screenshots are here:


    submitted by /u/g1yk
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