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    Sunday, October 13, 2019

    Apple Watch Weekly 'My Watch' Standard Config/Joined the Club Megathread - [October 13]

    Apple Watch Weekly 'My Watch' Standard Config/Joined the Club Megathread - [October 13]

    Weekly 'My Watch' Standard Config/Joined the Club Megathread - [October 13]

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 09:08 PM PDT

    Welcome to today's 'Joined the Club'/Standard Config Megathread.

    Want to show off your newly purchased Apple Watch? Here's the place! Introduce yourself to the community and show off your new Apple Watch and or your new band!

    This is the place for standard configuration configs (those that can be bought off Apple's website as a bundle). If you have a custom watch/band combo, please post it outside the thread!


    1. Use a reputable image host. imgur.com is preferable. You do not have to set your album to public - simply copy the link.
    2. No NSFW posts.
    3. Directly linked images only (albums are acceptable).

    Here's all the previous joined the club threads

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Apple Watch saved me legally

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    Yesterday I set up a meeting with a stranger to sell my iPhone 11 at 21:00 near my apartment. Long story short, I had a feeling something wasn't right so I put a voice recording on my watch. When I handed phone to the guy he ran away. I tried to get him back and he started beating so bad that I got a concussion. I screamed up "HELP!! HELP!!" with a hope that someone will help me catch that guy. Luckily some some people nearby helped me catch that guy. I then called the police. When the police arrive, since I got injured so bad so they took me to the emergency room at a hospital. The guy who hit me was a addicted guy, he declared at the police station that I assaulted him. For that reason I was taken from hospital to jail for investigation for a night. The morning, I told the investigator what happened and all the evidence recorded in my Apple Watch. So it was clear I was a victim. So they released me and asked me if I want that guy to be punished... Lastly, the police smile and said "Technology.." aiming toward to Apple Watch when I handed him the voice file.

    I am still injured and resting at home for recovering. Forgive me if I mistype anything.

    submitted by /u/truongtr
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    So, my kids got their flu shots today...

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    New Apple watch users here, we have some questions.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:34 AM PDT

    My wife and I just switched back to Apple after a 5 year hiatus with android. We went all in and got the watches and AirPods as well. One thing we really miss with the Samsung smart watches is being able to display your step count for the day, we can't seem to find a setting to display your steps. Is there way to show your steps on your watch face? What do you recommend for battery saving settings? Is there anything you would turn on or off to maximize battery life? Thanks

    submitted by /u/victoryrules8
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    Does WhatsApp on the Apple Watch work without the phone having to be near?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:09 AM PDT

    So my mum recently got a new job and it's etiquette to have to leave your phone in the office. My mom still wants to be able to communicate on WhatsApp though, so she thought about getting the new Apple Watch Series 5.

    The most important functionality for her is, that she can use WhatsApp and answer to messages she gets without the phone having to be near to her. Does that work? Can you receive and answer messages while the iPhone is somewhere else? Would be glad if someone could help me, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/i-got-leg-hair
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    Is this already known? Apple told me there was a known issue with Series 4 not being allowed WatchOS 6 using the iPhone 11 Pro

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:29 AM PDT

    Hello all.

    I have got a new iPhone 11 Pro Max and am using it with my watch series 4 (cellular stainless steel, not that that matters) and I was offered WatchOS 5.3.2 yesterday. I'd been avoiding WatchOS 6 anyway because of all the problems people were having and so I hadn't really noticed that I wasn't being offered the update.

    Anyway I let it update overnight and today I went looking and found that the watch app doesn't offer my watch WatchOS 6 and says that 5.3.2 is the latest and that I am up to date.

    Weird I thought. Looked online and can't see anything about this. 5.3.2 was just made available for the series 4 for people not running iOS 13 so I thought it might be because I restored everything from backups. Reset watch and all that but no change.

    Opened a support ticket with Apple and they have told me that this is a known issue with the iPhone 11 Pro and the series 4.

    I can't find mention of that online anywhere.

    Would have thought that someone might have posted about it before but can't find anything. Maybe I've not searched right...?

    Anyway, just looking for whether others are having problems to, or whether anyone can point me to a news article on one of the Apple blogs or something so I can keep an eye on it.

    They said they would let me know when it was fixed but I kind of doubt they actually will! ;-)

    submitted by /u/techbear72
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    WatchOS 5.3.2 taking multiple days

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:00 AM PDT

    I'm planning on updating to WatchOS 6 on my series 3, but since apple released 5.3.2 that's the only update I can currently select. I'd assume that if I update to 5.3.2 then I can update to 6 afterwards, however 5.3.2 is estimated to take 2-3 days to install, which is far longer than any update i've had in the past and seems longer than it should be. Should i just leave it for a couple of days and see if it installs or is something wrong? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Arcaphos
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    If you were put off buying the AW5 because you didn't know how the AOD for your favorite face would look, here's how they look.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    Can you still locate AW after 10 failed passcode attempts?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    I want to turn this on for privacy reasons, however, if someone steals my watch and guesses the passcode wrong 10 times, won't it be completely cleared? I feel like you would not be able to locate it on a map or ping it. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/Samsonite7777
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    Good aftermarket leather or sport loop bands that don’t suck?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a nice leather and sport loop aftermarket band that doesn't suck. I know the official Apple ones are better but I am cheap and don't want to pay that much. Are there any that are decent quality? Looking for good materials and connectors that don't wiggle around too much. Lots of the ones on Amazon that are super cheap just seem a little iffy to me.

    Edit: This is for an S4.

    submitted by /u/BlackAce39
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    Remote Problems (PowerPoint and Keynote) with AppleWatch series 1

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:40 AM PDT

    I used to use my series 1 Apple Watch all of the time as a remote for PowerPoint presentations. It saved time, was convenient, and connected with no problems. About 6-7 months ago it just stopped working. No matter how many times I toggle, uninstall and reinstall, or remove and download again- it just simply DOES NOT work.

    I'm trying not to become cynical, but I'm starting to feel like I'm being coaxed into having to upgrade and purchase a new Apple Watch just to continue using remote apps such as PowerPoint or Keynote. Does anyone else have these issues?

    submitted by /u/scifi4breakfast
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    Battery charging

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:03 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if the Apple Watch series 5 charges up any quicker when in theatre mode and has do not disturb on? Also if it does, does anyone have a timescale it will charge in to fully charged

    submitted by /u/michaelthompson1991
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    “Private” workout?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    Is there a way to start a workout on Apple Watch that won't send a notification to the people I'm sharing activity with? Sometimes I want to record a quick walk without bombarding my friends with notifications

    submitted by /u/PandaElDiablo
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    Storage for update

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    So I have an S3 and I barely have any apps. I had deleted some so I could clear space for the last update, but now with Watch OS 6.0.1 it's saying I need another 1.3GB. I shouldn't have to delete all my apps to have a functioning watch, but it seems like that's my only option. Any advise?

    submitted by /u/lini-g
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    Apple Maps on Apple Watch - How to turn on voice navigation

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    Does anyone know how to turn on voice turn-by-turn navigation on Apple Maps on your Apple Watch? This was a new feature to be introduced in Watch OS6 - if you hard press on the watch while getting directions, you now see a Voice option but it is greyed out. I don't see anything in the Watch app that allows me to activate this feature. Anyone know anything about this or how to get it working? Or is this just an unfinished feature that is still to be released?

    submitted by /u/Spectromagix
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    What size band should I get?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    I'm getting an Apple Watch series 5 and I saw "S/M & M/L" and "M/L & L/XL" what size should I get? I have a reasonably sized wrist, I'm 13 and am kinda overweight. What size should I get???

    submitted by /u/OliverB920
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    Watch unpaired overnight

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    Recently upgraded my phone to the 11 pro max and also got the series 5 44mm gps plus cellular. Got it all paired and have been loving it for a few days now but all of a sudden last night it unpaired while on the charger and erased the watch. I had to restore from backup and even reactivate it on my carrier. Anyone ever read this happen?

    submitted by /u/LTComedy
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    When is WatchOS 6 coming out for S1 and S2?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:04 AM PDT

    So I own a 42mm Series 2 Nike+ watch and have been eagerly waiting for the new update but almost a month has passed after the initial release and still no update. Does anyone know roughly how long does apple take when releasing a new Watch OS on older watches? And also do you think, when released that it will have most features from the S3-S5 watches, like noise detection, the watch faces, etc. ?

    submitted by /u/Sw0oty
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    Series 3 vs Series 5 heart rate and step count accuracy

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    Anybody know if there's a big difference? For my purposes the series 5 is only worth the extra money over the series 3 if it has noticeably improved/better heart rate and step count accuracy. If not, I'll save the money and go with series 3. Thanks for any info!

    submitted by /u/aunsafe2015
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    Workout pace and tips

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    Got the S5 + cellular on release day and have been tinkering with the Workout app ever since to make sure I get everything set up to be as accurate as possible. I'm competing in a half marathon in a month and need to really keep pace in mind while training.

    I have reset calibration and done the steps to get things set up in the way it's suggested, but it seems like the pace varies regardless of me staying at the same speed. Does anyone else have the same issue?

    Also, does anyone have any recs for setting up multiple metrics for race day?

    submitted by /u/NotNamedNick92
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    Sapphire vs x-ion in series 5

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:25 AM PDT

    In 2015 there were reports on the superiority of x-ion glass compared to sapphire due to the former's better readability in ambient light conditions, besides good scratch-resistance and better shatter resistance. Is that still actual? Has sapphire tech improved in 2019 with series 5 in respect to reflectance and ambient light readability? displaymate

    submitted by /u/redv1ew
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    I’ve been experimenting with the new Apple shortcuts update and that has lead me to these NFC stickers. Anyone got any ideas for some cool uses for a shortcut on your wrist? More info in the comments

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Chapelle Watch

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:57 AM PDT

    Different Default Cards?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:24 AM PDT

    I've noticed that when using Apple Pay on my AW it shows my cards in alphabetical order instead of on my phone going right to my default card. Can this be changed to go to my default card?

    submitted by /u/init_dot_t
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