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    Saturday, July 6, 2019

    macOS Mojave audio sounds terrible when connecting bluetooth headphones - a solution!

    macOS Mojave audio sounds terrible when connecting bluetooth headphones - a solution!

    Mojave audio sounds terrible when connecting bluetooth headphones - a solution!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. I have just spent the past 4 hours trying to get my new bluetooth headphones (Sony WH-1000XM2) to sound good when connected to my Mac. They sounded great when connected to my iPhone, but they just sounded awful when I connected them to my Macbook Pro. I tried everything I could find! Resetting SMC, resetting Bluetooth module, clearing all BT devices, rebooting a dozen times, command line stuff (setting Bitpool minimum), Bluetooth Explorer to force AAC/AptX, and even changing the default input to the internal microphone wouldn't work. Funny story, the input switching would work if I had the Audio MIDI Setup window open when I turned the headphones on, but otherwise, no beans.

    I know there are others out there who never did find solutions to this; I can see their threads on Reddit, StackExchange, and Apple forums. All of those threads are too old to comment on or you need "reputation", so I am posting the solution here so that hopefully future searchers will find this.

    It turns out that the headphones work perfectly if you disable anything that is listening to the input device. In my case, I had dictation enabled (System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Dictation). Now that I have turned this off, the headphones connect and immediately go into AAC mode instead of SCO. I bet this will solve the problem for all of you who have to switch your input device to get the audio to sound good. Figure out what is listening, and kill it!

    submitted by /u/gtzpower
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    How to disable "App downloaded form internet" message on Mojave?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    What title says. Anyone?

    submitted by /u/MrMforM
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    Mojave Cuda - games

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 04:41 PM PDT


    Sorry, I couldn't find an answer when searching. I realise that there isn't a current viable workaround. However before I start to downgrade, I want to know if the driver being out of date will affect performance in games. Or anywhere really. I have a mid 2012 MacBook Pro, if that helps.

    Many thanks

    submitted by /u/nipnzip
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    Adding text from screenshots into Spotlight's index

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    Is there a way to take a bunch of screenshots and have them OCRed so that they are searchable with Spotlight? I don't want to convert them to PDF. I want to search for the text in the image and just get the image back. I also don't want to use services like Google Drive or Evernote to do it.

    There's a wonderful iOS app called Orga which does exactly what I want but it's not available for Mac.

    Thanks for any recommendations!

    submitted by /u/resqual
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    My Sierra environment is getting forgetful...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    2015 MBP, still on Sierra b/c I have an internal Nvidia dGPU.

    It's been rock solid till two weeks ago. Now, on two occasions, the system seems to lose its memory. Symptoms include:

    1. Rejecting my PW on wakeup from sleep
    2. Spotlight in Finder, Mail etc has no results; after reboot it automatically starts reindexing
    3. Finder sidebar shortcut folders disappear
    4. Transmit app loses all its prefs, instead loads up old prefs
    5. System Preferences fails to load PrefPanes (this corrects upon reboot)

    WTF? Ran First Aid; no problems. Let the system reindex spotlight last week; all seemed well; only to die again this week.

    Just ran diskutil resetUserPermissions. Is my SDD failing?

    submitted by /u/intransient
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    Installing Mac OSX 10.14 on Virtualbox

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 02:42 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm trying to install MacOS 10.14 on virtualbox 6 and I can't get to the boot screen, I'm basically stuck on the startup.nsh bs and I'm not sure how to get past it. I have the ISO but it won't boot to it for some odd reason, any tips? I have Virtualbox installed on Mac OS 10.14. (IK weird I need 10.14 vm on 10.14 os but its for work.)

    submitted by /u/KabooyaYT
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    ExFAT and APFS on the same External SSD

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    New MacOs user here - Mojave

    I have a 500GB external SSD that I want to use for multiple things

    I want to have both exFat and APFS FS on it

    So I created 2 exFAT FS on Windows and then attempted to convert one of it to APFS on Mac but I get the error: "MediaKit reports not enough space on device for requested operation"

    So my question is: Can I have 2 different file systems on an external SSD and if yes, what am I doing wrong?


    submitted by /u/Ebora
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    Middle-Click > 3-finger tap - recommendations?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 02:52 AM PDT

    I simply cannot leave without it, opening a link in the new tab and closing tabs is my own must-have thing carried over from another OS and just as supported by the OS/apps as elsewhere.

    So far, I am aware of two options:

    MiddleClick (Github), free - not really actively maintained, but it is understandable considering the type of the utility it is, it simply adds a middle-click to 3-finger tap, that's it, but I still have concerns about it, IMO, most likely getting broken on Catalina...so, so far it simply works, yaaay!

    BetterTouchTool (Website), ~22$ - actively maintained and worked on...but, it does a lot and I, frankly, used (25 days down the trial any multiple attempts to use anything what it offers, unsuccessfully..) only the middle-click gesture assignment, but once again, paying over 20 bucks for something I will use 1% of what it doesn't make sense, really.

    One more reason I really don't have a use for BTT is that for windows snapping I use Swish and even though I was originally looking for how BTT does it, I have completely fallen in love with how Swish does it. For that and windows management, it is an extremely powerful tool (plus having a gesture to minimize all windows is a godsend.

    Does anyone happen to know some other alternative for this little tiny sweet simple tweak?

    submitted by /u/dropadred
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    Low capacity ssds

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Good evening,

    Is there any useful trick to deal with 128 gb ssd? How do you manage all your files in such a small amount of space?
    Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/Leno3_0
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    I updated to Catalina and it ruined my software. Please Help!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    I just recently updated to Catalina Version 10.15 Beta (19A501i) and here are the issues I am seeing:

    - I cannot access any updates or downloads from the App Store. I tried to reset and downgrade to previous macOS using the App Store's "Purchased" section, but like I mentioned, I cannot download anything from the app store.

    - I cannot download anything. Everything I download opens for me to install and after installation is complete and it's in my Applications folder, it's inaccessible and cannot be opened.

    My Macbook model is MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013). Can someone please advise me as to how I should go foward handling this issue. I am currently overseas for 2 months and have no access to an Apple Store.

    submitted by /u/davidozity
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    MacOS is running Dark mode, Safari is not??????

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    MacOS is running Dark mode, Safari is not??????

    Hey there,

    I'm in dark mode but safari isn't...

    I can't get it to go dark mode and I also cant remember if I changed it via terminal, Onyx or tinker tool or if its a bug

    Tbh I only noticed it the other day when I got iOS betas running on iPad and iPhone and with everything on dark it stood out.

    I tried some options in terminal as shown in the picture and I'm now on the Catalina beta

    I'm 100% sure it was doing it before and I was hoping the beta would revert what ever has caused it.


    submitted by /u/Seanopotamus
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    MacOS Mojave 10.14 base installer

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 07:40 AM PDT

    I know this is a long shot...

    But does anyone have the base installer for Mojave (10.14)? Or know where I can find it?

    I want to do patch management testing with versions from early Mojave but I cant find the .dmg anywhere reliable =\

    submitted by /u/BillyWaz
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