• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 25, 2019

    iOS Jailbreak [News] unc0ver v3.4.1 is NOW OUT - Fixes several issues including the exploit reliability on A7-A7X!

    iOS Jailbreak [News] unc0ver v3.4.1 is NOW OUT - Fixes several issues including the exploit reliability on A7-A7X!

    [News] unc0ver v3.4.1 is NOW OUT - Fixes several issues including the exploit reliability on A7-A7X!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    Last updated at: 07/25/2019

    07/25/2019 - v3.4.1 was released for production with the following changes:

    - Fix the sandbox swap error when using the exploits that are not SockPuppet

    - Add the SockPort 1.5 exploit by @jakeajames for A7-A9X devices (Reliability: ~95% from extensive real-world testing)

    - Disable the SockPuppet exploit on A7-A7X due to reliability issues

    - Add iOS 12.3~b1 support to the jailbreak (Verified working on iPhone 5s)

    - Fix a theoretical reliability bug with SockPuppet

    07/25/2019 - v3.4.2 was released for production with the following changes:

    - Fix the SockPuppet kernel exploit not displaying on A8-A8X devices


    submitted by /u/_pwn20wnd
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    [Release] SHSH Wallet - An iOS Application that makes saving SHSH Blobs much easier so you'll have no excuse not to save them!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Description: SHSH Wallet is an application that unifies most iOS signing-related needs for regular end-users. It is available for both jailbreak and non-jailbroken iOS devices since it comes in IPA form. Do note that I've been coding in Swift for under 2 months and this application was originally intended as a learning exercise but I thought that some of you might find it cool :)

    Main Features:

    • Checking Signing Status of Release builds of iOS (no Betas, sorry) thanks to ipsw.me's API
    • Add your devices to the 'My Devices' page to keep track of your devices and save SHSH blobs for them. You are to include the Board ID and ECID among other details so that you can find them later when you want to save blobs
    • The ability to save blobs for saved devices through 1Conan. The screen in which you save blobs also has the required information (which is copiable) you are to enter into 1Conan so that saving blobs only takes a few seconds
    • Limited Offline Functionality (Must've opened it succesfully at least once)

    Supported Devices: All iOS 10.0+ devices, both jailbroken and non-jailbroken. You can install the app via AppSync if on a jailbroken device or through Cydia Impactor on a non-jailbroken device.

    However, it's only installable via Cydia Impactor/ReProvision now as I have to figure out how to fakesign it ;) Any help with this will be appreciated. READ UPDATE. If you find other issues (which I'm sure there are many), please report them so that I can get to work fixing them!

    GitHub Release Page: https://github.com/KawaiiAurora/SHSH-Wallet/releases

    GitHub Project (yeah, it's open source): https://github.com/KawaiiAurora/SHSH-Wallet

    SHSH Wallet is not affiliated with ipsw.me or 1Conan's TSS Saver.


    UPDATE: A friend taught me how to do fakesigning so an updated release that can be installed on-device with AppSync will land tomorrow :) Someone reported they were able to install the IPA via Filza on iOS 12.1.2 with unc0ver so ymmv

    submitted by /u/KawaiiAurora
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    [Request] Untether the screen recording button. With option to record only the video playing on screen and no 3 second count down

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    [News] Unc0ver Dark now has full iOS 11 support. The first open source jailbreak for ios 11 and 12 with sileo.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 08:20 PM PDT

    [Request] Is there any tweak to get google maps or waze to show on the lock screen the way the native maps app does?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    I always lock my phone after I pick it up to look at directions or skip a song so then I have to unlock it again just to see where i'm going.

    submitted by /u/tvvigs
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    [Request] is there a way to have the new 3D Touch shortcuts style on iOS 12?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    [discussion] unc0ver v3.4.1 being tested on 12.3 (Beta firmware only)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    [help] how to get this rounded border around control Center?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 07:51 AM PDT

    [question] can someone explain the error displayed in the picture? How can I fix it? Btw the tweak is liberty lite

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 08:49 PM PDT

    [Release] Silencio - Mute the critical notification sound for AMBER/Government alerts.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 11:36 PM PDT

    Available on https://cokepokes.github.io

    Not sure if this one works, but in theory it should work. I can't test unless I start kidnapping (which I won't be doing.)

    If you install and tweak works/doesn't work let me know.

    submitted by /u/phantom_tweak
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    [Discussion] a little talk about jailbreaking today. Uncover state, chimera and the power of substitute

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    Notice : this post is kind of long, read it if you have like 10 minutes ahead of you. You can drink orange juice while reading ;)

    At the time being we are currently lucky to have 2 big jailbreak that are completely different.

    One use saurik framework known as substrate

    Another use comex framework known as substitute.

    Here's 2 different philosophy

    Uncover wants to stick to what jailbreak is known since years which is Cydia package manager and the substrate framework and all its component.

    Chimera wants to ditch those old stuff and be modern using an open source framework (substitute ) and up to date component such as apt 1.8 and a new package manager (Sileo) which is newer, better,faster matching with the iOS design philosophy and using native depiction (bye webview) and boosting it's performance

    There was a lot of talk about substitute vs substrate

    The point that discussed was the fact that substrate is superior in every point apparently. Performance and stability was on the side of substrate while people claimed that susbtitute was buggy and battery eater.

    Let asides those talks and let's see what's the truth when it comes to reality

    People may remember IOS 11 days

    Electra had some problems and most of all was those random reboots. Due to susbtitute apparently, then came the uncover jailbreak that promised to fix all Electra instabilities and bring a more powerful jailbreak by using substrate. Truth to be said it kept it's promise and yes no more issues and the jailbreak was stable. Not that Electra was shit, but uncover was better.

    Now today, on ios12 what's the actual state of jailbreaking?

    iOS 12 brings more security features. The most important one was the core trust. Again 2 method was used, pwn20nd use ldid by saurik that let them worked on their jailbreak without any fear of coretrust (if I remember it was meant to sign binaries so it doesn't trigger coretrust feel free to correct me) and coolstat decided to completely bypass coretrust

    iOS 12 also brings more stability to the system, while iOS 11 was buggy in itself. iOS 12 was the perfect playground to test jailbreak, no more jailbreak are buggy because the system in itself. Uncover was the first public iOS 12 jailbreak with a long period of public beta, it managed its way to get more stable over the releases and was at the time the perfect jailbreak of all the times for some people. A smooth experience for all. Thanks to the uncover team and the hard work of saurik that made substrate updated for iOS 12

    Now comes chimera, it was meant to born as a new jailbreak totally different from electra. While uncover used it's iOS 11 jailbreak base code to update to make it works on iOS 12, coolstat rewrite chimera from ground to achieve stability and better performances. First releases were not really that stable ofc just like uncover in early days. But through updates it has increased in performance and now at the time of this post 1.2.6 is the latest release. So what's give? Well it kept it's promise, chimera is indeed stable and not battery draining and can compete with uncover. In fact you must have noticed these days, but more people use chimera claiming it's more stable and less battery draining than uncover. As for me I have tested those 2 jailbreaks

    While on iOS 12.1.1 uncover was stable (I won't talk about the battery cuz mine was 70% so difficult to say anything about that since it's the fault of the battery that the phone battery drain so much) and I tried uncover on iOS 12.2

    Well the experience didn't goes well, after installing tweaks I often got into safe mode which was annoying. After getting ride of tweaks that apparently were the culprit, (how comes Mimport fucks my phone???) I experienced a stable jailbreak but I noticed that my battery was draining more than usual (this time my battery is at 100% health) and I noticed some little slowdown from times to times. That is my experience. But as for the others, they say that the jailbreak is truly the best with an awesome stability and a astounding fast jailbreaking process (hell 1 second it takes to jailbreak wtf)

    So I switched to chimera and truth to be said I was amazed. It was very stable it felt like stock iOS. Battery is better than uncover I can last a day while using my phone. Installing tweaks using sileo is a pleasure because the package manager looks really good and installer much faster tweaks than Cydia (+ queue which is really convenient) I installed all my tweaks and they worked perfectly without any issues. Mimport works too. Respring is also faster than when I was in uncover (I heard about new respring method that coolstar implemented) I only had a single safe mode reboot due to snowboard (maybe because it isn't suitable for susbtitute) but otherwise I'm very happy with that jailbreak.

    Shout-out to ned for his sock puppet exploit that allow jailbreaking in first try on both jailbreak. It's a very good exploit. Awesome for his first one

    So as I said. 2 very good jailbreak, 2 different philosophy 2 side of opinion. (Well ofc I left aside drama about pwn20nd and coolstat cuz why care about it? It's just childish and both side are culprit).

    Now the last point. Substitute

    We all heard that saurik motivation about jailbreaking is at its lowest level. And that substitute which is open source would be in that case the only library available for jailbreak for future iOS version.

    Substitute have it's problems yeah maybe, but when we look at it. It works, not only it works but it works really good. Most (well I tested like 70 tweaks and all of them worked besides activator) of tweaks works perfectly with substitute and chimera proved that we can achieve a stable jailbreak and not battery draining. In the eyes of an end user, uncover and chimera would be the same. A jailbreak where tweaks works. There is some exception like activator due to substitute lacks of power (though some people doubt that fact and say it can works with susbtitute) but in my eyes, substitute is powerful enough to be used in a jailbreak, and if saurik leave the scene we will not be doommed. + Substitute is the first library that allows A12 devices to be able to have a jailbreak which we can consider as the future of jailbreaking. A world where susbtrate is no longer maintened and we only have substitute left. A12 have chimera and pwn20nd said that he is very close to achieve its own tweak injection.

    But know that some devs (like Jake) weren't really happy to works with substitute. But thanks to how coolstar forced his way out to prove susbtitute power, we can say that substitute is a very capable library.

    This was kinda long, but thanks for reading and ofc leave some comments below to express your own opinion about those 2 jailbreak and substitute. And also point out some errors that I wrote so I would fix them in my post


    submitted by /u/Cimmerian_Iter
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    [Help] Apple Music frequently freezes when I select a song on this screen while jailbroken A12 (Yes I use WorkFFS)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    [Question] is there a way to remove that line at the top right indicating the control center?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 05:18 PM PDT

    [Request] Add “Call Number” to highlight options. Has to already be a thing right?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    [Question] Is there any way to hide the time and date behind Colorflow? I love both tweaks (Colorflow & Jellyfish) and don’t want to disable either. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 08:43 PM PDT

    [Request] Hello, I’m from Canada. Our amber alerts always go off at 3am at the nuclear strike presidential level. This is the 6th time in 2019. It’s terrifying. Does anybody know of a tweak that can disable these alerts?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 12:38 AM PDT

    To clarify, I live in the province of Ontario (where Toronto is). Our provincial police are using this system like crazy.

    Edit: response to someone below

    I have sympathy for the missing child and the family. But 16 million people are being woken Up multiple times a night due to these alarms. Ontario is also like 3 times the size of Texas, geographically speaking, so it's ridiculous sending these messages from one end of the province to another. This would be like sending an alert to everyone between NYC beyond Detroit beyond Chicago all the way to Minneapolis.

    These alerts are dangerous for people driving, dangerous for people working with delicate equipment or in a more hazardous work environment, and probably contribute to a whole lot of other issues for 16 million people considering that everyone is having their sleep fucked up with nuclear strike alarms every 10 min at 3 am and beyond.

    I'm not against amber alerts. But these aren't amber alerts. These are nuclear strike attack alerts and our government is stupid for thinking we can use one type of alarm for anything and everything.

    Watch how quickly people turn off their phones and ignore ALL alarms.

    Additionally, you can't silence this shit otherwise.

    Edit 2: For those who don't know, the alarms cannot be silenced in Canada.

    submitted by /u/melonheads5
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    [Help] can’t open external links that redirect to another apps

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 07:50 PM PDT

    [Tip] Best Instagram experience: Full Screen Instagram on iPad

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    These are the current latest versions of the app and the tweaks that are working perfectly on any iPad.

    Instagram 19.0 (install it using AppAdmin or AppStore++'s manual install option) It is lacking new features of Instagram, but still it is working perfectly. Newer versions have a bug with the stories. PerfectFit makes it look good and full screen on iPad. Go through its settings and chose Instagram from the list.


    Rocket for Instagram 2.1.6

    libRocket 1.0.1

    PerfectFit (latest version is okay)

    Rocket and libRocket are updated, but you need these old versions to have them work with Instagram 19.0. You can get older versions of these tweaks from https://www.ios-repo-updates.com/ and install the deb files using Filza

    After you set up, do not update Rocket for Instagram!

    ENJOY !!!

    Follow me on Instagram: @experiencesforsale

    submitted by /u/dizzynonun
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    [Question] Does ur Device Respring ?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 09:42 PM PDT

    Does anyone having a problem like the old jailbreak in IOS 12-12.1.2 ? Random respring like one in a day or two

    submitted by /u/RuTiC_1
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    [Question] Useful everyday tweaks for iOS 12?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    Okay so I've just been paid and looking to treat myself to some new tweaks so what are some useful everyday tweaks paid or free?

    submitted by /u/Versaah00
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    [help] how can I move this over to the left a bit more so that it show the time? (Xeon)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    [Discussion] Bank of Scotland working on iOS 12 unc0ver jailbreak, other banks too possibly

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    Steps involved which made it work for me.

    1. Remove all of your jailbreak bypasses
    2. Uninstall banking app
    3. Use iCleaner
    4. Install Shadow and Liberty Lite BETA
    5. Respring
    6. Install your banking app
    7. Select your banking app on both Liberty Lite and Shadow (Max out ALL shadow bypass settings for total bypass)
    8. Respring one final time
    9. You can now log in

    Works for me. No crashes or random resprings.

    submitted by /u/LordNadez
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    [Question] Ever since jailbreak with uncover beta 6 these apps have not worked.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    [TIP] possible fix for random resprings

    Posted: 25 Jul 2019 05:22 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I've been plagued with random resprings since the beginning of using Chimera and I couldn't figure out which tweak was causing it. 2 days ago I went ahead and disabled CEPHEI in iCleaner with the first option for dependencies turned off...and it's the first time that I haven't had any random respring since 2 days...

    Small note - tweaks which rely on CEPHEI work fine for me even after disabling it...

    Not sure if this was the reason for it...but might be worth a shot...

    submitted by /u/desiwarrior
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