• Breaking News

    Friday, February 8, 2019

    iOS Jailbreak [Meta] Drama Rule Change

    iOS Jailbreak [Meta] Drama Rule Change

    [Meta] Drama Rule Change

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:34 PM PST

    Hi r/jailbreak,

    In an update to the firside chat vol 4 post, we've decided that we are introducting a rule on posts accusing developers of something to prevent drama.

    • All posts accusing developers of something (such as breaking licenses or stealing code) must include evidence that backs up your claims.

    This by no means prevents you from making posts that may cause drama but we feel with all the recent claims and drama, this is much needed to keep everyone happy. As long as the post includes evidence of the claims, it'll be perfectly fine to be posted here. Also to make it clear, if a post is submitted without proof, then we won't take any action against the person posting it. The post will be removed until evidence is provided.

    Thanks, r/jailbreak mod team.

    submitted by /u/jailbreakmods
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    [News] JulioVerne Needs Help Buying a New Device

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:43 AM PST

    [Release] Shreddit: Change Reddit actions to end in -eddit

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:57 PM PST

    So there was this request and I was bored to I made it. Basically, this tweak uses pixelomer's LocalInject to change the localized strings to the -eddit variants. Not much really to say here, but if you have ideas for new "terms", please comment them and if they're good I'll add them.

    Repo: https://qwertyuiop1379.github.io

    submitted by /u/qwertyuiop1379
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    [Request] a tweak that turns reddit into this

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:57 PM PST

    [News] Jake James says that tweaks for sandboxed apps are coming

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:37 PM PST

    [News] XenHTML works on Rootless

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:32 PM PST

    [Question] What tweak is this?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:30 PM PST

    [Tutorial] if you want to patch tweaks on windows 10, you can use the Linux subsystem which will give you access to a full-fledged Linux command line without needing a VM. Follow the link to learn how to install it.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:08 PM PST

    [Request] A tweak for rootlessJB ios 12 that has the weather screen from ios 12 always on lock screen

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:40 AM PST

    [News] iOS 12.1.4 fixes a bug by Ian Beer that allows for arbitrary code execution with kernel privileges! (From Apple’s security notes)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:51 AM PST

    [Request] Depth control for iPhone X (Exclusive feature in Xs/Max)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:20 PM PST

    With the tweak injection coming into sandboxed app in rootlessJB soon, hopefully someone could look into this. It's very bias for Apple to just exclusively available for Xs/Max when the hardware is the same (Even Xr could do this!) and third party apps on X could achieve this. I prefer to use the stock camera.


    submitted by /u/latestzz
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    [Request] Always On Display for OLED iOS 12 Devices

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:47 AM PST

    [Update] Neptune for iOS 12 (beta 2)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2019 12:15 AM PST


    New Features

    • Rounded dock is now enabled!

    • Screen corners are now rounded (same as the way the iPhone X rounds legacy apps).

    • Screenshot preview now displays rounded corner style. Credits: MidnightChips

    • Alternate version with disabled home indicator. Credits: MidnightChips

    Fixed Issues

    • Switcher card corner radius now displays correctly when accessing app switcher via gesture.

    • Screenshot buttons are now remapped to their original position. Credits: MidnightChips

    Known Issues

    • Home indicator overlaps Tab Bar labels in applications if enabled.

    • Not tested on iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone SE.

    • Cover sheet torch and camera toggles are currently disabled until I manage to get them fixed.

    Fixes are planned for all of these issues. No eta at the moment.

    Planned features include dynamic switcher corner radius, preferences for toggling dock & status bar and more!

    submitted by /u/DuraidAbdul
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    [TIP] Fix zeppelin carrier text glitch by inserting any 5 random characters before your choice of sim. (Ex. 12123Sprint) It’s a weird fix but it works perfectly fine

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:20 PM PST

    [discussion] [news] exsto from juliovernes repo works perfectly with rootlessJB!!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 04:52 PM PST

    [Release] FreeBird - A simple open sourced color tweak for Twitter

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:41 AM PST

    [Tutorial] You can patch tweaks on Windows (No VM!)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:25 PM PST

    Starting this with a huge YOU'RE DUMB message because you guys could have figured this out yourselves.

    To start, we need:



    ldid2's source


    Okay, so install MSYS2, Cygwin, and 7-Zip.

    Download a deb with Cydownload or another application, then open it in 7-zip. Copy the data.tar from the .deb and then extract the .tar.

    Now, extract the source of ldid2 if you haven't to a clean folder, then CD to that folder in MSYS2. Then, do these commands:

    pacman -Sy git pacman -Sy make pacman -Sy cmake 

    Once those are done installing, run the make command. If that doesn't work, try make ldid2.cpp. If you get a .exe, you're golden.

    Copy that .exe to a different directory, then open a command prompt and CD to it.

    Back at your extracted data.tar, look inside for the dylib in DynamicLibraries in MobileSubstrate in Library, then copy that file location. Then in your command prompt, run

    ldid2.exe -S <file path goes here> 

    If everything went well, the dylib should be patched and you can now use the tweak!

    Note, I have only almost successfully tried this but it will work as that ldid2 is what's used on mac os with patcherplus. Please comment with your success with this method!

    (Also, if anyone wants it, I can compile patcherplus as a .exe since it's just a python file and update this tutorial to use that instead. All it really does is extracts the .deb and uses ldid2 to patch the dylib!)

    submitted by /u/SwitchHacks
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    [News] iOS 12.1.4 Now Available With Group FaceTime Bug Fix

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:13 AM PST

    [Update] TwitterDarkMode fixed to support latest version of twitter

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:38 PM PST

    [Tutorial][macOS] Save iOS 12.1.1b3 blobs on A12!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:15 PM PST


    • iOS 12.1.2 or lower but not really sure (just read the post)
    • macOS
    • Xcode
    • @stek29 Noncesetter for A12
    • tsschecker
    • libimobiledevice (it's a futurerestore dependency, so maybe you have it, if not, just read the entire post)


    1) Open @stek29 Noncesetter (I can't share it, but you are smart so you know where you can find it) on Xcode and configure it to work with your Apple ID: If you don't know how, follow this tutorial, it is for rootlessJB but is exactly the same process: https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/anmt91/tutorialhow_to_compile_rootlessjb_sorry_for_bad/ (Thanks you u/XxIIIBanIIIxX*)*

    2) Now on Xcode open /app/AppDelegate.m, go to line 53 and delete the //, so the change would be:

    BEFORE: // execu("/usr/sbin/nvram", 1, "-p");

    AFTER: execu("/usr/sbin/nvram", 1, "-p");

    I don't know if this step is really necessary, but I only got it working after doing this change.

    3a) If your device is an iPhone Xs Max with 12.1.2 or 12.1.1, on Xcode open /voucher_swap/kernel_call/kc_parameters.c go to line 165 and change "iPhone11,2" with "iPhone11,6", so the change would be:

    BEFORE: { "iPhone11,2", "16C50-16C104", addresses__iphone11_2__16C50 },

    AFTER: { "iPhone11,6", "16C50-16C104", addresses__iphone11_2__16C50 },

    3b) If your device is an iPhone Xs with 12.0.2, on Xcode open /voucher_swap/kernel_call/kc_parameters.c go to line 18 and change "iPhone11,6" with "iPhone11,2", so the change would be:

    BEFORE: { "iPhone11,6", "16A405", addresses__iphone11_6__16A405 },

    AFTER: { "iPhone11,2", "16A405", addresses__iphone11_6__16A405 },

    3c) If your device and OS are iPhone XS/XR with 12.1.1/12.1.2 OR, iPhone XS Max with 12.0.2, don't do anything in this step.

    3d) If your device and OS were not mentioned just comment the post and I will help you, I'm sure would be a small change.

    4) Run the Noncesetter. Let's see the Xcode log. You should see something containing the line:

    com.apple.System.boot-nonce 0xcafebabefeedface

    If you don't see it on your Xcode log, or the app crushes, or you iPhone reboots, try again a few times and be sure to don't have enabled low-consume battery mode , if the problem persists, let me know.

    5) Good, our generator is "0xcafebabefeedface", now we need the nonce generated by your iPhone, which is unique, in this step we require the libimobiledevice, if u don't have it, just make sure to install futurerestore dependencies which is required anyway on the next step, u can follow this tutorial to install it: https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/adjjz8/news_updated_versions_futurerestore_tsschecker/edjyulc/ (Thanks u/s0uthwes*)*Once you installed libimobiledevice (and ideally futurerestore dependencies), open a terminal on your Mac with your iPhone connected via USB and run the next commands separately:

    ideviceenterrecovery <your UDID>

    irecovery -q | grep NONC

    irecovery -n

    6) Almost done, the terminal output: NONC: ******** is our nonce. We have our generator and nonce, now we just need to get our blobs: for it use u/s0uthwes tsschecker with this structure:

    tsschecker -d <Your iPhone Internal Num> -e <ECID> -m <PathToBuildManifest> -i --beta --buildid 16C5050a -s --generator 0xcafebabefeedface --apnonce <YourAPNonceFromGenerator>

    (Thanks to u/GTRxConfusion *for tsschecker steps)*That's all! You have your iOS 12.1.1b3 blobs and don't have to be scared of bootloop on A12, anyway, nobody likes bootloops.If you have any question just comment. <3

    submitted by /u/glopezz
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    [Tutorial] Make Netflix Work on RootlessJB

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:12 PM PST

    Hey all today I am going to show you how to watch Netflix with your iOS 12 jailbreak thanks to Jake 1. Unjailbrek 2. launch Netflex 3. Don't close netflex and run rootless and jailbreak 4. must be successful 5. now watch After the jailbreaks succeeds you may close Netflix or watch. If closed you can still watch later.

    submitted by /u/Randy_Richards
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    [News] Pwn20wnd is to implement libgrabkernel for v1ntex by tihmstar on Future commit

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:43 AM PST

    V1ntex will support 4K (16k soon) Which means A7-A8. This exploit has significant success rate. Related to the treadm1ll.

    Ss - https://i.imgur.com/wtHzsAn.jpg

    Edit - It can get tfp0 from 11.2 -> 11.4.1 (iOS 12 support is still on private)

    Edit - It's a voucher swap based which means it will able to bypass the Dev cert requirement of exploitation

    Edit 3 - Found a iOS 12 version . Link - https://github.com/razmashat/v1ntex/commits/master . A knock to /u/_Pwn20wnd (sorry 😇)

    Edit 4 - Electra 1.3.1 already uses it for 4k (A7-A8) devices. Alternatively for treadm1ll.

    Edit - 5 Good News - Pwn will push a experimental build with v1ntex support for 4k devices - https://i.imgur.com/GTgrlqX.jpg

    Edit 6 - Webkit exploit is work in progress.. If done It will be possible to jailbreak from cloud. The exploit - https://github.com/phoenhex/files/tree/master/exploits/ios-11.3.1

    Edit 7 - Pwn Just pushed an Untested Commit not an IPA - https://github.com/pwn20wndstuff/Undecimus/pull/317#issuecomment-461493944 ( Do Not mess with it until you are a Dev )

    Edit - 8 Pwn Committed v1ntex- https://github.com/pwn20wndstuff/Undecimus/commit/dc7be2c2a1dbaa47de3ad994a60c03855cddd16d

    Edit 9 Pwn is still testing

    Edit 10 One of the tester got it working but still has several bugs

    Note If you know how to Compile the ipa and have 4k device on 11.2+ and want to test and contribute. Then please do so

    submitted by /u/RiskyDev
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    [News] Pure OpenSSH binaries on 12.1.2

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:03 AM PST


    Got them working. sftp, ssh, scp, etc. All your favorite scp, sftp tools will work once again. Cleaning up the source. I may just release binaries to make it easier. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/semyfore
    [link] [comments]

    [discussion] Rearrange immovable control center modules, iPhone XS, iOS 12.1

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:42 PM PST

    I found out how to do this with FilzaEscaped12 on my iPhone XS, it works for all of the modules except for DoNotDisturb and Screen Mirroring.

    There is a file located at /var/mobile/Library/ControlCenter/ModuleConfiguration.plist

    Just open that and create new strings under "module-identifiers' with the strings of the modules that you want to be able to move, they are located in 'disabled-module-identifiers'

    After that, you should be able to access the modules that were once inaccessible in the Control Center settings.

    submitted by /u/SouthernStorms
    [link] [comments]

    [discussion] Hyperion beta for iOS 12. Rootless jb.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:04 AM PST

    [Request] A fix for Netflix on the rootless jailbreak

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:22 PM PST

    Exactly what the title says. As Netflix is broken and won't play a patch like this would be awesome for someone who doesn't want to reboot their phone every time they want to watch house of cards. Obviously this would be something that would come out after sandbox app tweaking is enabled.

    EDIT: Netflix for some reason is now working. Atleast for me. I have no idea why but now I am happy

    Edit 2: Should have knocked on wood

    submitted by /u/Randy_Richards
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