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    Thursday, February 7, 2019

    Apple Macbook Is the 2017 Macbook pro (without touchbar) good? Is it worth getting?

    Apple Macbook Is the 2017 Macbook pro (without touchbar) good? Is it worth getting?

    Is the 2017 Macbook pro (without touchbar) good? Is it worth getting?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 09:31 PM PST

    I would be using it for casual browsing, light gaming, and maybe some graphics/animation

    submitted by /u/BarbequeBowler
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    How do I remove icons from the top of my screen?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:50 PM PST

    I'm currently running the latest version of both MacOS and Opera, and I have various icons at the top of my screen (Bluetooth, Siri, the navigator icon, etc.) that I would like to remove from the top. All I've gotten from the Internet is how to move them around. Is there any way I can remove them entirely so I can just look at my applications?

    submitted by /u/brownboy2023
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    Macbook keyboard vs 2018 iPad Smart Keyboard

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:36 PM PST

    Does anyone know if the MacBook Pro 2018 and the new 2018 iPad Pro Smart Keyboard use the same keyboard switch? When I use them side by side they sure feel a lot alike. Curious if anyone knows definitively.

    submitted by /u/Jigetz
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    Holding down left click stops holding down on trackpad

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:23 PM PST

    Say i'm dragging a folder to my trash, il'l have to hold down left click on the trackpad to take it to trash right? (other then right clicking) when dragging it to the trash my trackpad just stops dragging it, for no reason at all. Or say im highlight text. I would highlight the text by holding down left click and it stops for no reason.. This is really frustrating and annoying. Anyway to fix? Ive restarted my Macbook and everything idk what to do tbh.

    submitted by /u/urmomplaysfortnite
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    Interested in buying a MacBook for the first time

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:29 PM PST

    After being turned off Microsoft thanks to Windows 10 basically ruining my laptop (It was getting old anyway) I fancy joining the MacBook family.

    Would love to get some recommendations for models in terms of pricing, performance and durability.

    submitted by /u/gummydavidson
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    MacBook Pro 2018 keyboard death?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:44 PM PST

    I am looking into buying one of the new MacBooks, but people saying they are experiencing keyboard death with the new butterfly design (dust getting stuck under keys so the keys stop working entirely) is making me second-guess my potential purchase and go with Dell XPS 13 instead. Has anyone here actually experience this keyboard death? How long did it take before it started and were you able to fix it?

    submitted by /u/cocoon_of_color
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    2017 MBP SSD Read speeds

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:38 AM PST

    The 512GB internal SSD in my 2017 MacBook Pro with Touch Bar is getting Read speeds of around 600MB/s in Blackmagic Disk Speed test (that's SATA III territory). The drive has about 400GB available, and the machine has only been in use for about 6 months. When I first got it the speeds were around 2500 MB/s. Any ideas why the Read speeds are so slow?

    (Writes sit around 1800MB/s)

    Edit: I've disabled FileVault and am waiting for my disk to be decrypted, then I'll run the tests again. However, I sincerely hope I don't have to choose between encryption and seeing at least half the potential speeds of my disk…😕

    submitted by /u/patrickmbweis
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    Looking for opinion on 2 used Macbook Airs

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:52 AM PST

    I currently have two options of used Macbook Airs. They're nothing amazing obviously. but something to get my by for a year or so. Looking for opinions on which would be a better buy.

    Option 1.
    2014 model
    256gb SSD
    4GB ram
    Very little use - 50 battery cycles

    Option 2.
    Early 2015
    128gb SSD
    4gb RAM
    Very used - 912 battery cycles
    Damaged charger (would have to buy a new one)
    $300 (potentially $275)

    Note, I'd be upgrading the RAM to 8gb, regardless of which one I buy. What would you guys consider a better buy? The second option is obviously a lot cheaper, but I'd have to buy a new charger, and potentially the battery will go downhill after 1000 cycles.

    Would really appreciate any feedback. Haven't bought many Macs in my time.

    submitted by /u/ParceroMDE
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    Kernel_Task and memory usage

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:33 AM PST

    Can anyone please tell me what a kernel_task is, please?

    I have just restarted my laptop and have nothing else open apart from this one Reddit tab on Safari. However the activity monitor is showing kernel_task is still using 706Mb of memory.

    Whats it doing? Where did it come from and can I get rid of it?

    In the memory tab of activity monitor I also have an insanely long list of Process Names, some with quite vague descriptions (Im currently using 4.55Gb out of 8Gb). However kernel_task is the worst offender of memory usage.

    submitted by /u/zwifter11
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    The best MacBook Model ever released?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:42 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    What do you guys think is the best MacBook model ever released.

    Things like the following should be in consideration

    • Functionality
    • Upgradability
    • Portability
    • Speed
    • Look
    • Feel
    submitted by /u/dv8_z1d
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    Question about the rubber feet at the bottom of rMBPs - how much do they charge? Does apple deny work on your Macbook unless you pay to get this fixed?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 10:16 AM PST

    I'm taking an older 2015 MBPr in for a screen repair on Saturday. Going to also have them replace the battery for whatever the fee is (over a 1000 cycles).

    Now the macbook pro retina is missing its' rubber feet. Will they make me get them replaced for a fee before repairing the Macbook Pro?

    submitted by /u/Quirkycanadian
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    Gaming on a MacBook?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:51 AM PST

    So I am looking to upgrade my Mac. I currently have a 13 inch 2016 non Touch Bar edition. I am curious how well a 15 inch MacBook Pro from 2017 or higher, with dedicated graphics can handle games on bootcamp. I'm not buying it for gaming, I am working on building a gaming PC as well, and I know thats not what Macs are built for, but I am just curious how well a 15 inch can handle games. My 13 inch chugs on anything that is moderately intense.

    submitted by /u/dolan2394
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    Persistently sticky key in macbook pro 2016 fixed by repeated pressing

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 07:57 AM PST

    Just wanted to put this out there if someone else is struggling with this. I had a troublesome key producing double letters and occasionally giving blanks. Popped off the keycap, cleaned the mechanism and all - no results. Popped keycap again. started pressing the round thingy under the keycap repeatedly for a few mins and it seems to be fine again. I had the same issue before and it got resolved by itself that time.

    Sign the petition! https://www.change.org/p/apple-apple-recall-macbook-pro-w-defective-keyboard-replace-with-different-working-keyboard

    submitted by /u/Potatoman6000
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    Keyboard Service Program

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:48 AM PST


    Does anyone know that if my MacBook Pro 15 Touch/Late 2016 is eligible for keyboard replacement, can i switch the keyboard region/layout, let's say from RU to SWE. Anyone have any experience.

    submitted by /u/fishildur
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    Macbook or Macbook Pro?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:12 AM PST

    Planning on buying a new laptop, and I've done some Googling but I still can't choose between the Macbook or the Macbook Pro.

    They both start at around PHP70,000; that starter price, however, for macbook comes with 256gb but only 128gb for the pro. Whichever one I choose, I'll be upgrading it to an i7 processor with 16gb of RAM, but I'm not really sure I'm willing to cash in extra for bigger storage for the pro when I can just buy an external hard drive. So I guess my dillema here is choosing between (what is said to be) a faster macbook pro, or going for the less speedy version but have a bigger storage.

    Additional advice will be appreciated—especially ones that you think I may have overlooked. Thank you! :-)

    P.S. I'll mostly be using it for school + editing softwares like photoshop, lightroom and premiere.

    submitted by /u/jraphf
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    MacBook Gaming

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:40 AM PST

    Hi. I find myself playing rainbow 6 siege on my MacBook Pro 2018 quite often via boot camp. Everything runs fine and I can average about 55-60 FPS on medium settings at 1680x1050 only problem is that the fans start to kick in and get fairly loud when playing. I know that this is normal as the MacBook is pretty compact with a aluminium unibody and the apple windows drivers aren't the best. But would there be a way to keep the heat down a bit

    MacBook Pro 2018 15 inch 2.2ghx i7 core 6 core Radeon Pro 555x

    submitted by /u/NoHaxJM
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    Apple MacBook Pro 2018 Review And Unboxing | Tech Fun

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:07 AM PST

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