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    Friday, December 28, 2018

    macOS Thoughts on the state of macOS automation?

    macOS Thoughts on the state of macOS automation?

    Thoughts on the state of macOS automation?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 03:03 PM PST

    I'm working on a project that abstracts the usage of AppleScript and the Hammerspoon API, and I've been encountering snags with automating not only applications but macOS itself. It's a bummer that there are some popular applications that have poor AppleScript support, but really unfortunate that there are macOS features that cannot be automated, such as retrieving Dock information and adding/removing desktop Spaces.

    I know there's been some developments in Mojave such as Quick Action Workflows and authorization/security for apps automating other apps, but it doesn't seem like there's been much progress in terms of more fine-grained or programmatic access.

    Anyone share the same concerns or have any thoughts regarding the lack of automation support in macOS and macOS applications? I'm all about improving my daily workflows and I'm sad that the operating system of my choice is what's keeping me back :(

    submitted by /u/unvale
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    MS Office on MacOS, did it lose the ability to turn off the colored titlebars?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 09:51 PM PST

    For job reasons I am using MS office on mac, and while it might be nice to have darkmode support, it seems to not have the option for the titlebars anymore?

    I just now realized after having to reinstall it to get a previously uninstalled part of it back. Can anyone here confirm or tell me that I'm missing the obvious?

    submitted by /u/chillshock
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    Problem with the mojave upgrade

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 06:12 PM PST

    Today I was upgrading my mac with the mojave but after the restar i accidentaly close the computer, when i opened it the screen was black with the progress bar but it didn't move. So, i try to turn it off and it s not working , pls if somebody knows what can i do

    submitted by /u/nwanda27
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    Finder Recent Folders - Suggestions

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 05:38 PM PST

    Not sure if anyone would find this great as well, but I'd find it very useful to have macOS add up to 3 recent folder locations in Finder. Sometimes you have to reopen the same location within different apps, and click through several folders to get there. Why not include it to a Recents list. Much as like the new Recent App's in the Dock they added. A little mockup: https://i.imgur.com/LI40fqz.png

    submitted by /u/soramac
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    NTFS read/write MacOS Mojave

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 12:21 PM PST

    1) how safe is Mounty.app? just curious if it contains any serious vulnerabilities. Im looking for free/safe app that'll allow me to mount NTFS drive to read/write.

    2) if bitlocker is enabled on NTFS drives, whats a free/safe app that'll allow me to unlock?

    anything will help thanks!!

    submitted by /u/xbadazzx
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    Are Other MacOS Users Reasonably Secure from an Admin Account Casually Accessing their Information?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 03:48 PM PST

    I understand that virtually anything is possible with an admin account, that one should never allow access to it (ideally even as the device owner) unless absolutely necessary and then only by someone you know and trust. I also know an admin can delete accounts/files, install/uninstall anything, etc.

    With these precautions in mind, let's say I'm helping a friend or family member with administrator tasks that they don't have the interest or patience for. If we create an account with admin permissions for me, can I assure them their user info, email, passwords, documents, etc., are reasonably secure OR is it easy for an admin to stroll right into other user accounts and look at whatever they want?

    So the question is not how someone would hack or whether you would allow this or not (as many of us probably would not allow it under any circumstances), but rather how much protection does MacOS provide in this scenario?

    submitted by /u/archimedeancrystal
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    iTunes keeps telling me that there is an update for my iPhone, but it is already on 12.1.2

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 04:30 AM PST

    Hello /r/macos/

    of course it would be possible to dismiss the notification permanently by checking the box, but I am wondering why it is not recognizing my already installed iOS version on my iPhone correctly.

    The same thing happened with 12.1.1, if I recall correctly.

    I found the following thread on the Apple forums, but running the mentioned iTunes installer will give me the warning that at least macOS 10.13.99 is required. I'm on 10.14.2, which is really odd. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8563071

    Is anybody having the same issues? What is could be causing this?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    submitted by /u/nezia
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    MacOS Future Lockdowns

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 04:08 AM PST

    MacOS Future Lockdowns

    Is it just me or is anyone concerned that MacOS in the future will become like IOS in that Apple will continue to lockdown the operating system as they have done with IOS


    Since the rollout of Safari 12 which now blocks all extensions other than those in the App Store, has got me thinking that Apple under the "guise" of security will further lockdown the OS!

    Currently if you wish to install apps not downloaded from the App Store you can just run a *.dmg and then allow it to run from the Security & Privacy screen

    Equally, you can run "sudo spctl --master-disable" in terminal and allow for all non App Store apps to be installed.

    However, how long will it be until Apple again under the pretence of "security" will stop all non apple signed apps from being installed under macOS?

    I jumped into the apple echo-system several years ago, however have gone back to Android as my phone of choice now, for this very reason. Still loving my MacBooks as my primary drivers, but for how long?

    submitted by /u/coffeesurfers
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    Time Machine could not create local snapshot (MBP 2015, Mojave)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 02:23 PM PST

    I cannot get my MBP to back up onto a TM drive after upgrading to Mojave. I have reformatted the disk to get rid of previous snapshots but it didn't help. Another MacBook that's also running Mojave backs up without any issues.

    Is there anything I can do on the laptop's side, like removing local TM cache etc?

    EDIT: Also tried removing the timemachine .plist configuration file.

    submitted by /u/fabulousdonut
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    Mojave: Installed workflow, but nothing shows up in Services/Quick Actions Tab

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 07:19 AM PST


    I'm using macOS Mojave, and installed workflow file from several sites, which I used in Sierra and High Sierra. (e.g. https://github.com/vmdanilov/mac-automation)

    After installing workflow by double-clicking file, Services menu(on System Settings>Keyboard>Shortcuts>Services) pops up or Extensions menu(on System Settings>Extensions) pops up.

    However, in both of them, I cannot find installed workflow; it is also invisible in Right click of the file>Services/Quick Actions Tab.

    I have checked installed workflow files are located in "~/Library/Services".

    How can I make installed workflow to show up in Services/Quick Actions Tab?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/articudos
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    Screenshot Resolution

    Posted: 27 Dec 2018 06:52 AM PST


    I have this 2018 15" MBP.

    When I try to screenshot the screen by CMD + SHIFT + 4 combination, I use the crop selection to be 1280x800. But after image is saved, when I check the resolution of the image, I see it is saved as 2560x1600.

    Why is the image is saved by 2560x1600 although I had selected the image to be 1280x800? Might it be that Retina display thing?


    submitted by /u/Rosinde
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