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    Sunday, October 28, 2018

    Apple Daily Tech Support Thread [October 27]

    Apple Daily Tech Support Thread [October 27]

    Daily Tech Support Thread [October 27]

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 08:11 AM PDT

    Welcome to the daily Tech Support thread for /r/Apple.

    Have a question you need answered? Ask away! Please remember to adhere to our rules, which can be found in the sidebar. On mobile? Here is a screenshot with our rules.

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    Note: Comments are sorted by /new for your convenience

    Here is an archive of all previous "Tech Support" threads. This is best viewed on a browser. If on mobile, type on the searchbar [title:"Daily Tech Support Thread" author:"AutoModerator"] (without the brackets, and including the quotation marks around the title and author.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [Self Promotion Saturday] I just released version 1.3 of my Reddit app Apollo! The main focus of the update is (finally) notifications! Bunch of other goodies as well, details inside!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 07:52 AM PDT

    Almost exactly a year ago I released Apollo and you all were amazing. Just wanted to say a wholehearted thanks for making this last year so amazing, and I'm stoked for the years to come. I've got a ton planned.

    Today Apollo 1.3 is available! It brings probably the most requested feature at this point: notifications. It also brings some other awesome features such as App Theming, and a new custom icon. Also a ton of bug fixes as well (notably around that dang cache bug, sorry about that).

    Apollo 1.3

    Notifications have been notably absent from Apollo from the get-go, but it's been because they're a really hard thing to do, and to do right. Long story short, there's a few ways to do them. You can do it completely on device, but this affects device battery life, and causes substantial delays in delivery as it can only fetch so often. An option that fixes these downsides is to do all the work on an external server, which doesn't affect battery life, and results in instant delivery. Here's a video of Scott Forstall talking about server advantages way back in iPhone OS 3.

    On top of all this, recent versions of iOS really also souped up the power of what notifications can do on the device, but weirdly a lot of apps don't take advantage of that (look at iMessage for an app that does, how you can view your messages and reply inline).

    For Apollo, I really didn't want to cut corners, so I've spent the last few months building up a really awesome solution with a dedicated server to handle the notifications, as well as taking advantage of everything iOS has to offer for making notifications powerful. The result is Apollo notifications are super battery efficient, super fast, and crazy powerful. You can view an entire conversation's context from the notification, reply, upvote, downvote, and more without ever having to leave the lockscreen. You can even customize the sound of the notification, I like making it sound like a turkey gobble. It's like a mini-app in itself.

    Now, to be completely up front with you, servers have ongoing, monthly costs. Yeah, there's no getting around that unfortunately. I'd love to just say "here, everyone who has Pro gets notifications!" but where I made Pro a small, one-time fee, the notifications server and its ongoing costs mean that I'd eventually be in the red on that exchange, and keeping Apollo sustainable and healthy for the future is obviously a massive priority of mine. I want to keep the lights on.

    On the flipside, I 100% know, understand and agree with how most feel about subscriptions. They're abused more and more lately, and they're expensive. So I talked it over with the community and I wanted to come up with a reasonable solution to help pay for ongoing server costs, without gouging customers and infuriating them with something crappy.

    I knew I couldn't compete with Netflix and whatnot and add another $10/month subscription to users, but as said servers have ongoing costs to me, so I elected to offer an option in the app to pay a meager 99 cents a month and you can have full access to notifications. I really hope you guys can find this reasonable and know I put a ton of work and talk into this update to make it as reasonable as I possibly could. I've worked really hard over the last year to work with the community on Apollo, so please understand that I honestly do really care about the community, and I hope my actions over the last year speak to that even more than my words.

    Show me a video of the features!

    Okay! https://vimeo.com/297431875

    So how do I get notifications?

    Notifications are bundled into a new pack called "Apollo Ultra". Hold up! Why not just call it "Apollo Notifications"? Well, I did that at first, but it didn't go so well. Essentially Apple has a rule (3.2.2 subsection ii) that apps can't charge directly for system capabilities like push notifications. Apple very nicely called me and explained that they know there's associated costs with push notifications and the server required for them, but to prevent potential abuse this is a rule they have. They suggested to bundle it in with other features that aren't system capabilities (eg don't bundle it in with AirPlay streaming), and after talking with the community we came up with some simple cool features to add to it that aren't massive deals if you don't have: App Theming (changing the colors of the app around), and some more custom app icons. So the end result is Apollo Ultra is a pack that has notifications, App Theming, and a new custom icon every month.

    What does it notify me of?

    It notifies you of everything in your Reddit inbox: post replies, comment replies, username mentions, and private messages.

    Walk me through your process of building this update.

    I started with a thread in the ApolloApp subreddit talking about my plans and to see if it made sense. People seemed to understand the costs and like my concept, so I started building. Then I got some feedback on the UI to make sure it was clear and understandable. Fast forward a bit, it had been tested by the community and everyone seemed to like it, so I submitted it to Apple, and it was unfortunately rejected (but Apple was cool). People gave some suggestions and ideas. I talked with the community and laid out my plans. I talked to Apple on the phone and they were super cool and basically agreed with the plans so I updated the community and got to work. I then submitted it, and Apple approved it! And here we are.

    Apollo Pro?

    I want to be really, really, really clear that Apollo Pro is not going anywhere, not only that, but it's still the main part of Apollo, and will continue to be indefinitely. Zero plans to change that. So many of you supported Apollo right out of the gates, and the last thing I want to do is give the middle finger to a group of people I owe a ton to. Apollo Ultra is an optional, separate pack that you can get if you want, or ignore if you want. But I have zero plans to move the core of Apollo to a subscription model. The one-time fee model works great, and everyone seems to love it. I don't have any plans to be locking a bunch of extra features into Ultra, and on the flipside I have some really awesome extra features planned for Pro.

    Other notification options?

    I mentioned the first option up there uses the device to manage notifications, it uses a combination of Background App Refresh and Local Notifications. Effectively it wakes the app up every so often to make fetches to the server to see if there's any new notifications. This has some downsides, notably that all this is performed on the device, which negatively affects battery life (for instance Apple turns this capability off during Low Power Mode). Further, this fetching can only happen periodically (it varies and is decided by iOS, can be 15 minutes to every several hours in frequency) so the notifications themselves can be quite delayed. I had this as an option called "Basic Notifications" in the previous build that was rejected, but don't worry, I plan to add it as an option back, I just wanted to make sure when I submitted this new build everything was clear to Apple and I didn't add any more confusion to potentially get it delayed further. So if you're okay with the above downsides, Apollo will also have a free option for notifications, so please understand that I'm truly trying to be as reasonable about this as possible!

    You could merge Pro and Ultra?

    I don't really want to move the Pro features to a subscription model, I like how they are now. It would be more streamlined to just have one "pack", yes, but I think in the end this will make everyone happier. For this reason you also don't "automatically" get Pro if you get Ultra, because I don't want to conflate the two, and it introduces a lot of complexity around whether or not it should be removed after the subscription expires.

    Still don't like subscriptions, any other options?

    You don't have to go by the month (99c), there's a cheaper yearly option for $10, or for a limited time if you really don't like subscriptions there's a lifetime unlock for $20. That price will last for 1 week from today, so act quick if you want it!

    I don't want notifications but still want the other stuff or to support you

    You can totally get Apollo Ultra and just leave notifications turned off if they're not your cup of tea, you'll still get everything else and help Apollo's development!

    Tell me about this custom icon every month.

    So I figured if I was going to add extra custom icons (which everyone seems to love) to Ultra, I didn't want to just lazily throw in one I threw together in a few minutes. So I worked with The Iconfactory and commissioned them to build a super sick custom icon. So basically every month you'll get a cool special icon included as part of Ultra. I worked with some other really talented designers to build some other really cool icons (some with pixel art!) so that these icons look really cool. I want this feature to be awesome.

    iPad update?!

    Notifications took a ton of work. But I'm really glad it's behind me because now I can focus on the iPad update. I'm going to be working on 1.4 and 1.5 in tandem with the iPad update so I'm not just going to disappear for awhile, but I'm really stoked to be able to now have a bunch of time to put into the iPad side of things and making the experience for Apollo and Reddit on the iPad spectacular, I have some really cool ideas. :)

    I don't see the 1.3 update in my App Store yet!

    It can take up to a few hours sometimes for the update to hit every App Store, so just give it a bit! Sometimes it can also help if you search for the app and go right to its page and hit the "Update" button from there rather than the Updates tab.

    I have other questions!

    I'll hang around all day here and I'm happy to answer.

    All in all I really hope you all like this update, I seriously worked really hard on it, and above that, despite it having subscriptions I really tried to do it in a way that seemed very reasonable by talking to the community about it. Thanks so much for the support for Apollo always, the party's just getting started and I can't wait to show you what's in the pipeline.

    - Christian

    submitted by /u/iamthatis
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    24 hours with the XR, I really miss 3D Touch.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 03:38 AM PDT

    I miss the convenience of app shortcuts from my Home screen and most importantly, I miss peek and pop, especially on messaging apps. Where I came from, Whatsapp is used by almost everyone. It's nice to peek the message without sending any kind of read receipt to the sender (no pressure to reply). Hopefully Whatsapp will update this feature with a long press in the future.

    submitted by /u/Tyranithor
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    It looks like we'll be able to enable a Portrait mode for non-people on iPhone XR

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 10:46 AM PDT

    Hi folks! I'm one of the two people that make a small indie camera app called Halide. It's a bit of a challenge sometimes, because we don't get access to the new camera hardware before it ships, so since last night we've been really digging into the iPhone XR.

    And would you know it, we have Portrait Mode working on pets! We think with some more tooling, we'll be able to ship a version of our app that enables portrait mode for all sorts of things. It seems it'll be a bit more 'temperamental'; in some settings it won't work if there's not enough variance in relative distance of objects, but a can of soda water on my desk worked just fine.

    This means third party apps should be able to enable a form of Portrait mode for more than people, which is exciting! Note that the depth map is way lower resolution than the dual camera setup, but it seems usable.

    Mods: I am not sure if this falls under a general interest post or self-promotion Saturday, but to be on the safe side I've made sure not to link to our app or anything. This is meant more as a PSA!

    PS. Our current version of Halide on the XR is a bit busted. Sorry about that: again, we don't get advance access to these things and we just... hope things don't break. :|

    submitted by /u/caliform
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    You just won a USD $10,000 Apple Store Gift Card, what will you get and and why?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 06:28 PM PDT

    I used my iPhone XR for the past day. Here’s my thoughts on it.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 05:57 PM PDT

    Basically, the XR is a ridiculously good valued iPhone if you're in the right mindset. Anyone who doesn't care about what the PPI is but want to have the screen to be sharp enough that they can't tell the pixels apart from a normal viewing distance will enjoy using this phone. Portrait mode works well (although the bokeh is kinda off for some reason; probably because of my hair). The phone lasts a day easily and the phone is comfortable in my hands. It's big enough that I can see a good amount of content but not too big that it's not pocketable. There's a learning curve though—I had to learn the gestures to use the phone (in which I was used to it since iOS 12 on the iPads has the nearly same experience with the gestures). There's the lack of 3D Touch (which took me a bit to get used to it). Some apps are also running at the iPhone X scale (which will get fixed over time). All in all, it's a good phone that will last for a long time.

    One thing though: get a case. (I wouldn't want my phone to get cracked.)

    submitted by /u/mine248
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    Anyone else disappointed the “smallest” phone Apple makes is now had a 5.8” screen?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2018 01:33 AM PDT

    Yes, I know Apple still sells old phones, but the 7 and 8 aren't getting updates, obviously.

    Crazy that it wasn't too long ago that a 4" screen was Apple's way of saying "Look, we made a 'big phone' too!"

    I'm so sad that they killed off the SE and won't offer anything with a screen size less that 5.8". I consider that a monster phone.

    submitted by /u/SwaggySpungo
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    Wife got XR yesterday. Thoughts from using the X for a year.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 06:17 AM PDT

    Everyone is trying to minimize the differences in the screens. "It's not bad" they say.

    But, coming from using my X exclusively for the past year and seeing her XR, it's very noticeable. It's not a bad screen, but the X (and XS) completely blow LCD screens out of the water, for reasons we all already know.

    Personally, the LCD backlighting is so abrasive compared to the OLED and true blacks of the X. The contrast is also noticeable. I know this isn't as important to everyone so I understand the differing opinions. If you had an LCD iPhone before upgrading to the XR then it makes sense that it's not as important.

    I just don't think I could ever go back to an LCD panel having enjoyed the benefits of OLED. I think most X and XS users will have difficulty switching to an LCD panel when upgrading in the future.

    submitted by /u/kayakin3d
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    Share your Apple Watch Complications Layout.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 11:48 PM PDT

    I just got an Apple watch S4 (my first smart watch) and I'm setting up complications on my watch face. Would love to get some ideas by seeing what other people have done.

    (Edit : Spelling)

    submitted by /u/dazzie89
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    Sharing Running List of Apps that supports Siri Shortcuts

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 04:50 PM PDT

    Hey all, just wanted to share a post over at /r/shortcuts that may be valuable to you all when it comes down to Shortcuts and Siri Shortcuts.

    Apple hasn't made it clear which apps supports Siri Shortcuts and searching the AppStore leaves you with very few. I've created a list of what's been found so far and seeking more to add to the list. If you come across any that aren't listed, please let me know and I will it to the list for the community. Link

    submitted by /u/iBanks3
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    Waking by tap-to-wake and then holding should unlock via FaceID without having to swipe up.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 11:04 PM PDT

    One of the things I like about TouchID is that if you wake using the home button you can unlock instantly, it would be cool to see this functionality on the X series iPhones.

    submitted by /u/sebtobin
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    Has anyone found an iPad note taking app that neatens up handwriting?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 10:59 AM PDT

    I had a look at the XR range at Apple today!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 07:17 AM PDT

    First impressions from a consumer:

    A very nice phone. It's bulky for an iPhone and at 8.33mm or 0.33 in's thick it's a nice change.

    The colours are extremely vibrant. The one I had a look at mainly was the Coral, which is a straight mix between orange and red. It was pretty nice to see, since the pictures never really do the colours justice.


    Here is the off centre lightning port which was mentioned recently. It's not that noticeable but it's odd none the less.

    The bezels on this phone are massive. Here are pictures of the XR bezels and the XS bezels for comparison. I feel as though they add to the bulkiness of the phone but that's just my opinion.

    The new haptic touch is cool, but it's very limited. There's no app pop up menu and notifications don't pop either. The haptic touch of the torch and camera 'buttons' on the lock screen are similar to 3D Touch, but take longer since they are on a timer and not force sensitive.

    On a final note, the screen quality really isn't that bad, and it's barely noticeable compared to the OLED. It's not that big of a deal.

    Overall it's a very nice phone. The colours really pop and it's functionality is pretty much the same as the XS. The only drawback (personally) is the Haptic Touch. I thought it would do more but it doesn't really live up to 3D.

    Feel free to ask questions!

    Edit: when I say massive bezels, I mean thick.

    submitted by /u/ZeligD
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    Bought a 13" MBP certified refurbished from Apple in August 2017. What a joke.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 11:09 PM PDT

    Bought my late 2016 13" MBP with function keys from apple in August 2017 and a little over a year later it is completely falling apart. The battery is at the current state indicated in this image https://i.imgur.com/hU1GsUR.png. And I assume it is problematic as the haptic feedback on the trackpad no longer clicks, and the bottom cover rocks on my desk. Also the lid no longer closes flush and I have keyboard marks etched in due to the battery.

    I honestly don't know what to do. I'm only able to visit the USA for a weekend and I'm not sure if that would be enough time for an Apple Store to carry out the required repairs.

    submitted by /u/a_berdeen
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    TIL you can add another person to FaceID now

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 12:38 PM PDT

    Settings > FaceID > set up an alternate appearance

    I just added my wife and now we can both sign in with FaceID!

    submitted by /u/coffee_py
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    I have a new app out! Me and my roommate had a movie list in the Notes app, and when we were done watching one we would rate it with emojis. Well an easier way to rate things is with stars! So I made an app that you can rate things in like movies, restaurants, etc.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 06:48 AM PDT

    Apple's iPad Pro might get a redesign inspired by the old, boxier iPhone 5

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 10:49 AM PDT

    Anyone else dealing with blurry text on certain apps with the XR?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2018 12:57 AM PDT

    So I've been jumping around apps on the XR, most apps have really crisp text (like Mail, Twitter, and the App Store) but the Official Reddit iPhone app has text that looks larger than normal and also sort of blurry (most noticeable in the comments threads)...the YouTube creator studio app as well. Anyone else noticing this? I imagine these apps just need to be updated for the XR resolution?

    submitted by /u/jlewallen18
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    My iPhone 8 is about a year old and the paint on the underside of the rear is starting to tear. Is this normal?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2018 12:54 AM PDT

    On the power button side of the device, the paint on the underside of the back glass panel (Along the edges) is starting to tear. It's like the paint is coming off the underside of the glass because I can see some white adhesive remnants in the gap . Is this normal or not?

    As a side note, I own an iPhone 8 Plus which is also about a year old, but shows no signs of the paint separating.

    submitted by /u/Im_Tsuikyit
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    TIL Using FaceID with Apple Pay, you can authenticate first before bringing the phone in front the terminal.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 10:18 PM PDT

    I've been having difficult monents when using Apple pay on terminals that are positioned awkwardly.

    Yesterday, I accidentally double-pressed the sleep button, got authenticated, right before I brought the phone on the payment terminal.

    I tried that again today, this time on purpose, and it worked! I was happy.

    submitted by /u/supermamon
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    iPhone randomly won't auto sleep?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 10:02 PM PDT

    I've been noticing this for a while since iOS 11. At first I thought the app I was using was preventing the phone from sleeping, but now I realize that it just happens on every app. I left Tweetbot open before I went for shower and the phone was still awake after I came out. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/iCruiser7
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    Apple Maps on Apple Watch

    Posted: 27 Oct 2018 09:32 PM PDT

    So I selected a destination on my Apple Watch and followed the directions and taps from the watch, but at an intersection, I heard Siri talking from my iPhone. I thought it was quite strange as firstly, I selected the destination on my watch so shouldn't the watch's speaker do the turn by turn navigation? Secondly, my iPhone is locked but I pulled out my iPhone out after hearing Siri's voice only to find out my iPhone is also showing the navigation. What is going on Apple?

    submitted by /u/bigblackshaq
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    If I order an item for pickup, how long do I have to pick it up?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2018 01:46 AM PDT

    Hey! If the website shows „available for pickup today", and I purchase it, how much time do I have to pick it up at an apple store? Do they keep it for a few days or do they sell it and I have to wait until it's in stock again? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/potatoewedge
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