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    Thursday, August 9, 2018

    Apple Help Late 11 13' MacBook Pro- is it now just a paperweight?

    Apple Help Late 11 13' MacBook Pro- is it now just a paperweight?

    Late 11 13' MacBook Pro- is it now just a paperweight?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 03:41 PM PDT

    Specs- MacBook Pro 8,1, running 10.13, and having same symptoms on 10.10, 8GB ram, SDD, and optical drive replaced with a conventional HDD for storage.

    Hey all! I lent my little sister my late 11 MBP to take on vacation with her, but when she got back it defenitely isn't working right.

    When the computer runs normally, it runs perfectly without hiccups at all. But, every 10-20 minutes, it gets strange vertical lines across the screen, the computer beeps loudly 3 times, and shuts down. Upon trying to restart, all I get is a black screen and the 3 beeps again, with the white light flashing. Attached here is a video of the event.

    Occasionally, the computer simply has a kernal panic and powers down. Upon trying to restart it after that, it reboots normally until it happens again.

    Thing's i've tried-

    Replacing Memory

    Wipe HDD and reinstall OS X (did this twice)

    I'm leaning towards this being a bad GPU/Logic Board. I'm nowhere near being in warranty, and unfortunately this is the only computer I currently have access to. Am I screwed? I'm fairly technically inclined, are there any repairs I can do myself to either fix it or buy myself some time to save up for a new one?? I use it frequently for college. Thanks in advanced!!

    submitted by /u/mxwjg
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    Can’t open my icloud account.. pls. help

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 09:06 PM PDT

    Can't open my icloud account.. plsss help.

    ‪Can't retrieve my photos, files, videos from my last apple accnt/icloud accnt. I need to get verification code from my phone number but sadly I don't have the number anymore. 😭‬

    ‪Is there any other way i could have them back?‬

    ‪Pls help me 😩‬

    submitted by /u/roselle06
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    Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) to Thunderbolt 2 adapter + Target Disk Mode - Data Transfer Issues

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 09:06 PM PDT

    So I've recently jumped on to the 2018 MacBook Pro bandwagon and is in the process of migrating and merging my data manually across different Thunderbolt 1/2 Macs.

    So along with the machine, I've got myself a new Apple Thunderbolt 3 to 2 adapter, putting the older machines into Target Disk Mode and connect them up using the adapter and a Thunderbolt cable to grab files off manually.

    This is where things starts to fall apart - The drives of the older Macs would show up on the new MacBook Pro once it is connected, but browsing and transferring data will result in Finder freezing and locking up.

    Looking at Activity Monitor, it appears that there is no disk I/O at all, despite Finder trying to transfer a big chunk (100+GB) files.

    Things I've tried with no success:

    • Different Thunderbolt 1/2 cables.
    • Different Macs with a mix of Thunderbolt 1 and 2 ports, ranging from 2012 to 2015 machines.
    • Erasing, re-installing and updating macOS on the new MacBook Pro.
    • Ensuring all Macs are running latest version of macOS and updates.
    • Ensuring there are no hardware (drive) problems with the other Macs.
    • Ensured the older Macs can transfer data through Thunderbolt successfully.
    • Using Thunderbolt Bridge networking to transfer data via SMB/AFP in Finder - This would work unreliably whereby data transfer will stall unpredictably.

    tl;dr - Has anyone used Target Disk Mode, with a Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) to Thunderbolt 2 adapter to move data around successfully or have encountered reliability issues before?

    submitted by /u/jaybdy
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    Creating an Family ICloud, 2 questions.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 01:53 PM PDT

    1. If I join an Icloud Family storage, what will happen to my current plan and pictures?
    2. Will the parent/adult of the family see if I add new devices to my account? For Example I buy an Iphone and start using it with my account in the family group?
    submitted by /u/AlTaheer
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    2016 Macbook Pro has nonfunctional Touchbar and constant kernel panics.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 07:32 PM PDT

    I'm very frustrated with my MacBook, and I'm nervous what could be wrong with it.

    A few days ago, I started to notice my Touchbar was acting up. It would either be blank or would display and not respond to touch. It stayed like this for about a day or so and then it started to kernel panic in addition. Now whenever I close my computer, it completely fails and kernel panics with the following message:

    *** Panic Report *** panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f9b1d8191): "Failed to quiesce supporting devices\n"@/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleACPIPlatform/AppleACPIPlatform-281.60.3/AppleACPIPlatformPower.cpp:1970

    I have already tried resetting the NVRAM and SMC. Diagnostics passes with no issues. I've also noticed that even when asleep, it completely runs the battery down.

    I'm assuming this is a hardware issue. How expensive is this going to be? What is the issue?

    Thank you in advance to anyone who can assist.

    submitted by /u/downloadicus
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    VM volume showing up in /Volumes

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 07:20 PM PDT

    I notice that if i run a first-aid scan in the Disk Utility app on what's known as "Container disk1", it shows a mounted volume called "VM". To my understanding, VM stands for "VirtualMemory" and its a volume that is mounted but hidden in the Finder; it shows up in the Disk Utility app as an amount of storage of 'Container disk1' and doesnt show itself mounted(https://i.imgur.com/O7A8wEB.png). But ive seem to notice every time after a first-aid scan is finished preforming on 'Container disk1' it shows VM mounted in the Finder; restarting my MacBook makes VM hidden again. Here are the steps i used to produce this:

    1) restart MacBook into normal boot mode(even if already on)

    2) after restart open the Disk Utility app and select 'Show All Devices' in View

    3) select 'Container disk1' and run a first-aid scan on the container disk

    4) open "/Volumes" path in the Finder after first-aid is finished

    Im unsure if this is expected behavior of the first-aid scan on the 'Container disk1' and im unable to test it out on another MacBook as i only have the one. Is this expected/normal behavior? Can anyone else test this out for me to see if VM also shows itself mounted after running first-aid on 'Container disk1'? I am running macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 with APFS volume format on a mid 2013 MacBook Air if that helps out.

    submitted by /u/hauntli
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    Trying to connect my mid-2012 macbook pro (non-retina) to my 4k tv (sony x900e)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 07:09 PM PDT

    Looking for some help on how to connect my macbook pro from mid 2012 (non retina) to my 4k tv (sony x900e). I used to use my mini-display port to hdmi cable, but every time i plug it in, i get nothing on my tv, the cursor on my computer disappears, and my mac basically turns into a frozen/stalled state where i have to hold the power button to turn it off.

    As of right now, the only thing i can do, and this only applies to internet based content is just use the built-in chromecast in my tv to stream whatever i want to watch to my tv.

    Is there a way an inexpensive way to connect my mac to my tv?

    submitted by /u/xBTGx
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    First time backing up iphone on icloud

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 07:05 PM PDT

    This is the first time that I've backed up my phone and it has a lot of data about 60 gb of data. The progress bar hasn't moved in about an hour and the estimated time remaining only goes up. Should I try to restart the backup or just leave it? Also about how long should this whole process take? Also is 50gb on icloud enough?

    submitted by /u/ali94127
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    Macbrook Pro 13" 2012 - sudden horrible RAM memory issues and no quick fix in sight

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 06:49 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I've had my laptop for around 2 years or so, and its ran wonderfully until now. All of a sudden even watching mp4 or mkv files on VLC run terribly, and now even my Google Hangout work calls become choppy slideshows after about ten minutes.

    I lack any real tech skills, so I used Dr Cleaner and CleanMyMac to get a feel for what was going on, and its clear that there's a massive issue with my RAM usage. Out of 4GB available, CleanMyMac regularly shows me hovering at only about 100MB free. Dr Cleaner shows much the same. Even odder is that if I press the optimize button (which yeah, I know isn't exactly fullproof) I will literally watch the usage halve for about thirty seconds and then immediately skyrocket back.

    What is happening? I'm down for upgrading my RAM, but if there's something deeper with my RAM bandwidth being taken up by something I'd rather solve that first.

    submitted by /u/Narcissus87
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    How to minimize data usage?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 08:11 AM PDT


    As I am an Android user and my girlfriend is using an iPhone, Im looking for advice on her behalf.

    She is traveling atm and has very limited data, so I'm looking for every way to save data and what to disable in order for the phone to use limited amount - over the night the phone used 400 mb by itself and the following day another 600mb..any idea what it could be?

    submitted by /u/Rallerbabz
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    Question: TB3 ext. drive for Win 10 install in Boot Camp — OK for Win 10 updates? x-post

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 02:07 PM PDT

    Boot Camp from external drive question . . .

    So, as I continue to explore the Boot Camp thing, my searching seems to point to the fact that Windows 10 won't install itself on an external drive for booting from that drive without a lot of workarounds and, even if you somehow make that happen, the resulting installation thereafter won't accept future Windows updates unless the external drive is connected to the Mac via Thunderbolt 3. Am I getting that right? Please help me understand. I keep seeing some references to a TB3 drive making it much simpler, but want to make sure before I invest in even a fairly modestly priced TB3 external drive.

    Bottom line: I like running Win 10 on the Mac using Boot Camp, but don't care for having to partition any of the factory internal drive for it, so I'm hoping I have understood correctly that my path to happiness here is using the Media Creation Tool on a Windows 10 PC to make a Windows-bootable USB thumb drive, hooking up a TB3 external drive to the Mac, booting the Mac from the USB thumb drive to install Windows 10 on the TB3 drive, and we live happily ever after from there on. Yes? No?

    NOTE: I asked this on the tech support thread on /r/apple and got a reasonably helpful answer but it didn't include what I was really seeking — which is confirmation (or not) that an install with a TB3 external drive will be able to get future Windows updates. That's on me for not making that clearer earlier (but I have bolded that part in this one so it will be clear that it's important). And this is also a crosspost from r/bootcamp where I have yet to receive an answer.

    submitted by /u/bwintx
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    New iPhone saying no service

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 05:50 PM PDT

    Hey I bought an iPhone 7 from a friend. I put my Verizon SIM card in it and the phone is saying I have no service. What can I do to fix this?

    submitted by /u/CJBing
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    Am I being lied to about a repair?(late 2013 MacBook Pro)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 04:37 PM PDT

    Quick backstory, She was quick cleaning the screen with a semidamp paper towel when the screen flickered.

    I subsequently let the device dry off in rice and waited a few days, when I tried later the device was showing the picture but backlight isn't working. I do quick google diagnosis and the backlight driver seems like the issue, a few minutes later watching Louis Rossman videos and confident I've nailed the problem after I use lightening cable to verify the device is working.

    Skip to 2 weeks later (couldn't drop off device due to family issue)

    I find and contact a shop off yelp and they seemed like a reputable local repair shop for Mac, the same day he contacts me with pictures of the device open and dirty and some liquid telling me he was going to clean up the device and get back to me with more information. He doesn't get back to me so I ask him for an update, he tells me that he's working on it and it turned into something bigger than he expected. I ask him to explain which he does not elaborate so I explained to him I'm not trying to spend $550 for a repair that I am 95% certain is the driver. He assures me that the repair will not be expensive, he is just trying to figure out how much it would cost to fix.

    One week goes by.....

    I reach out to him today asking for an update on the device and he tells me

    " I tried to call you to let you know... board has damage that is fixable but the screen took a hit and it's a $550 screen. Let me know what you want me to do...


    My two options are

    1. believe him and do the repair/get a new MacBook. (Which I am super skeptical about)

    2. I explain to him that I have documentation that the device was working via lightning cable. I pay him for a diagnostic and cleaning while explaining to him that if I take it somewhere else and everything is not original or worse that I will be filing a small claims suit for a new device and refund plus secondary diagnostic fee

    submitted by /u/JayJaydastoner420
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    Best Software/Method to Backup Macbook

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 09:29 AM PDT

    Hey community!

    I'm planning on selling my two older MacBooks and would like to know your software recommendations for backing up and transferring data to my new Macbook Pro? I want a simple backup software, that's easy to use and effective and will have me restored in no time. Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/warjar101
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    Changing just ONE song on an album/compilation

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 03:02 PM PDT

    I have all of my music from Guardians of the Galaxy on one album in iTunes, but on separate "discs." When they used "Rubberband Man" in Infinity War, I wanted to include it as well. The album artwork matches up for Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, but when I try to change the album artwork for "Rubberband Man," it always resets back to the default artwork.

    Is there any way to fix this?? Here is a link to a video displaying the issue.

    submitted by /u/doormouse1
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    I need help with a syncing solution, Trying to run newest software on an old MacBook (13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 10:28 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone,

    A few months ago I discovered Scrivener on my phone and in an instant, everything changed. I don't know how I can ever go back. It is really an incredible application and really assists in the writing process. But writing on the phone, although is convenient, and quick, its not always suited for a longer session.

    So on weekends and when time permits, I enjoy sitting at my computer and writing. And after discovering Scrivener and finding out how it can sync through Dropbox to keep all changes current on both of my devices i was joyous. So I opened my old macbook. The newest version that can sync with dropbox sounds like exactly what i'm looking for. I'm tired of sending new parts via email from microsoft word and adding them in. Its a tedious process. And when i make small edits to a part or two, it is extremely frustrating to make sure my computer has those changes too.

    Well it seems that the newest version of scrivener, (the one that supports dropbox Sync) is not compatible with El Capitan. Which is the newest software my Macbook is allowed to go. Is there anything I can do? Any thoughts or ideas? Workarounds? Is a new computer my only route?

    Please and Thanks so much for your time, help and brainstorming.

    submitted by /u/EaterofSoulz
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    iTunes stopped letting me drag and drop songs to my iPod Touch

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 05:17 AM PDT

    I've never had a problem with this, but now all of a sudden it goes through steps like "preparing to update", which takes a while, then some others. What I'm left with is, I can see the songs on the iPod when I'm in iTunes, but they are gray, because its like they never fully loaded. My iTunes and iPod have the latest updates. I'm thinking of going back to an older update on iTunes. Any ideas?

    Edit: I found walk-thorughs on how to uninstall itunes to downgrade, but my laptop won't let me. When I try to change the permissions, it says I don't have permission.

    Edit 2: I tried to use appzapper to uninstall and it was also unable to uninstall. It seems like my OS knows what I'm trying to do, and won't let me do it.

    submitted by /u/diggtrucks1025
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    On the apple support app, where can you find the model of the product

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 01:51 PM PDT

    For example, I have two laptops named exactly the same, I changed the name of one of them, but it's still showing as the original name on the app. So to differentiate the two laptops, is there anyways I can see the product details or something else that would help me figure out which one is which?

    submitted by /u/QGunners22
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    MacBook Pro WiFi not working

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 09:09 AM PDT

    MacBook Pro late 2011 OSX high sierra WiFi isn't working, tried getting onto my laptop after work only to see that my WiFi won't connect, but my Ethernet connection is fine. My iPhone and tablet connect to the WiFi just fine. I have tried resetting SMC and the NVRAM/(PRAM). I've also restarted my Mac and force restarted it by holding the power button till it turned off. Don't want to be stuck with having to use the Ethernet cable. Please any help or suggestions are really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Nakasoni
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    Please just help

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 12:13 PM PDT

    My sister's iPad had an account that forced her to constantly enter her iTunes password (that we didn't know, because an adult family member threw a tantrum and deleted that password off of the iPad and from her phone).

    This is only recent because we've needed to download Netflix, and that requires the iPad to be updated.

    I've tried to change the Apple ID password, and I've been unsuccessful so far (hence the post). It won't let me change it until I can enter the 'Find my iPhone password' for my sister's email, but I can't change that unless I find out the iCloud account username and password (both of which deleted by aforementioned childish adult).

    I changed 'Find my iPhone' to my account, and App Store to my account, but it's still not allowed me to change it, insisting that I need to enter the passwords for the previous accounts.

    So, I'm stuck (and I have updated, but it still needs the iCloud password) in a dumb as hell loop, where I can't turn off 'Find my iPhone' without my iCloud password, and vice versa.

    Please help me with this. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/hawluchaquil
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    Are there any (reasonably easy) ways to format an external drive as something other than Hfs+ or Fat/ex-fat in Sierra??

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 06:12 AM PDT

    So I have a Seagate NAS to which I'm adding a usb drive to serve as a backup drive. The NAS cannot format the drive so I have to do it on my Mac.

    The Seagate NAS OS allows smart incremental backups but only on drives with certain formatting. The manual lists the following file systems as compatible: EXT2, EXT 3, EXT 4, XFS and HFS Non-Journaled.

    I figured I'd just format "hfs non journaled" on my Mac but under Sierra disk utility that's no longer and option (all options journaled, only options are encrypted or case sensitive).

    I tried a command line function in terminal to remove journaling from the drive after I formatted — which seemed to work in the Mac OS world (under info it doesn't say journaled anymore) but the NAS OS still shows the drive as "hfsplus" and incremental backups don't work.

    So is there a way in Sierra to natively format hfs non journaled?

    If not is there any utilities I can get to format external drives in the ext or xfs formats without a ton of command line / package install? I'm happy to spend a couple bucks to avoid installing a virtualized Linux just to format a drive!!

    I see paragon makes a ext add on for Mac but I can't find any mention of formatting support, just read/write. Anybody use this?

    submitted by /u/completelyillogical
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    Macbook Pro display issue

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 11:48 AM PDT

    So booting up my macbook, i see this.. https://imgur.com/gallery/AEz3e4Y I've tried restarting, and all the things I could think of. Help?

    submitted by /u/Petasaurus
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    Photos app - I messed up

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 07:47 AM PDT

    In an attemp to fix a simple error in my photos app I decided for some reason to export all my albums and delete them in the photos app. that was not very smart. Now i cant import my albums again without dublicating all photos in the albums. Is there any way to restore all my albums ? doing it manually would take years...

    submitted by /u/remotecontrole
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    completely wiping an ipod touch

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 05:16 AM PDT

    first time poster here, i was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on completely wiping my ipod touch (5th gen). I bought it second hand and i dont want my new photos being linked to someones icloud account etc, thanks.

    submitted by /u/alen301
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    iPod Classic 6th gen 80GB - won't charge without computer

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 07:17 AM PDT

    Hi all. Just bought an 80GB iPod Classic (model information below) and the battery life is a little short, and that's to be expected, but this causes me to have to charge it semi frequently. I've noticed that the iPod will charge when connected to a PC. However, it will not charge when plugged into any other kind of object that would charge something (wall outlet, external battery pack, etc etc), even when using the same exact cable that charges it on the PC. In fact, if you 'eject' the iPod from the PC, it recognizes that it's still plugged in, but it will not charge.

    So, my questions are:

    How does one charge this iPod without plugging it into a PC (if I need a special cable or adapter, just point me in the right direction)?

    Is there any way to continue to use the iPod while it's charging off-PC?

    Model number (from the about section): MB147ZP Serial Number:8K825N6ZYMV


    submitted by /u/Thatdudeguybro
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