• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 3, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [News] this will be the new Electra JailBreak icon, I’m so excited! (Credit: @aesign)

    iOS Jailbreak [News] this will be the new Electra JailBreak icon, I’m so excited! (Credit: @aesign)

    [News] this will be the new Electra JailBreak icon, I’m so excited! (Credit: @aesign)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 04:06 PM PDT

    [Question] How hard will it be for devs to update their tweaks for the upcoming jailbreak?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 03:28 PM PDT

    [Discussion] Tweaks recommended by r/jailbreak

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 04:41 PM PDT

    So in a previous post I've asked for you guys favourite tweaks, and got loads of responses, so I thought I'd compile a list for fresh jailbreakers on 11.3.1 or just people who want some new kick-ass tweaks. Listed below are the top recommended tweaks and what they are about.

    1. Extender Installer - Automatically signs your app every 7 days

    2. NoMoreSmallApps - Optimize app resolution for iPhone X

    3. iCleaner Pro - Junk files cleaner

    4. Dots - Displays a dot when you have a notification

    5. Nocits or EclipseX - Full dark mode for iPhone

    6. Anemone - Customized themes for your apps

    7. LittleX - Brings iPhoneX interface to older devices

    8. Filza - Full acces to all files on iPhone

    9. Nude Keys - Simpler looking keyboard

    10. SwipeForMore - Install or remove tweaks on Cydia with a swipe

    11. Intelix - Groups notifications together (looks better)

    12. Iconoclasm - Rearrange layout of icons on your homescreen

    13. Shy Page Dots - Displays page dots on homescreen only when swiping

    14. Hide status bar- Hides status bar

    15. ColourMyCCModules - Let's you color your Control Center

    16. Pikabu - Minimalistic volume HUD

    17. FloatyDock - Floating dock like on iPad

    18. HideLabels X - Lets you hide your labels, requires this repo (dannyglover.github.io/repo)

    19. LockScreen custom text - Custom lockscreen text

    20. QuickPowerMode - Double tap battery on the top right to switch to power saving mode, double tap to go back to normal

    21. TimeFormat - Adjust time format

    22. NoFolderBackground - Disables folder background

    23. GlowBadge - Displays glow around badge icon instead of red bubble

    24. MakeRespringGreatAgain - Shows apple logo on respring instead of rotating circle

    25. PullToRespring - Respring iPhone by swiping up on settings app

    26. RespringProgress - show progress when respringing

    27. LockGlyphX - Cool animation when using TouchID to unlock

    28. Circa - Circular app badges

    29. Artsy or ccmusicartwork - adds artwork behind cc (u/nfx327)

    30. AutounlockX - automatically go to springboard if no notifications are on lockscreen (u/nfx327)

    31. Notrackpaddelay - no delay on trackpad (u/nfx327)

    32. DeleteForever- have it skip the recently deleted (u/nfx327)

    If you have any more tweaks you want to share, be sure to let me know and ill add them. (Don't do like 20 at a time please x)

    submitted by /u/Silvan017
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    [News] 11.3.1 kernel exploit by @jaakerblom updated

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:34 AM PDT

    [Discussion] I really hope I don’t end up regretting this ��

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 06:04 PM PDT

    [Discussion] Current 11.3.1 jailbreak status, new discoveries (the remount 0day) and what you should do right now

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 03:29 AM PDT

    @umanghere has discovered a persistent apfs snapshot bypass (0day). It's private for now. I had a similar post about this a day ago but due to some misunderstanding between us jailbreak developers I had to remove it. So as far as we know, the post-exploitation patches for iOS 11.3.1 is complete. So once Ian drops it, we should be able to update Electra in the matter of maybe hours? If nothing goes wrong then yeah. So here's what you should do, UPDATE TO 11.3.1 RIGHT NOW. Especially if you're on an iPhone X. 11.4's SEP has issues with 11.3.1. If you even know what that is. Just get on 11.3.1 as soon as you can. We really hope to drop the jailbreak's update before the firmware gets unsigned. But that's kinda up to Ian. The jailbreak also won't be untethered. That was one of the reasons of the removal of my post a day ago. People misunderstood it. Starting with 11.3, all of your jailbreak data gets deleted and not just disabled after a reboot. And you end up with a corrupted fs. We developed a persistent bypass for that. It's a private 0day. But the jailbreak itself is not persistent, it's Semi-Untethered. All the developers are working hard to get this done.


    EDIT: the apfs snapshot bypass 0day was completely found by @umanghere.

    EDIT: Typo

    If you wanna support my research, then my patreon is https://patreon.com/Pwn20wnd, pledge as much as you want. That does really motivate me as I do nothing but work for the community these days. ~ Pwn20wnd

    submitted by /u/Daily1Jb
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    [Discussion] imagine if Electra got pushed out when 11.3.1 is still signed!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 05:52 PM PDT

    I probably doubt this will happen but just imagine it, This could be the 1st time in 1 year, It's up to Ian beer on when he is gonna push it out and when Apple is going to unsign it.

    submitted by /u/Axelbyte
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] If you have an A11 device, update to 11.3.1 right now.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:59 AM PDT

    No, the title isn't fake. All A11 devices have issues with futurerestoring to 11.3.1 with the 11.4 SEP, it breaks Touch ID/Face ID. If you have an 8, 8 Plus, or X jailbroken on iOS 11.0-11.1.2 and are holding out until an 11.3.1 jailbreak comes to futurerestore, do it now. All the post exploitation patches for 11.3.1 are done, so once Ian Beer's tfp0 exploit comes next week, if nothing goes wrong then Electra can be updated in a couple hours, so don't worry about losing your jailbreak. Just back up sources and tweaks with [[Flame]]. Source from r/Jailbreak Discord

    EDIT: To be clear, iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and X devices on 11.0-11.3 should update to 11.3.1. 11.0-11.1.2 devices that aren't A11 should update, or stay and save blobs. Their choice. Devices on 10.x or under should stay (Yes, including iPhone 7/7+.)

    submitted by /u/M1staAwesome
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    [News] https://twitter.com/electra_team Electra Team have a twitter account..it's coming boiiss

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 01:19 PM PDT

    [Tip] For all those who are updating to iOS 11.3.1, remember to install tvOS 11 beta profile in order not to accidentally updating to 11.4!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 08:18 AM PDT

    Many people have lost their oportunity to jailbreak because of those annoying update popups.

    For all those who don't know what this does, it makes your iPhone think it has to download tvOS betas (incompatible with iPhone of course) but in reality, not downloading or updating anything!

    submitted by /u/cesn0
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] Goodnight sweet prince

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:07 PM PDT

    [Question][Discussion] Being that the 11.3.1 jailbreak is imminent, what are your go-to tweaks. Feel free to post repositories as well for those that need to add repos!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 05:32 PM PDT

    [Discussion] Ryley, dev of Liberty, won't be updating Liberty until there's a JB for iOS 11.3.1

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:51 PM PDT

    [Tip] Join the r/jailbreak Discord server to be notified as soon as a jailbreak is released or the signing window closes!

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 07:16 PM PDT

    [Discussion] Gentle reminder for everybody to update their flairs

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:50 AM PDT

    It is very difficult to search for questions/opinions/comments from particular user in a thread with the same device and OS version as myself.

    Users with flair of iOS 10.1.1 comment about 11.1.2 or 11.3 etc. So, if everyone could update their flairs, it would be great! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/venkrish
    [link] [comments]

    [Request] What about this Volume HUD?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 05:13 AM PDT

    [Question] Must have tweaks

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:18 AM PDT

    Withe the upcoming jb for 11.3.1 there will be some new jailbreakers (including me, haven't in 5 months) and I would like to know what are some good tweaks to install? Please list tweak and what it does. Happy jailbreaking :)

    submitted by /u/Silvan017
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] Are there any tweaks to remove the song title/artist from the player and leave only the controls?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 04:34 PM PDT

    [Update] SmartLPM - Battery Alerts

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 07:14 PM PDT

    Updated to 1.3.0-1


    • Added battery alerts you can set a percentage for the alert, has alert with sounds and the sound plays even if the screen is off.

    I took the leap and updated to 11.3.1 so I will not be updating any of my tweaks until the new jb drops. Hopefully there are no bugs as I do not have a jailbreak for the moment.

    Repo: https://repo.packix.com

    Donations: https://paypal.me/smokin1337

    submitted by /u/smokin1337
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] Devices TESTED to work with Futurerestore to restore to 11.3.1 with blobs (NONE so far)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:54 AM PDT

    Updated: some A7 A8 A9 A10 devices confirmed working. Sorry, I just realized I can't edit title on Reddit, so ignore the "None so far" part. Bad choice by me! Mod can you help me to remove (NONE so far) part in the title?


    It seems everyone is hailing the great success of the community and waiting cheerfully to the grand JB drop on 11.3.1 (I seriously appreciate everyone's effort), but it also seems only a handful people are worrying about the growing danger.

    Before u/jareehD discovered iPhone X will lose FaceID using Futurerestore to restore to 11.3.1, even the most reputable DEV was suggesting just save the blobs and "Mark my words". So think about it...

    Right now the devs and the most reputable person on the sub are still suggesting "save the blobs and it should be fine" on all other devices. However I can't find any link to support or invalidate it, such as u/jareehD's test. To me, this is scary! So I will maintain a list of devices categories by chips (A7 and above). Here is what I found now:

    List of devices successfully tested with Futurerestore to restore to 11.3.1 with blobs:

    A7: Working

    -iPhone 5S: Working. confirmed by: u/AppleBlobs

    -iPad Air

    -iPad Mini 2

    -iPad Mini 3

    A8: Working

    -iPhone 6/6+: Working. confirmed by: u/AppleBlobs , u/XolothM

    -iPad Mini 4

    A8X: None

    -iPad Air 2

    A9: Working

    -iPhone 6S/6S+ Working.

    -iPhone SE

    -iPad (2017)

    A9X: None

    -iPad Pro 12.9/9.7 (1st gen)

    A10: Working

    -iPhone 7/7+: Working. confirmed by: u/Rainbow_Dash23

    -iPad (2018)

    A10X: None

    -iPad Pro 10.5/12.9 (2017)

    A11: Not working

    -iPhone 8/8+: TouchID failure, according to u/M1staAwesome


    Source from r/Jailbreak Discord

    -iPhone X: FaceID failure

    I'm sure it is because my limited Google search and forum search ability that I can't find any successful test. I do saw people asking about iPhone 8/8+ regarding TouchID, but there is no desired answer. What we need is a link to a successful test but I couldn't find any.

    If you can find the link for the test on any devices (at least tested usual suspect like TouchID), please reply in the comment, I will update this post and change the title from "None so far" to A7/A8... Hopefully we can cover everything other than iPhone X. It will be helpful for the those looking for a relief and stay on their current JB.

    submitted by /u/Generalmilk
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    [discussion] Coolstar said fedex failed to deliver the iPhone X today

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 07:31 PM PDT

    are we screwed for those on the X

    submitted by /u/thatscomplex1015
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    [Tutorial] Reverse Engineering Ionic Applications

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 02:06 PM PDT

    [Discussion] If updating to 11.3.1 from 11.0.x jailbreak, remember to forward your tweak list and Repo Sources list to avoid forgetting cool repos and tweaks you accumulated over time

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 05:38 AM PDT

    EZTweakList and CopySources tweaks will currently help you with this. I can't tell you how many times in previous jailbreaks I totally forgot about cool repos and tweaks when updating. Hope this helps people

    submitted by /u/huggym00n
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    [question] tethered vs untethered jailbreaks

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 06:36 PM PDT

    Ive always heard untethered jailbreaks are way better then tethered. But i still have no idea why. Aside from having to rejailbreak after every reboot, is there any other benefits?

    submitted by /u/andrew_m_6
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    [Release] Save blobs to your Mac/Win/Linux with one command native in the terminal/cmd

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 05:35 PM PDT


    I tested it out and it works for me. It's so simple and quick. Let's run this during a signing fuck up and we will get our blobs.

    submitted by /u/AppleBlobs
    [link] [comments]

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