• Breaking News

    Friday, June 8, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [News] Apple stops signing 11.3.1?

    iOS Jailbreak [News] Apple stops signing 11.3.1?

    [News] Apple stops signing 11.3.1?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:02 PM PDT

    iOS 11.3.1 for device iPhone10,6 IS NOT being signed!


    submitted by /u/SSLEviL
    [link] [comments]

    [Tip] If you manage to fuck up your phone (users at 11.3.1) and want to restore, go to iCloud.com > FindMyiPhone > Erase Phone and it'll restore and stay at that version!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 06:45 PM PDT

    I'm on 10.2 and this feature has saved me a lot of times. I recommend doing this for anyone at any version!

    submitted by /u/GeicoPR
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    [Request] Hidden apps in space above home screen after invoking reach ability

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 11:40 AM PDT

    [News] Luca Tedesco aka qwertyoruiopz

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 05:00 PM PDT

    Looks like Luca back in the scene, He said in his latest tweet

    "2 year old 0day still working fine on iOS 12 💯 thanks apple"

    "I legitimately haven't tried pwning any iOS between 11.1 and 12 and all the old gear is still working. Fuck shallow bugs, out here with that deep shit."

    Let's hope for Yalu12?

    submitted by /u/akki161014
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] Anyone else chuckle to themselves every time they see the term 'nonce'. (UK Users)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:13 PM PDT

    ...or just me?

    submitted by /u/crt8
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    [Discussion] Clarification: The new custom APNonces, recent posts about nonce collisions, 11.3.1 tickets etc

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 07:30 PM PDT

    iOS 11.3.1 and Custom APNonces coolstar tweeted

    First of all, it's NOT NECESSARY to have the custom APNonce ticket for any device.

    And, this is NOT REQUIRED FOR YOU TO JAILBREAK. It's a safety thingy.

    And, the 11.3.1 you saved without custom APNonce are useful as they were before.

    keep reading

    Custom APNonces were originally used when you run nonce stats on your device and find out the device generates a nonce frequently. But now, that's not the reason. Coolstar might hard-code a generator corresponding to one of those APNonces when electra is released. If you haven't saved an SHSH2 for the custom APNonces coolstar tweeted and still have ticket for 11.3.1, it's the same. Because you can change the generator to the one from the SHSH2 you have.

    11.3.1 Signing window closed

    It's been signing for long enough for people active in the community to save tickets via a bunch of methods available to us. If you saved an 11.3.1 ticket with Jailbreak Bot on Telegram for A10/A11 device in the past (doesn't matter when), it went through all devices and auto-saved for the custom APNonces coolstar tweeted. You can check if they exist using the /myshsh command. I initially didn't want to do this because I thought it'd take a long time. But thanks to the powerful server, it flawlessly saved around 20,000 SHSH2 in under 10 minutes with hundreds of concurrent tasks. I was gonna do this for A9 and below but sadly, apple stopped signing before I woke up. I actually would have done this before I went to bed if coolstar replied me. If you've saved any 11.3.1 tickets for your device TSSSaver yesterday, it also saved tickets for custom nonces.

    Regarding the "there's (100%) nonce collision on iOS X.Y(Z)" posts"

    No, there isn't. iOS 11 specifically doesn't have collision. I've collected 7000+ APNonces on a 5s and there's 0 collision (and the task took around 8 hours). I can explain why they got the 'collision'. Here's my observation

    • Requesting an APNonce from the device in normal mode (using igetnonce or similar tools) will set a random generator in nvram and generate a nonce with it
    • This APNonce is cached for that boot session
    • You can enter and exit recovery and still the nonce won't change since the system generates the nonce using the generator in nvram
    • DFU mode won't use this generator
    • If you change the generator after it's cached, it will not re-generate using the new generator but return the nonce it cached. So, you'll have to reboot to make the system generate a nonce for the generator you newly set
    • The generator will remain in nvram as long as you don't request a new nonce in normal mode in another boot session (after reboot).

    What actually happened is, they requested a nonce in normal mode using igetnonce and the system set a generator in nvram. If you run noncestatistics after this point, you'll get 100% nonce collision, because the system will keep generating nonce for the generator value in nvram. This is not an actual PRNG collision

    I haven't saved 11.3.1 APTickets for the custom APNonces

    If you have any valid 11.3.1 ticket, you're fine (fine as in, you can restore to that firmware using the ticket). Just set the generator from the file after the jailbreak / nonce-setter comes out. You really don't have to have the custom APNonce tickets. Any 11.3.1 ticket is fine.

    Checking/Validating your tickets

    You can send the SHSH2 file to the bot on Telegram (@rJailbreakBot) and get something like this. It'll show your generator and the nonce from it. It'll also validate the ticket. If it doesn't say "✅FILE IS VALID", then you have a problem.

    Common mistakes while saving SHSH2

    • Entering UDID instead of ECID

      If you're jailbroken, get System Info from bigboss repo and check Settings > general > about

      If you're jailed, connect to iTunes and click Serial Number until it shows the ECID

    • Entering wrong device model (GSM or Global and boardconfig)

      If you're unsure which device model you have, use your model shown in Settings > general > about and use this iPhoneWiki page

      Alternatively, you can use Jailbreak Bot and send it the /device command. You can send it any of the device identifiers, including the model number and it'll tell you if have the GSM or Global in addition to the the remaining identifiers.

    If you have questions, ask in the comments. Either me or someone else will answer them

    submitted by /u/ARX8X
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    [Release] tweakCompatible update and official subreddit support

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 07:06 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I made some recent changes to the tweakCompatible website. Mainly, a better package details page and also moderation tools.

    The moderation tools allows reddit mods to mark and delete pirate packages off the website, and also allows mods to submit repo urls for new packages. This means tweakCompatible is officially supported here, which hopefully also means no more google spreadsheets.

    The package details page is totally redefined. The spotlight is now focused on user reports, and allows us to filter reports by iOS version and tweak version. There is also a link to add unknown repos directly into cydia.

    Screenshot, Sample Package

    For those who don't know, tweakCompatible is a website where the community submits reports on whether tweaks work on newer iOS versions. Reports are created directly from cydia by using the [[tweakCompatible]] package found on bigboss. When the tweak is installed, the package page in Cydia looks like this. Anyone can mark a tweak as working by creating a free github account, and logging into github from the cydia app. You don't need a github account to view the reports.

    I know we are all waiting for that new jailbreak release. Hopefully tweakCompatible becomes a standard companion when a new JB drops.

    submitted by /u/Treas0n
    [link] [comments]

    [Tip] iOS 11.3 Beta 5 is still being signed. Go get it now before it’s too late. This is your absolute last chance.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 10:40 PM PDT

    It's good enough. Go on https://ipsw.me and download the iOS 11.3 beta 5 update and install through iTunes. Shift+Update. Last resort if you still want a possible jailbreak and missed the signing window. Use if your already on 11.4. Don't update if you're on a lower firmware.

    Update- Beta 6 is signed too! Get it now https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Beta_Firmware/iPhone/11.x Thanks insaneousOne !

    submitted by /u/Torrey187
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] How great would it be if Saurik contributed to 11.3.1 JB?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 02:26 PM PDT

    With a compatible substrate, or something! And verified good build Cydia, etc

    That would be icing on the cake for me.

    submitted by /u/wedditasap
    [link] [comments]

    [News] If you previously used the Telegram Bot to save 11.3.1 blobs, it has retroactively saved new ones with the APNonce’s Coolstar mentioned!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 07:18 PM PDT

    Use /myshsh to access and save those blobs locally!

    submitted by /u/Tabs_555
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] A game we all could play :) check the description below.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:13 PM PDT

    I've been refreshing the sub like every 10 minutes lol I know but i got nothing to do for next one month so and I'm really hyped for this jailbreak because it's been a while I've jailbreak my iPhone. So I was thinking that you guys could comment some metaphors for jailbreaking your iPhone. I honestly don't know how to explain and English isn't my first language either. Idk if you guys would understand what i mean rofl. Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/addy_01
    [link] [comments]

    [Tutorial] Easy way to download 11.3.1 blobs with Coolstar's NONCE locally (A10/A11)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 11:26 AM PDT

    It's over guys, Apple stopped signing 11.3.1, hope you have your blobs!

    Hi there!

    Seeing as 1Conan's website is overloaded and we have no idea when Apple will stop signing 11.3.1, I decided to set something up for the less tech savvy people here.

    You can use TSS Checker to download blobs, but it's a command line tool. However, I made it a bit easier for people on Windows.

    How do I use it?

    I've bundled TSS Checker with a bat file. You just open the "run.cmd" file, enter your device model and your ECID and the script will download all three 11.3.1 blobs with coolstar's nonce codes. The blobs will be in the "TSSChecker" folder.


    https://www.nickbetting.nl/files/TSSChecker.zip (Windows only)


    The script does not check if you've entered a correct model or ECID so make sure you get those right.

    Your device model needs to be formatted like iPhone9,3 or iPad6,7. You can look at https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Models to determine your model.

    For your ECID you need to connect your device to your computer, open iTunes and open your device in iTunes. You'll see the serial number, click that text until the ECID appears.

    The download will only work for Windows computers, you can get TSS Checker below for Linux or MacOS but you'll need to look at the commands yourself.

    TSS Checker is made by tihmstar: https://github.com/tihmstar/tsschecker

    Edit: Ah, 1Conan just announced that https://tsssaver.1conan.com should be back up and running again! I'll just leave this up for those who might still want to download locally.

    Need help with 1Conan's website? Join his discord! https://discord.gg/dTunaXa

    submitted by /u/s1h4d0w
    [link] [comments]

    [Question] 11.3.1 no longer signed, how screwed you're if you didn't save nonces?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:59 PM PDT

    Title says it all.

    submitted by /u/Catalyst_MX
    [link] [comments]

    [News] APTicket NVRAM Generator setter for iOS 11.3.1 will be available shortly

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 12:21 PM PDT

    Coolstar twitter

    submitted by /u/frank2336
    [link] [comments]

    [News] “Got TFP0 on iPhone X 11.3.1 as well Verified generator & nonce is working on both iPad Pro 10.5” & iPhone X 11.3.1 ;)”. Coolstar tweet.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:11 AM PDT

    [Discussion] 1conan has update tss to automatically get blobs with apnonce that coolstar recommended

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 05:25 AM PDT

    I have been talking to 1conan

    He has updated https://tsssaver.1conan.com to auto save the blobs with the apnonce that coolstar recommended saving

    That's why more than one folder is appearing when saving blobs

    He is also currently coding a queue system to help with the current load on the server

    Edit: formatting

    Update: Just to clarify I'm not the dev. 1conan, I believe is still working on the queuing system. Just to be safe when you can, trigger saving blobs manually & the others should show up. I cant test this myself as I saved them before this was implemented.

    Update 2: ios 11.3 & 11.3.1 are no longer being signed on most devices https://ipsw.me/11.3.1

    submitted by /u/Jlatt07
    [link] [comments]

    [News]1Conan updated https://tsssaver.1conan.com/ so now it saves A8 and A9 apnonce as well

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 12:21 PM PDT

    like the title said he just updated his site to auto add apnonces just like with the A10 and A11 did so check the folder and if it does not have that in it and only the one noapnonce you should redo it for your safety. looks like it also is doing A7 as well

    edit this was the reason for it https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/8pcud4/tutorial_how_to_save_blobs_for_1131_based_on/e0a7zzo/

    submitted by /u/Ps4_and_Ipad_Lover
    [link] [comments]

    [Tutorial] How to save blobs using specific nonce (As in CoolStar's tweet)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:05 AM PDT

    IMPORTANT EDIT: See u/1Conan 's comment. The site has been updated to do this automatically, so you can save your blobs like you always did.

    IMPORTANT EDIT 2: u/1Conan updated the site to automatically save the blobs using the specific nonce's for A7 - A9 devices as well! <3 Save your blobs like you always do and it will use those nonce's.

    Goddamit there are so many people on here who are asking how the fuck to save blobs by specifying the nonce's.

    1. Go to https://tsssaver.1conan.com/
    2. Enter your ECID/UDID, select your device identifier, and check the box Manually specify an apnonce (ADVANCED USERS ONLY)
    3. Copy pasta the nonce one by one from CoolStar's tweet.
    4. reCAPTCHA
    5. Submit
    6. ???
    7. Profit

    EDIT: Sorry for the confusion. Do steps these steps by copying ONE nonce and pasting it, then submit. Repeat it until you have saved them all.

    Another EDIT: if you get an error 502, don't stress and call the site stupid. As you can imagine there are a ton of people who want this jailbreak, and everyone is getting on board and saving blobs, so there is much more traffic than usual. Be patient and keep trying. And for people wondering what an apnonce is, read this.

    More EDITs: See here on how to do it with the Telegram bot. THIS WHOLE POST IS ONLY FOR A10/A11 DEVICES (iPhone 7 and up)!

    submitted by /u/jcmarais1998
    [link] [comments]

    [News] noncereboot1131 has been released on github.com/pwn20wndstuff/….

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 01:01 PM PDT

    [Discussion] It would be great if Luca comes into to scene again and help with Electra

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 07:57 PM PDT

    He always said that he can work with publicly released bugs and exploits. Like he did back in 10.1.1 and 10.2. Let's hope if he can help Coolstar and Electra team if they can't figure out how to write Exploit for VFS bug. As mentioned by Ian Beer that VFS bug doesn't require entitlement but it's harder to exploit. I wish Luca take a step into this jailbreak 10.3.1. We all can't thank enough for what he did in the past <3 <3

    submitted by /u/akki161014
    [link] [comments]

    [News] FilzaEscaped 11.3.1 update!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:49 AM PDT

    So I guess this is a good start... yes this is on iOS 11.3.1😃video It will be released soon with full r/w permissions to root! Meanwhile please make a small donation if you can so I can get my own test device, to keep it updated and get full root on 11.3.1 and lower🙏 Paypal: scrouble1999@gmail.com

    submitted by /u/Dry05
    [link] [comments]

    [Tutorial] How to save blobs for 11.3.1 (based on coolstars tweet) for A7, A8 and A9 devices

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 11:42 AM PDT

    UPDATE: iOS 11.3.1 Is no longer being signed you will no longer be able to save your 11.3.1 nonces

    (if you're British this is a good thing in some respect you should never save your nonces)

    This is based on all the information I could find but I am no expert so if anyone spots anything wrong please let me know just wanted to help out

    Please note that there are other methods that should also work but these are the ways I know and use

    /u/1Conan TSS CHECKER Method

    Update Conan has updated his TSS checker to automatically save the correct nonces so you'll no longer have to manually enter each one (credit: u/1Demerion1)

    Step 1

    visit https://tsssaver.1conan.com/

    Step 2

    Enter your ECID can be found in iTunes

    Step 3

    Select your iPhone model

    Note that for 6s/6s+ users you will need to enter a board config number this can be found by downloading Lirum Info Lite for the app store on your iPhone it should be one of the following

    • N71AP (iPhone 6s)
    • N66AP (iPhone 6s Plus)
    • N71MAP (6s)
    • N66MAP (6s Plus)

    *N69AP (iPhone SE / credit: u/Kolyei)

    Step 4

    Select "Manually specify an apnonce (ADVANCED USERS ONLY)" a apnonce filed should appear enter one of the following apnonces (You will need to do them all one by one






    Note I didn't have a tickbox to select it so I just clicked in the space next to Manually and it worked

    Step 5

    After verifying you are a REAL HUMAN AND NOT A ROBOT and clicking submit you will be directed to a white page with a link click the link (You can check your details on the white screen just to be safe)

    Click the 11.3.1 folder and you should see a folder starting with the apnonce you typed earlier if there isn't a folder wait a while you are in a queue with a metric fuck tonne of other jailbreakers just be patient it will appear shortly

    in the meantime you need to redo the process with the remaining apnonces in step 4

    Manual tsschecker method (MacOS)

    Step 1

    download TSS CHECKER by Tihmstar


    Step 2

    Extract the zip and copy the tsschecker_macos to your desktop and open terminal

    Step 3

    In terminal type

    sudo chmod 755

    Drag tsschecker_macos file into the terminal and click enter

    Step 4

    Now again drag the tsschecker_macos into terminal but don't hit enter instead type


    This can be found in iTunes

    Then type

    -e [YOUR ECID]

    This can be found in iTunes

    Then type

    -i 11.3.1 --buildid 15E302

    Then Type

    --boardconfig [BOARD CONFIG]

    this can be found using by downloading Lirum Info Lite for the app store on your iPhone it should be one of the following

    • N71AP (iPhone 6s)
    • N66AP (iPhone 6s Plus)
    • N71MAP (iPhone 6s)
    • N66MAP (iPhone 6s Plus).

    *N69AP (iPhone SE / credit: u/Kolyei)

    Then Type one fo the following (You will have to do each of them one by one

    --apnonce 603be133ff0bdfa0f83f21e74191cf6770ea43bb

    --apnonce 352dfad1713834f4f94c5ff3c3e5e99477347b95

    --apnonce 42c88f5a7b75bc944c288a7215391dc9c73b6e9f

    --apnonce 0dc448240696866b0cc1b2ac3eca4ce22af11cb3

    --apnonce 9804d99e85bbafd4bb1135a1044773b4df9f1ba3

    Finally Type


    Your final command should look like similar to this (with an ECID)...

    /Users/username/Desktop/tsschecker_macos -d iPhone8,2 -e ECID -i 11.3.1 --buildid 15E302 --boardconfig N66mAP --apnonce 603be133ff0bdfa0f83f21e74191cf6770ea43bb -s

    Hit Enter and it will fetch your blob and save it in your username folder


    Repeat the process with the rest of the apnonces

    -Good Luck


    u/1Conan (Online TSS checker and countless hours of hard work instead of sleeping with zero notice, he didn't have to spend time automating the process for the community but he did)

    Tihmstar (for the TSS Checker commands, also for putting in countless hours of work and most likely being pestered by some meme era of this community)

    submitted by /u/btchimsway
    [link] [comments]

    [Discussion] Tip: Use keyboard shortcuts to save your ECID, Model #, and other hard numbers. Handy when saving blobs.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 11:26 AM PDT

    I have multiple devices, so I just save them as "iphoneecid", "ipadecid", "iphoneimei", "iphonemodel" and descriptive names that the keyboard just replaces for the actual number. It saves you a lot of time.

    Just remember to change them if you get a newer device.

    submitted by /u/marakpa
    [link] [comments]

    [question] This is gonna be my first time jailbreaking so if I do a boot loop on the jailbreak, would it restore me to 11.4 since I don't have 11.3.1 blobs or do i manually have to restore to be put on 11.4?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 03:55 PM PDT

    [Help] Now That iOS 11.3.1 is no longer being signed, how do I set my nonce so I can use futurerestore?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2018 06:11 PM PDT

    I have my shsh2 blobs saved for iOS 11.3.1, but I cant seem to find out how to set my nonce. I know that there is a nonce generator somewhere on the shsh2 blobs, but I do not know how to use that to change the nonce on my iPhone. I apologize for my lack of understanding about this method, as this is my first time attempting it.

    submitted by /u/The_Endernaut
    [link] [comments]

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