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    Thursday, April 12, 2018

    iOS Jailbreak [Meta] Frequently Asked Questions

    iOS Jailbreak [Meta] Frequently Asked Questions

    [Meta] Frequently Asked Questions

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:40 PM PDT

    [Discussion] Fortnite Mobile will now kick jailbroken devices (as of 3.5 patch)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:57 AM PDT

    [Discussion] Thank God for Unlimited Data and Tetherme

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:33 PM PDT

    [News] Meridian update: Looks about finished

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 03:12 PM PDT

    [Update] Parallax-modified, the coolest lockscreen background ever - now with a literal night mode

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:47 PM PDT

    Hello r/jailbreak!

    For the last day or so I've been working in this update (0.7) to my tweak Parallax-modified. This adds:

    • dark-mode (which is pretty neat ;))

    • a new higher resolution for X devices

    • fix for some clipping issues, and better sensitivity.

    Requires XenHTML from https://xenpublic.incendo.ws/

    Get it from my private repo now! https://overcookedfish.github.io/

    See a live demo (mobile optimized, open in safari) of both parts at




    Suggest new parallaxes here: https://www.reddit.com/r/iOSthemes/comments/8avpfh/discussion_i_will_change_your_images_into/?ref=share&ref_source=link

    Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/8auodn/release_parallax_firewatch_lockscreen_widget_is/?st=jfvuymy4&sh=91174f93

    (sorry for resubmission and deletion of original update post, my repo was broken and I didn't realize until I had already done so.)

    Edit: for those using my beta repository... why? It literally says in the description you should not use it. it says on the website you should not use it unless directed... Thats the issue...

    submitted by /u/Entity001
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    [Release] FDots - F*** those dots

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:05 PM PDT

    Been done before, nothing special this will get rid of the dots. Removes page dots, blue update dots and notifications badges in one tweak. Has settings menu to enable/disable each one. I was tired of looking at them so I put this together, I saw a request here earlier for removing dots so figured I'd share it.

    Repo: https://smokin1337.github.io

    submitted by /u/smokin1337
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    [Discussion] PEOPLE! Please stop spending your money on beta tweaks that requires a monthly subscription!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:35 AM PDT

    Tweaks are not suppose to be a monthly subscription. You pay for it one time and move on. Stop listening to these devs that try to convince you otherwise. It's funny because the devs that causes the most issues, have that stupid paetron system set up. No! I'm totally cool with using that system to help support the dev, but some devs has taken advantage of that and turned it into another medium for income. If the dev can't host his/her tweak on a repo or provide another one time pay option, leave the tweak alone until it becomes available for a one time purchase. I think it's a dirty move on a dev part to do that, but as consumers, we have to remain patient. Yeah I understand that it may be chump change, but not only does it add up over time, if you're like me, who is real money conscious, it starts to feel like a bill, especially if I only wanted one tweak, not a collection of tweaks that's probably broken and/or in beta stage. I'm open for conversation and interpretations on this subject, perhaps I am wrong but it is how I feel.

    submitted by /u/danyaspringer
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    [News] Ian beer will talk about iOS kernel debugger in MOSEC 2018!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 10:27 AM PDT

    [News] For those of you sick of waiting for Delta 1.0 to come out Provenance is getting closer to 1.5 with PS1 (multi disc) support and N64, just like Openemu for iOS

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:47 AM PDT

    [Discussion] Both Liberty & NoSub. Don’t understand why they would let us run with a jailbreak last update but not this one

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 01:47 PM PDT

    [question] can someone make this volume too?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:07 AM PDT

    [Discussion] [Question] Has anyone else found that Xen HTML has brought back the random freezes with Electra?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:04 PM PDT

    I've been debugging and isolating my tweaks these past few days to see what causes the freezes that happened to return after the installation of Xen HTML. I initially suspected Eclipse X, but after still experiencing freezes even with it uninstalled, that theory went out the window.

    No matter what I try, everything seems to point to Xen HTML being the cause, which is really quite disappointing because I think it's a superb tweak.

    Is anyone else experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/Ash_MT
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    [Discussion] I think I broke something, don’t ask me how, 11.3

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 04:53 PM PDT

    [request] the iOS 11 data markers on iOS 10

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 06:55 PM PDT

    [Discussion] Don't attempt semi-restore/Cydia Eraser/Reset on ios 9 to 9.1/wont activate!!!!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 12:18 PM PDT

    hi ,

    ref my previous post / where my iphone 6s 64gb on ios 9.0.2 got stuck on activation screen ( not icloud lock ) , and i had to hactivate it by ssh'ing in the device and renaming setup.app. phone is working fine /no imessage/facetime working / LTE/Cellular OK .

    i visited my local phone reselling market couple of times , and found an iphone 6 plus on ios 8.3!!!!!!! , i tried RESET ALL SETTINGS to check the activation ( before jailbreaking ) and it went fine.

    then yesterday i found 2 more iphone 6s plus , and i thought to purchase them , one of them was on ios 9.0.1 , other was on ios 9.1 i think , both were not jailbroken , and both got stuck at Activation screen when i tried to reset the settings . i wanted to clear the doubt , and indeed there was activation error. it was EXACT SAME ERROR THAT OCCURRED ON MY PHONE.

    so i am almost possitive that there is something at Apple's end which is causing this issue , and i want to advise all those who have jailbroken devices to not attempt semi-restore or cydia eraser on ios 9.x / they might end up with activation error. problem is not with these tools , it is on Apple side and only on ios 9.0/9.01,9.0.2 etc ( at least i tested jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices on these and failed ) . and all of these were retail purchases.

    we do not have apple store in our country , but my cousin lives in Paris , and visiting me soon , i am thinking about giving him my iphone and tell him to take it to apple store , and ask them for activation error and resolve it WITHOUT UPGRADING THE IOS.

    lets see what happens.

    submitted by /u/maanu77
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    [Discussion] AuxPay - A New, Secure, payment system for Cydia repos.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 09:05 AM PDT


    I recently spoke of how I will sell my tweaks and combat piracy. I have devised a new payment system that is being worked on right now for paid tweak releases on auxiliumdev.com.

    The payment system will work as follows:

    • Users will go to a page setup like http://cs.auxiliumdev.com/

    • Buy the tweak or download the lite version for free.

    • Users who paid will go through the paypal payment and then be redirected to a new login page. You must use the google account you use in Cydia to link your account and then type in your UDID. This information will go to a secure server with high-end encryption on the database. You will not have to "link device" apart from linking with cydia.

    • The tweak will read whether or not your UDID is registered with a google account and then allow use. If your UDID does not match up the tweak will not work.

    • The tweak only needs to connect to the server once to make sure you are authenticated, this will cut down on battery usage and prevent data usage under-the-hood.

      Can I sign up early?

      AuxPay is still in development but an announcement will be made when AuxPay is ready.

      Who can use AuxPay?

      Any developer who decides to host through our repo. Or you can use the AuxPay software for your own repo. Auxilium Development will not take any cuts from your profits if you use your own repo but if you host on ours we will be taking a 1% fee. Payouts are weekly automatically or when you ask if hosting with us.

    Thank you for all the support! - Macs, thecoderkiller

    submitted by /u/thecoderkiller
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    [Help] Can't install tweak h3lix 32bit

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 07:43 PM PDT

    [Update] ColorSwitcher - Supports All Custom Colors!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:40 PM PDT

    ColorSwitcher Now with Full Color!

    ColorSwitcher now includes customs colors thanks to libcolorpicker! You need to install [[libcolorpicker]] from BigBoss Thank you to Tony who helped me with the libcolorpicker.

    You must respring after changing values

    I know the Preferences are kind of ugly right now but I put them together kind of quickly. Expect a fix in the next update!


    Before Change: https://gfycat.com/GranularCrispCassowary

    After Change and Respring: https://gfycat.com/ShinyDownrightHorsechestnutleafminer

    How to Access ColorSwitcher

    ~Do This On Your Jailbroken Device~

    Paid Pre-Order:

    • Go to https://cs.auxiliumdev.com/

    • Press Buy Here

    • Checkout with Paypal Please leave E-Mail in Notes if it is not your paypal e-mail

    • Press on Free Download and Add the Repo to Cydia

    Free Download:

    Free Version:

    • Alpha changer support

    Paid Version:

    • AppCard tint options

    • AppCard alpha options

    • Fade In and Fade Out Speed Sldier

    • Color Randomizer (on each open)

    • Possibly animated color background (no promises but I know it's possible)

      Important Links

    Auxilium Twitter: @AuxiliumDev

    Personal Twitter: @maxbridgland

    Auxilium Website: https://auxiliumdev.com/

    Auxilium Development Github: https://github.com/Auxilium-Development

    Thank you guys so much for all the support and those of you who have already pre-ordered color swticher!

    submitted by /u/thecoderkiller
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    [Question] Meridian vs Extra_Recipe/YaluX iPhone 7+?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 09:56 PM PDT

    Alot mustve changed recently as I see that Meridian now supports iPhone 7's according to their site, with an active Cydia apparently, along with an excel sheet with all compatible tweaks thus far.

    Has anyone jumped on Meridian and find it less glitchy and more stable than Extra_Recipe YaluX? Was about to do the jump now to Meridian as i am just sick of the ramdom reboots on Recipe for the 7.

    But then ive heard that Cydia isnt fully operational on Meridian and that it needs a substrate?

    I hope one can pleaae shed some light on this since im getting contradicting info.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/kinseydinsmore
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    [Discussion] Downloading DabTime(from rob311's repo) caused me to go into SafeMode every time I put my phone to sleep EVEN AFTER DELETING AND RUNNING iCLEANER

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:18 PM PDT

    TL;DR: Don't download DabTime(from /u/Rob311 's repo), unless you want to delete every other tweak on your phone.

    It all started yesterday. I downloaded three tweaks, along with [[DabTime]] (I dismissed the restart screen in Cydia). Then, I restarted SpringBoard. It loads into SafeMode after multiple tries. So, I delete all three of those tweaks, and restart SpringBoard again.

    Everything seemed to be working fine, until I put my phone to sleep and it goes back to Safe Mode again every single time! I run iCleaner twice, delete tweaks I don't use anymore etc, but the issue persists. After I delete Substrate(and all my tweaks), everything returns to normal. It was a long and tedious process to re install all of my tweaks.

    Because I restarted only after installing three tweaks, I wasn't sure whether DabTime was the culprit. So, I decide to give DabTime another try today. I install it first, and then, restart SpringBoard. Again, it boots into SafeMode multiple times. Then, I delete it and run iCleaner. Still, I go to into SafeMode every time I put my phone to sleep. I have to repeat yesterday's process of reinstalling every damn tweak all over again.

    submitted by /u/thewallofujj
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    [Request] Tweak to disable vibration notification for certain apps

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 11:44 PM PDT

    I get notifications from apps such as IFTTT which tell me the weather and others like PayPal for receipts of purchases I just made which I like as notifications, but would like to just have the banner, no vibration notification.

    In other words, if my phone is in my pocket, I won't know the notification appeared until I choose to look at my phone. Other things like whatsapp should give me the vibration to check right away 💪

    Is this possible through a tweak?

    submitted by /u/krisadamstv
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    [Request] Tweak for iOS 11 to allow screenshot through home button

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 09:26 PM PDT

    I had an idea for a tweak, In which tapping the home button (similar to accessing reachability but with only one tap, not two) in order to take a screenshot, on larger devices, screenshotting with both the home and power buttons is a bit inconvenient, anyone willing?

    submitted by /u/alienation16
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    [Request] Have a “clear all” option or always show the “clear all” x on new notifications and not just old or recent notifications.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 08:43 AM PDT

    [Help] Does anyone know of a jailbreak tweak that will allow me to change the LTE band that my phone is on?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2018 05:21 PM PDT

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