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    Tuesday, April 3, 2018

    Apple Help Graphic Issues with 2017 MacBook Pro

    Apple Help Graphic Issues with 2017 MacBook Pro

    Graphic Issues with 2017 MacBook Pro

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 09:43 PM PDT

    SO I installed 10.13.4 and now every time I open the lid from sleep, my screen is all pixellated and gray and comes back in like a second. I want to know if this is something I should worry about or if its just the latest software update?

    submitted by /u/kyleslingo
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    Can’t preview a song without joining Apple Music

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 10:45 PM PDT

    A friend has published a cover song to...iTunes? The Apple Music store? I don't know what to call it. I buy my music via Amazon. Anyways, even though on my iPad Pro 10.5" (iOS 11.3) I have Show Apple Music turned off, any time I try to listen to his song, it tells me I need to sign up for Apple Music. I can't preview the song with a clip and I can't buy the song outright.

    Is there something he can do to let non-Apple-Music subscribers buy his music? Or something I can do? If you need the link to the song I can post it, I just don't want to break any rules by doing so.

    submitted by /u/rainbowbrite07
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    I think my Radeon on my Retina 5K iMac is dying. Help me diagnose?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 10:41 PM PDT

    This is my computer: https://i.imgur.com/h7DtYuH.png It was top of the line when I bought it three years ago, today it would be middle of the road.

    I think my Radeon R9 M295X is starting to fail. I get flickers on any website that is motion intense or has expanding navigation bars, and all the video from web-based video conferencing sites appears to be showing 3-5 fps instead of 30+.

    I have two other 27" monitors (Dell U2715H) and all three screens are running at 2560x1440. None of the problems happen on those monitors. A website that flickers on my 5K Retina display will perform perfectly when the window is dragged over to one of my Dell monitors.

    It seems to be a graphics card issue but part of me thinks a graphics card issue would also affect my other monitors, given the iMac only has one graphics card, not a separate one driving each monitor.

    Does this sound like a graphics card issue or something else?

    If so, I've read this card is soldered onto the mainboard and that replacing it would require the entire mainboard to be replaced as well. Does anyone know if this is true? And approximately how expensive a repair like that would be through Apple?

    Thanks in advance; I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to read.

    submitted by /u/chrislstark
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    Bluetooth keyboard and trackpad act erratically in Macbook Air clamshell mode

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 09:34 PM PDT

    I own a Macbook Air that I purchased in August 2013 that currently runs 10.13.3 High Sierra (the most up-to-date OS). I recently purchased the first generation Apple Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad so that I could operate my Macbook in clamshell mode and port the display to my monitor. The magic keyboard and trackpad worked fine for about a week before they started acting erratically.

    I don't use my Macbook for anything but to write papers, check my social media feeds, and email. While I'm writing a paper, my magic keyboard will stop registering my keystrokes and instead activate different things on my menu bar. For example, if I press the letter "p", my Mac will bring up print preview as if I am going to print my current page. If I press a different key, it will close out all of my tabs on Google Chrome. Another key will open up the Apple spotlight. My keystrokes will do everything except enter the letter I need on my word processor.

    My magic trackpad will also start acting up. When I attempt to open up my iMessages on my desktop, clicking on iMessages will open up the Finder window and show the applications folder where iMessage is located. It won't open the iMessages app itself. The issue persists when I try to open up the Notes app on my desktop bar. My Mac will instead open the Finder window and show the applications folder where the Notes app is located.

    I've tried shutting off my bluetooth by clicking on the bluetooth icon on the top menu bar. But clicking on the icon with either my magic trackpad or the trackpad on my Mac itself does not allow me to open my bluetooth settings to shut it off. I am instead forced to open System Preferences and navigate to the bluetooth settings directly.

    I have attempted to restart my computer hoping that this would fix the problem. However, when my computer shuts off and restarts, then prompts me for my password to login, the keyboard on my Mac itself is unresponsive. It will not allow me to enter my password to log back into my Mac. So then I have tried shutting off my Mac completely and restarting it. Fortunately this allows me to log back in, but it has not resolved my bluetooth problem.

    The odd thing is that my computer seems to work fine when my magic keyboard and magic trackpad aren't connected. It's only once those peripherals are connected that my computer starts acting up.

    I have spoken to Apple Care over the phone and they claim they have never seen a problem like mine before. They took me through the process of clearing my RAM and opening my computer in safe mode. My bluetooth problems went away temporarily. But after I ended my conversation with Apple Care and closed the lid on my Mac, the problem later returned when I awakened my computer and signed in to do some work.

    I don't understand what is happening. Based on my research, my problem has not been identified in any other forum. I'll be back on the phone with Apple Care tomorrow.

    Can anyone help me? :(

    submitted by /u/Yoduh1
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    Backup files help?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 09:18 PM PDT

    A few years ago i had an iPhone which was backed up to my laptop. My iPhone stopped working and i resetted my laptop but before that i copied and pasted the backup folder on to a usb. So the file names are just numbers and letters. I Just bought a new iPhone, is there any use to these files? Or should i just delete them? Also they aren't the complete backup files. Just as much as could fit on my usb. Sorry if this doesn't make sense

    submitted by /u/qwertypop101
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    Odd problem, Late 2012 rMPB boots to black screen (apple logo on back not lit up) until I close lid

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 09:02 PM PDT

    So this problems been happening for a few months and I've just put up with it once I figured out the temporary solution.

    Basically, if I shutdown my macbook and then start it back up, it'll be a completely black screen with no lit up apple logo on the back but my keyboard lights up. I then type in my password blindly a few times to make sure I'm logged in and then I close my lid and wait for it to sleep after 5 minutes and then when I turn it on it works like normal. What could be causing this? How can I fix it so I don't have to wait so long after a hard restard, usually it's on sleep so its not a big issue but when my computer dies I have to wait a while and its annoying as hell.

    The only thing I noticed is that my screen preferences for resolution reset to the default and I have to change it back to what I prefer.

    submitted by /u/HKP
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    What’s wrong with apple mail? My messages never come through and I have data set to push and fetch automatically but email still doesn’t come through. Is there a fix or workaround we know of?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 08:13 PM PDT

    I just downloaded the yahoo mail app to compensate. Feels like a new low. Thanks for any tips.

    submitted by /u/Zoze13
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    MacBook Pro R 17 2017 BOOP sound

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 07:30 PM PDT

    Hi, I have a MacBook Pro with Retina display from 2017 and I am about to take it to the warranty because it has a boop sound (I am not English spoke man, and I don't know how to describe the sound it is making out from the speakers).

    Any suggestion in order to explain it in case it won't show in front of the Genius Bar guy? I live outside USA and in my country there isn't apple warranty available and I'm in US right now in a short vacation trip. So, I got my apple Genius Bar appointment for tomorrow.

    What can I expect? Should they change any hardware item?

    I recently backed up everything and installed the OS from zero but it continues the failure.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/yvcea
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    Is the Iphone 6 plus still usable?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 10:42 AM PDT

    Hey there.

    I got from a friend two Iphones with cracked screens, a 6 Plus and a 6S plus. After I repair them I was planning to sell one of them. The other one I want to use myself.

    If I sell them, the difference from the 6 to the 6S is about 100-150€ here in Europe (Germany)

    So I'm wondering, which one should I use myself? I would need the extra profit, however I'm wondering if and how long the 6plus is still usable. If there is big difference especially with the newer IOS I would sell the 6Plus and use the 6S Plus.

    I have to say I don't need a hightech phone. I am currently using a 2017 180€ Android Phone (Aquaris X) which is ok, although I really want to switch back to IOS. I won't play games or anything, I would use it just for surfing, listening to music and podcasts, and shoot some photos here and then. I guess even the Iphone 6 would keep up with the camera of the Aquaris X?

    What would you do (as someone who doesn't spend to much time on the phone), keep the 6Plus or the 6S Plus? (both got 128gb so that should be enogh)


    submitted by /u/tandidecovex
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    How could WWDC 2018 affect MBP prices?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 08:46 PM PDT

    I'm planning on purchasing a new 13" MBP in the US this summer and can put in an order for one by mid May at earliest. If I wait two weeks for WWDC in June, what changes could I expect to both the price and specs on a mid-tier 13" model? Is there a chance that all of the models would increase in price alongside a spec bump?

    submitted by /u/__ays__
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    Can't connect to internet to verify apps, so I can't do anything on my iphone 6.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 08:32 PM PDT

    So this morning I woke up to my phone and all of my downloaded apps asked me to verify my apple ID for all of them. I entered my ID but it says it can not connect to the apple ID servers. I checked my wifi and it says connected in setting, but I don't see the bars on my top bar. I even tried with my cellular data. Please help.

    submitted by /u/s4rKRS
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    IPhone 5s stuck on Apple Logo and has password on it

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 12:50 PM PDT

    I need a Solution for this My IPhone 5s is stuck on the Apple Logo and has a password on it I have been trying lots of things to fix it, like recovery mode but it does not work because i had a password on my phone.

    submitted by /u/Aquaswordz
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    Iphone 6s plus is freezing, glitching, and going PAINFULLY slow. My phone is unusable.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 01:37 PM PDT

    Lately my phone has been going slowly on occasion, but today my phone is seriously messed up.

    Sometimes, I'll attempt to turn it on, and it doesn't do anything. If I do manage to turn it on, the HUD (top bar showing battery, etc., time, "swipe to unlock,") does not appear at all, and I'm left with only my wallpaper. If the HUD does show up and it allows me to unlock my phone, it either freezes or allows me to swipe VERY slowly. almost every app I've attempted to open either crashes my phone or freezes in app and allows me to do nothing.

    I'm unsure if this is related at all, but my phone keeps saying that my iCloud music library session has expired.

    For the love of God please help me guys I'm about to throw my phone out of my window

    submitted by /u/onewiththefloor
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    Problems buying in game content

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 07:34 PM PDT

    I'm trying to pre-purchase an expansion for Hearthstone, for two different Hearthstone accounts. I'm using my iPhone 7 for all of this. I sign into my first Hearthstone account and bought it no problem. When I switched to the second Hearthstone accounts it gave me an error saying "You already bought this item" and won't let me buy it again on the second account. I have $55 iTunes credit so there is enough money (it costs $49.99). Everything I could find googling just talked about people who accidentally bought something twice. Is there a way to buy something twice? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/CuddlySpartan
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    Help Me Choose: iPad Pro 12.9" (2nd Gen) or iPad Pro 10.5"

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 07:15 PM PDT

    First things first - why don't I want to consider any 9.7" models?

    • Screen Size and ProMotion.
    • Internals are already a bit dated.
    • Seriously promotion. I need to say this again.

    So... What do I need the iPad for? Great question! :)

    • Taking a crap ton of notes and drawings in class. (Hence the larger screen), replacing my MacBook Pro on days when classes are light.

    • Reading books, watching videos, the occasional game, video editing, photo editing, and other processor and GPU intensive things.

    Thanks in advance for the help everyone!

    submitted by /u/peterquinnn
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    iPhone giving a random “Verification Code” notification

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 08:27 AM PDT

    here is a screenshot of the notification that has popped up & if you can't read through the cracks it says "Please provide this verification code to your Apple Care advisor"

    I haven't been on this phone in about four or five years so I don't remember which model of the iPhone touch it is, I think it is fourth but it may be fifth or sixth. I decided to charge it up last night and when I opened it this morning that notification popped up. I haven't taken it to any apple store or anything so I have no idea what it means

    submitted by /u/LanLanLu
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    iPhone 7 Plus WiFi issue

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 05:45 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    My iPhone 7 Plus has a WiFi issue where it's cut in and out daily a few times a day. It's beyond annoying and I've tried all these troubleshooting steps like restoring, restart network setttings etc.

    I'm planning to bring it to Apple but I'm wondering if anybody else has had the same issue as me and got it fixed by them?

    BTW my phone is out of warranty, it expired back in Nov 2017 so about 5 months out.

    submitted by /u/CrispyMoDz
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    Iphone 7 plus battery

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 12:36 PM PDT

    So my iphones batter has gone to complete garbage. I unplugged it this morning at 8:30 and used it in the car ride for instagram for maybe an hour total and send a few texts and snapchats and its now 3:30 and im at 16%. Ps i was at 19% when i started typing this message and it took me all of 1 minute max. Basically what im tryna say is; is this normal or could i go to apple and get a new battery, or just buy a new phone?

    submitted by /u/cmoneh13
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    iPhone says I have 23GB free. iTunes says an 11GB movie wont fit due to lalck of space?!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 08:08 AM PDT

    Tital says it all. iOS says my phone has more than 20GB free, but iTunes (which says the same) turns around and says there's not enough free room for an 11GB movie? I'm not sure what's going on here. Anyone else have this bug?

    submitted by /u/SonderEber
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    [Mac] Newbie help: wanna replace my laptop with a sub $500 Mac.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 03:03 PM PDT

    I've never used Apple anything so far, but I want to switch to the iPhone and a Macbook in the next few months. I have already bought a used iPhone for cheap, and am now looking to replace my 4-yr old laptop with a decent Macbook that won't crawl every minute of every day.

    Any advice for a poor grad student's wallet? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/_justaregularperson
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    Screwy double login on MacBook Pro running 10.13.4

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 02:55 PM PDT

    Lately when I open my laptop I get a strange login screen that doesn't have my usual user photo. I log in, then the screen freezes and I have to restart. Upon restart, I log in on the strange login screen again, and I get a white startup bar, and then I see my normal login screen and everything seems to work normally.

    Here are some photos to illustrate:

    1: https://imgur.com/Q6DJ5os

    This is what I see after the laptop wakes up. Instead of my user photo, I see a generic silhouette, but under it is my correct username.

    2: https://imgur.com/anbqE8a

    After I type in my password, the screen freezes. At this point I am forced to restart.

    3: https://imgur.com/nwycVsZ

    Upon restart, I get the strange login screen again, but this time my password works and I see the white progress bar.

    4: https://imgur.com/oNbzX5I

    Finally, I see my correct user photo and user name. When I enter my password, I'm taken to the Finder as normal.

    I've already run Disk Utility from a boot disk and it found no problems. What's going on here? Is OS X confused about the users?

    Computer details: MacBook Pro (Retina 15-inch early 2013) running High Sierra 10.13.4 with 2.7 GHz i7 and 16 GB RAM.

    submitted by /u/jjjmills
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    Glitch with iPhone audio scrubber on lock screen

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 05:50 AM PDT

    Does anyone have that issue when you play music from spotify/music/podcasts and it takes a few tries to actually get the audio scrubber to move but when you want to skip ahead by 10-20 seconds it snaps back to where it is playing currently?

    I am wondering if anyone has experienced this bug or know a fix

    submitted by /u/FiretruckKid123
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    iOS notifications not opening apps when tapping (requires pressing Open)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 07:03 AM PDT

    I recently had to restore my phone and reset all settings to resolve another issue.

    Since then, I've noticed that Notifications are behaving differently and I cannot find the setting to change (unless this is a global change I'm unaware of) to restore the behavior I thought I had.

    When I receive notifications, on either the lock screen or the notification center (swiping down from the top), I'm used to being able to tap the notification to open the related App.

    However, what I've been experiencing since I reset my phone is that I can only open the App in one of two ways: I can either swipe left to right, or I can tap it and then press the "Open" button that appears.

    Am I crazy? I thought the previous behavior was that you were able to simple tap, if the device was unlocked, and open the App.

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: This is an iPhone 6S with the latest version of the operating system.

    submitted by /u/Zentraedi
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    iPhone X Screen Recorder No Longer Recording iTunes Audio (IOS 11.3)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 09:06 AM PDT


    I like to make little clips of the music I'm listening to and used to be able to do this easily via the screen recorder function on my iPhone X. Since updating the operation system to iOS 11.3 I am no longer able to record iTunes audio.

    Is there anything I can do to regain this function? I tried resetting to factory settings but this did not fix the issue.


    submitted by /u/HasTheEdgeGoneDull
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    FileVault was not disabled (-69573) what is this terminal code? High Sierra

    Posted: 03 Apr 2018 12:40 PM PDT

    I've been trying to stop the nightmare encryption process on High Sierra for over a week now. I've tried to use the command line with root user and I still get the 69573 message. Does anyone know what that code is? There has to be a way to stop this thing?? It's been stuck on 1%.

    I typed fdesetup status and I get this. 7 days now

    "FileVault is On. Encryption in progress: Percent completed = 1 User-Yous-iMac-2:~ root# "

    I typed fdesetup disable and I get this message "Enter the user name:root Enter the password for user 'root': FileVault was not disabled (-69573)."

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks

    2010 Macbook with High Sierra 10.13.3 SSD drive APFS

    submitted by /u/djtopcat
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