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    Sunday, March 4, 2018

    Apple I wrote a script that doubles my battery life!

    Apple I wrote a script that doubles my battery life!

    I wrote a script that doubles my battery life!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:16 AM PST

    I like to develop in Unity/VS Code on the couch/on the go and even with a brand new battery, my 6 year old mbp only gets ~2 hours (I can get 5-6 if I only code) even with gfxCardStatus set to Integrated Only. Now most of the time (2/3rds? 3/4ths?) I am just coding, so Unity is running in the background chewing up battery for no reason. I could just shut down Unity when I'm not using it, but then I am less likely to test my code and iterate.

    But as I was looking at the Energy tab in Activity Monitor, I saw this column: App Nap. That's the feature that suspends the app when it is not in use (or something like that). But Unity (along with many apps) does not support it. So I did some searching and cobbled together enough bits from StackOverflow to make my own app nap script.

    Introducing MyAppNap, just fire up Terminal, type 'python myAppNap.py Unity' and it will suspend that app when it is not in focus and resume it once it is.

    It's free and open source and should not require anything extra (runs on the python that comes with Mac OS). Though I've only tested this on Sierra on a 2012 15" rMBP, so if you run into any issues, let me know! This is the first script I've written that's meaningfully useful. I now can get roughly 4-5 hours of battery life while working with Unity every once in a while.

    TLDR If you are running some battery-hogging-app that you use intermittently but want to keep open, give MyAppNap a try.

    /Self-promotion Saturday

    Edit> I didn't expect this to take off! I'm really happy for all the interest and I'll look into making it more user friendly, put it in a menu bar, maybe prepopulate a list of all your apps so you can just select one (or more?) at a time.

    submitted by /u/omikun
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    Hey. I’ve made an open source app that displays notifications for Spotify. Shows you current song in a native customizable notification and lets you control Spotify.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:00 PM PST

    KGI: Apple to Launch Cheaper MacBook Air in 2018

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:56 AM PST

    Apple IIe receipt, 1986. Dad found this when going through a stack of old work papers.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:38 PM PST


    He says it must be from his short time at the Hershey Zoo. Crazy to find this in mint condition!

    submitted by /u/noahjk
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    Might be a dumb question, but is there any way to use this subreddit's design on all subreddits?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:44 AM PST

    It's just so clean! I tried finding info online on how to do it, but nothing so far. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/pvnrt1234
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    Just got my first iMac

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:03 PM PST

    I'm very excited about it

    submitted by /u/ThEKiDBacK
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    ‘Cyclone Zone’ wallpaper featured on MKBHD insta.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 03:08 PM PST

    Apple Podcasts 11.3 Public Beta 3 enables one tap playing from Listen Now

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:33 PM PST

    Tapping the episode thumbnail or description immediately starts playing the episode. Below the description is either the name of the show, or if there is more than one new unplayed episode, the the number of episodes. In either case, that links you to the show screen.


    submitted by /u/SconnieFella
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    Made to feel like an idiot bringing some spare parts and batteries into an Apple Store

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:28 PM PST

    [Discussion] Do you find it pretty impressive how Apple often seems to realize that we will end up liking a certain feature/device even before we realize it?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 04:08 PM PST

    A lot of people complain about hating it at first but then later realize how much they love it and now can't believe it ever wasn't this way.

    For me i realized that when i bought a new ipad 2017 recently after having been using iPhone 7 plus which has a taptic home "button" instead for the physical home button like in the iPad. I felt like i was destroyin the device when i pressed the button on the ipad. Just felt so wrong suddenly.

    Also, with Airpods, i hated it when it came out but now im so in love with it. And suddenly it doesn't even look all that weird. Now, as far as removal of 3.5 mm jack, i think i still hate that and have not yet learned to love its absence lol.

    submitted by /u/draxlrose
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    Is it just me or isn't the HomePod just lowering the volume of a song when you say "Hey Siri"?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:01 AM PST

    When I say "Hey Siri" to my HomePod, I feel like it puts some filter over the music that sounds really nice.

    Did anyone else notice that?

    submitted by /u/Tim_Cook1
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    I notice more and more typos recently and messed up autocorrection corrections. Does anybody else feel like apple autocorrection has gotten noticeably worse recently?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 07:45 PM PST

    The worst is when I don't even misspell a word and my phone arrogantly thinks it knows better than me and just turns it into something else. I'm starting to get frustrated. Over time my literal typing skill would only get better. But the past months or maybe a year the amount of typos went through the roof. Typos that would've been fixed before. Lots of typos remain or lots of things get changed into completely wrong words

    submitted by /u/onbeschrijfelijkheid
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    Genius Bar screws me over...?(maybe?)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:46 AM PST

    I'm just wondering if these guys have screwed me over. I went into the genius bar yesterday for my 2015 macbook pro as there was an issue with the screen flickering/glitching out. However, the computer was otherwise usable. Annoying, but usable.

    So I take it in, the tech says a cable might have come loose and it's common to do so, so he's going to take it to the back and have a look and see if he can seat the cable properly.

    After at least 15-20 minutes (possibly a little longer), he comes out with the computer saying that after reseating the cable and doing a few tests, the screen doesnt work at all! He says the problem must be a video card saying something about hooking it up to an external monitor and whatnot. Then he says they will have to send it in, which will cost a flat rate of $575!

    Now, I had a file that I needed rather desperately (an essay I was working on), and did manage to get that out by removing the whole hard driving and having it come in a sled that was connected to a store computer, which strangely took very little time to do compared to the last time the tech went in.

    After talking to the tech, then to the manager, they decided that they would compensate for this "issue" (i.e. walking in with a working device and walking out with an unusable one) by waiving the labour fee, which was $100, so that the new price would come to $475.

    I told them truthfully that I did not have such money to spare, and that I would have just not brought it in if this would be the case. The manager replies that this is a common problem/coincidence that happens, since the testing procedures may "push those components to the next level". Of course, I was not told that any of this may be a possible consequence. In the end, I came in with a working computer with a mildly annoying issue and left with a brick.

    Was what happened legitimate? It seems sketchy that the testing procedure would worsen a problem, or that there would be no warning if it's such a common occurrence. The "compensation" they suggested was basically useless since I still couldn't get my computer fixed, and now I'm stuck with a brick. Can anyone point me to a direction other than just coughing up the money? Thanks for the help guys.

    submitted by /u/Balastrael
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    WiseWear Chapter 11 bankruptcy blamed on Apple's decision to deactivate Apple Watch diagnostic port

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:01 AM PST

    Can someone help me with oleophobic coating?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 12:08 PM PST


    I found a guide, but the recommended product is gone from amazon. Can someone who has tried out something like this recommend me another one?

    submitted by /u/INeverMeantToUpvoteU
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    Amazing Customer Service

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 05:19 PM PST

    So when I brought my MBP to Apple a week ago to get it repaired they told me they'd have to send it to the repair center. I was told that I wouldn't be charged since the issues were under warranty. After a week went by I hadn't received ANY updates on the repair. Which prompted me to calling Apple Support. The first representative I spoke with told me that it was still in transit and that it wasn't even repaired. She also told me that the repair center attempted to charge me $285 but couldn't get in contact with me and decided to send it back to the store. After trying to help me as much as she could, attempting to call the store and apologizing we ended the call unresolved. I called the store myself directly 5+ times. After finally getting through, the rep told me that the store had my MAC for 2 days, tried to call me but somehow called the wrong number and never tried to contact me again. So I went to the Apple store myself to speak with a manager. After speaking with an Expert and a Pro, I finally spoke with the manager. After apologizing for everything that had happened up until this point, he went to personally check what happened. Apparently the repair center, FedEx and the store all screwed up. The repair center was supposed to have repair my speaker, screen, trackpad and camera, they only repaired the speaker. Even after testing the other issues, with them failing the tests multiple times, they decided to only repair the speaker. The manager told me all of this in utter disbelief and told me that he was very sorry for the huge inconvenience that this caused. He also told me that he didn't want me to have to wait to send it off again and risk it not being repaired again and that he'd rather give me a BRAND NEW one for free. I could not believe this, it was absolutely amazing to me that he'd be willing to do this, all the while not trying to blame others and taking complete responsibility for everything that happened. This is the reason I stay with Apple, aside from the amazing ecosystem, their customer service is second to none.

    submitted by /u/DivisionMV
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    Plea for Help, Archive Messages from My Mom

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:19 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm very desperate and can't seem to be able to figure this out. I want to backup all the imessage/texts from my mom I have on my computer. She passed away this week. If anyone knows where these messages are stored, I'd love to copy and archive them.

    A couple of things: - I went to ~/Library/Messages but all I see is a Plug-In folder with things for IM, Jabber, etc... Nothing from my regular messages - I have save history when conversations are closed turned OFF. Is that what screwed me? I've backed up messages before but turned this off a couple of months ago. If I switch this on will I save my existing messages? - A couple of days I was part of that system-wide issue with AppleId and ever since then the messages from my phone no longer show up on my Mac. Not sure if that matters.

    Thank you all in advance.

    submitted by /u/DrWaffle57
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    Are there any good keyboard protectors for the new MacBooks?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 08:17 PM PST

    I have the 2017 model MacBook Pro with the divisive new keyboard. I've found that, with time, I've actually grown to really like the feel of the keys, but I'm super paranoid about getting a speck of dust in it and having to shell out $700.

    I tried buying a silicone keyboard protector on Amazon, but I hated what it did to the feel of the switches: it turned the keyboard unusably mushy. I know that what I'm asking for might be physically impossible, but I figured I'd give it a shot and see if anyone has found a way to keep this keyboard safe while still preserving what makes it feel good.

    submitted by /u/Analemma_
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    iPhone X v. iPhone 8+

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:40 PM PST

    I've been having a very big internal debate about which one is best and should choose to be my new iPhone. Would like some help with making my choice.

    submitted by /u/hyphe-
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    iPad/iPhone touch for kids?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2018 12:35 AM PST

    Hi guys - I'm looking at getting my son either an iPad mini or an iPod Touch for his birthday as a lot of his homework's done though apps etc now. My question is, what's more likely to lose support, an iPad mini 4, or the latest gen iPod Touch? Both have their obvious benefits, I'm personally leaning towards the iPod because it's easier for us to take around, but then the iPads easier for reading etc...

    submitted by /u/jimmyjoejoeshabadoo
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    Spring event?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 11:49 PM PST

    Apple has a bunch of things coming up soon, and there are several rumors for spring announcements. Do you think Apple will do a spring event? If yes, would there be a surprise announcement, and if so, what would it be?

    submitted by /u/m0rogfar
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    Current Android user thinking of making the switch.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 09:30 PM PST

    I've always used android. For the past 10 years I've always used Android. Only apple product I've owned is an iPod. I'm kind of just getting tired of how android is. All Samsung phones ive owned havw always started to lag after a bit. I've always heard iPhone have always run smoothly. Which is what I want.

    Any previous Android gone Apple people have anything to say? Do you regret switching? If so, why? I've heard the notification tray on the iPhone is crap,. Why is that? I haven't even seen what it looks like.

    I would most likely go for the iPhone X if I were to make the switch. Would they be better then the iPhone 8,or the 8+? I've always l liked bigger phones but that X is just nice to look at.

    submitted by /u/Stalli0nDuck
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    ELI5: Why do AppleTV television apps CONSTANTLY log me out?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 06:51 AM PST

    Single sign on is basically worthless.

    submitted by /u/MarcoPolo10
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    What does the exclamation mark in a circle you can find on the bottom of Apple Products mean?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2018 10:54 PM PST

    Just something I wanted to ask really... Especially since I don't ever recall seeing that mark anywhere else.

    submitted by /u/BronzeHeart92
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